I'm writing a c# console application that uses a C++ class library. In C++ language class library I have a method:
public:bool GetMDC(char fileName[], char mdcStrOut[]){
// My Code goes Here
This method gets a file path in fileName parameter and puts a value in mdcStrOut.
I add this class library as reference to my C# console application. when I want to call GetMDC method the method needs two sbyte parameters. So it's signature in c# is GetMDC(sbyte* fileName, sbyte* mdcStrOut).
My code looks like this:
byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(fileName);
var _mdc = new TelsaMDC.TelsaMDCDetection();
var outPut = new sbyte();
fixed (byte* p = bytes)
var sp = (sbyte*)p;
//SP is now what you want
_mdc.GetMDC(sp, &outPut);
It works without error. But the problem is that outPut variable only contains the first character of mdcStrOut. I'm unfamiliar with C++. I know that I'm passing the memory address of output to the GetMDC. So how can I get the value of it in my console application?
when I declare output variable like this var outPut = new sbyte[MaxLength] I get an error on _mdc.GetMDC(sp, &outPut); line on the & sign. It says: Cannot take the address of, get the size of, or declare a pointer to a managed type ('sbyte[]')
The variable outPut is a single byte.
You need to create a receive buffer, for example, var outPut = new sbyte[MaxLength].
byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(fileName);
var _mdc = new TelsaMDC.TelsaMDCDetection();
var outPut = new sbyte[256]; // Bad practice. Avoid using this!
fixed (byte* p = bytes, p2 = outPut)
var sp = (sbyte*)p;
var sp2 = (sbyte*)p2;
//SP is now what you want
_mdc.GetMDC(sp, sp2);
Also, I recommend to rewrite the code to avoid possible buffer overflow because the function GetMDC does not know the size of the buffer.
I tried to use Matlab function from my .net project
function [HR] = getHR(signal)
Fs = 200;
index = pan_tompkin(signal,Fs);
index = index(2:end-1);
idx_dur = (index(end) - index(1))/Fs;
idx_cnt = length(index)-1;
idx_int = idx_dur/idx_cnt;
HR = round(60/idx_int);
This is my Matlab code
MLApp.MLApp matlab = new MLApp.MLApp();
matlab.Execute(#"cd C:\Users\User\Desktop");
object result = null;
matlab.Feval("getHR", 1, out result,input_Data);
object[] res = result as object[];
tmp_HR = Convert.ToInt32(res[0]);
And this is part of my .net code where calling Matlab function
input_Data is 2000x1 double array
When I run this program, error is occur that "Undefined function 'getHR' for input arguments of type 'double'." on Matlab.Feval line
Someone advised me to 'varargin' to solve this problem, but I can not find the answer(I don't think it is necessary)
How can I revise my code to fix this problem?
I can not use the way to use Matlab compiler SDK or Matlab coder
maybe have to use only MLApp to solve this problem
I want to be able to use the dnnclassifier (estimator) on top of IIS using tensorflowsharp. The model has previously been trained in python. I got so far that I can now generate PB files, know the correct input/outputs, however I am stuck in tensorflowsharp using string inputs.
I can create a valid .pb file of the iris dataset. It uses the following feate_spec:
{'SepalLength': FixedLenFeature(shape=(1,), dtype=tf.float32, default_value=None), 'SepalWidth': FixedLenFeature(shape=(1,), dtype=tf.float32, default_value=None), 'PetalLength': FixedLenFeature(shape=(1,), dtype=tf.float32, default_value=None), 'PetalWidth': FixedLenFeature(shape=(1,), dtype=tf.float32, default_value=None)}
I have created a simple c# console to try and spin it up. The input should be an "input_example_tensor" and the output is located in "dnn/head/predictions/probabilities". This I discoved after alex_zu provided help using the saved_model_cli command here.
As far as I am aware all tensorflow estimator API's work like this.
