I have this method I want to generate log text(txt) file and the file structure would follow query string data which are passed on to this method like in culturename, langid, themeid, saleschannel. I want the the file to be generated in the form of culturename_saleschannel_themeid_langid.txt if there are four parameters and saleschannel_themeid_langid.txt depends if there are three parameters coming or themeid_langid.txt if there are two parameters and accordingly. Please help me create a log text file in this format or how to do this separately.
private void Log(string message, bool debugOnly, bool waitOnThis, LogType logType, string culturename, int langid, int themeid, int saleschannel)
string logFormat = Environment.NewLine + "{0}\t {1}\t{2}" + Environment.NewLine;
//message = message + " - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fffffff");
message = string.Format(logFormat, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"),logType.ToString().Substring(0,3).ToUpper(), message);
_logFileName = string.Format(_logFileNamePattren, _jobConfigurationData.Name, LogFileId, _logFileDate);
string filePath = _jobConfigurationData.LogFolderPath;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
filePath += "\\" + _logFileName;
if (debugOnly == false || (debugOnly && _jobConfigurationData.BuildMode == BuildMode.Debug))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
File.AppendAllText(filePath, message, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
Something like this
_logFileName = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(culturename)? string.Empty : (culturename + "_")) +
(saleschannel == 0 ? string.Empty : (saleschannel+"_")) +
themeid+ "_" + langid +".txt";
Or you are talking about function overloads?
I’d like to create a method to replace delimiters for the intended target use (html email, log, database). The delimiters are constant so I’d like to be able to reference a object that maps recognizable names to string values (semicolon = “;”, htmlLineBreak = “<br/>”, etc.). Is there a better means to do this than this below?
public static class Utilities
public string ReplaceDelimiter(string content
, Delimiter currentDelimiter, Delimiter outputDelimiter)
return content.Replace(currentDelimiter.ToString()
, outputDelimiter.ToString());
public class Delimiter
public const string comma = ",";
public const string semicolon = ";";
public const string colon = ":";
public const string lineBreak = "\r\n";
public const string htmlLineBreak = "<br/>";
Edited following comments:
A use case would be when I want to log an error to different targets and send the same contents (formatted differently) in an email. The log may go to a database column (want key/value with semicolon delimiter) or log file (want delimiter to be line breaks). The email would be HTML so want the delimiter to be replaced with <br/>.
Below would be an excerpt from a logging method that has a few parameters including the actual Exception:
StringBuilder delimitedMessage = new StringBuilder();
delimitedMessage.Append("Date=" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + ";");
delimitedMessage.Append("Time=" + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + ";");
delimitedMessage.Append("Source=" + objException.Source.ToString().Trim() + ";");
delimitedMessage.Append("Method=" + objException.TargetSite.Name.ToString() + ";");
delimitedMessage.Append("Erring Method=" + methodName + ";");
delimitedMessage.Append("Computer=" + System.Environment.MachineName.ToString() + ";");
delimitedMessage.Append("Log Message=" + logMessage + ";");
delimitedMessage.Append("Exception Error=" + objException.Message.ToString().Trim() + ";");
delimitedMessage.Append("Severity=" + severity.ToString() + ";");
delimitedMessage.Append("Stack Trace=" + objException.StackTrace.ToString().Trim() + ";");
contentToLog = delimitedMessage.ToString();
WriteToLog(Utilities.ReplaceDelimiter(contentToLog, Delimiter.semicolon, Delimiter.lineBreak));
SendEmail(Utilities.ReplaceDelimiter(contentToLog, Delimiter.semicolon, Delimiter.htmlLineBreak));
public class Delimiter {
public static readonly Delimiter
HtmlLineBreak=new Delimiter {
LineBreak=new Delimiter {
Semicolon=new Delimiter {
Colon=new Delimiter {
Comma=new Delimiter {
public override String ToString() {
return Value;
public String Value {
var t=Utilities.ReplaceDelimiter("123\r\n", Delimiter.LineBreak, Delimiter.HtmlLineBreak);
Debug.Print("{0}", t);
