Finding Network Drive from UNC Path - c#

I created a button that grabs the text contents of the Clipboard class, checks if it's a folder path and creates a hyperlink out of it. The user will probably just copy the path from the explorer window. The problem I have, which seems to be the opposite of a lot of questions I found, is that I want the drive path (T:\Natzely) instead of the UNC path (\SEOMAFIL02\Trash\Natzely).
When I ctrl+v the copied path into either Word, Notepad or Outlook it gets copied as drive path, but when I copy it to Chrome's address bar or try to retrieve it from the Clipboard class it gets copied as the UNC path. How does Microsoft deal with this?
My drive letters stay pretty much static, so I don't have to worry about the T drive not being the Trash drive in the future.
Here is the code
object clipboardText = Clipboard.GetText();
//Show error message
doc = GetDoc(); //Get document to add the hyperlink to
sel = doc.Selection;
range = sel.Range;
hyperlinks = sel.Hyperlinks;
hyperlinks.Add(range, ref clipboardText);
EDIT Numero Dos
It seems to be more of an issue with Hyperlinks.Add than the clipboard. If I add a space before the clipboard text object clipboardText = " " + Clipboard.GetText() it seems to correct the issue, the hyperlink will now have and extra space before but the link still works.

Have you see this question from Microsoft?
Translate UNC path to local mounted driveletter.
Seems like there are two ways. The first way is to get the value from the registry:
string UNCtoMappedDrive(string uncPath)
Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey rootKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("network");
foreach (string subKey in rootKey.GetSubKeyNames())
Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey mappedDriveKey = rootKey.OpenSubKey(subKey);
if (string.Compare((string)mappedDriveKey.GetValue("RemotePath", ""), uncPath, true) == 0)
return subKey.ToUpperInvariant() + #":\";
return uncPath;
The other way is with System.Management. The example is large, but here's the core of it:
private void LoadDrives()
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT RemoteName, LocalName FROM Win32_NetworkConnection");
List<UncToDrive> drives = new List<UncToDrive>();
foreach (ManagementObject obj in searcher.Get())
object localObj = obj["LocalName"];
if (!Object.Equals(localObj, null))
drives.Add(new UncToDrive(obj["RemoteName"].ToString(), localObj.ToString()));
They search for all paths with the drive (LocalName) and without (RemoteName), then save them in a list for later lookup.


Get Full Path of File from Process in C#?

private static string getPath(object id11)
string wmiQuery = string.Format("select CommandLine from Win32_Process where ProcessId={0}", id11);
using (ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(wmiQuery))
using (ManagementObjectCollection retObjectCollection = searcher.Get())
foreach (ManagementObject retObject in retObjectCollection)
if (retObject["CommandLine"] != null)
string s= (string.Format("[{0}]", retObject["CommandLine"]));
string k = s.Substring(s.IndexOf("EXE")+4);
k = k.Remove(k.IndexOf("]"));
return k;
return null;
return null;
I use this code to get the notepad full path. This code is work fine when notepad file is open using double click. But When i open file inside notepad like (File->Open)... than this code not work to get a full path. Is there any way to find the path of file open like this. And one more thing i need file path not notepad Executable Path. Or suggest me some other solutions.
Your code looks at the command line arguments sent to a process. As you have rightly found, when you double click a file (.txt or .doc), it may be send as command line argument to the file. Your solution rightly finds the file in those cases.
But, when you open the file from the application, there is no command line argument.
One way is to use a tool like Handle to get the list of process which has your file open.
Sample screen shot:
You can use the Process class to run it and parse the output.
Certain processes (like notepad) will NOT lock the file. So, this tool will not give you the names of those files.

How can I fix this DirectoryNotFoundException?