Here comes the problem: the input_example_tensor should be of a string format which will be parsed internally by the ParseExample function. Now i am stuck. I have found TFTensor.CreateString, but this doesn't solve the problem.
using System;
using TensorFlow;
namespace repository
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (TFGraph tfGraph = new TFGraph()){
using (var tmpSess = new TFSession(tfGraph)){
using (var tfSessionOptions = new TFSessionOptions()){
using (var metaGraphUnused = new TFBuffer()){
//generating a new session based on the pb folder location with the tag serve
TFSession tfSession = tmpSess.FromSavedModel(
new[] { "serve" },
//generating a new runner, which will fetch the tensorflow results later
var runner = tfSession.GetRunner();
//this is in the actual tensorflow documentation, how to implement this???
string fromTensorflowPythonExample = "{'SepalLength': [5.1, 5.9, 6.9],'SepalWidth': [3.3, 3.0, 3.1],'PetalLength': [1.7, 4.2, 5.4],'PetalWidth': [0.5, 1.5, 2.1],}";
//this is the problem, it's not working...
TFTensor rawInput = new TFTensor(new float[4]{5.1f,3.3f,1.7f,0.5f});
byte[] serializedTensor = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(rawInput.ToString());
TFTensor inputTensor = TensorFlow.TFTensor.CreateString (serializedTensor);
runner.AddInput(tfGraph["input_example_tensor"][0], inputTensor);
runner.Fetch("dnn/head/predictions/probabilities", 0);
//start the run and get the results of the iris example
var output = runner.Run();
TFTensor result = output[0];
//printing response to the client
This example will give the following error:
An unhandled exception of type 'TensorFlow.TFException' occurred in TensorFlowSharp.dll: 'Expected serialized to be a vector, got shape: []
[[Node: ParseExample/ParseExample = ParseExample[Ndense=4, Nsparse=0, Tdense=[DT_FLOAT, DT_FLOAT, DT_FLOAT, DT_FLOAT], dense_shapes=[[1], [1], [1], [1]], sparse_types=[], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"](_arg_input_example_tensor_0_0, ParseExample/ParseExample/names, ParseExample/ParseExample/dense_keys_0, ParseExample/ParseExample/dense_keys_1, ParseExample/ParseExample/dense_keys_2, ParseExample/ParseExample/dense_keys_3, ParseExample/Const, ParseExample/Const, ParseExample/Const, ParseExample/Const)]]'
How can I serialize tensors in such a way that I can use the pb file correctly?
I also posted the issue on github, here you can find the iris example python file, pb file and the console applications. In my opinion solving this creates a
neat solution for all tensorflow users having ancient production environments (like me).
The Expected serialized to be a vector, got shape: [] error can be fixed by using an overload of the TFTensor.CreateString function: Instead of directly taking a string, the model apparently expects a vector containing a single string:
TFTensor inputTensor = TFTensor.CreateString(new byte[][] { bytes }, new TFShape(1));
The input_example_tensor in your case now expects a serialized Example protobuf message (see also the docs and the example.proto file).
Using the protobuf compiler, I've generated a C# file containing the Example class. You can download it from here: https://pastebin.com/iLT8MUdR. Specifically, I used this online tool with CSharpProtoc and replaced the import "tensorflow/core/example/feature.proto"; line by the messages defined in that file.
Once you've added the file to your project, you'll need a package reference to Google.Protobuf. Then, you can pass serialized examples to the model like this:
Func<float, Tensorflow.Feature> makeFeature = (float x) => {
var floatList = new Tensorflow.FloatList();
return new Tensorflow.Feature { FloatList = floatList };
var example = new Tensorflow.Example { Features = new Tensorflow.Features() };
example.Features.Feature.Add("SepalLength", makeFeature(5.1f));
example.Features.Feature.Add("SepalWidth", makeFeature(3.3f));
example.Features.Feature.Add("PetalLength", makeFeature(1.7f));
example.Features.Feature.Add("PetalWidth", makeFeature(0.5f));
TFTensor inputTensor = TFTensor.CreateString(
new [] { example.ToByteArray() }, new TFShape(1));
runner.AddInput(tfGraph["input_example_tensor"][0], inputTensor);
runner.Fetch("dnn/head/predictions/probabilities", 0);
//start the run and get the results of the iris example
var output = runner.Run();
TFTensor result = output[0];
I am tring to use the following code in a c# xamarin project.