I have a question that's driving me nuts. I have a program that saves error messages to a string in an object, then writes the string to a file in the unloadContent() thing. For some reason I keep getting Not Supported Exceptions. Here is the code in unloadContent():
if (debug.getContent().Length > 0)
saveErrors save = new saveErrors();
if (Directory.Exists(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Errors")) ;
Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Errors");
save.save(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().ToString() + "\\Errors\\errorLog_" + (System.DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace("/", "_")).Replace(" ","") + ".txt");
and here's the code in class save errors:
public class saveErrors
private string mess = debug.getContent();
public void save(string fileName)
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileName))
I'm still a bit new to C#, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Try this:
public void SaveTextTest()
string relativePath=#"Errors\errorLog_";
string directoryPath = System.IO.Path.Combine( System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() , relativePath);
var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(directoryPath);
string fileName = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss") + ".txt";
string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(directoryPath, fileName);
string textToSave = "This will be saved";
File.WriteAllText(path, textToSave);
To get the DateTime.ToString() in the desired format you can pass a formatstring
save.save(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().ToString() + "\\Errors\\errorLog_" + (System.DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace("/", "_")).Replace(" ", "").Replace(":", "") + ".txt");
Change it to that. You need a .Replace(":", "") because : Is included in the date part of the code, but is invalid in a file name, so you must either remove it or replace it with something else.
As an alternative you could format the date as so:
save.save(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().ToString() + "\\Errors\\errorLog_" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss"));
Hi I believe I am pretty close to figuring out what is wrong with my code, but was hoping someone could help me out or point me in the right direction. I am able to run my program and on the page where the user is going to be uploading a file it gives me the option to choose a file. But when I press submit other information gets sent to me but the file never comes. I think this is because I am having trouble figuring out where to temporarily save the file when it send to my email. Here is my code at the moment:
Also what this code is for is a comment / request page on my website where the user can comment and also add a screen shot.
private string SendMessage(string strTo, string strFrom, string strSubject, string strMessage, string strAttachment, string strBCC)
MailMessage mailMsg;
string strEmail = "";
string strSmtpClient = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SmtpClient"];
string[] arrEmailAddress = strTo.Split(';');
for (int intCtr = 0; intCtr < arrEmailAddress.Length; intCtr++)
strEmail = "";
if (arrEmailAddress[intCtr].ToString().Trim() != "")
strEmail = arrEmailAddress[intCtr].ToString().Trim();
mailMsg = new MailMessage(strFrom, strEmail, strSubject, strMessage);
mailMsg.IsBodyHtml = true;
if (!strBCC.Trim().Equals(string.Empty))
SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient(strSmtpClient);
smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
smtpClient.Port = 25;
return "Message sent to " + strTo + " at " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ".";
catch (Exception objEx)
return objEx.Message.ToString();
string strUpLoadDateTime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
string strFileName1 = string.Empty;
if ((File1.PostedFile != null) && (File1.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0))
string strUploadFileName1 = File1.PostedFile.FileName;
strFileName1 = strUpLoadDateTime + "." + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strUploadFileName1) + Path.GetExtension(strUploadFileName1);
strFileName1 = strFileName1.Replace("'", "");
string strSaveLocation = Server.MapPath("") + "\\" + strFileName1;
txtComments.Text = "The file has been uploaded";
My question is where am I going wrong where in this code do I put where I want the file to be saved.
