How can i get gridview row count - c#

I am trying to get gvProducts row count.
I have tried the below code but it give insufficient result.
protected void gvProducts_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
string commandName = e.CommandName.ToString().Trim();
GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)(((LinkButton)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer);
if (row.Controls.Count == 1)
//my code

You want total rows in Gridview? Use Count property:
To find the rows count of nested gridview, you can use the RowDataBound event of parent gridview:-
protected void gvProductsParent_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
GridView gvProducts = (GridView)e.Row.FindControl("gvProducts ");
int count = gvProducts.Rows.Count;
Please note this event will fire for each row present in your parent gridview this the count will change according to each row.


Know the gridview row height in code behind

I have a GridView and using DataSet to Bind that. And Gridview Height set to autoHeight;
Suppose I have 3 rows in My GridView, After bind I want to fetch the row height of each row.
I know that I can set the RowHeight dynamically by
GridView1.RowStyle.Height = 40;
But I want somthing like my be
int height=GridView1.Rows[0].Height;
I can manage my logic of the above code using for or any.....
If you don't want to use a foreach loop, then you can use a RowDataBound event to find the height of each row.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack) {
ViewState["rowHeightList"] = new List<decimal>();
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) {
decimal currentRowHeight = Convert.ToDecimal(e.Row.Height);
List<decimal> rowHeightList = (List<decimal>)ViewState["rowHeightList"];
ViewState["rowHeightList"] = rowHeightList;

How to define grid view inside RowCommand

I have the following gridviews gvAgreement and nested grid-view gvProducts
I am looking for defining gvProducts inside gvAgreement_RowCommand
I have defined gvProducts in gvAgreement_OnRowDataBound
by the following code
protected void gvAgreement_OnRowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
GridView gvProducts = e.Row.FindControl("gvProducts") as GridView;
protected void gvAgreement_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
//your suggest code
This will let you to find any child control inside parent gridview.
GridViewRow gvRow = (GridViewRow)((Control)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer;
Int32 rowIndex = gvRow.RowIndex; // required if you want to find index of the control from where event has been raised.
GridView gvProducts = gvRow.FindControl("gvProducts") as GridView;

asp .net How to hide a TemplateField of a gridview column but still access its value

I have a datagridview which is loaded through a strored procedure. It has an ID column which i want to hide it but still access its value. I set the dataKeyNames and i have a method
protected void grdTime_OnDataBound(object sender,EventArgs e)
grdTime.Columns[1].Visible = false;
which i am trying to hide this column but i get the following error. If i remove the line inside the method it works. Here is the error.
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
Try this code in the method and then check..
grdTime.Columns[0].Visible = false;
hide the column in Row_Created event
protected void GridView1_RowCreated(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
e.Row.Cells[1].CssClass = "hiddencol";
//e.Row.Cells[2].CssClass = "hiddencol";
else if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header)
e.Row.Cells[1].CssClass = "hiddencol";
//e.Row.Cells[2].CssClass = "hiddencol";
here hiddencol is a css class
in the above code i'm hiding second column of my grid
If you've set GridView's AutoGenerateColumns to true(default), the Columns-Collection is empty. Following should work then:
protected void GridView1_RowCreated(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
e.Row.Cells[0].Visible = false;
foreach (TableRow row in GridView1.Controls[0].Controls)
row.Cells[0].Visible = false;
you can use like this in gridview tag on .aspx page
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Merchandise Id" DataField="MerchandiseId" Visible="false" /></columns>

GridView column with checkbox field with SQL

I have GridView with 2 columns.
The first column is: test-label (TemplateField)
The second: checkbox (asp:CheckBoxField) that connect to sql table with bit column (done).
I want that on page load - the page will check every row, where the checkbox = true, the test-label.visble will be false.
I know how to write code with SELECT statement to check the value from the SQL table, but don't know how to check every row on the gridview on the page-load.
how can I do that?
(i can't use findcontroll for the checkbox because it's checkboxfield and not just "checkbox".
<asp:CheckBoxField DataField="done" SortExpression="done" HeaderText="done?" />
so, what can I do here? maybe to replace that field with regular cb? (i don't know how to do there databind - on the regular cb).
you can use GridView.RowDataBound Event
so you can do something like
protected void GVRowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
var check = (CheckBox) e.Row.FindControl("ID"); // ID is id of the checkbox
var lable = (Label) e.Row.FindControl("LableID");
if(check != null && lable != null)
lable.Visible = false;
You can't do it in Page.Load because the GridView isn't databound yet.
Try handling GridView.RowDataBound.
protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)e.Row.FindControl("checkbox");
Label lbl = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("test-label");
lbl.Visible = !(cb.Checked);

Accessing Gridview columns by Row.Cells

Hai I am using the following code to access columns in a row but always displays empty string when using Row.Cells[1].Text I am using this code in GridView Unload event handler.
Thanks inn advance.
foreach (GridViewRow row in grvSearchRingTone.Rows)
String coltext = row.Cells[1].Text;
I would suggest using the Gridview Databound event instead. Because the
Unload event occurs when the server control is unloaded from memory.
protected void GridView1_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (GridViewRow row in grvSearchRingTone.Rows)
String coltext = row.Cells[1].Text;
Databound events occur after the server control binds to a data source.
To understand how gridview events work, look at MSDN
It could be done in Gridviews RowDataBound Event ie
protected void gvUsers_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header)
String coltext = e.Row.Cells[1].Text
else if(e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
String coltext = e.Row.Cells[1].Text
Hope this helps.

