I am trying to access the functionality from System.IdentityModel.Services, in particular, FederatedAuthentication.
I have added a reference to the assembly, but in code, it does not appear in the using directive list.
My app is ASP.Net Web API C# running on VS2015 Pro.
Can anyone help me to access it please?
I've tried with lower case 'i' but to no avail:
Strangely, if I remove all references to System.Identity in the References list, in code, the Using directive for System.IdentityModel.Tokens does not present an error. Is that something to do with the GAC?
Reference added it System.identitymodel.services and not System.IdentityModel.Services
See first char i in identitymodel
Other thing you can check is:
check the properties of your System.identitymodel.services "Copy Local" should be set to false.
Issue was fixed by ensuring all projects in the solution had the same target framework (4.6).
I am trying to use JavaScriptSerializer in my application.
I initially received
Cannot find JavaScriptSerializer
and I solved it by adding:
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
But then the sub-keyword Script is underlined with a blue line:
The type or namespace 'Script' does not exist in the namespace
'System.Web' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
So I added to the project a reference to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NETFramework\v4.0\System.Web.Extensions.dll
That didn't help. I am still receiving the same blue underline with same error. The reference is marked with an exclamation mark yellow warning:
I tried the suggested solutions on this thread, but as #user781490 indicated, they didn't help in my situation.
Any idea how to resolve this?
I had the same. Script been underlined. I added a reference to System.Web.Extensions. Thereafter the Script was no longer underlined. Hope this helps someone.
Add System.Web.Extensions as a reference to your project
For Ref.
I found this MSDN forum post which suggests two solutions to your problem.
First solution (not recommended):
Find the .Net Framework 3.5 and 2.0 folder
Copy System.Web.Extensions.dll from 3.5 and System.Web.dll from 2.0 to the application folder
Add the reference to these two assemblies
Change the referenced assemblies property, setting "Copy Local" to true
And build to test your application to ensure all code can work
Second solution (Use a different class / library):
The user who had posted the question claimed that Uri.EscapeUriString and How to: Serialize and Deserialize JSON Data helped him replicate the behavior of JavaScriptSerializer.
You could also try to use Json.Net. It's a third party library and pretty powerful.
Just Add reference to System.Web.Extensions and happy to go.
Since JsonSerializer is deprecated in .Net 4.0+ I used http://www.newtonsoft.com/json to solve this issue.
NuGet- > Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
i have try it you could add reference web.extensions ( i using .Net framwork 4.5)
I have a similar issue.
Fail on "using System.Threading.Channels;"
my solution is to add reference of " System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll"
I'm trying to use DataAnnotations in my WPF project to specify a maximum length of strings, with the following:
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
However, I get the error
The type or namespace name 'DataAnnotations' does not exist in the
namespace 'System.ComponentModel' (are you missing an assembly
I've seen other examples where DataAnnotations does exist in this namespace. I'm using C#4. Is there any reason why I can't use this? What can I do to fix it?
You have to reference the assembly in which this namespace is defined (it is not referenced by default in the visual studio templates). Open your reference manager and add a reference to the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations assembly (Solution explorer -> Add reference -> Select .Net tab -> select System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations from the list)
If using .NET Core or .NET Standard
Manage NuGet Packages..
instead of:
Add Reference...
To Reference System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
In a code file to have Using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; at the top of the file such as:
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
Add a .NET reference to your project by right clicking the project in solution explorer:
Hope this helps! This question helped me.
If you don't have it in references (like I did not) you can also add the NuGet System.ComponentModel.Annotations to get the assemblies and resolve the errors. (Adding it here as this answer still top of Google for the error)
I also had the same problem and I resolved by adding the reference in one of my projects which didn't had the mentioned reference. If you have 2-3 projects in your solution, then check by adding this reference to the other projects.
I found that I cannot reference System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations from Silverlight 5 with the below version at (1). I found that Silverlight 5 assemblies cannot use .NET assemblies, it gives the error "You can't add a reference to System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations as it was not built against the Silverlight runtime. ..." I plan to workaround this by hopefully installing the Silverlight 5 package found at (2) below. If this fails I will update this post.
[UPDATE: it failed. I installed everything relating to Silverlight 5 and I don't have the Silverlight version of the .dll assembly System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations . Too bad. UPDATE II: I found an old .dll having this name from a previous installation of Silverlight developer's kit for Visual Studio 2008 or 2010. I added this file and it seems to 'work', in that IntelliSense is now recognizing attributes on class members, such as [Display(Name = "My Property Name")]. Whether or not this works for everything else in this .dll I don't know.]
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013
Version 12.0.21005.1 REL
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.5.51641
Installed Version: Professional
I searched for help on this topic as I came across the same issue.
Although the following may not be the Answer to the question asked originally in 2012 it may be a solution for those who come across this thread.
A way to solve this is to check where your project is within the solution. It turns out for my instance (I was trying to install a NuGet package but it wouldn't and the listed error came up) that my project file was not included within the solution directory although showing in the solution explorer. I deleted the project from the directory out of scope and re-added the project but this time within the correct location.
Use the FrameWork version 4.5 and above for your project then problem solved.Because this namespace is under 4.5 and above.
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations is contained in its own assembly so you need to make sure you have it refernced. Just simply:
1). Right click on Soloution and choose add.
2). Choose reference from the list.
3). Search " System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotation " and tick the check box on its left hand side and press ok.
Job done, shouldnt have any refernce errors.
