C# Bitwise XOR two very large hex numbers - c#

I have two hex numbers, which, for the purposes of experimenting with OTP, I'm trying to XOR with C#. Unfortunately, both numbers are on the order of hundreds of digits - clearly far too large to store in an int or long. How do I store/XOR them? Right now, I'm storing as BigIntegers like so:
public static string XOR(string string_1, string string_2){
BigInteger b1 = BigInteger.Parse(string_1, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
BigInteger b2 = BigInteger.Parse(string_2, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
BigInteger retVal = b1 ^ b2;
return retVal.ToString("X");
which isn't producing the expected result. Thanks!
string_1 = 32510bfbacfbb9befd54415da243e1695ecabd58c519cd4bd90f1fa6ea5ba47b01c909ba7696cf606ef40c04afe1ac0aa8148dd066592ded9f8774b529c7ea125d298e8883f5e9305f4b44f915cb2bd05af51373fd9b4af511039fa2d96f83414aaaf261bda2e97b170fb5cce2a53e675c154c0d9681596934777e2275b381ce2e40582afe67650b13e72287ff2270abcf73bb028932836fbdecfecee0a3b894473c1bbeb6b4913a536ce4f9b13f1efff71ea313c8661dd9a4ce
string_2 = 71946f9bbb2aeadec111841a81abc300ecaa01bd8069d5cc91005e9fe4aad6e04d513e96d99de2569bc5e50eeeca709b50a8a987f4264edb6896fb537d0a716132ddc938fb0f836480e06ed0fcd6e9759f40462f9cf57f4564186a2c1778f1543efa270bda5e933421cbe88a4a52222190f471e9bd15f652b653b7071aec59a2705081ffe72651d08f822c9ed6d76e48b63ab15d0208573a7eef027
Expected result (according to Python and this online XOR calculator):

Seems somebody doesn't want to believe.
var string_1 = "32510bfbacfbb9befd54415da243e1695ecabd58c519cd4bd90f1fa6ea5ba47b01c909ba7696cf606ef40c04afe1ac0aa8148dd066592ded9f8774b529c7ea125d298e8883f5e9305f4b44f915cb2bd05af51373fd9b4af511039fa2d96f83414aaaf261bda2e97b170fb5cce2a53e675c154c0d9681596934777e2275b381ce2e40582afe67650b13e72287ff2270abcf73bb028932836fbdecfecee0a3b894473c1bbeb6b4913a536ce4f9b13f1efff71ea313c8661dd9a4ce";
var string_2 = "71946f9bbb2aeadec111841a81abc300ecaa01bd8069d5cc91005e9fe4aad6e04d513e96d99de2569bc5e50eeeca709b50a8a987f4264edb6896fb537d0a716132ddc938fb0f836480e06ed0fcd6e9759f40462f9cf57f4564186a2c1778f1543efa270bda5e933421cbe88a4a52222190f471e9bd15f652b653b7071aec59a2705081ffe72651d08f822c9ed6d76e48b63ab15d0208573a7eef027";
//copied from https://xor.pw/?
string expectedResult = "32510bfbacfbb9befd54415da243e1695ecabd58c519cd4bd90f1fa6ea5ba3624730b208d83b237176b5a41e13d1a2c0080f55d6fb05e4fd9a6e8aff84a9eec74ec0e3115dd0808c011baa15b2c29edad06d6c319976fc7c7eb6a8727e79906c96397dd14594a17511e2ba018c3267935877b5c2c1750f28b2d5bf55faa6c2218c30e58f17542717ad6f8622dd0069a4886d20d3d657a80a869c8f6025399f914f23e5ccd3a999c271a50994c7db959c5c0b73334d15ba3754e9";
BigInteger b1 = BigInteger.Parse(string_1, NumberStyles.HexNumber);
BigInteger b2 = BigInteger.Parse(string_2, NumberStyles.HexNumber);
BigInteger retVal = b1 ^ b2;
var res = retVal.ToString("X").ToLower() == expectedResult;
Guess the res in answer. Of course TRUE. :)


Converting UUID to OID, translating java code to C# - how does this work?

