I have content items stored in Ektron that are assigned to taxonomies. I'm trying to create a method that will allow me to programmatically change the taxonomies. So far I find the content item by ID, and I'm able to retrieve its taxonomies, but I'm not sure how to change them.
var ektronItem = contentManager.GetItem((long) item.tctmd_id);
if (ektronItem != null) // item exists in Ektron
var newTaxonomies = item.taxonomy_ids;
var taxonomyAPI = new Taxonomy();
var taxData = taxonomyAPI.ReadAllAssignedCategory(ektronItem.Id);
foreach (var tax in taxData)
// here I'm trying to remove the content item from the taxonomy
taxonomyAPI.RemoveTaxonomyItem() takes a Ektron.Cms.TaxonomyRequest object, but I'm not sure how to create this. I'm also not sure if this is even the method I should be using.
In case anyone else wants to know how to do this, here's the solution I came up with:
var contentManager = new Ektron.Cms.Framework.Content.ContentManager();
var criteria = new Ektron.Cms.Content.ContentCriteria(ContentProperty.Id, EkEnumeration.OrderByDirection.Ascending);
criteria.AddFilter(ContentProperty.FolderId, CriteriaFilterOperator.EqualTo, toUpdate.folder_id);
criteria.OrderByDirection = Ektron.Cms.Common.EkEnumeration.OrderByDirection.Descending;
criteria.OrderByField = Ektron.Cms.Common.ContentProperty.GoLiveDate;
criteria.FolderRecursive = true;
criteria.PagingInfo = new Ektron.Cms.PagingInfo(50, 1);
var ektronItem = contentManager.GetItem((long) item.tctmd_id);
if (ektronItem != null) // item exists in Ektron
// update taxonomy in Ektron
var taxIds = item.taxonomy_ids;
var taxonomyAPI = new Taxonomy();
var taxData = taxonomyAPI.ReadAllAssignedCategory(ektronItem.Id);
var taxManager = new Ektron.Cms.Framework.Organization.TaxonomyItemManager();
var taxCriteria = new TaxonomyItemCriteria();
// create a taxonomy criteria of the item ID
taxCriteria.AddFilter(TaxonomyItemProperty.ItemId, CriteriaFilterOperator.EqualTo, item.tctmd_id);
// get all taxonomy items with item ID
var taxItems = taxManager.GetList(taxCriteria);
// determine taxonomyItemType
var type = taxItems.FirstOrDefault().ItemType;
foreach (var tax in taxData)
// delete from old taxonomies
taxManager.Delete(tax.Id, (long)item.tctmd_id, type);
foreach (var tax in taxIds)
// add to new taxonomies
var taxonomyItemData = new TaxonomyItemData()
TaxonomyId = tax,
ItemType = type,
ItemId = (long)item.tctmd_id
catch (Exception ex)
I want to get the Content from an item from a specific Changeset. With my code, I get the correct number of items, but every property of the item is empty, only the correct URL is filled up. All other properties are set to null.
How can I solve this?
string collectionUri = #"https://tfs.myServer.de/MyProject";
using (TfsTeamProjectCollection tpc = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(new Uri(collectionUri)))
TfvcHttpClient tfvcClient = tpc.GetClient<TfvcHttpClient>();
var changedItems = tfvcClient.GetChangesetAsync(125453).Result;
IEnumerable<TfvcChange> changesetChanges=tfvcClient.GetChangesetChangesAsync(changedItems.ChangesetId).Result;
foreach (var itemsChange in changesetChanges)
This gets you the contents of the items of a changeset
private static async Task ReadContent(TfvcHttpClient tfvcClient)
var changesetId = 123456;
var changesetChanges = await tfvcClient.GetChangesetChangesAsync(changesetId);
var tfvcVersionDescriptor = new TfvcVersionDescriptor(null, TfvcVersionType.Changeset, changesetId.ToString());
foreach (var changesetChange in changesetChanges)
var path = changesetChange.Item.Path;
Stream contentStream = await tfvcClient.GetItemContentAsync(path, versionDescriptor: tfvcVersionDescriptor);
using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(contentStream))
var content = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
I am trying to insert records in c# with Oracle database. I am using transactions for inserting.
