Counting runs/set of 1's in a binary number - c#

I want to count the runs of 1's in a binary sequence with the help of bitwise operators.
I have searched for similar topics but found different answers from what I'm looking for. Hamming weight is also different as it counts the number of 1's in the binary.
For example, if I have the binary 001101011101, I should have 4 runs of 1's as they are the sets/group of 1's divided by 0's in between them.
I know how to use bitwise operators in C# but I am not really able to use them collectively inside one program.

if you have a string representation of your binary number, then you just need to split the string on "0":
var binaryString = "0011011101110001";
var count = binaryString
.Split(new [] { '0' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
If your number is stored in an int then it's a simple matter to convert to a string:
int value = 12345;
var binaryString = Convert.ToString(value, 2);

The leftmost 1 in a run of ones has the properties that it occurs exactly once per run, it is a 1 itself, and it has a zero to the left of it (or nothing, but that's an implied zero).
We can isolate all the leftmost ones of runs using the last two properties:
uint leftmost = x & ~(x >> 1);
And then the ones can be counted using any bit counting algorithm.
The same sort of thing can be done with the rightmost ones of every group as well, of course.

Shift though all the bits. Do this 32 times and analyze the first bit every time. It is becomes 1, the numbers of groups is increased. If the bit becomes 0, a new group could start.
bool found = false;
int numberOfGroups = 0;
int bits = 0x035D;
for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
int bit = bits & 1;
if (!found && bit == 1)
found = true;
else if (found && bit == 0)
found = false;
bits >>= 1;


Split an integer

I have been searching around the internet for a while but haven't found what I am looking for.
Let me start with some code example:
int a = 25;
int b;
int c;
What I want to do here is I want to split the a variable and give the two values to variable b and c. The result would be int b = 2 and int c = 5, or vice versa (doesn't matter in the purpose I'm going to use this).
How can you do this?
You can use integer division and modulo for that:
int b = a / 10;
int c = a % 10;
If the variable a contains a larger number, you would first determine how many digits you want in each variable. If you for example want two digits in c, you would use 100 as the second operand in both operations.
One way you could do it is with the following code:
int input = 123845;
var digits = input.ToString().Select(x=>int.Parse(x.ToString()));
This will first of all convert your input number to a string. It then treats this string as a character array when passing to Select. It then converts the char to a string and then parses it as an int, resulting in an IEnumerable<int>.
Of note is that this won't work if your input is a negative number (it will complain about the -). It wouldn't be too hard to check for the "-" at the beginning if you wanted to though.
The other way is to continually divide by 10 getting all the digits out one by one.
public IEnumerable<int> GetDigits(int input)
int currentNumber = input;
List<int> digits = new List<int>();
while (currentNumber !=0)
currentNumber = currentNumber/10;
return digits;
This will loop through the number adding the last digit to a list as it goes. It then returns the list reversed. This does deal with negative numbers and if the input is negative all output numbers iwll be negative.
An important note is that both of these methods will deal with more than two digits input numbers.
int a = 12345;
a = Math.Abs(a);
int length = a.ToString().Length;
int[] array = new int[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
array[i] = a % 10;
a /= 10;

Minimum number of bits to represent number

What is the most efficient way to find out how many bits are needed to represent some random int number?
For example number 30,000 is represented binary with
So it needs 15 bits
You may try:
Math.Floor(Math.Log(30000, 2)) + 1
(int) Math.Log(30000, 2) + 1
int v = 30000; // 32-bit word to find the log base 2 of
int r = 0; // r will be lg(v)
while ( (v >>= 1) != 0) // unroll for more speed...
For more advanced methods, see here
Note that this computes the index of the leftmost set bit (14 for 30000). If you want the number of bits, just add 1.
Try log(number)/log(2). Then round it up to the next whole number.

Setting all low order bits to 0 until two 1s remain (for a number stored as a byte array)

