Blocking anonymous access by default in ASP .NET 5 - c#

My team and I are starting up a new website project in ASP .NET 5 and I'm trying to set up the basis of our user authentication and authorization policy.
So far, I've managed to use the [Authorize] and [AllowAnonymous] attributes to selectively define an authorization policy controllers or actions. The one thing I'm still struggling to achieve is defining a default authorization policy.
Bascially, I'd like every controller and action to behave as if they had an [Authorize] attribute by default, so that only actions specifically tagged as [AllowAnonymous] can be accessed by an anonymous user. Otherwise, we expect that, at some point, someone will forget to add an [Authorize] attribute to their controller and introduce vulnerabilities into the webapp.
It is my understanding that what I'm trying to do could be achieved in previous versions of ASP .NET by adding the following statement in FilterConfig.cs:
filters.Add(new AuthorizeAttribute());
... except that FilterConfig.cs no longer exists in MVC 6. According to How to register a global filter with mvc 6, 5 I can now access the global filters list using:
services.ConfigureMvc(options =>
options.Filters.Add(new YouGlobalActionFilter());
... tried it, looks fine, but now it's the AuthorizeAttribute filter that I can't seem to find.
For experimenting purposes I've tried to handcraft an equivalent to the AuthorizeAttribute filter and came up with the following:
public class LoginFilter: AuthorizeFilter
public LoginFilter(): base(new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder().RequireAuthenticatedUser().Build())
public override Task OnAuthorizationAsync(Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.AuthorizationContext context)
if(!context.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && context.ActionDescriptor is ControllerActionDescriptor)
var action = context.ActionDescriptor as ControllerActionDescriptor;
if(!AcceptAnonymous(action.ControllerTypeInfo) && !AcceptAnonymous(action.MethodInfo))
context.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;
return base.OnAuthorizationAsync(context);
private static bool AcceptAnonymous(ICustomAttributeProvider o)
return o.IsDefined(typeof(AllowAnonymousAttribute), true);
This kinda works... I can add it to the global filters list, and it does reject queries coming from unauthenticated users unless the query is resolved to an action tagged [AllowsAnonymous].
the AuthorizationPolicyBuilder thingy is ugly and misleading: it does not serve any purpose and is apparently ignored during the whole processing. The only reason I added it is that AuthorizeFilter requires an AuthorizationPolicy in its constructor. I guess, but haven't tried yet, that directly implementing IAsyncAuthorizationFilter would solve this particular issue
nothing in this code is specific to my webapp and the functionality was apparently provided in previous versions of the framework, so I'm willing to bet that there already is (or there will soon be) a component doing exactly the same thing, and I'd rather use a standard component from the framework than handcraft my own.
So, long story short, where has the AuthorizeAttribute filter gone? Or is there any functional equivalent I can use to make rejection of anonymous users the default behavior?

You can use Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.AuthorizeFilter.
using Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNet.Authorization;
services.ConfigureMvc(options =>
options.Filters.Add(new AuthorizeFilter(new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder().RequireAuthenticatedUser().Build()));
If you need custom authorization requirements see this answer for more information.


How to Register Custom IRouter in .Net 7 MVC Application?

I have a custom IRouter implementation and I can't figure out how to register it in a .Net 7 MVC application.
What I am trying to accomplish is this: Incoming requests have the form of{id} and when such a request comes in I need to hit the database to retrieve the controller and action for that {id}, do some checks on it and if everything looks right pass the request on to the default router along with the entire RequestContext. The reason behind that is that such an url is valid only for a given time and a subset of visiting users. Also the underlying action and controller must not be guessable by looking at the url.
What I came up with is a cutom IRouter implementation (which also allows me to create those Urls) but I can't seem to figure out how to register on application startup.
Is using a custom IRouter still the right approach in .Net 7? How do I register one? Or am I totally on the wrong track?
One option is to switch back from endpoint routing:
builder.Services.AddMvc(options => options.EnableEndpointRouting = false);
app.UseMvc(routeBuilder => routeBuilder.Routes.Add(new CustomRouter(routeBuilder.DefaultHandler)));
Alternative approach is to use MapDynamicControllerRoute. Something along this lines:
// ...
public class MyDynamic: DynamicRouteValueTransformer
public override ValueTask<RouteValueDictionary> TransformAsync(HttpContext httpContext, RouteValueDictionary values)
if (values.TryGetValue("internalid", out var value) && value is string s && s == "777") // simulate some search for id
values["controller"] = "Home";
values["action"] = "test";
return new ValueTask<RouteValueDictionary>(values);
Note that since you are still using the default routing pipeline this looks like security through obscurity which in general is not a good approach and probably you should better implement appropriate security restrictions (you should not rely on the "impossibility" to guess the actual routes).