I'm trying to convert this code (from David Clunie) to C#, for the purposes of creating OIDs from UUID (or GUID) in my program
public static String createOIDFromUUIDCanonicalHexString(String hexString) throws IllegalArgumentException {
UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(hexString);
long leastSignificantBits = uuid.getLeastSignificantBits();
long mostSignificantBits = uuid.getMostSignificantBits();
BigInteger decimalValue = makeBigIntegerFromUnsignedLong(mostSignificantBits);
decimalValue = decimalValue.shiftLeft(64);
BigInteger bigValueOfLeastSignificantBits = makeBigIntegerFromUnsignedLong(leastSignificantBits);
decimalValue = decimalValue.or(bigValueOfLeastSignificantBits); // not add() ... do not want to introduce question of signedness of long
return OID_PREFIX+"."+decimalValue.toString();
I don't understand why make the longs (leastSignificantBits, mostSignificantBits) from the parts of the UUID, and then make the bigint from them - why not just directly make a BigInt? (since he's shifting the most significant digits left anyway).
Can anyone give me any insight into why this is written the way it is? (disclaimer: I have not tried to run the java code, I'm just trying to implement this in C#)
Turns out there were several problems - a big one, as Kevin Coulombe points out, is the byte order Microsoft stores GUIDs in. The java code seems to get the bytes in the obvious (left to right) order, but in two separate chunks, apparently (also thanks to Kevin) because there's no easy way to get the whole byte array in Java.
Here is working C# code, forwards and (partially) backwards:
class Program
const string OidPrefix = "2.25.";
static void Main(string[] args)
Guid guid = new Guid("000000FF-0000-0000-0000-000000000000");
//Guid guid = new Guid("f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6");
Console.WriteLine("Original guid: " + guid.ToString());
byte[] guidBytes = StringToByteArray(guid.ToString().Replace("-", ""));
BigInteger decimalValue = new BigInteger(guidBytes);
Console.WriteLine("The OID is " + OidPrefix + decimalValue.ToString());
string hexGuid = decimalValue.ToHexString().PadLeft(32, '0');//padded for later use
Console.WriteLine("The hex value of the big int is " + hexGuid);
Guid testGuid = new Guid(hexGuid);
Console.WriteLine("This guid should match the orginal one: " + testGuid);
public static byte[] StringToByteArray(String hex)
int NumberChars = hex.Length;
byte[] bytes = new byte[NumberChars / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < NumberChars; i += 2)
bytes[i / 2] = Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i, 2), 16);
return bytes;
I think they do it this way because there is no easy way of converting the UUID to a byte array to pass to the BigInteger in Java.
See this : GUID to ByteArray
In C#, this should be what you are looking for :
String oid = "prefix" + "." + new System.Numerics.BigInteger(
String oid_prefix = "2.25"
String hexString = "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6"
UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(hexString);
long leastSignificantBits = uuid.getLeastSignificantBits();
long mostSignificantBits = uuid.getMostSignificantBits();
mostSignificantBits = mostSignificantBits & Long.MAX_VALUE;
BigInteger decimalValue = BigInteger.valueOf(mostSignificantBits);
decimalValue = decimalValue.setBit(63);
decimalValue = decimalValue.shiftLeft(64);
leastSignificantBits = leastSignificantBits & Long.MAX_VALUE;
BigInteger bigValueLeastSignificantBit = BigInteger.valueOf(leastSignificantBits);
bigValueLeastSignificantBit = bigValueLeastSignificantBit.setBit(63);
decimalValue = decimalValue.or(bigValueLeastSignificantBit);
println "oid is = "+oid_prefix+"."+decimalValue

