I am using eBay API to list new / update existing product using C#. I need to know a way to get Item Specifics for an Item so that when I update the product, the specifics are not lost.
I am using DetailLevelCodeType.ReturnAll with GetSellerListCall() to bring down all details. What I understand from the documentation, if I use DetailLevelCodeType.ItemReturnAttributes using the GetItem() call, I can get the same.
My question is if we have any way to get all data including Item Specifics using the GetSellerList() call?
Below is the sample code I am using -
GetSellerListCall call = new GetSellerListCall(_context);
call.Pagination = new PaginationType() { EntriesPerPage = 20 };
call.EndTimeFrom = DateTime.UtcNow;
call.EndTimeTo = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1);
ItemTypeCollection items = call.GetSellerList();
foreach (ItemType item in items)
//Perform My Action
while (call.HasMoreItems);
Thanks in advance.
I did not find any solution with the GetSellerListCall() and hence moved on by making an extra call to GetItem() using the sample below. Hope this helps.
GetItemCall call = new GetItemCall(_context);
call.IncludeItemSpecifics = true;
ItemType _itemSpecific = call.GetItem('Item ID from eBay');
Using NotificationHubClient I can get all registered devices using GetAllRegistrationsAsync(). But if I do not use the registration model but the installation model instead, how can I get all installations? There are methods to retrieve a specific installation but none to get everything.
You're correct, as of July 2016 there's no way to get all installations for a hub. In the future, the product team is planning to add this feature to the installations model, but it will work in a different way. Instead of making it a runtime operation, you'll provide your storage connection string and you'll get a blob with everything associated with the hub.
Sorry for visiting an old thread... but in theory you could use the GetAllRegistrationsAsyc to get all the installations. I guess this will return everything without an installation id as well, but you could just ignore those if you choose.
Could look something like this
var allRegistrations = await _hub.GetAllRegistrationsAsync(0);
var continuationToken = allRegistrations.ContinuationToken;
var registrationDescriptionsList = new List<RegistrationDescription>(allRegistrations);
while (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(continuationToken))
var otherRegistrations = await _hub.GetAllRegistrationsAsync(continuationToken, 0);
continuationToken = otherRegistrations.ContinuationToken;
// Put into DeviceInstallation object
var deviceInstallationList = new List<DeviceInstallation>();
foreach (var registration in registrationDescriptionsList)
var deviceInstallation = new DeviceInstallation();
var tags = registration.Tags;
foreach(var tag in tags)
if (tag.Contains("InstallationId:"))
deviceInstallation.InstallationId = new Guid(tag.Substring(tag.IndexOf(":")+1));
deviceInstallation.PushHandle = registration.PnsHandle;
deviceInstallation.Tags = new List<string>(registration.Tags);
I am not suggesting this to be the cleanest chunk of code written, but it does the trick for us. We only use this for debugging type purposes anyways
We are having an issue with searching a custom record through SuiteTalk. Below is a sample of what we are calling. The issue we are having is in trying to set up the search using the internalId of the record. The issue here lies in in our initial development account the internal id of this custom record is 482 but when we deployed it through the our bundle the record was assigned with the internal Id of 314. It would stand to reason that this internal id is not static in a site per site install so we wondered what property to set up to reference the custom record. When we made the record we assigned its “scriptId’ to be 'customrecord_myCustomRecord' but through suitetalk we do not have a “scriptId”. What is the best way for us to allow for this code to work in all environments and not a specific one? And if so, could you give an example of how it might be used.
Code (C#) that we are attempting to make the call from. We are using the 2013.2 endpoints at this time.
private SearchResult NetSuite_getPackageContentsCustomRecord(string sParentRef)
List<object> PackageSearchResults = new List<object>();
CustomRecord custRec = new CustomRecord();
CustomRecordSearch customRecordSearch = new CustomRecordSearch();
SearchMultiSelectCustomField searchFilter1 = new SearchMultiSelectCustomField();
searchFilter1.internalId = "customrecord_myCustomRecord_sublist";
searchFilter1.#operator = SearchMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf;
searchFilter1.operatorSpecified = true;
ListOrRecordRef lRecordRef = new ListOrRecordRef();
lRecordRef.internalId = sParentRef;
searchFilter1.searchValue = new ListOrRecordRef[] { lRecordRef };
CustomRecordSearchBasic customRecordBasic = new CustomRecordSearchBasic();
customRecordBasic.recType = new RecordRef();
customRecordBasic.recType.internalId = "314"; // "482"; //THIS LINE IS GIVING US THE TROUBLE
//customRecordBasic.recType.name = "customrecord_myCustomRecord";
customRecordBasic.customFieldList = new SearchCustomField[] { searchFilter1 };
customRecordSearch.basic = customRecordBasic;
// Search for the customer entity
SearchResult results = _service.search(customRecordSearch);
return results;
I searched all over for a solution to avoid hardcoding internalId's. Even NetSuite support failed to give me a solution. Finally I stumbled upon a solution in NetSuite's knowledgebase, getCustomizationId.