How do I disable/enable authentication at runtime in Asp.Net Core 2.2?

A website is per default anonymous access only.
The admin has a button to switch the site into maintenance mode, which should enable authorization using the built-in CookieAuthentication (flip a bit in a database, not relevant for this post).
In order to make that work, I first configured cookie authentication (in startup.cs):
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
options =>
options.LoginPath = new PathString("/auth/login");
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
Then on relevant controllers, I put an [Authorize] attribute.
public class HomeController : Controller
This works perfectly - cookie auth kicks in when authorize-attribute is present. So far so good.
Now I want to disable authorization at runtime when maintenance mode is off.
Attempted Solution
This is what I ended up with after a lot of trial and error and research.
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
IMaintenanceModeDataService ds = context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService<IMaintenanceModeDataService>();
if (!ds.IsMaintenanceModeEnabled)
//Maintenance mode is off, no need for authorization
ClaimsPrincipal user = context.HttpContext.User;
if (user.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
//when the user is authenticated, we don't need to do anything else.
//we're in maintenance mode AND the user is not
//It is outside the scope of this to redirect to a login
//We just want to display maintenancemode.html
context.Result = new RedirectResult("/maintenancemode.html");
public class HomeController : Controller
This works great when the site is in maintenance mode.
When the site is NOT in maintenance mode, the cookie authentication still kicks in and requires auth. I could remove that and try to implement my own auth, but that would be stupid, when we already have perfectly well-crafted solutions built-in.
How do I disable authorization when the site is NOT in maintenance mode (at runtime)?
Q: Why not handle this by doing x (which requires serverside access to config, environment vars, server or similar)?
A: Because this needs to be immediately accessible to non-technical admin-users by clicking a button in the backend.
Yes you can!
The authorization system in ASP.NET Core is extensible and you can implement your scenario easily with poliy-based authorization.
Two main things to know to get going:
an authorization policy is made of one or more requirements
all of the requirements must be satisfied for a policy to succeed
Our goal is then to create a requirement which is satisfied if any of the following statements is true:
the maintenance mode is not enabled, or
the user is authenticated
Let's see the code!
The first step is to create our requirement:
public class MaintenanceModeDisabledOrAuthenticatedUserRequirement : IAuthorizationRequirement
We then have to implement the handler for this requirement, which will determine if it's satisfied or not. The good news is handlers support dependency injection:
public class MaintenanceModeDisabledOrAuthenticatedUserRequirementHandler : AuthorizationHandler<MaintenanceModeDisabledOrAuthenticatedUserRequirement>
private readonly IMaintenanceModeDataService _maintenanceModeService;
public MaintenanceModeDisabledOrAuthenticatedUserRequirementHandler(IMaintenanceModeDataService maintenanceModeService)
_maintenanceModeService = maintenanceModeService;
protected override Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, MaintenanceModeDisabledOrAuthenticatedUserRequirement requirement)
if (!_maintenanceModeService.IsMaintenanceModeEnabled || context.User.Identities.Any(x => x.IsAuthenticated))
return Task.CompletedTask;
Next, we need to create an authorization policy that uses this requirement, and you have 2 choices here:
you can redefine the default policy, used when "empty" [Authorize] attributes are used, or
create an explicit policy that you'll have to reference in your attributes, like [Authorize(Policy = "<your-policy-name>")]
There's no right or wrong answer; I'd pick the first option is my application had only one authorization policy, and the second one if it had several of them. We'll see how to do both:
.AddAuthorization(options =>
// 1. This is how you redefine the default policy
// By default, it requires the user to be authenticated
// See
options.DefaultPolicy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder()
.AddRequirements(new MaintenanceModeDisabledOrAuthenticatedUserRequirement())
// 2. Define a specific, named policy that you can reference from your [Authorize] attributes
options.AddPolicy("MaintenanceModeDisabledOrAuthenticatedUser", builder => builder
.AddRequirements(new MaintenanceModeDisabledOrAuthenticatedUserRequirement()));
Next, you need to register the requirement handler as an IAuthorizationHandler, as indicated in the official docs
// The lifetime you pick is up to you
// You just need to remember that it's got a dependency on IMaintenanceModeDataService, so if you
// registered the implementation of IMaintenanceModeDataService as a scoped service, you shouldn't
// register the handler as a singleton
// See this captive dependency article from Mark Seeman:
services.AddScoped<IAuthorizationHandler, MaintenanceModeDisabledOrAuthenticatedUserRequirementHandler>();
The final step is to apply the [Authorize] attributes on your controllers/actions as needed.
// 1. If you redefined the default policy
public IActionResult Index()
return View();
// 2. If you defined an explicit policy
[Authorize(Policy = "MaintenanceModeDisabledOrAuthenticatedUser")]
public IActionResult Index()
return View();
I am afraid that could not be done .The accept of authorization is different from authentication, when context.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated is false, it will always redirect to login page.
It's better to have actions that must or may require authorization in a controller together, and unauthorized actions in a separate controller with [AllowAnonymous].
if (!user.IsMaintenanceModeEnabled)
context.Result = new RedirectResult("Another controller with [AllowAnonymous]");
Since current pages need work perfectly with anonymous mode, then authentication should NOT be in Controller level.
I think your requests are:
If a Maintancer login system,
run extra code to show maintance elements(switch button or others) on page, so Maintancer can switch page with different mode, and do maintancer actions
If user visit site anonymously, anonymous-mode elements will render to browser
If user login but not an Maintancer, normal-user-mode elements will render to browser
To resolve those, The key is to block unauthorized user to visit Maintancer ACTIONS, instead of controller.
my suggestions are:
in _Layout.cshtml page, check if Maintancer Login, then enject switch button
in the actions or pages that could visit anornymously, check if "Maintancer Login" && IsMaintenanceMode, then show Maintancer-authorized elements, like Delete Post, Edit Content, ...
in Controller.Actions that works only for Maintancer(like Delete Post), add [Authorize(Roles="Maintancer")] or [Authorize(Policy="Maintancer")] or you customized authorize.