How do I get the child objects ID to insert in upcoming next object's data? I am able to get the ID of parent but unable to get the child objects ID. parent and child are object of same class.
code looks like this:
using (DatabaseContext lContext = new DemoDatabaseContext())
foreach (var alias in pLstAlias)
DATA lAlias = new DATA();
lAlias.ID = alias.ID;
lAlias.NAME_CONCAT = alias.GetConcatName();
lAlias.SYSTEM_NAME = alias.GetSystemName(lAlias.NAME_CONCAT);
if (alias.AKAList != null)
foreach (var aka in alias.AKAList)
DATA lChildAlias = DATA();
lChildAlias.PARENT_ID = lAlias.ID;
lChildAlias.AKA__NAME = aka.FIRST_NAME;
lChildAlias.NAME_CONCAT = aka.GetConcatName();
lChildAlias.SYSTEM_NAME = aka.GetSystemName(lChildAlias.NAME_CONCAT);
List<DATA2> aliasList = StoreRecodsToObject(lChildAlias.SYSTEM_NAME);
if (aliasList != null)
foreach (var item in aliasList)
DATA DataForAliases = new DATA2();
// here I need to add ID of lChildAlias
DataForAliases.ALIAS_ID = lChildAlias.ID;
DataForAliases.NAME = item.NAME;
catch(Exception ex){
return false;
I am calling a web api and saving the records on the database through the controller, i want each time im calling the api to check if the record exists in the database if yes then dont save, if not then save.
var client = new WebClient();
var text = client.DownloadString("https://www.test.com/api/all-users?name=testusername%20&pass=334432");
var wclients = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(text);
List<apicli> list1 = new List<apicli>();
var clie = new apicli();
if (wclients.message == "success")
var data = wclients.data;
//var account = wclients.account;
ViewBag.test = data;
foreach(var item in ViewBag.test)
clie.Email = item.email;
clie.Name = item.name;
clie.Aff = item.affiliated_id;
foreach(var item1 in #item.account.real)
clie.Login = item1.login;
clie.password = item1.pass;
I would assume you need something like this, although you need to check what is the unique id of each record:
foreach(var item in data){
var c = new apicli {
Email = item.email,
Name = item.name,
Aff = item.affiliated_id
Login = item.account.real.LastOrDefault()?login??"",
Login = item.account.real.LastOrDefault()?pass??""
if(!db.apiclis.Any(a => a.Email == c.Email && a.Name == c.Name && a.Aff == c.Aff)){
Here I assume that email+name+aff = unique identificator.
I have the following code to read a shapefile set (.dbf, .prj, .shp, .shx) with the NetTopologySuite.IO.ShapefileDataReader:
public FeatureCollection ReadShapeFile(string localShapeFile)
var collection = new FeatureCollection();
var factory = new GeometryFactory();
using (var reader = new ShapefileDataReader(localShapeFile, factory))
var header = reader.DbaseHeader;
while (reader.Read())
var f = new Feature {Geometry = reader.Geometry};
var attrs = new AttributesTable();
for (var i = 0; i < header.NumFields; i++)
attrs.AddAttribute(header.Fields[i].Name, reader.GetValue(i));
f.Attributes = attrs;
return collection;
This works, but the geometry objects don't have a property to tell which reference system the coordinates are in.
How can I find out which coordinate system / reference system the shape file or individual shapes are in?
The projection is not available in the .shp file, but in the .prj file, and can be loaded separately:
var projectionFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(localShapeFile), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(localShapeFile) + ".prj");
var projectionInfo = ProjectionInfo.Open(projectionFile);
I am using SuiteTalk web services (v. 2013_2) . I am trying to create an ItemFulfillment where the items in it were related to items that had a lot or serial number.