I need to set all the low order bits of a given BigInteger to 0 until only two 1 bits are left. In other words leave the highest and second-highest bits set while unsetting all others.
The number could be any combination of bits. It may even be all 1s or all 0s. Example:
MSB 0000 0000
1101 1010
0010 0111
LSB 0100 1010
We can easily take out corner cases such as 0, 1, PowerOf2, etc. Not sure how to apply popular bit manipulation algorithms on a an array of bytes representing one number.
I have already looked at bithacks but have the following constraints. The BigInteger structure only exposes underlying data through the ToByteArray method which itself is expensive and unnecessary. Since there is no way around this, I don't want to slow things down further by implementing a bit counting algorithm optimized for 32/64 bit integers (which most are).
In short, I have a byte [] representing an arbitrarily large number. Speed is the key factor here.
NOTE: In case it helps, the numbers I am dealing with have around 5,000,000 bits. They keep on decreasing with each iteration of the algorithm so I could probably switch techniques as the magnitude of the number decreases.
Why I need to do this: I am working with a 2D graph and am particularly interested in coordinates whose x and y values are powers of 2. So (x+y) will always have two bits set and (x-y) will always have consecutive bits set. Given an arbitrary coordinate (x, y), I need to transform an intersection by getting values with all bits unset except the first two MSB.
Try the following (not sure if it's actually valid C#, but it should be close enough):
// find the next non-zero byte (I'm assuming little endian) or return -1
int find_next_byte(byte[] data, int i) {
while (data[i] == 0) --i;
return i;
// find a bit mask of the next non-zero bit or return 0
int find_next_bit(int value, int b) {
while (b > 0 && ((value & b) == 0)) b >>= 1;
return b;
byte[] data;
int i = find_next_byte(data, data.Length - 1);
// find the first 1 bit
int b = find_next_bit(data[i], 1 << 7);
// try to find the second 1 bit
b = find_next_bit(data[i], b >> 1);
if (b > 0) {
// found 2 bits, removing the rest
if (b > 1) data[i] &= ~(b - 1);
} else {
// we only found 1 bit, find the next non-zero byte
i = find_next_byte(data, i - 1);
b = find_next_bit(data[i], 1 << 7);
if (b > 1) data[i] &= ~(b - 1);
// remove the rest (a memcpy would be even better here,
// but that would probably require unmanaged code)
for (--i; i >= 0; --i) data[i] = 0;
Probably this would be a bit more performant if compiled as unmanaged code or even with a C or C++ compiler.
As harold noted correctly, if you have no a priori knowledge about your number, this O(n) method is the best you can do. If you can, you should keep the position of the highest two non-zero bytes, which would drastically reduce the time needed to perform your transformation.
I'm not sure if this is getting optimised out or not but this code appears to be 16x faster than ToByteArray. It also avoids the memory copy and it means you get to the results as uint instead of byte so you should have further improvements there.
//create delegate to get private _bit field
var par = Expression.Parameter(typeof(BigInteger));
var bits = Expression.Field(par, "_bits");
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(bits, par);
var func = (Func<BigInteger, uint[]>)lambda.Compile();
//test call our delegate
var bigint = BigInteger.Parse("3498574578238348969856895698745697868975687978");
int time = Environment.TickCount;
for (int y = 0; y < 10000000; y++)
var x = func(bigint);
Console.WriteLine(Environment.TickCount - time);
//compare time to ToByteArray
time = Environment.TickCount;
for (int y = 0; y < 10000000; y++)
var x = bigint.ToByteArray();
Console.WriteLine(Environment.TickCount - time);
From there finding the top 2 bits should be pretty easy. The first bit will be in the first int I presume, then it is just a matter of searching for the second top most bit. If it is in the same integer then just set the first bit to zero and find the topmost bit, otherwise search for the next no zero int and find the topmost bit.
EDIT: to make things simple just copy/paste this class into your project. This creates extension methods that means you can just call mybigint.GetUnderlyingBitsArray(). I added a method to get the Sign also and, to make it more generic, have created a function that will allow accessing any private field of any object. I found this to be slower than my original code in debug mode but the same speed in release mode. I would advise performance testing this yourself.
static class BigIntegerEx
private static Func<BigInteger, uint[]> getUnderlyingBitsArray;
private static Func<BigInteger, int> getUnderlyingSign;
static BigIntegerEx()
getUnderlyingBitsArray = CompileFuncToGetPrivateField<BigInteger, uint[]>("_bits");
getUnderlyingSign = CompileFuncToGetPrivateField<BigInteger, int>("_sign");
private static Func<TObject, TField> CompileFuncToGetPrivateField<TObject, TField>(string fieldName)
var par = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TObject));
var field = Expression.Field(par, fieldName);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(field, par);
return (Func<TObject, TField>)lambda.Compile();
public static uint[] GetUnderlyingBitsArray(this BigInteger source)
return getUnderlyingBitsArray(source);
public static int GetUnderlyingSign(this BigInteger source)
return getUnderlyingSign(source);

