i am using this code
//Rextester.Program.Main is the entry point for your code. Don't change it.
//Compiler version 4.0.30319.17929 for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework 4.5
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Reflection;
namespace Rextester
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
new Program().DoTest();
public void DoTest()
var a = LoggingAdvice<asd>.Create(new a());
a.targetMethod("nadeem", 123, null);
public class LoggingAdvice<T> : DispatchProxy
private T _decorated;
protected override object Invoke(MethodInfo targetMethod, object[] args)
var result = targetMethod.Invoke(_decorated, args);
var resultTask = result as Task;
return result;
public static T Create(T decorated)
object proxy = Create<T, LoggingAdvice<T>>();
return (T)proxy;
private void SetParameters(T decorated)
if (decorated == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(decorated));
_decorated = decorated;
public class asd
public asd()
public int targetMethod(string name, int number, int? count)
Console.WriteLine(count.HasValue ? count.Value.ToString() : "NULL");
return 1;
the most important thing about it, is this line of code
var result = targetMethod.Invoke(_decorated, args);
the target method has 3 parameters, one of them is nullable integer as the following
public int targetMethod(string name, int number, int? count)
the args that is getting passed to Invoke method has the following values as you can view it in the visual studio debugging mode:
["nadeem", 123, (null)]
the invoke is raising an exception that i cannot convert string to nullable integer.
how i can avoid this type of issue, note that i am not sure which function i am going to be invoked, i would only know it on runtime.
I am trying to use postsharp modify the return values of async methods. Is it possible to get the result of a Task at runtime without knowing T?
public void OnSuccess(MethodExecutionArgs args)
var returnValue = args.ReturnValue;
// returnType is Task<T>
var returnType = returnValue.GetType();
// Is it possible to access the result of the task?
// If T was known then I could cast:
// ((Task<T>) returnValue).ContinueWith(t => t.Result ...)
Without reflection, you'd need to use and interface. Also with PostSharp 5.0, you get the result itself there in the OnSuccess method instead of the Task<>.
This example works with PostSharp 5.0:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using PostSharp.Aspects;
using PostSharp.Serialization;
namespace OnMethodBoundaryAsyncTest
interface IDirtiness
bool Dirty { get; set; }
class MyClassWithSomeDirtyObjects : IDirtiness
public bool Dirty { get; set; }
class ReportDirtinessAttribute : OnMethodBoundaryAspect
public override void OnSuccess( MethodExecutionArgs args )
IDirtiness maybeDirtyObject = args.ReturnValue as IDirtiness;
if ( maybeDirtyObject != null )
string dirty = maybeDirtyObject.Dirty ? "is" : "is not";
Console.WriteLine($"{maybeDirtyObject} {dirty} dirty.");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
CreateObject( false ).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
CreateObject( true ).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
[ReportDirtiness(ApplyToStateMachine = true)]
static async Task<MyClassWithSomeDirtyObjects> CreateObject( bool dirty )
return new MyClassWithSomeDirtyObjects {Dirty = dirty};
public class MyClass : IMyClass {
internal MyClass() {
How to configure DryIoc to use the constructor of MyClass in case when it is internal, protected or even private?
Specify constructor info via Made.Of:
Made.Of(typeof(Something).GetConstructorOrNull(includeNonPublic: true, args: argTypes));
Here is the custom implementation of constructor selector.
Couple of notes:
Does not support Func<..>, but support can be easily added by copying from the FactoryMethod.ConstructorWithResolvableArguments implementation
Will be supported by DryIoc when issue 313 is resolved
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace DryIoc.IssuesTests
public class SO_question_How_use_implementation_with_private_constructor_in_DryIoc
public class A { internal A() { } }
public class B { internal B(A a) { } }
public void Test()
var c = new Container();
c.RegisterMany(new[] {typeof(A), typeof(B)},
made: Made.Of(SelectMostResolvableConstructor(includeNonPublic: true)));
private FactoryMethodSelector SelectMostResolvableConstructor(bool includeNonPublic = false)
return request =>
var implementationType = request.ImplementationType.ThrowIfNull();
var ctors = implementationType.GetAllConstructors(includeNonPublic: true).ToArrayOrSelf();
if (ctors.Length == 0)
return null; // Delegate handling of constructor absence to the Caller code.