When I try to save this item fulfillment into NetSuite I get an error of :
Please commit inventorydetail on this line.
I was attempting to set the itemFulfillment.serialNumbers and itemFulfillment.binNumbers when I create the itemFulfillmentItem.
For example I set
nsIfItem.serialNumbers = "SNum(5)"
nsIfItem.binNumbers = "BNum(5)"
based on those properties being- A comma delimited list of serial or LOT numbers. If entering serial numbers there must be a number for each item.
Lot numbers must be entered in a format of LOT#(Quantity).
For example, to enter a quantity of 100 items as Lot number ABC1234, enter ABC1234(100).
Do I also need to set something else on the itemFulfillment or how do I get rid of that error.
I'm not sure if this question is still active, but I had the same issue and iI couldn't find much help on it. I solved this issue by creating the inventory assignment objects and adding to the transaction.
First, create the initialize ref for Item Fulfillment and assign the returned record to a variable:
InitializeRecord ir = new InitializeRecord();
ir.type = InitializeType.itemFulfillment;
InitializeRef iref = new InitializeRef();
iref.typeSpecified = true;
iref.type = InitializeRefType.salesOrder;
iref.internalId = 'Sales Order internalID';
ir.reference = iref;
ReadResponse getInitResp = _service.initialize(ir);
ItemFulfillment ifrec = (ItemFulfillment)getInitResp.record;
Get the list of items on the initialized transaction:
ItemFulfillmentItemList ifitemlist = ifrec.itemList;
Create a list to which to add each unique item being fulfilled:
List<ItemFulfillmentItem> ifitems = new List<ItemFulfillmentItem>();
Run the following code for each item in initialized transaction's item list:
If the current line item has already been added to the ifitems list, add the current Fulfillment line as an assignment to that item:
InventoryAssignment assignment = new InventoryAssignment
issueInventoryNumber = new RecordRef { internalId = 'internalID',
type = 'RecordType',
typeSpecified = true
List<InventoryAssignment> list = new List<InventoryAssignment>();
ifitemlist.item[b].inventoryDetail = new InventoryDetail
inventoryAssignmentList = new InventoryAssignmentList
inventoryAssignment = list.ToArray()
ifitemlist.item[b].quantity += 'quantity shipped';
If the line item has not yet been added, create new line item:
ItemFulfillmentItem ffItem = new ItemFulfillmentItem();
ffItem.item = ifitemlist.item[b].item;
ffItem.itemReceive = true;
ffItem.itemReceiveSpecified = true;
ffItem.itemIsFulfilled = true;
itemIsFulfilled = true;
ffItem.itemIsFulfilledSpecified = true;
ffItem.orderLineSpecified = true;
ffItem.orderLine = ifitemlist.item[b].orderLine;
//Check if serialized
if (Your fulfillment item contains serialized data)
ffItem.serialNumbers = 'Serial numbers';
InventoryAssignment assignment = new InventoryAssignment
issueInventoryNumber = new RecordRef {
internalId = 'Inventory internal ID',
type = RecordType,
typeSpecified = true
ffItem.inventoryDetail = new InventoryDetail
inventoryAssignmentList = new InventoryAssignmentList
inventoryAssignment = new InventoryAssignment[]
replaceAll = false
nullFieldList = new string[] { },
customForm = new RecordRef { }
ffItem.quantity = 'QUANTITY SHIPPED';
ffItem.quantitySpecified = true;
Finally, add your "ifitems" list to your Item Fulfillment and add this to NetSuite:
ItemFulfillmentItemList ifitemlistToFulfill = new ItemFulfillmentItemList();
ifitemlistToFulfill.replaceAll = false;
ifitemlistToFulfill.item = ifitems.ToArray();
ItemFulfillment newItemFulfill = new ItemFulfillment();
newItemFulfill.itemList = ifitemlistToFulfill;