Finding the number of places after the decimal point of a Double

I have a Double value:
double a = 4.5565;
What is the easiest way to calculate the number of digits after the decimal point (4 in this case).
I know that I can convert to string and do a split and take the length. But is there an easier way?
There's no easy way, especially since the number of digits mathematically speaking might be far more than displayed. For example, 4.5565 is actually stored as 4.556499999999999772626324556767940521240234375 (thanks to harold for calculating that). You're very unlikely to find a useful solution to this problem.
You could come up with some algorithm that works like this: if, as you calculate the decimal representation, you find a certain number of 9s (or zeros) in succession, you round up (or down) to the last place before the series of 9s (or zeros) began. I suspect that you would find more trouble down that road than you would anticipate.
var precision = 0;
var x = 1.345678901m;
while (x*(decimal)Math.Pow(10,precision) !=
precision will be equal to the number of significant digits of the decimal value (setting x to 1.23456000 will result in a precision of 5 even though 8 digits were originally specified in the literal). This executes in time proportional to the number of decimal places. It counts the number of fractional digits ONLY; you can count the number of places to the left of the decimal point by taking the integer part of Math.Log10(x). It works best with decimals as they have better value precision so there is less rounding error.
Write a function
int CountDigitsAfterDecimal(double value)
bool start = false;
int count = 0;
foreach (var s in value.ToString())
if (s == '.')
start = true;
else if (start)
return count;
I think this might be a solution:
private static int getDecimalCount(double val)
int i=0;
while (Math.Round(val, i) != val)
return i;
double val9 = 4.5565d; int count9 = getDecimalCount(val9);//result: 4
Sorry for the duplication ->
base on james answer bat much clearer:
int num = dValue.ToString().Length - (((int)dValue).ToString().Length + 1);
num is the exact number of digits after the decimal point.
without including 0 like this(25.520000)
in this case, you will get num= 2
I Think String solution is best : ((a-(int)a)+"").length-2
I'll perhaps use this code if I needed,
"R" here is Round Trip Format Specifier
We need to check for the index bounds first of course.
Another solution would be to use some string functions:
private int GetSignificantDecimalPlaces(decimal number, bool trimTrailingZeros = true)
var stemp = Convert.ToString(number);
if (stemp.IndexOf(Application.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator) < 0)
return 0;
if (trimTrailingZeros)
stemp = stemp.TrimEnd('0');
return stemp.Length - 1 - stemp.IndexOf(Application.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator);
Remember to use System.Windows.Forms to get access to Application.CurrentCulture

Calculating the number of bits in a Subnet Mask in C#

I have a task to complete in C#. I have a Subnet Mask:
I need to find the number of bits in the Subnet Mask, which would be, in this case, 17.
However, I need to be able to do this in C# WITHOUT the use of the System.Net library (the system I am programming in does not have access to this library).
It seems like the process should be something like:
1) Split the Subnet Mask into Octets.
2) Convert the Octets to be binary.
3) Count the number of Ones in each Octet.
4) Output the total number of found Ones.
However, my C# is pretty poor. Does anyone have the C# knowledge to help?
Bit counting algorithm taken from:
string mask = "";
int totalBits = 0;
foreach (string octet in mask.Split('.'))
byte octetByte = byte.Parse(octet);
while (octetByte != 0)
totalBits += octetByte & 1; // logical AND on the LSB
octetByte >>= 1; // do a bitwise shift to the right to create a new LSB
The most simple algorithm from the article was used. If performance is critical, you might want to read the article and use a more optimized solution from it.
string ip = "";
string a = "";
ip.Split('.').ToList().ForEach(x => a += Convert.ToInt32(x, 2).ToString());
int ones_found = a.Replace("0", "").Length;
A complete sample:
public int CountBit(string mask)
int ones=0;
return ones
You can convert a number to binary like this:
string ip = "";
string[] tokens = ip.Split('.');
string result = "";
foreach (string token in tokens)
int tokenNum = int.Parse(token);
string octet = Convert.ToString(tokenNum, 2);
while (octet.Length < 8)
octet = octet + '0';
result += octet;
int mask = result.LastIndexOf('1') + 1;
The solution is to use a binary operation like
foreach(string octet in ipAddress.Split('.'))
int oct = int.Parse(octet);
while(oct !=0)
total += oct & 1; // {1}
oct >>=1; //{2}
The trick is that on line {1} the binary AND is in sence a multiplication so multiplicating 1x0=0, 1x1=1. So if we have some hypothetic number
0000101001 and multiply it by 1 (so in binary world we execute &), which is nothig else then 0000000001, we get
Most right digit is 1 in both numbers so making binary AND return 1, otherwise if ANY of the numbers minor digit will be 0, the result will be 0.
So here, on line total += oct & 1 we add to tolal either 1 or 0, based on that digi number.
On line {2}, instead we just shift the minor bit to right by, actually, deviding the number by 2, untill it becomes 0.
This is valid for intgere and for byte types, but do not use this technique on floating point numbers. By the way, it's pretty valuable solution for this question.