Authorization in ASP.net5

I am trying to see if there is something "out of the box" in ASP.net5 for authorization for my application needs. I am using a group/permission based approach for authorization. Using Identity3 I am using Role as Group and then I have created permissions from this. Each permission has a resource that it links to and 1 or more values, like:
Resource = Page, Permissions = Add, Update, View, Delete
Another complication is that the groups have dynamic names, and dynamic permissions!!
I have started to read about authorization in ASP.net5 and it seems that I have found something called Policies, which sound good. It seems to force you to use Claims, which is possible if I use a ClaimsTransformer to get all my permissions and add them as claims from the Db. But am I right in thinking that I would have to create a policy for each Permission, on each resource? That seems like a lot of setup.
Is there anything that I do not know about is already built in ASP.net5 that I could use? Like an attribute like this
[Authorize("Page", "Delete")]
Which I could add to the PageController Delete method.
If I have to use some sort of service and DI that into the controller to implement this, then that would be fine as well.
There is a ClaimsPrincipalPermissionAttribute that can fit to your requirements.
Or you can implement your own AuthorizeAttribute.
I use AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server for authorization. But you can also have a look at OpenIddict
In any case you can add the Authorize attribute to any method you want like this
[Authorize(Roles = "Administrator,SimpleUser,AnOtherRole")]
public void MyMethod() {}
Resource based authorization might fulfill your needs, but I am a little confused with the page being the resource, rather than what the page acts upon.
Taking your Page/Delete combination, I would imagine that rather than the resource being Page, your Page Delete action takes a parameter, indicating the page that is to be deleted? (If this is not the case then this approach isn't going to work of course)
In this case you'd do something like
public class PageController : Controller
IAuthorizationService _authorizationService;
public PageController(IAuthorizationService authorizationService)
_authorizationService = authorizationService;
public Delete(int pageId)
var page = pageRepo.GetPage(pageId);
if (await authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, page, Operations.Delete))
return View(page);
return new ChallengeResult();
In order to enable this you're write a handler based on page and an Operations requirement (or any old requirement, but a parameterized operations requirement means you can write a single handler and branch accordingly).
We tried very hard to move away from putting data in the attribute, and move it into requirements, because data in attributes is, to be frank, a maintenance nightmare.
One other thing to note; as handlers are resolved through DI you could inject your user to permissions resolver into the handler, which would avoid using claims transformation.
ASP.NET provides authentication mechanism out of the box which is easy to use, example:
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.Message = "This can be viewed only by authenticated users only";
return View();
public ActionResult AdminIndex()
ViewBag.Message = "This can be viewed only by users in Admin role only";
return View();
Check this tutorial
Or if you want more sophisticated mechanism you can implement your own memberhsip provider based on the ASP.NET Membership Provider