The below part of the code is what I am using to format the email when it is sent. And pick what will be sent in the email.
protected void Submit_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
string dandt = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
string strMessage = "Bug Name: " + txtBugName.Text.Trim() + "<br/>" +
"Module Name: " + ddlModule.SelectedValue + "<br/>" +
"Page Name: " + ddlPage.SelectedValue + "<br/>" +
"Description: " + txtComments.Text.Trim() + "<br/>" +
File1.f + "<br/>" +
"Email is" + " " + txtemail.Text.Trim() + "<br/>" +
"The request was sent at" + dandt;
strMessage, "", "");
For some reason now nothing is sending in my emails when I press submit. Also I was trying to figure out how to put in the email the time and date the email was sent. Even though obviously my email will have this information, incase the email is delayed for some reason I would like to have the time and date the user pressed the submit button. Where is says File.F in this part of the code this is where i was trying to figure out how to get the file attachment to go to the email, but I'm not sure what syntax should go there in the code.
It looks like you are trying to attach some file from the user's computer to the email you are sending. If that is the case, you need to upload your file first before you call SendMessage.
In your Submit_Click the first thing you need to do is the code the uploads the file somewhere. Also, remove that File1.f from strMessage which is where I suspect is causing your message to null out on you.
After you upload your file, pass strSavedLocation, which is the file location you saved the file, to your SendMessage() method.
In your SendMessage method you can attach the file with the following code where you are buliding your MailMessage. strAttachment is the path name to your uploaded file:
var attachment = new Attachment(strAttachment);
// Add time stamp information for the file.
ContentDisposition disposition = attachment.ContentDisposition;
disposition.CreationDate = System.IO.File.GetCreationTime(strAttachment);
disposition.ModificationDate = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(strAttachment);
disposition.ReadDate = System.IO.File.GetLastAccessTime(strAttachment);
It looks to me like you have the major parts here minus the handy, System.Net.Mail.Attachment.
If I were doing this, I'd move the file upload handling code into the Submit_Click handler, and then just add the Mail.Attachment code.
private string SendMessage(string strTo, string strFrom, string strSubject, string strMessage, string strAttachment, string strBCC)
System.Net.Mail.MailMessage mailMsg;
string strEmail = "";
string strSmtpClient = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SmtpClient"];
string[] arrEmailAddress = strTo.Split(';');
for (int intCtr = 0; intCtr < arrEmailAddress.Length; intCtr++)
strEmail = "";
if (arrEmailAddress[intCtr].ToString().Trim() != "")
strEmail = arrEmailAddress[intCtr].ToString().Trim();
mailMsg = new MailMessage(strFrom, strEmail, strSubject, strMessage);
mailMsg.IsBodyHtml = true;
if (!strBCC.Trim().Equals(string.Empty))
/*** Added mail attachment handling ***/
System.Net.Mail.Attachment attachment;
attachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(strAttachment);
SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient(strSmtpClient);
smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
smtpClient.Port = 25;
return "Message sent to " + strTo + " at " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ".";
catch (Exception objEx)
return objEx.Message.ToString();
protected void Submit_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
/*** Moved from SendMessage function ****/
string strUpLoadDateTime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
string strFileName1 = string.Empty;
if ((File1.PostedFile != null) && (File1.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0))
string strUploadFileName1 = File1.PostedFile.FileName;
strFileName1 = strUpLoadDateTime + "." + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strUploadFileName1) + Path.GetExtension(strUploadFileName1);
strFileName1 = strFileName1.Replace("'", "");
string strSaveLocation = Server.MapPath("") + "\\" + strFileName1;
txtComments.Text = "The file has been uploaded";
string dandt = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
string strMessage = "Bug Name: " + txtBugName.Text.Trim() + "<br/>" +
"Module Name: " + ddlModule.SelectedValue + "<br/>" +
"Page Name: " + ddlPage.SelectedValue + "<br/>" +
"Description: " + txtComments.Text.Trim() + "<br/>" +
strSaveLocation + "<br/>" +
"Email is" + " " + txtemail.Text.Trim() + "<br/>" +
"The request was sent at" + dandt;
strMessage, strSaveLocation, "");
As for the note about using StringBuilder, I agree, and I would use it like this:
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("Bug Name: {0}<br/>", txtBugName.Text.Trim());
sb.AppendFormat("Module Name: {0}<br/>", ddlModule.SelectedValue);
Edited To Add:
Also, see Brad's answer above about using ContentDisposition.