I have a DirectoryNotFoundException on a .txt file if I use the full path it's working but I don't want to use the full path because I want the program work no matter where it is placed (compatibilty with the maximum of computer)
Here's my code
private void SaveClose_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (Windowed.IsChecked == true)
windowed = true;
windowed = false;
string textWriteWindowed;
if (windowed == true)
textWriteWindowed = "-screen-fullscreen 0" + Environment.NewLine;
textWriteWindowed = "-screen-fullscreen 1" + Environment.NewLine;
var selectedResolution = ResolutionBox.SelectedItem.ToString();
var split = selectedResolution.Split('x');
widthChoose = Int32.Parse(split[0]);
heightChoose = Int32.Parse(split[1]);
string textWriteWidth;
textWriteWidth = "-screen-width " + widthChoose + Environment.NewLine;
string textWriteHeight;
textWriteHeight = "-screen-height " + heightChoose + Environment.NewLine;
File.WriteAllText(#"\Resources\arguments.txt", textWriteWindowed);
File.AppendAllText(#"\Resources\arguments.txt", textWriteWidth);
File.AppendAllText(#"\Resources\arguments.txt", textWriteHeight);
The first argument of File.WriteAllText takes a path as input. Whatever you have mentioned is not the absolute path but it is just the relative path of the file. WriteAllText creates the file but doesn't create the directory by itself. So something like:
File.WriteAllText(#"\arguments.txt", textWriteWindowed);
shall work (and create the file in the respective drive), but
File.WriteAllText(#"\Resources\arguments.txt", textWriteWindowed);
shall not work. Hence, if you want to create a file in the path where the application resides, you can do something like:
string folder=Path.GetDirectoryName(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName);
File.WriteAllText(#"\arguments2.txt", "ABC");
If you want to create a directory, then you could do something like:
System.IO.FileInfo file = new System.IO.FileInfo(filePath);
file.Directory.Create();// If the directory already exists, this method does nothing.
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(file.FullName, textWriteWindowed);
Hope this answers your query.
you have to check whether the folder is exist before save the file,
if folder not exist create it using
you can use to check folder existence
IF you wanted to get the local path of the file you are executing use this:
var fInfo = new FileInfo(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().Location);
From there, you would do the following:
var parentDir = new DirectoryInfo(fInfo.DirectoryName);
var subDir = new DirectoryInfo(parentDir.FullName + "Resource");
This would ensure that you always have a folder in the directory of your executable. But just so you know, this is absolutely horrible code and should never ever be implemented in a production like environment. What if some knucklehead sysAdmin decides to place your program/folder in an area that the current user does not have access/writes too? The best place to write to is %APPDATA%, this will ensure the user always has read/write permissions to what you are trying to accomplish.
I don't know how but doing that worked for me :
File.WriteAllText(#"./arguments.txt", textWriteWindowed);
File.AppendAllText(#"./arguments.txt", textWriteWidth);
File.AppendAllText(#"./arguments.txt", textWriteHeight);

Delete a FolderItem

I want to delete a file stored in an USB flashdrive (actually an android device's sd card).
I ask the user to point the app's folder inside the sd card, and i hold a Shell32.Folder object pointing to it.
I can iterate between the files (FolderItem objects), but how can i delete a file using Shell32 classes?
Usual File.Delete(filePath) does not work, since the FolderItem.Path is a BSTR data type, so maybe the key is to convert from one type to another, but i couldn't find a way to do this.
Any ideas?
FolderItem.Path data:
This is not a valid path for File.Delete. Any ideas on how to convert that?
Method that opens the browse folder window, so the user can point out the app directory, inside his android device's SD card, so i can iterate with folders and files, and sync some data with the server. Done this way due to problems between Win8 and Shell32:
public Shell32.Folder GetShell32NameSpace(Object folder)
Type shellAppType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Shell.Application");
Object shell = Activator.CreateInstance(shellAppType);
return (Shell32.Folder)shellAppType.InvokeMember("NameSpace", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, shell, new object[] { folder });
Using the method above, to get the Folder:
IntPtr windowHandle = new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle;
Folder androidPath = BrowseForFolder(windowHandle.ToInt32(), "App's data folder", 0, 0);
I create and copy a file into the app's 'data' folder, so the device can recognize a syncing action, tell the user, and close the app:
byte[] data = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes("sync_cable");
if (androidPath != null)
foreach (FolderItem dir in androidPath.Items())
if (dir.IsFolder && dir.Name == "data")
Folder dataFolder = GetShell32NameSpace(dir.Path);
if (dataFolder != null)
string tempPath = Path.GetTempPath();
string path = Path.Combine(tempPath, flagFileName);
File.WriteAllBytes(path, data);
Folder localPath = GetShell32NameSpace(tempPath);
if (localPath != null)
foreach (FolderItem file in localPath.Items())
if (file.Name.Contains(flagFileName))
After the sync, i want to delete the file, so the app can function normally:
foreach (FolderItem file in dataFolder.Items())
if (file.Name.Contains(flagFileName))
// FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(file.Path);
// fi.Delete();
// File.Delete(file.Path);
As mentioned in EDIT 1, file.Path of the file i want to delete, has the following format:
As suggested here, i tried using P/Invoke to delete the file, with no success.
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
internal static extern bool DeleteFile(string lpFileName);
Calling the method:
foreach (FolderItem file in dataFolder.Items())
if (file.Name.Contains(flagFileName))
// ...
bool deleted = DeleteFile(file.Path);
// ...
The method returns false, and the file is not deleted. I looked in the Event Viewer for a clue about what happened, but found nothing.
The part of the path which looks like "\?\" tells you that it's a long path. Sadly the CLR cannot handle long paths (it's limited to MAX_PATH = 260 nonsense). I believe you can use the WinAPI's DeleteFile to accomplish what you want.
Use PInvoke and you'll be all set.
The guid prefix ("::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}") is the standard junction point for MyComputer (see
I suspect the file cannot be deleted using such methods as the shell API DeleteFile because it is not in the file system (you can check it using FolderItem.IsFileSystem) because the android device is connected using MTP.
I have been able to delete such files using FolderItem.InvokeVerb("Delete"). This produces a confirmation dialog which can be dismissed using some version of SendKeys (for example freeware Nirsoft's Nircmd.exe). The following is a VBA sample:
Private Sub SampleDelete()
Const sFolder = "::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\\\?\usb#vid_054c&pid_04cb#10fbd475671683#{6ac27878-a6fa-4155-ba85-f98f491d4f33}\SID-{10001,00000000000000000000000005671683,7513636864}\{00000007-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}\{000057F1-0000-0000-66A5-884D99020600}"
Const sFileName = "test.txt"
' requires reference to Shell32.dll
Dim oShell As New Shell32.Shell
Dim oFolder As Shell32.Folder
Dim oFile As Shell32.FolderItem
Set oFolder = oShell.Namespace(sFolder)
If Not oFolder Is Nothing Then
Set oFile = oFolder.ParseName(sFileName)
If Not oFile Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "File system? " & oFile.IsFileSystem
' dismiss the confirmation dialog
SendKeys "~"
' Alternatively use an external function, like this freeware utility
' Shell "nircmd.exe sendkey enter press", vbHide
oFile.InvokeVerb "Delete"
Debug.Print "File not found"
End If
Debug.Print "Folder not found"
End If
Set oShell = Nothing
Set oFolder = Nothing
Set oFile = Nothing
End Sub