confusion with result of Ushort

consider the following code :
ushort a = 60000;
a = (ushort)(a * a / a);
Console.WriteLine("A = " + a);
//This prints 53954. Why??
ushort a = 40000;
a = (ushort)(a * a / a);
Console.WriteLine("a = " + a.ToString());
//This prints 40000. how??
any help appreciable ...
Because 60000^2 is 3600000000 but the biggest number an int can hold is 2,147,483,647, so it starts over from -2,147,483,648.
A ushort can hold 65,535 and then starts over from 0:
For instance, this prints 0:
ushort myShort = 65535;
Console.WriteLine(myShort); //0
It's easier to see this if you break it into steps:
var B = A * A;
That actually exceeds the capacity of an int32, so it starts from -2,147,483,648 thus b equals -694967296
Then when you split B/A you get: -11582 which, when cast into a ushort becomes 53954.
ushort A = 60000;
var B = A * A; //-694967296
var C = B / A; //-11582
ushort D = (ushort)(C); //53954
The reason that 40000 works is that it does not exceed the capacity of an int32.
ushort A = 40000;
var B = A * A; //1600000000
var C = B / A; //40000
ushort D = (ushort)(C); //40000
uint can hold 60000^2 though, so this works:
ushort A = 60000;
var B = (uint)A * A; //3600000000
var C = B / A; //60000
ushort D = (ushort)(C); //60000
The reason that casting C to ushort yeilds 53954 is because the bytes of C is:
And the bytes of D is:
So they hold the same backing bytes, that's why you get 53954 and -11582
Because it's equivalent to
A * A = -694967296 because the result ends up as an int, and overflow on the short gives a bit pattern that yields this negative result. Ultimately 60000 * 60000 can't be stored in a ushort. Add a watch in debug mode and you'll see this.
Then you have
-694967296 / 60000 - which yields -11582 as an int, but when cast to a ushort yields 53954 - again because of the underlying bit pattern.
Really, this code would need to be in a checked block because it's for this very reason that overflow errors cause massive issues.
First good Question! Now let me tell you one thing If you try 40000 it will work fine.
the reason is that (40000 ^ 2) that is the highest limit of ushort so it will convert into integer so it will not truncate !
If you use 60000 it will ! Due to limit restriction !
Try it with 40000 !
Hope you get my answer

hex to float conversion

I have a 4 byte hex number:
it should be convrted to a float number: 25.25, but I don't know how? I use C#
what is the correct way of converting from hex to float?
From this page on MSDN "How to: Convert Between Hexadecimal Strings and Numeric Types (C# Programming Guide)".
string hexString = "43480170";
uint num = uint.Parse(hexString, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
byte[] floatVals = BitConverter.GetBytes(num);
float f = BitConverter.ToSingle(floatVals, 0);
Console.WriteLine("float convert = {0}", f);
// Output: 200.0056
Something like this:
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(0x08fdc941);
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
bytes = bytes.Reverse().ToArray();
float myFloat = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, 0);
This yields 25.24855, which is what I think you were looking for.
var bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(0x08fdc941);
var result = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, 0);
Are you sure it's the right way around, since BitConverter.ToSingle(BitConverter.GetBytes(0x08fdc941).Reverse().ToArray(), 0) is close.
Incidentally, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_precision_floating-point_format gives a pretty good summary of how ISO/IEC/IEEE 60559 (IEEE 754) single-precision floating-point numbers work.
string hexString = 08fdc941;
Int32 IntRep = Int32.Parse(hexString, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
// Integer to Byte[] and presenting it for float conversion
float myFloat = BitConverter.ToSingle(BitConverter.GetBytes(IntRep), 0);
// There you go
return myFloat;
For more information, see this:

Getting upper and lower byte of an integer in C# and putting it as a char array to send to a com port, how?