if (ctors.Length == 1)
return FactoryMethod.Of(ctors[0]);
var ctorsWithMoreParamsFirst = ctors
.Select(c => new {Ctor = c, Params = c.GetParameters()})
.OrderByDescending(x => x.Params.Length);
var rules = request.Container.Rules;
var parameterSelector = rules.Parameters.And(request.Made.Parameters)(request);
var matchedCtor = ctorsWithMoreParamsFirst.FirstOrDefault(x =>
x.Params.All(p => IsResolvableParameter(p, parameterSelector, request)));
var ctor = matchedCtor.ThrowIfNull(Error.UnableToFindCtorWithAllResolvableArgs, request).Ctor;
return FactoryMethod.Of(ctor);
private static bool IsResolvableParameter(ParameterInfo parameter,
Func<ParameterInfo, ParameterServiceInfo> parameterSelector, Request request)
var parameterServiceInfo = parameterSelector(parameter) ?? ParameterServiceInfo.Of(parameter);
var parameterRequest = request.Push(parameterServiceInfo.WithDetails(ServiceDetails.IfUnresolvedReturnDefault, request));
if (parameterServiceInfo.Details.HasCustomValue)
var customValue = parameterServiceInfo.Details.CustomValue;
return customValue == null
|| customValue.GetType().IsAssignableTo(parameterRequest.ServiceType);
var parameterFactory = request.Container.ResolveFactory(parameterRequest);
return parameterFactory != null && parameterFactory.GetExpressionOrDefault(parameterRequest) != null;
I had that previous question which was intended to resolved the state of a local variable / parameter. It works fine, I tweak it a little bit and it looks like this now :
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
namespace RefactoringEssentials.CSharp.Diagnostics
public class LocalVariableNotUsedAnalyzer : DiagnosticAnalyzer
private static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor descriptor = new DiagnosticDescriptor(
GettextCatalog.GetString("Local variable is never used"),
GettextCatalog.GetString("Local variable is never used"),
isEnabledByDefault: true,
helpLinkUri: HelpLink.CreateFor(CSharpDiagnosticIDs.LocalVariableNotUsedAnalyzerID)
public override ImmutableArray<DiagnosticDescriptor> SupportedDiagnostics => ImmutableArray.Create(descriptor);
public override void Initialize(AnalysisContext context)
(nodeContext) =>
Diagnostic diagnostic;
if (TryGetDiagnostic(nodeContext, out diagnostic))
private static bool TryGetDiagnostic(SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext nodeContext, out Diagnostic diagnostic)
diagnostic = default(Diagnostic);
if (nodeContext.IsFromGeneratedCode())
return false;
var localDeclarationUnused = nodeContext.Node as LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax;
var body = localDeclarationUnused?.Parent as BlockSyntax;
if (body == null)
return false;
var dataFlow = nodeContext.SemanticModel.AnalyzeDataFlow(body);
var variablesDeclared = dataFlow.VariablesDeclared;
var variablesRead = dataFlow.ReadInside.Union(dataFlow.ReadOutside);
var unused = variablesDeclared.Except(variablesRead).ToArray();
if (unused == null)
return false;
if (localDeclarationUnused.Declaration == null || !localDeclarationUnused.Declaration.Variables.Any())
return false;
var localDeclarationSymbol = nodeContext.SemanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(localDeclarationUnused.Declaration.Variables.FirstOrDefault());
if (unused.Any())
if (unused.Contains(localDeclarationSymbol))
diagnostic = Diagnostic.Create(descriptor, localDeclarationUnused.Declaration.GetLocation());
return true;
return false;
I have build a code fix provider which is working around 40% of the time, when checking the success rate of the NUnit test. Even though I know the code is OK, there seem to be some error on my machine that only arrives when the code fix is being run. I know this because I can debug the analyzer for the tests and each one are fine.
When the code fix provider is being run, I have this error that I can't shake for some reason : "System.ArgumentNullException : Value cannot be null.
Parameter name : declaration"
I have tried debugging the code fix provider, but nothing showed me where that declaration parameter could be located.
Moreover, I am used with code fix providers that need to either replace and remove nodes. But I'm not used to fix an error and add content and I'm wondering how to do such a thing.