How to launch a process which will open a text file in any editor and automatically move cursor to a certain line number?

From c#, I want to launch a process which will open a text file in any editor and automatically move cursor to a certain line number.
I can open a file using
but I don't know how to move cursor at specific location in that file.
Answer with source code:
yes, I used notepad++
private void openLog() {
try {
// see if notepad++ is installed on user's machine
var nppDir = (string)Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Notepad++", null, null);
if (nppDir != null) {
var nppExePath = Path.Combine(nppDir, "Notepad++.exe");
var nppReadmePath = Path.Combine(yourDirectory,fileName );
var line = 20;
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("\"{0}\" -n{1}", nppReadmePath, lineNo);
Process.Start(nppExePath, sb.ToString());
} else {
string newPath = #"\\mySharedDrive\notpad++\bin\notepad++.exe";
Process.Start(newPath, #"\\" + filePath + " -n" + lineNo); // take exe from my shared drive
} catch (Exception e) {
Process.Start(#"\\" + FilePath); // open using notepad
Get Notepad++, then you can do this:
var nppDir = (string)Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Notepad++", null, null);
var nppExePath = Path.Combine(nppDir, "Notepad++.exe");
var nppReadmePath = Path.Combine(nppDir, "readme.txt");
var line = 20;
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("\"{0}\" -n{1}", nppReadmePath, line);
Process.Start(nppExePath, sb.ToString());
In this example we get install path of n++ from the registry, build path to exe and readme.txt file, opens its own readme.txt file with cursor on line 20.
Using StringBuilder is more efficient than using multiple appends (explanation somewhere on SO).
The solution very heavily depends on which process/editor is opened on your system. That editor would have to have a developer API that you could use to access functionality such as setting ranges and altering the cursor position. For example, if the editor that is opened is Microsoft Word, you would use the Word Interop API to set a selection at a specific position. There is no universal way to do this in 'any editor' since each one has its own API (or no outward facing API at all).
Perhaps you are going this the wrong way. I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish, but I think it would be alot easier to just open the text file in an editor that belongs to your application. Perhaps another form with a WYSIWYG editor control. That way you have full control on where the cursor will land in that editor. Otherwise, there are just way too many unknowns for anything feasibly workable.

%AllUsersProfile%(%PROGRAMDATA%) gives a repetitive file path

I have an application written in C#, and I am seeking to write some information to the hidden ProgramData in order to access the same connection string from both the application's front end and back end.
I am accessing the directory using path variables as follows:
private bool ProgramDataWriteFile(string contentToWrite)
string strProgramDataPath = "%PROGRAMDATA%";
string directoryPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(strProgramDataPath) + "\\MyApp\\";
string path = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(strProgramDataPath)+"\\MyApp\\ConnectionInfo.txt";
if (Directory.Exists(directoryPath))
System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path);
System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path);
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return false;
This seems to work correctly. However, my question is, when I used this path variable: %AllUsersProfile%(%PROGRAMDATA%)
instead, it expanded into an illegal(and redundant) file path : C:\ProgramData(C:\ProgramData)\
However, I thought that the latter path variable was the correct full name. Was I just using it incorrectly? I need to ensure that this connection info will be accessible to all users, will just using %PROGRAMDATA% allow that? I am using Windows 7 in case that is relevant.
From here:
FOLDERID_ProgramData / System.Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData
The user would never want to browse here in Explorer, and settings changed here should affect every user on the machine. The default location is %systemdrive%\ProgramData, which is a hidden folder, on an installation of Windows Vista. You'll want to create your directory and set the ACLs you need at install time.
So, just use %PROGRAMDATA%, or better still:

