How TryParse method works? - c#

I have the following code.
using System;
class program
static void Main()
string StrNumber = "100TG";
int result = 0;
bool IsConversionSuccessful = int.TryParse(StrNumber, out result);
if (IsConversionSuccessful)
I know that TryParse method tries to convert StrNumber(100TG) into an integer.
And if it succeeds, it's going to save converted value into a result variable and return true for boolean.
And if it fails, a result value will remain as 0 and it will return false for boolean.
My question is that no matter what kind of boolean value IsConversionSuccessful variable gets, wouldn't "if(IsConversionSuccessful)" get activated? Am I misunderstanding TryParse Method?

If IsConversionSuccessful gets to be false, then the condition if(IsConverstionSuccessful) evaluates to if(false). Hence, the body of that if does not execute.
The TryParse method does not determine the execution of the next line in your program. It simply tells you whether the conversion from string to int was successful or not by returning a boolean value.
The lines following TryParse is up to you.

As you clearly have pointed out,
bool IsConversionSuccessful = int.TryParse(StrNumber, out result);
Will set IsConversionSuccessful to true/false based on how the method parsed the number.
If statements in themself evaluate something and always get a boolean answer, true or false. This is because if statements act like binary branch trees. They work like this:
When you evaluate if(A), which in your case is
if (IsConversionSuccessful)
The processor decides on a path to take and execution after that depends on the decision the processor made. Note that even excluding the else branch, an empty else branch simply points back to the "..." that comes after the if statement.


Bool value always gets outputted to True only

I am having the following code snippet where I pass a value either True or False through the PropertyValue parameter in the method declaration.
public void SetTaskInstance(String PropertyName, String PropertyValue, int row)
bool bValue;
PropertyName = PropertyName.ToUpper();
switch (PropertyName)
m_tInstance.byPassRulesEngine =
System.Boolean.TryParse(PropertyValue.ToString(), out bValue);
Console.WriteLine("Invoking method");
If I pass True, then True is outputted. However if I pass False, the parameter False is passed through the code but once the break statement is reached and when I hover my mouse over m_tInstance.ByPassRulesEngine, I see that the bool value has become True almost magically. Why is this happening ?
The return value of TryParse indicates if the parse was successful. And of course, the value "false" or "False" is valid, so TryParse would return true. The parsed value itself is written into the out bValue parameter.
Change the line
m_tInstance.byPassRulesEngine = System.Boolean.TryParse(PropertyValue.ToString(), out bValue);
bool parseSuccessful = System.Boolean.TryParse(PropertyValue.ToString(), out bValue);
if (parseSuccessful)
m_tInstance.byPassRulesEngine = bValue;
All TryParse methods behave that way. So read the documentation of TryParse on MSDN here:
Let me explain why you always receive a true value:
The function System.Boolean.TryParse returns true, if it can successfully do the conversion, from a String to a Boolean.
So in your example it will always be true.
Carsten Schütte has already given the solution code.
Look at msdn
the result of the conversion is stored in Output variable (your bValue)
When this method returns, if the conversion succeeded, contains true
if value is equivalent to Boolean.TrueString or false if value is
equivalent to FalseString. If the conversion failed, contains false.
The conversion fails if value is null or is not equivalent to the
value of either the TrueString or FalseString field.

Why use out keyword instead of assignment in c#?

I've been investigating the out keyword in C# after reading the section about it in C# in Depth. I cannot seem to find an example that shows why the keyword is required over just assigning the value of a return statement. For example:
public void Function1(int input, out int output)
output = input * 5;
public int Function2(int input)
return input * 5;
int i;
int j;
Function1(5, out i);
j = Function2(5);
Both i and j now have the same value. Is it just the convenience of being able to initialize without the = sign or is there some other value derived that I'm not seeing? I've seen some similar answers mentioning that it shifts responsibility for initialization to the callee here. But all that extra instead of just assigning a return value and not having a void method signature?
Usually out is used for a method that returns something else, but you still need to get a different value from the method.
A good example is Int32.TryParse(input, out myVar) it will return true if it was successful and false otherwise. You can get the converted int via the out parameter.
int myOutVar;
if (Int32.TryParse("2", out myOutVar))
//do something with the int
//Parsing failed, show a message
The out / ref keywords in C# should only be used when you need to return multiple values. Even then you should first consider using a container type (such as Tuple) to return multiple values before you revert to out / ref. Whenever you're returning a single value it should just be returned.
A lot of times, using out can help by giving you a slight performance gain.
Consider the TryGetValue method on IDictionary (say myDictionary is an IDictionary<string, string>) Rather than doing this:
string value = String.Empty;
if (myDictionary.ContainsKey("foo"))
value = myDictionary["foo"];
Both ContainsKey and the indexer need to look up the key in the dictionary, but you can avoid this double-lookup on the positive case by going:
string value;
if (!myDictionary.TryGetValue("foo", out value))
value = String.Empty;
IMO, that's a decent reason for using out parameters.
Unfortunately we cannot do something like below in C#:
a,b = func(x,y,z);
something that we do in Python or other languages. out kind of overcomes that.
F# has overcome this with tuples I believe.
PS: Returning multiple values from a function might not be good always. Tiny types are good most of the times -
For example, Int32.TryParse returns boolean if it parsed correctly and with the out parameter changes the value. If the parsed value is 0 and it returns true it means the value you sent to parse was 0. If it returns false then the parser failed.
Some of it is for clarity. Take the TryParse() methods, like
Int32.TryParse("3", out myInt);
This returns a bool that indicates whether the string was able to be parsed into an int.
If you just had
Int32.TryParse("3", myInt);
What happens when that's called? Is myInt assigned? Does TryParse return an int?
It's not readily apparent. But if I have an out parameter, then I know that the value is getting assigned, and that the return is something else.
Basically you do something like (my database read)
if (ReadSingle<UserRecord>(cmd, out user))
Cache.Insert(cacheId, user, null,
DateTime.MaxValue, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3));
Or else you do something like:
user = ReadSingle<UserRecord>(cmd);
if(null != user)
// Cache.Insert ...
It simplifies the code a little to use a boolean result (that a record was read from the database) and get the actual record into the variable via the out keyword.