In Java,
ByteBuffer buffer=ByteBuffer.allocate(8);
UsbRequest request=new UsbRequest();
now I'm trying to convert these two line to c# for my xamarin project,
Java.Nio.ByteBuffer m_rinfo;
Int32 m_bytes = 64;
UsbRequest m_request = new UsbRequest();
m_request.Queue(m_rinfo, 64);<<error
The last line gives an error, "Use of assigned variable 'm_rinfo'
I've tried to assign bytes to m_rinfo with,
Java.Nio.ByteBuffer m_rinfo = new byte[64];
Which gives error, Cannot implicitly convert type byte
Any help would be appreciated.
I find I can convert the lines to;
Java.Nio.ByteBuffer m_rinfo = Java.Nio.ByteBuffer.Allocate(64);
Int32 m_bytes = 64;
UsbRequest m_request = new UsbRequest();
m_request.Queue(m_rinfo, 64);
However when the program gets to line;
m_request.Queue(m_rinfo, 64);
I receive the error;
'Java.Lang.RuntimeException' was thrown
So what's wrong with this line?
Have you tried m_request.Queue(out m_rinfo, 64);? As far as I'm aware, out is used when a variable in c# is passed to a method with the intent of its value being changed within it. For example:
ListOfSomeKind list = null;
methodToFillListWithData(out list);
I'm working on a project where we've split up C# code into functions and stored these functions within IElisonBuffers. I've got Intellisense hooked up, and the buffers interact with other extensions fine as shown below:
However, I cannot get syntax highlighting to work within these editors.
I embed these editors via the following steps:
Create an IVsInvisibleEditor for the file.
Get the IVsTextLines for this IVsInvisibleEditor
Create an IVsCodeWindow and set the buffer for this IVsCodeWindow to be the IVsTextLines from the IVsInvisibleEditor
Get an IWpfTextViewHost from this code window. This brings me back to "WPF Land" where I'm able to interact with traditional spans.
Create a SnapshotSpan of the IWpfTextViewHost's text view. This SnapshotSpan contains a single function.
Create an IElisionBuffer containing the SnapshotSpan.
Create an IVsTextBuffer via IVsEditorAdaptersFactoryService.CreateVsTextBufferAdapterForSecondaryBuffer() passing in the IElisionBuffer.
Now I cast the IVsTextBuffer to IVsTextLines and call SetLanguageServiceID() passing in the C# GUID: 694DD9B6-B865-4C5B-AD85-86356E9C88DC.
I double check that it was set correctly via GetLanguageServiceID() and everything looks alright.
I create an IVsTextView and initialize it with the new IVsTextBuffer.
I then get the IWpfTextViewHost for this IVsTextView.
Are there any special steps that need to be taken care of when setting up the language service ID for an IElisionBuffer?
For the sake of completeness this is the code I'm using:
public CustomEditorViewModel CreateEditor(string filePath, int start, int end) {
IVsInvisibleEditor invisibleEditor;
, pProject: null
, pFactory: null
, ppEditor: out invisibleEditor));
var docDataPointer = IntPtr.Zero;
Guid guidIVsTextLines = typeof(IVsTextLines).GUID;
fEnsureWritable: 1
, riid: ref guidIVsTextLines
, ppDocData: out docDataPointer));
IVsTextLines docData = (IVsTextLines)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(docDataPointer);
//Createa a code window adapter
var codeWindow = _EditorAdapterFactory.CreateVsCodeWindowAdapter(VisualStudioServices.OLEServiceProvider);
//Associate our IVsTextLines with our new code window
//Get our text view for our editor which we will use to get the WPF control that hosts that editor.