In C I would do this
int number = 3510;
char upper = number >> 8;
char lower = number && 8;
Where upper and lower would both = 54
In C# I am doing this:
int number = Convert.ToInt16("3510");
byte upper = byte(number >> 8);
byte lower = byte(number & 8);
char upperc = Convert.ToChar(upper);
char lowerc = Convert.ToChar(lower);
data = "GETDM" + upperc + lowerc;
However in the debugger number = 3510, upper = 13 and lower = 0
this makes no sense, if I change the code to >> 6 upper = 54 which is absolutely strange.
Basically I just want to get the upper and lower byte from the 16 bit number, and send it out the com port after "GETDM"
How can I do this? It is so simple in C, but in C# I am completely stumped.
Your masking is incorrect - you should be masking against 255 (0xff) instead of 8. Shifting works in terms of "bits to shift by" whereas bitwise and/or work against the value to mask against... so if you want to only keep the bottom 8 bits, you need a mask which just has the bottom 8 bits set - i.e. 255.
Note that if you're trying to split a number into two bytes, it should really be a short or ushort to start with, not an int (which has four bytes).
ushort number = Convert.ToUInt16("3510");
byte upper = (byte) (number >> 8);
byte lower = (byte) (number & 0xff);
Note that I've used ushort here instead of byte as bitwise arithmetic is easier to think about when you don't need to worry about sign extension. It wouldn't actually matter in this case due to the way the narrowing conversion to byte works, but it's the kind of thing you should be thinking about.
You probably want to and it with 0x00FF
byte lower = Convert.ToByte(number & 0x00FF);
Full example:
ushort number = Convert.ToUInt16("3510");
byte upper = Convert.ToByte(number >> 8);
byte lower = Convert.ToByte(number & 0x00FF);
char upperc = Convert.ToChar(upper);
char lowerc = Convert.ToChar(lower);
data = "GETDM" + upperc + lowerc;
Even if the accepted answer fits the question, I consider it incomplete due to the simple fact that the question contains int and not short in header and it is misleading in search results, and as we know Int32 in C# has 32 bits and thus 4 bytes. I will post here an example that will be useful in the case of Int32 use. In the case of an Int32 we have:
And as such, I have created the following method for converting the Int32 value into a little endian Hex string, in which every byte is separated from the others by a Whitespace. This is useful when you transmit data and want the receiver to do the processing faster, he can just Split(" ") and get the bytes represented as standalone hex strings.
public static String IntToLittleEndianWhitespacedHexString(int pValue, uint pSize)
String result = String.Empty;
pSize = pSize < 4 ? pSize : 4;
byte tmpByte = 0x00;
for (int i = 0; i < pSize; i++)
tmpByte = (byte)((pValue >> i * 8) & 0xFF);
result += tmpByte.ToString("X2") + " ";
return result.TrimEnd(' ');
String value1 = ByteArrayUtils.IntToLittleEndianWhitespacedHexString(0x927C, 4);
String value2 = ByteArrayUtils.IntToLittleEndianWhitespacedHexString(0x3FFFF, 4);
String value3 = ByteArrayUtils.IntToLittleEndianWhitespacedHexString(0x927C, 2);
String value4 = ByteArrayUtils.IntToLittleEndianWhitespacedHexString(0x3FFFF, 1);
The result is:
7C 92 00 00
FF FF 03 00
7C 92
If it is hard to understand the method which I created, then the following might be a more comprehensible one:
public static String IntToLittleEndianWhitespacedHexString(int pValue)
String result = String.Empty;
byte lowWordLowByte = (byte)(pValue & 0xFF);
byte lowWordHighByte = (byte)((pValue >> 8) & 0xFF);
byte highWordLowByte = (byte)((pValue >> 16) & 0xFF);
byte highWordHighByte = (byte)((pValue >> 24) & 0xFF);
result = lowWordLowByte.ToString("X2") + " " +
lowWordHighByte.ToString("X2") + " " +
highWordLowByte.ToString("X2") + " " +
return result;
Of course insteand of uint pSize there can be an enum specifying Byte, Word, DoubleWord
Instead of converting to hex string and creating the little endian string, you can convert to chars and do whatever you want to do.
Hope this will help someone!
Shouldn't it be:
byte lower = (byte) ( number & 0xFF );
To be a little more creative
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayout( System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Explicit )]
public struct IntToBytes {
public int Int32;
public byte First;
public byte Second;
public byte Third;
public byte Fourth;

Adding byte[] interpreted as a number and short

I want to add a byte array to a short var.
Can any one suggest how to do using bit wise operators.
For example:
byte[] a = new byte[] { 0x02,0x11 }; //Dec eq is 529
short b = 10;
I want the result to be 539.
b += ((short) a[0]) << 8;
b += a[1];
I know you have a byte array and not a BitArray, but maybe this helps.
short c = (short)(BitConverter.ToInt16(a, 0) + b);