Here's my code fix provider which does not take care of adding information at the moment :
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
namespace RefactoringEssentials.CSharp.Diagnostics
[ExportCodeFixProvider(LanguageNames.CSharp), System.Composition.Shared]
public class LocalVariableNotUsedCodeFixProvider : CodeFixProvider
public override ImmutableArray<string> FixableDiagnosticIds
return ImmutableArray.Create(CSharpDiagnosticIDs.LocalVariableNotUsedAnalyzerID);
public override FixAllProvider GetFixAllProvider()
return WellKnownFixAllProviders.BatchFixer;
public async override Task RegisterCodeFixesAsync(CodeFixContext context)
var document = context.Document;
var cancellationToken = context.CancellationToken;
var span = context.Span;
var diagnostics = context.Diagnostics;
var root = await document.GetSyntaxRootAsync(cancellationToken);
var diagnostic = diagnostics.First();
var node = root.FindNode(context.Span);
if (node == null)
var newRoot = root.RemoveNode(node, SyntaxRemoveOptions.KeepNoTrivia);
context.RegisterCodeFix(CodeActionFactory.Create(node.Span, diagnostic.Severity, "Remove unused local variable", document.WithSyntaxRoot(newRoot)), diagnostic);
and here are the tests that I'm using to make sure that the fix is ok. The last two are running just fine :-)
using NUnit.Framework;
using RefactoringEssentials.CSharp.Diagnostics;
namespace RefactoringEssentials.Tests.CSharp.Diagnostics
public class LocalVariableNotUsedTests : CSharpDiagnosticTestBase
public void TestUnusedVariable()
var input = #"
class TestClass {
void TestMethod ()
$int i$;
var output = #"
class TestClass {
void TestMethod ()
Analyze<LocalVariableNotUsedAnalyzer>(input, output);
public void TestUnusedVariable2()
var input2 = #"
class TestClass {
void TestMethod ()
$int i, j$;
j = 1;
var output2 = #"
class TestClass {
void TestMethod ()
int j;
j = 1;
Analyze<LocalVariableNotUsedAnalyzer>(input2, output2);
public void TestUsedVariable()
var input1 = #"
class TestClass {
void TestMethod ()
$int i = 0$;
var input2 = #"
class TestClass {
void TestMethod ()
int i;
i = 0;
public void TestUnusedForeachVariable()
var input = #"
class TestClass {
void TestMethod ()
var array = new int[10];
foreach (var i in array) {
public void TestUsedForeachVariable()
var input = #"
class TestClass {
void TestMethod ()
var array = new int[10];
int j = 0;
foreach (var i in array) {
j += i;
Is there is anything that is not clear, I will make sure to update my thread appropriately.
Is there any way to pass generic types using a TestCase to a test in NUnit?
This is what I would like to do but the syntax is not correct...
[TestCase<IMyInterface, MyConcreteClass>]
public void MyMethod_GenericCall_MakesGenericCall<TInterface, TConcreteClass>()
// Arrange
// Act
var response = MyClassUnderTest.MyMethod<TInterface>();
// Assert
Or if not, what is the best way to achieve the same functionality (obviously I'll have multiple TestCases in the real code)?
Update with another example...
Here is another example with a single generic type passed...