IVsTextView textView;
ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(codeWindow.GetPrimaryView(out textView));
//This is our TextViewHost
//It transports us back into the land of WPF
IWpfTextViewHost textViewHost = _EditorAdapterFactory.GetWpfTextViewHost(textView);
//Now we need to subset TextBuffer somehow...
int length = end - start;
SnapshotSpan subsetSnapshot = new SnapshotSpan(textViewHost.TextView.TextSnapshot, start, length);
var CSharpType = _contentTypeRegistry.GetContentType("CSharp");
var projBuffer = _ProjectionBufferFactory.CreateElisionBuffer(
, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(subsetSnapshot)
, ElisionBufferOptions.None
IVsTextBuffer bufferAdapter = _EditorAdapterFactory.CreateVsTextBufferAdapterForSecondaryBuffer(VisualStudioServices.OLEServiceProvider, projBuffer);
//My attempt at getting syntax coloring to work:
Guid CSharpLanguageServiceId = new Guid("694DD9B6-B865-4C5B-AD85-86356E9C88DC");
IVsTextLines buffer = (IVsTextLines)bufferAdapter;
buffer.SetLanguageServiceID(ref CSharpLanguageServiceId);
IVsTextView projTextView = _EditorAdapterFactory.CreateVsTextViewAdapter(VisualStudioServices.OLEServiceProvider);
, IntPtr.Zero
, (uint)TextViewInitFlags.VIF_HSCROLL | (uint)TextViewInitFlags.VIF_VSCROLL | (uint)TextViewInitFlags3.VIF_NO_HWND_SUPPORT,
new[] { new INITVIEW { fSelectionMargin = 0, fWidgetMargin = 0, fVirtualSpace = 0, fDragDropMove = 0 } }
return _EditorAdapterFactory.GetWpfTextViewHost(projTextView);
Make the content type of your elision buffer be, or derive from, the content type "projection". That's the hint that taggers should project through that.
I'm attempting to execute a tiny piece of JS via the following code (utilising the Native class from the Chakra Host example from MSDN):
var runtime = default(JavaScriptRuntime);
Native.ThrowIfError(Native.JsCreateRuntime(JavaScriptRuntimeAttributes.None, JavaScriptRuntimeVersion.VersionEdge, null, out runtime));
var context = default(JavaScriptContext);
Native.ThrowIfError(Native.JsCreateContext(runtime, (Native.IDebugApplication64)null, out context));
var script = #"var bob = 1;";
var result = default(JavaScriptValue);
var contextCookie = default(JavaScriptSourceContext);
Native.ThrowIfError(Native.JsRunScript(script, contextCookie, "source", out result));
The problem is that it returns a "ScriptCompile" error with no additional details that I'm able to spot.
Is anyone able to reveal what I've missed / done dumb / gotten confused over?
I doubt you're still wrestling with this... but I just did and figured out the answer.
If you look in jsrt.h you'll see that all the native functions use a wchar_t when using string parameters, however the DllImport attribute doesn't specify the charset, so it defaults to ANSI.
I did a find/replace in the Native.cs file and changed all the DllImport attributes to read...
[DllImport("jscript9.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
... and now my code works fine. I've sent a pull request to the sample owner on GitHub to get this fixed up. The update is currently in my fork at https://github.com/billti/chakra-host
Try adding this to your AssemblyInfo.cs file:
[module: DefaultCharSet(CharSet.Unicode)]
I modified my implementation of Native.ThrowIfError to, in the case of a ScriptCompile error, get some values out of the errorObject. Like so:
var message = errorObject
var source = errorObject
var line = (int)errorObject
var column = (int)errorObject
var length = (int)errorObject
throw new JavaScriptParseException(error, message, source, line, column, length);
This should get you more information at least.