How to change file name on upload ?
I have such code :
<%# WebHandler Language="C#" Class="Upload" %>
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.IO;
public class Upload : IHttpHandler {
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) {
HttpPostedFile oFile = context.Request.Files["Filedata"];
string newFileName1 = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(#context.Request["orderID"]);
string newFileName2 = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(#context.Request["productCombinationString"]);
string newName;
if(newFileName2 != "" && newFileName2 != null && newFileName2 != "<!--#Ecom:productCombinationString-->") {
newName = newFileName1 + newFileName2 + oFile.ContentType;
} else {
newName = newFileName1 + oFile.ContentType;
string sDirectory = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(#context.Request["folder"]);
oFile.SaveAs(sDirectory + "/" + oFile.FileName);
if (!Directory.Exists(sDirectory)) Directory.CreateDirectory(sDirectory);
public bool IsReusable {
get { return false; }
And if i change oFile.Filename to newName it does not work ... what is the problem ? :)
Thank you
You can pass your Custom File Name along with Directory to SaveAs Method
oFile.SaveAs(sDirectory + "/" + "abc");
// Get the extension of the uploaded file.
string fileName = Server.HtmlEncode(FileUpload1.FileName);
string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName);
string newName;
if(newFileName2 != "" && newFileName2 != null && newFileName2 != "<!--#Ecom:productCombinationString-->") {
newName = newFileName1 + newFileName2 + extension ;
} else {
newName = newFileName1 + extension ;
oFile.SaveAs(sDirectory + "/" + newName );
I haven't tried this code but I do want to point out two things of from the original code:
The first is this order of operations:
oFile.SaveAs(sDirectory + "/" + oFile.FileName);
if (!Directory.Exists(sDirectory)) Directory.CreateDirectory(sDirectory);
I believe it should be this instead. In the above sequence, there is a potential edge case of saving into a non-existing folder. This ensures that the folder is created:
if (!Directory.Exists(sDirectory))
oFile.SaveAs(sDirectory + "/" + oFile.FileName);
The other thing is that you might be running into issues with / as the path separator. I think it should be much safer to do something like:
var saveLocation = Path.Combine(sDirectory, oFile.FileName);
I hope this helps!
Here is an example i used when saving an image look at the save as section
////saving file in the physical folder;
FileUpload FileUpload1 = file_Image;
string virtualFolder = "~/Resourceimages/";
string physicalFolder = HostingEnvironment.MapPath(virtualFolder);
string PhotoName = ((string)Session["UserName"] + (string)Session["UserSurname"]);
FileUpload1.SaveAs(physicalFolder + PhotoName + FileUpload1.FileName);
string location = virtualFolder + PhotoName + FileUpload1.FileName;
webservice.UpdateResourceImage((int)Session["UserID"], location);
lbl_Result.Text = "Your file " + FileUpload1.FileName + " has been uploaded.";
Image1.Visible = true;
Image1.ImageUrl = location;
string uploadFolder = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "UploadFile\\";
if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
string extension = Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName);
FileUpload1.SaveAs(uploadFolder + "Test"+ extension);
Label1.Text = "File uploaded successfully as: " + "Test"+ extension;
Label1.Text = "First select a file.";
private string UpdateFilename(string filename)
filename = Server.HtmlEncode(FUJD.FileName);
string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filename);
filename = filename.Replace(extension, "");
return filename + '-' + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + extension;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
Requirement: I have a windows application written in C# and I'm trying to add a checkbox to it where if it is checked, than the files from the search will be copied into subdirectories based on zip code.
Problem: When I reference addzipdir_checkBox.Equals(true) from MainForm.cs on a different page SearchProcess.cs I get the error: "addzipdir_checkBox does not exist in the current context". What is the proper way to reference the checkBox_CheckedChanged occurence?