[TestCase<MyClass>("Some response")]
public void MyMethod_GenericCall_MakesGenericCall<T>(string expectedResponse)
// Arrange
// Act
var response = MyClassUnderTest.MyMethod<T>();
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(expectedResponse, response);
NUnit test methods actually can be generic as long as the generic type arguments can be inferred from parameters:
public void GenericTest<T>(T instance)
If the generic arguments cannot be inferred, the test runner will not have a clue how to resolve type arguments:
public void GenericTest<T>(object instance)
But for this case you can implement a custom attribute:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class TestCaseGenericAttribute : TestCaseAttribute, ITestBuilder
public TestCaseGenericAttribute(params object[] arguments)
: base(arguments)
public Type[] TypeArguments { get; set; }
IEnumerable<TestMethod> ITestBuilder.BuildFrom(IMethodInfo method, Test suite)
if (!method.IsGenericMethodDefinition)
return base.BuildFrom(method, suite);
if (TypeArguments == null || TypeArguments.Length != method.GetGenericArguments().Length)
var parms = new TestCaseParameters { RunState = RunState.NotRunnable };
parms.Properties.Set(PropertyNames.SkipReason, $"{nameof(TypeArguments)} should have {method.GetGenericArguments().Length} elements");
return new[] { new NUnitTestCaseBuilder().BuildTestMethod(method, suite, parms) };
var genMethod = method.MakeGenericMethod(TypeArguments);
return base.BuildFrom(genMethod, suite);
[TestCaseGeneric("Some response", TypeArguments = new[] { typeof(IMyInterface), typeof(MyConcreteClass) }]
public void MyMethod_GenericCall_MakesGenericCall<T1, T2>(string expectedResponse)
// whatever
And a similar customization for TestCaseSourceAttribute:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class TestCaseSourceGenericAttribute : TestCaseSourceAttribute, ITestBuilder
public TestCaseSourceGenericAttribute(string sourceName)
: base(sourceName)
public Type[] TypeArguments { get; set; }
IEnumerable<TestMethod> ITestBuilder.BuildFrom(IMethodInfo method, Test suite)
if (!method.IsGenericMethodDefinition)
return base.BuildFrom(method, suite);
if (TypeArguments == null || TypeArguments.Length != method.GetGenericArguments().Length)
var parms = new TestCaseParameters { RunState = RunState.NotRunnable };
parms.Properties.Set(PropertyNames.SkipReason, $"{nameof(TypeArguments)} should have {method.GetGenericArguments().Length} elements");
return new[] { new NUnitTestCaseBuilder().BuildTestMethod(method, suite, parms) };
var genMethod = method.MakeGenericMethod(TypeArguments);
return base.BuildFrom(genMethod, suite);
[TestCaseSourceGeneric(nameof(mySource)), TypeArguments = new[] { typeof(IMyInterface), typeof(MyConcreteClass) }]
Update for C# 11.0:
Starting with C# 11.0 you can specify generic attributes. This makes possible to use generic [TestCase<...>] attributes exactly the same way as the OP wanted:
// Requires C# 11.
// For exactly one type argument. See the base implementation above.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class TestCaseAttribute<T> : TestCaseGenericAttribute
public TestCaseAttribute(params object[] arguments)
: base(arguments) => TypeArguments = new[] { typeof(T) };
// For exactly two type arguments. See the base implementation above.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class TestCaseAttribute<T1, T2> : TestCaseGenericAttribute
public TestCaseAttribute(params object[] arguments)
: base(arguments) => TypeArguments = new[] { typeof(T1), typeof(T2) };
// You can add more classes to support more type arguments or
// to create specialized [TestCaseSource<...>] attributes the same way.
So finally, this is now supported:
[TestCase<IMyInterface, MyConcreteClass>("Some response")]
public void MyMethod_GenericCall_MakesGenericCall<T1, T2>(string expectedResponse)
// whatever
I had occasion to do something similar today, and wasn't happy with using reflection.