Difference between Forward and Reverse Comparison in C#

this is related to comparing values in C#.
basically by default, in C# till date i only used forward comparison as follows:
string value1 = "";
if (value1 == null)
somewhere on Internet, i came across a link where it is said that while comparing values in C#, we should prefer Reverse Comparison as :
string value1 = "";
if (null == value1)
Now the problem is that is there any basic difference between the two ways of comparing values or not (i.e. both are same).
Looking for favorable replies.
This is a hangover from languages where values are implicitly converted to a boolean type.
For the most part, anything that was non-null or non-0 would be treated as true, otherwise it was equivalent to false. This meant that any assignation of a constant would always be true.
This thing to remember here is that the assignment function returns the value assigned, much in the same way that 5 is the result of 2+3, myInt = 5 also returns 5.
Because of this, it was recommended that you check the variable against the constant. The null example is actually probably a bit contrived in this case, as it would, in most languages, return as false.
As an example:
if(i = 1)
printf("Always out\n");
printf("Never prints\n");
i is assigned the value of 1, which then returns the value of the assignment, 1, to the if statement. This is equivalent to true, and the if condition matches.
If you were to attempt to assign i to the constant 1, you wouldn't compile, and so it was recommended that you do things it that order (e.g. 1 == i).
This is not neccesary in C#, and further to your example, the recommended practice is to call if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(myStringValue)) { //.... }, as a string has... two ... default values from a semantic perspective.
Reverse comparison protects you from errors, when you use == (compare) instead of = (assign). But complier also warns you if you do this.

Convert.ToBoolean("1") throws System.Format Exception in C#

Why does
throw a System.FormatException?
How should I proceed with this conversion?
Yes, this is as documented:
[throws] FormatException [if] value is not equal to TrueString or FalseString.
TrueString is "True" and FalseString is "False".
If you want to detect whether a string is "1" or not, use this code:
bool foo = text == "1";
Depends on what you want. Perhaps
var result = Convert.ToInt32(yourstirng) != 0
assuming any number but 0 is true. Otherwise a simple comparison would work.
var result = yourstirng == "1"
The parameter must be equal to either Boolean.TrueString or Boolean.FalseString. The values of these strings are "True" and "False", respectively. See MSDN.
The string value "1" is obviously not equal to "True" or "False".
The problem is, that youre giving a String here, not a number. It cant convert the String "1" to true, but the int 1.
should work.
When converting to Boolean it is best to use your own routine, where you handle all cases. .net Convert.ToBoolean isn't a practical routine, it is one of those function where you have to explain why it doesn't work.
I know this is old, but in case someone searches... simply do this:
Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16("1")) works just fine. Not pretty, but needs be.
Another solution is to use an Extension Method on the string object. I used this technique in a case where I had to parse CSV files that had different strings that had to be converted to boolean values depending on their source and format.
public static class StringExtensions
public static bool ToBool(this string value,string trueValue)
if (value == trueValue)
return true;
return false;
This would be called like so...
MyProperty = CsvColumn[6].ToBool("1");
If you want, the truevalue parameter could be a string array if you needed to compare multiple values (like n/a, na, none) and you could add in false values if you want to further restrict it or use nullable types.

