This is weird thing, I'm not able to run tls 1.3 under .net 6 while running same configuration for windows 11 that's works, the configuration is pretty simple:
builder.WebHost.UseKestrel(k =>
k.ConfigureHttpsDefaults(options =>
options.SslProtocols = SslProtocols.Tls13;
On mac I'm receiving this issue from chrome: err_ssl_version_or_cipher_mismatch and from postman: Error: write EPROTO 140186045514584:error:1000042e:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION:../../../../src/third_party/boringssl/src/ssl/ alert number 70
I've also have tried to modify mac configuration with:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ tcp_connect_enable_tls13 1
But this didn't help me at all, does anyone faced with similar issue?
Sendkeys not working. Please help me to resolve this..
WebElement username = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='username']"));
Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: unknown error: call function result missing 'value'
(Session info: chrome=65.0.3325.31)
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.33.506120 (e3e53437346286c0bc2d2dc9aa4915ba81d9023f),platform=Windows NT 6.1.7601 SP1 x86)
(WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
Command duration or timeout: 0 milliseconds
Build info: version: '3.8.1', revision: '6e95a6684b', time: '2017-12-01T19:05:32.194Z'
System info: host: 'NEW-PC', ip: '', 'Windows 7', os.arch: 'x86', os.version: '6.1', java.version: '1.8.0_161'
Driver info:
Capabilities {acceptSslCerts: true, applicationCacheEnabled: false, browserConnectionEnabled: false, browserName: chrome, chrome: {chromedriverVersion: 2.33.506120 (e3e53437346286..., userDataDir: C:\Users\NEW\AppData\Local\...}, cssSelectorsEnabled: true, databaseEnabled: false, handlesAlerts: true, hasTouchScreen: false, javascriptEnabled: true, locationContextEnabled: true, mobileEmulationEnabled: false, nativeEvents: true, networkConnectionEnabled: false, pageLoadStrategy: normal, platform: XP, platformName: XP, rotatable: false, setWindowRect: true, takesHeapSnapshot: true, takesScreenshot: true, unexpectedAlertBehaviour: , unhandledPromptBehavior: , version: 65.0.3325.31, webStorageEnabled: true}
I was seeing the same issue. The problem only appears when using Chrome 65 (currently: dev channel). With Chrome 64 (both stable channel and beta channel) everything worked fine.
It turns out I had an old chromedriver installed. Specifically, I was using chrome=65.0.3325.51 with chromedriver=2.29.461585. Running npm install -g chromedriver bumped chromedriver to 2.35.528157 and now the problem is solved.
TL;DR: run npm install -g chromedriver
The error says it all :
Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: unknown error: call function result missing 'value'
(Session info: chrome=65.0.3325.31)
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.33.506120 (e3e53437346286c0bc2d2dc9aa4915ba81d9023f),platform=Windows NT 6.1.7601 SP1 x86)
(WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
Command duration or timeout: 0 milliseconds
Build info: version: '3.8.1', revision: '6e95a6684b', time: '2017-12-01T19:05:32.194Z'
Your main issue is the version compatibility between the binaries you are using as follows :
You are using chromedriver=2.33
Release Notes of chromedriver=2.33 clearly mentions the following :
Supports Chrome v60-62
You are using chrome=65.0
Release Notes of ChromeDriver v2.37 clearly mentions the following :
Supports Chrome v64-66
So there is a clear mismatch between the ChromeDriver version (v2.33) and the Chrome Browser version (v65.0)
Upgrade ChromeDriver to current ChromeDriver v2.37 level.
Keep Chrome version at Chrome v65.x levels. (as per ChromeDriver v2.37 release notes)
Clean your Project Workspace through your IDE and Rebuild your project with required dependencies only.
Use CCleaner tool to wipe off all the OS chores before and after the execution of your test Suite.
If your base Web Client version is too old, then uninstall it through Revo Uninstaller and install a recent GA and released version of Web Client.
Execute your #Test.
The latest chrome browser requires corresponding latest chromedriver executable for the tests to run.