I decided to leverage [TestCaseSource] instead by delegating the test logic as a test context to a generic testing class, pinned on a non-generic interface, and called the interface from individual tests (my real tests have many more methods in the interface, and use AutoFixture to set up the context):
class Sut<T>
public string ReverseName()
return new string(typeof(T).Name.Reverse().ToArray());
class TestingGenerics
public static IEnumerable<ITester> TestCases()
yield return new Tester<string> { Expectation = "gnirtS"};
yield return new Tester<int> { Expectation = "23tnI" };
yield return new Tester<List<string>> { Expectation = "1`tsiL" };
public void TestReverse(ITester tester)
public interface ITester
void TestReverse();
public class Tester<T> : ITester
private Sut<T> _sut;
public string Expectation { get; set; }
public Tester()
_sut=new Sut<T>();
public void TestReverse()
You can make custom GenericTestCaseAttribute
[GenericTestCase(typeof(MyClass) ,"Some response", TestName = "Test1")]
[GenericTestCase(typeof(MyClass1) ,"Some response", TestName = "Test2")]
public void MapWithInitTest<T>(string expectedResponse)
// Arrange
// Act
var response = MyClassUnderTest.MyMethod<T>();
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(expectedResponse, response);
Here is implementation of GenericTestCaseAttribute
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class GenericTestCaseAttribute : TestCaseAttribute, ITestBuilder
private readonly Type _type;
public GenericTestCaseAttribute(Type type, params object[] arguments) : base(arguments)
_type = type;
IEnumerable<TestMethod> ITestBuilder.BuildFrom(IMethodInfo method, Test suite)
if (method.IsGenericMethodDefinition && _type != null)
var gm = method.MakeGenericMethod(_type);
return BuildFrom(gm, suite);
return BuildFrom(method, suite);
Attributes in C# cannot be generic, so you won't be able to do things exactly as you'd like. Perhaps the easiest thing would be to put TestCase attributes onto a helper method which uses reflection to call the real method. Something like this might work (note, untested):
[TestCase(typeof(MyClass), "SomeResponse")]
public void TestWrapper(Type t, string s)
typeof(MyClassUnderTest).GetMethod("MyMethod_GenericCall_MakesGenericCall").MakeGenericMethod(t).Invoke(null, new [] { s });
Start with the test first--even when testing. What do you want to do? Probably something like this:
public void Test_GenericCalls()
MyMethod_GenericCall_MakesGenericCall<int>("an int response");
MyMethod_GenericCall_MakesGenericCall<string>("a string response");
Then you can just make your test a plain old function test. No [Test] marker.
public void MyMethod_GenericCall_MakesGenericCall<T>(string expectedResponse)
// Arrange
// Act
var response = MyClassUnderTest.MyMethod<T>();
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(expectedResponse, response);
I did something similar last week. Here's what I ended up with:
internal interface ITestRunner
void RunTest(object _param, object _expectedValue);
internal class TestRunner<T> : ITestRunner
public void RunTest(object _param, T _expectedValue)
T result = MakeGenericCall<T>();
Assert.AreEqual(_expectedValue, result);
public void RunTest(object _param, object _expectedValue)
RunTest(_param, (T)_expectedValue);
And then the test itself:
[TestCase(typeof(int), "my param", 20)]
[TestCase(typeof(double), "my param", 123.456789)]
public void TestParse(Type _type, object _param, object _expectedValue)
Type runnerType = typeof(TestRunner<>);
var runner = Activator.CreateInstance(runnerType.MakeGenericType(_type));
((ITestRunner)runner).RunTest(_param, _expectedValue);
As might be testing with generic functions that return objects?. Example:
public Empleado TestObjetoEmpleado(Empleado objEmpleado)
return objEmpleado;
I slightly modified the TestCaseGenericAttribute somebody posted here:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class GenericTestCaseAttribute : TestCaseAttribute, ITestBuilder
public GenericTestCaseAttribute(params object[] arguments)
: base(arguments)
IEnumerable<TestMethod> ITestBuilder.BuildFrom(IMethodInfo method, Test suite)
if (!method.IsGenericMethodDefinition) return base.BuildFrom(method, suite);
var numberOfGenericArguments = method.GetGenericArguments().Length;
var typeArguments = Arguments.Take(numberOfGenericArguments).OfType<Type>().ToArray();
if (typeArguments.Length != numberOfGenericArguments)
var parms = new TestCaseParameters { RunState = RunState.NotRunnable };
parms.Properties.Set("_SKIPREASON", $"Arguments should have {typeArguments} type elements");
return new[] { new NUnitTestCaseBuilder().BuildTestMethod(method, suite, parms) };
var genMethod = method.MakeGenericMethod(typeArguments);
return new TestCaseAttribute(Arguments.Skip(numberOfGenericArguments).ToArray()).BuildFrom(genMethod, suite);
This version expects one list of all parameters, starting with the type parameters, starting with the type paramters. Usage:
[GenericTestCase(typeof(IMailService), typeof(MailService))]
[GenericTestCase(typeof(ILogger), typeof(Logger))]
public void ValidateResolution<TQuery>(Type type)
// arrange
var sut = new AutoFacMapper();
// act
var container = sut.Build();
// assert
var item = sut.Container.Resolve<TQuery>();
Assert.AreEqual(type, item.GetType());
I have written my own TestCaseGenericAttribute and TestCaseGenericSourceAttribute.