which is better, using a nullable or a boolean return+out parameter

Lets say I have a function that needs to return some integer value. but it can also fail, and I need to know when it does.
Which is the better way?
public int? DoSomethingWonderful()
public bool DoSomethingWonderful(out int parameter)
this is probably more of a style question, but I'm still curious which option people would take.
Edit: clarification, this code talks to a black box (lets call it a cloud. no, a black box. no, wait. cloud. yes). I dont care why it failed. I would just need to know if I have a valid value or not.
I like the nullable version better, because you can use the null coalesce operator ?? on it, e.g.:
int reallyTerrible = 0;
var mightBeWonderful = DoSomethingWonderful() ?? reallyTerrible;
It depends on how you think the calling code should look like. And therefore what your function is used for.
Generally, you should avoid out arguments. On the other hand, it could be nice to have code like this:
int parameter;
if (DoSomething(out paramameter))
// use parameter
When you have a nullable int, it would look like this:
int? result = DoSomething();
if (result != null)
// use result
This is somewhat better because you don't have an out argument, but the code that decides if the function succeeded doesn't look very obvious.
Don't forget that there is another option: use Exeptions. Only do this if the case where your function fails is really an exceptional and kind of a error-case.
// normal case
int result = DoSomething()
catch (SomethingFailedException ex)
// exceptional case
One advantage of the exception is that you can't just ignore it. The normal case is also straight forward to implement. If the exceptional case something you could ignore, you shouldn't use exceptions.
Edit: Forgot to mention: another advantage of an Exception is that you also can provide information why the operation failed. This information is provided by the Exception type, properties of the Exception and the message text.
Why not throw an exception?
I would follow the pattern used in some place in the .Net library like:
bool int.TryParse(string s, out value)
bool Dictionary.TryGetValue(T1 key, out T2 value)
So I would say:
public bool TryDoSomethingWonderful(out int parameter)
It really depends on what you are doing.
Is null a meaningful answer? If not, I would prefer a bool TryDoSomethingWonderful(out int) method call. This matches up with the Framework.
If, however, null is a meaningful return value, returning int? makes sense.
Unless performance is the primary concern you should return an int and throw an exception on failure.
I would use the second, because I probably need to know right away if the call succeeded, and in that case I would rather write
int x;
if( DoSomethingWonderful( out x ) )
int? x = DoSomethingWonderful();
if( x.HasValue )
I am in favor of using an output parameter. In my opinion, this is the kind of situation for which use of an output parameters is most suited.
Yes, you can use the coalesce operator to keep your code as a one-liner if and only if you have an alternative value that you can use in the rest of your code. I often find that is not the case for me, and I would prefer to execute a different code path than I would if I was successfully able to retrieve a value.
int value;
if(DoSomethingWonderful(out value))
// continue on your merry way
// oops
Log("Unable to do something wonderful");
if (DoSomethingTerrible(out value))
// continue on your not-so-merry way
Additionally, if the value that I want to retrieve is actually nullable, then using a function with an output parameter and a boolean return value is, in my opinion, the easiest way to tell the difference between "I was unsuccessful in retrieving the value" and "The value I retrieved is null". Sometimes I care about that distinction, such as in the following example:
private int? _Value;
private bool _ValueCanBeUsed = false;
public int? Value
get { return this._Value; }
this._Value = value;
this._ValueCanBeUsed = true;
public bool DoSomethingTerrible(out int? value)
if (this._ValueCanBeUsed)
value = this._Value;
// prevent others from using this value until it has been set again
this._ValueCanBeUsed = false;
return true;
value = null;
return false;
In my opinion, the only reason most people tend not to use output parameters is because they find the syntax cumbersome. However, I really feel that using output parameters is the more appropriate solution to this problem, and I found that once I got used to it I found the syntax much preferable to returning a null value.
If there's only one way it can fail, or if you'll never need to know why it failed, I'd say it's probably simpler and easier to go with the nullable return value.
Conversely, if there are multiple ways it could fail, and the calling code could want to know exactly why it failed, then go with the out parameter and return an error code instead of a bool (alternatively, you could throw an exception, but based on your question, it seems you've already decided not to throw an exception).
You should rather then use a try catch. This seems like the caller does not know what might happen?
Should we check both bool and the out, or should i check both returns null and the actual return.
Let the method do what it should, and in the case where it failed, let the caller know that it failed, and the caller hanlde as requied.
Interestingly enough, my personal opinion sways significantly based on the nature of the method. Specifically, if the method's purpose is to retrieve a single value, as opposing to "doing something".
bool GetSerialNumber(out string serialNumber)
string GetSerialNumber() // returns null on failure
The second feels more "natural" to me somehow, and likewise:
bool GetDeviceId(out int id)
int? GetDeviceId() // returns null on failure`
But I admit this really falls into "coding style" territory.
Oh, and I, too, would tend to favor exception throwing:
int GetDeviceId() // throws an exception on read failure
I'm still not sold on why they'd be so wrong. Can we have a thread on that, Oren? ;-)
I dislike Microsoft's "Try" pattern in which the "out" parameter is used to return a data item. Among other things, methods coded in that fashion cannot be used in covariant interfaces. I would rather see a method coded as: T GetValue(out bool Successful) or perhaps T GetValue(out GetValueErrorEnum result); or T GetValue(out GetValueErrorInfo result); if something beyond a true/false might be needed. Since every data type has a legal default value, there's no problem with deciding what to return if the function fails. Calling code can easily say:
bool success;
var myValue = Thing.GetValue(ref success);
if (success)
.. do something using myValue
.. ignore myValue
It would be nice if .net and C# offered true covariant 'copy out' parameters (the caller would allocate space for the result, pass a pointer to that space to the called function, and then copy the allocated space to the passed-in variable only after the function returned).