Access profiles using attributes

On my website, I have different pages with different levels of access permissions. Usually, I use something along:
return RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Security");
But I realized this was tieing me to the security levels that I'd prebuilt; what I in fact want is a fully customizable access scheme.
One solution I thought about was to set some attributes in the actions I wanted to give restricted access, then retrieve where were they placed. I'm somewhat unexperienced with Attributes (custom ones, at least), and although I know how to list all the actions being marked, I'm still struggling to conceive a way to check for the right access permission and denying the access.
Any light on the subject? I'm also interested to know if there are any standard practices for dealing with this issue.
Typically in ASP.NET MVC Authorize attribute is what can be used for such purpose.
You can derive from it and override AuthorizeCore method to satisfy your needs. Then you can mark MVC actions or whole MVC controllers with this attribute. Or what is even better you can configure it as a global filter, so it will automatically be automatically enabled for all controllers. Then actions you don't want to be secured can be marked with AllowAnonymous attribute:
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
if (filters != null)
filters.Add(new CustomAuthorizeAttribute());
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]
public sealed class CustomAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
//your code here
Here is SO post that already discusses the attribute
ASP.NET MVC 4 Custom Authorize Attribute with Permission Codes (without roles)
You can find more articles on this topic on the internet.

Attribute based webapi2 routing returns 404 for some methods

I'm presently working on a project that has been upgraded to Webapi2 from Webapi. Part of the conversion includes the switch to using attribute based routing.
I've appropriately setup my routes in the Global.asax (as follows)
GlobalConfiguration.Configure(config => config.MapHttpAttributeRoutes());
and removed the previous routing configuration.
I have decorated all of my API controllers with the appropriate System.Web.Http.RouteAttribute and System.Web.Http.RoutePrefixAttribute attributes.
If I inspect System.Web.Http.GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Routes with the debugger I can see that all my expected routes are registered in the collection. Likewise the appropriate routes are available within the included generated Webapi Help Page documentation as expected.
Even though all appears to be setup properly a good number of my REST calls result in a 404 not found response from the server.
I've found some notable similarities specific to GET methods (this is all I've tested so far)
If a method accepts 0 parameters it will fail
If a route overrides the prefix it will fail
If a method takes a string parameter it is likely to succeed
return type seems to have no affect
Naming a route seems to have no affect
Ordering a route seems to have no affect
Renaming the underlying method seems to have no affect
Worth noting is that my API controllers appear in a separate area, but given that some routes do work I don't expect this to be the issue at hand.
Example of non-functional method call
public class PostmanApiController : ApiController
[Route("all", Name = "GetPostmanCollection")]
[ResponseType(typeof (PostmanCollectionGet))]
public IHttpActionResult GetPostmanCollection()
return Ok(...);
I expect this to be available via http://[application-root]/api/postman/all
Interestingly enough a call to
Url.Link("GetPostmanCollection", null)
will return the above expected url
A very similar example of method calls within the same controller where some work and some do not.
public class MachineApiController : ApiController
[Route("byowner/{owner}", Name = "GetPostmanCollection")]
public IEnumerable<string> GetByOwner([FromUri] string owner)
public IEnumerable<OsAndVersionGet> GetOSes([FromUri] string osType)
Where a call to http://[application-root]/api/machineby/ownername succeeds and http://[application-root]/api/oses/osType does not.
I've been poking at this far too long, any idea as to what the issue may be?
Check that you configure your HttpConfiguration via the MapHttpAttributeRoutes method before any ASP.NET MVC routing registration.
In accordance to Microsoft's CodePlex entry on Attribute Routing in MVC and Web API the Design section states:
In most cases, MapHttpAttributeRoutes or MapMvcAttributeRoutes will be
called first so that attribute routes are registered before the global
routes (and therefore get a chance to supersede global routes).
Requests to attribute routed controllers would also be filtered to
only those that originated from an attribute route.
Therefore, within the Global.asax (or where registering routes) it is appropriate to call:
GlobalConfiguration.Configure(c => c.MapHttpAttributeRoutes()); // http routes
RouteTable.Routes.MapRoute(...); // mvc routes
In my case it was a stupid mistake, I am posting this so people behind me making the same mistake may read this before they check everything else at quantum level.
My mistake was, my controller's name did not end with the word Controller.
Happy new year