If you tried to update visual studio from vs2008 to vs2010. And your app uses framework 3.5 (and you don't want to upgrade it), and also used WCF RIA Services BETA... I have bad news... you MUST upgrade to WCF RIA Services v1 (BETA does not work on vs2010)... and due to this... you also have to install Silverlight 4 + upgrade to framework 4.0
See this:
I upgraded from Silverlight 4 to Silverlight 5 and then I was having this issue. Although I had a reference to "System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations" under "References" in my project, it had a yellow yield sign by it that indicated the previously referenced assembly could not be found. It turned out that the properties of the "System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations" reference indicated "Specific Version = True", when I changed this to "Specific Version = False" it fixed the issue. Right click on the "System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations" assembly under "References" and select "Properties" from the context menu. Check that the property value for "Specific Version = False".
It must have been referencing the old Silverlight 4 assembly which was no longer available after the upgrade to Silverlight 5.
I also have this problem.
That is very stupid when i add a namespace the same with System. I try to remove all references, but it is not resolved. I use "global::System.ComponentModel", it is working as well.
When i remove my namespace, this problem has been resolved.
For .Net Core in Visual Studio 2019 try this.
see VS suggestion
It worked for me, hope it'll work for you as well.
I was moving from .Net Framework 4.7.2 to .Net Standard 2.0.
In my case, I had to change DataAnnotations's reference from an Assembly reference to a Nuget package.
This error occurs when the reference to the "System.dll" got removed.Solution to the problem is very simple add the reference to "System.dll".The dll is normally available in the following location
"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727" .Add the reference your problem will get solved .
There was a problem using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotation in net40 so I just did:
#if !NET40
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
#if !NET40
The NET40 must be a predefined macro definition for .Net Framework 4.0
I had same problem, I solved this problem by following way.
Right click on page, select Property. in build action select Content.
Hope that this solution may help you.
I have an issue with a class being used in another project.
Visual studio is able to add a using statement using Resolve (Ctrl+.), but:
The type or namespace name 'SomeClass' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
Resolving this again fully qualifies the type but the namespace in the type path is highlighted as not being found.
The namespace appears also in intellisense and the target class is visible in the Object Browser.
Removing unused namespaces removes the added using statement.
I've tried:
Confirm project dependency in solution options.
Delete reference and re-add.
Confirm class accessibility (despite namespace not being found).
Checked build mode (Debug/Release).
Restart Visual Studio.
Cleared bin folders in both projects.
Restart machine.
What is the next step to diagnosing this baffling issue?
This is likely to be a .Net framework versioning issue. The class being referenced was probably built using a higher version of the framework.
Try checking your framework versions all align in properties, build settings. A project cannot reference an assembly of a higher framework version.
Last time I had this problem my class was not marked public. Just an idea.
This issue was caused by similar namespaces e.g. Company.Product.Project and Product.Project with:
namespace Company.Product.Project
using Product.Project;
The class was in Product.Project, but the compiler was searching for Company.Product.Project.
See: Should 'using' statements be inside or outside the namespace? for more details.
Why might "using System.Linq" cause the following error?
The type or namespace name 'Linq' does
not exist in the namespace 'System'
Reference System.Core
And then there are others that merge this namespace too - but that's the primary one on .Net 3.5 and above.
If you're project is currently .Net 2.0, say, and you're using the right version of VS (2005 and above) - you can simply right-click on the proejct properties; and change the 'Target Framework Version' to 3.5. System.Core will then become available.
If you don't see that in the options - then I guess you're using an older VS
The most probable reason is that you are using wrong version of .NET Framework.
Try to add System.Core assembly to your project
You'll get this error if you don't have "System.Core.dll" referenced (the assembly which contains the core LINQ APIs).
System.Linq is available in .Net 3.5 and above version.
Maybe you're targeting an older framework, Linq came in with 3.5 IIRC.
You are using lower version of .NET Framework than 3.5 to compile the source code or you don't have added the System.Core assembly to your project.
Manually type using System.Linq in the starting of the project, you will not be able to find this namespace in add reference dialogue box.
If you are still getting error then try to Add Reference System.Core.
If you are getting an error that it has been already referred then you can unload your project and then edit your csproject file, manually copy reference to System tag and paste and change the name to System.Core and reload the project.
In my case the only thing that worked was:
Adding a new Razor item (e.g. MVC 5 View Page)
That automatically pulls in some NuGet packages
The package that makes System.Linq available to Razor Views IntelliSense seems to be Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.
I have added Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.dll reference to my project, but it still gives me the error below. The referenced dll is in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\SDK\Assemblies path.
Error 25 The type or namespace name 'Smo' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
All the classes that I use such as Restore, Serer class under the Smo namesapce also throws the error.
Please advise.
Where are you consuming this from? Any chance you're using the client profile (under project properties -> Application -> Target Framework)? I've been caught out a number of times by that. If that's the case, it's usually as simple as selecting a non-client profile framework version.
Anyway, can we get some more detail about what kind of solution this is?
I have had the same problem, I noticed my project was targeting framework 3.
Changing to 3.5 or 4 helped solve the problem.
My reference are to
I think you have to add all 4 dlls (link):
Most of the classes
namespace resides in the
Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll and
files. Additionally, some of the
enumeration classes are in the
Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum.dll and
assembly files. You will have to
import all four files to access all of
the classes in the
If you are using Visual Studio 2008 then
Add References
if still u got error
then add two more dll
Hope it will work
Thank you.
add reference to "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.dll" from "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\SDK\Assemblies" will eliminate this error.