I have encountered the same issue and installed the chrome drive. Issue got resolved.
npm install chromedriver --chromedriver_version=LATEST
Changing latest version of ChromDriver worked for me.
You may need to update you driver the link for all the chromedriver updates are
make sure you chromedriver corresponds to your version of chrome
I simply installed a new version of Katalon Studio and it has worked fine.
This issue happens when chrome and chromedriver are not in sync. Either update both to the latest version or make sure they can work together. After running the following commands it worked for me
npm install -g chromedriver --chromedriver-force-download
webdriver-manager update
I'm testing the NancyFX framework by running a simple HelloWorld example under different conditions.
public class IndexModule : NancyModule
public IndexModule()
Get["/"] = _ => "Hello World!";
Example seems to run fine on both Windows and Linux, the problem is Mono's response time. Under Windows the HTTP response takes aprox. 3-4ms, whereas the same code under Linux (Mono) always takes 200ms+. After some additional testing (and switching to ServiceStack AppHost) the problem persists, so my guess would be this has something to do with Mono. Any ideas?
HTTP response (CentOS 6.5, Mono 3.10)
Test results
OS Runtime Response time Location
Windows 7 .NET 4.5.1 3ms Local
CentOS 6.5 Mono 3.10 200ms Local
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Mono 295ms Remote
Source code
Profile dump
Strangely enough, if you put a reverse proxy on top of the self-hosted app, the latency issues disappear.
Here's the nginx proxy_pass config used:
# /etc/nginx/virtual.d/nancydemo.conf
server {
listen 80;
server_name nancydemo.local;
root /media/sf_dev/nancydemo/bin/Debug;
location / {
I am writing a Silverlight app with Telerik Radspreadsheet Control. It runs correctly on Windows 7 and 8 in Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and IE 9, but some of my clients can not load it on Windows XP in IE 8, and receive this error:
Webpage error details
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
Timestamp: Thu, 16 May 2013 13:21:38 UTC
Message: Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application [Parser_CreateInstance_ConstructorInvocation]
Arguments: Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadSpreadsheet
Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See linkid=106663&Version=5.1.20125.0&File=System.Windows.dll&Key=Parser_CreateInstance_Constru ctorInvocation [Line: 47 Position: 40] at System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(Object component, Uri resourceLocator)
at ECOBox2012WebPanel.DataPage.InitializeComponent()
at ECOBox2012WebPanel.DataPage..ctor()
at ECOBox2012WebPanel.MainPage..ctor()
at ECOBox2012WebPanel.App.Application_Startup(Object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
at MS.Internal.CoreInvokeHandler.InvokeEventHandler(UInt32 typeIndex, Delegate handlerDelegate, Object sender, Object args)
at MS.Internal.JoltHelper.FireEvent(IntPtr unmanagedObj, IntPtr unmanagedObjArgs, Int32 argsTypeIndex, Int32 actualArgsTypeIndex, String eventName, UInt32 flags)
Line: 1
Char: 1
Code: 0
Indeed there was an issue that RadSpreadsheet control does not load under Windows XP.
As a member of the team responsible for developing the component, I can confirm that it has already been fixed, so upgrading to the latest official version should solve the problem.
I have 2.0 web application. On my production server I "randlomly" cant reproduce the path error on my page which uses UpdatePanel and RadComboBox telerik control:
Webpage error details
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; GTB7.2; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; InfoPath.2)
Timestamp: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 10:37:17 UTC
Message: Sys.ScriptLoadFailedException: The script '' could not be loaded.
Line: 5
Char: 36564
Code: 0
Do You know any cause for this error ? Thanks for help in advance.
I had a similar problem with a stylesheet missing. I added:
string sRequestUrl = Request.Url.ToString();
To my error message to get it to output the file in question. Is this a case of you having a script manager which is consolidating (minifying) stylesheets and JavaScript files into one and you are losing the Request Url in the .axd? If you do turn off the consolidation (minification) and you should get the exact file from the Request Url.
If that is the problem.