Here's the code on MainForm.cs:
private void addzipdir_checkBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (addzipdir_checkBox.Equals(true))
Log("Organize files by zip code.");
if (addzipdir_checkBox.Equals(false))
Log("Don't Organize files by zip code.");
Here's the code on SearchProcess.cs generating an error:
if (addzipdir_checkBox.Equals(true))
// adds the given lead's agentid and zip code to the targetpath string
string targetzipdir = m_sc.get_TargetPath() + "\\" + AgentID + "\\" + ZIP;
// If the given lead's zip code subdirectory doesn't exist, create it.
if (!Directory.Exists(targetzipdir))
targetFileAndPath = m_sc.get_TargetPath() + "\\" + AgentID + "\\" + ZIP + "\\" + fullFileName;
} // end if addzipdir_checkBox.Equals(true)
You need to make sure addzipdir_checkBox is public. For this, you need to use the form editor, select the addzipdir_Checkbox and change the property grid 'Modifiers' item to public or internal.
Then, you need to find a way to reference the instance of this form, something like this:
if (myForm.addzipdir_checkBox.Equals(true))
I found that if you right click a variable and click "Go To Definition" it's a lot easier to find where the variable is referenced. I right clicked another variable that was called in through the MainForm and found that they were all called through the SearchCriteria file. I had to bring the addzipdir_checkbox value referenced on the MainForm.cs file through the SearchCriteria.cs file and then call it in the SearchProcess.cs file.
Here's my code on the SearchCriteria.cs file:
public class SearchCriteria
private String Corp;
private String OrderNumber;
private String Campaign;
private String City;
private String State;
private String Zip;
private String SourcePath;
private String TargetPath;
private bool SearchOR;
private bool SearchAND;
private bool addzipdirectory_checkBox;
public SearchCriteria()
public SearchCriteria(String Corp,
String OrderNumber,
String Campaign,
String City,
String State,
String Zip,
String SourcePath,
String TargetPath,
bool SearchOR,
bool SearchAND,
bool addzipdirectory_checkBox)
this.Corp = Corp;
this.OrderNumber = OrderNumber;
this.Campaign = Campaign;
this.City = City;
this.State = State;
this.Zip = Zip;
this.SourcePath = SourcePath;
this.TargetPath = TargetPath;
this.SearchOR = SearchOR;
this.SearchAND = SearchAND;
this.addzipdirectory_checkBox = addzipdirectory_checkBox;
public bool get_addzipdir_checkBox()
return addzipdirectory_checkBox;
public void set_addzipdir_checkBox(bool x)
addzipdirectory_checkBox = x;
Here's my code on the Searchprocess.cs file:
// Copy the file if ANY of the search criteria have been met
if (found)
m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] {"FOUND: Order_No: " + Order_No +
" barcode: " + barcode +
" MailerCode: " + MailerCode +
" AgentID: " + AgentID +
" City: " + City +
" State: " + State +
" ZIP: " + ZIP});
//passes values to TransferFile
TransferFile(directory, barcode, AgentID, ZIP);
} // end for that finds each matching record
// find and copy the file to the target directory string ZIP
private void TransferFile(string sourceDir, string filename, string AgentID, string ZIP)
string fullFileName = filename + ".pdf";
string fullFileNameAndPath = sourceDir + "\\" + fullFileName;
string targetFileAndPath;
if (m_sc.get_addzipdir_checkBox()==true)
// adds the given lead's agentid and zip code to the targetpath string
string targetzipdir = m_sc.get_TargetPath() + "\\" + AgentID + "\\" + ZIP;
// If the given lead's zip code subdirectory doesn't exist, create it.
if (!Directory.Exists(targetzipdir))
targetFileAndPath = m_sc.get_TargetPath() + "\\" + AgentID + "\\" + ZIP + "\\" + fullFileName;
} // end if addzipdir_checkBox.Equals(true)