This returns the internalId, scriptId and name for all customRecord's (or customRecordType's in NetSuite terms! Which is what made it hard to find.)
public string GetCustomizationId(string scriptId)
// Perform getCustomizationId on custom record type
CustomizationType ct = new CustomizationType();
ct.getCustomizationTypeSpecified = true;
ct.getCustomizationType = GetCustomizationType.customRecordType;
// Retrieve active custom record type IDs. The includeInactives param is set to false.
GetCustomizationIdResult getCustIdResult = _service.getCustomizationId(ct, false);
foreach (var customizationRef in getCustIdResult.customizationRefList)
if (customizationRef.scriptId == scriptId) return customizationRef.internalId;
return null;
you can make the internalid as an external property so that you can change it according to environment.
The internalId will be changed only when you install first time into an environment. when you deploy it into that environment, the internalid will not change with the future deployments unless you choose Add/Rename option during deployment.
We recently upgraded from Ektron 8.6 to 9.0 (Ektron CMS400.NET, Version: 9.00 SP2(Build
I have some code (below) which we use to display links to items in a taxonomy. Under 8.6, this would show library items if they had been added to the taxonomy. As of 9.0, it no longer displays library items. It still works for DMS items and normal pages (all first class content in Ektron).
private List<ContentData> getTaxonomyItems(long TaxonomyId)
listContentManager = new ContentManager();
criteria = new ContentTaxonomyCriteria(ContentProperty.Id, EkEnumeration.OrderByDirection.Ascending);
criteria.PagingInfo = new Ektron.Cms.PagingInfo(400); // there's a lot of items and I don't want to page them.
criteria.AddFilter(TaxonomyId, true); // this gets sub taxonomies too :)
List<ContentData> contentList = listContentManager.GetList(criteria);
return contentList;
(I would love to simply say to users to use the DMS instead of the library, but we have a security requirement and I'm not aware of a way I can enforce security on DMS items like we can with library items by dropping a webconfig file in the library folder.)
Is this a bug that anyone else has experienced?
Or is there a problem with my code (did an API change in the upgrade to 9.0)?
I ended up emailing Ektron support in Sydney (I'm in Australia), and they said:
I would expect ContentManager to only return content, not library
items – must have been a loophole which is now closed. Taxonomy is the
way to go.
So I used some of the code they provided and came up with the following, which appears to work...
private List<TaxonomyItemData> getTaxonomyItems(long TaxonomyId)
List<TaxonomyItemData> list = new List<TaxonomyItemData>();
TaxonomyManager taxManager = new TaxonomyManager(Ektron.Cms.Framework.ApiAccessMode.Admin);
TaxonomyCriteria taxonomyCriteria = new Ektron.Cms.Organization.TaxonomyCriteria();
Ektron.Cms.Common.CriteriaFilterOperator.StartsWith, GetTaxonomyPathById(TaxonomyId));
List<TaxonomyData> TaxonomyDataList = taxManager.GetList(taxonomyCriteria);
foreach (TaxonomyData taxd in TaxonomyDataList)
TaxonomyData taxTree = taxManager.GetTree(taxd.Path,
1, // depth. doesn't seem to work. have to manually tranverse lower taxonomies.
true, // include items
foreach (TaxonomyItemData taxItem in taxTree.TaxonomyItems)
return list;
private static String GetTaxonomyPathById(long taxonomyId)
TaxonomyManager tMgr = new TaxonomyManager();
TaxonomyData tData = tMgr.GetItem(taxonomyId);
if (tData != null)
return tData.Path;
return "";
This code fetches items for all the child taxonomies as well as returning library items.
The one problem is that it fetches duplicates for some items, but those are easy to clean out.
I was also told by Ektron that...
TaxonomyManager.GetItem(“{path}”) is a more efficient way to get the
That's why I've included the GetTaxonomyPathById() method (inspired by this blog post: http://www.nimbleuser.com/blog/posts/2009/iterating-through-ektron-content-in-multiple-taxonomies-via-directly-interfacing-with-search-indexing-services/ )
I have created users using CreateOrUpdateUser() method but i was unable to fetch all the users from zendesk. I am getting null for "oListUser" also I tried to fetch user list for Organization but for that also i am getting null.Any help would be appreciated. There is no issue with the connection.
ZenDeskApi.ZenDeskApi oZen = new ZenDeskApi.ZenDeskApi("https://waresolution.zendesk.com", "j#se.com", "87ggh76IO");
List<User> oListUser = oZen.GetUsers();
User oUsers = new ZenDeskApi.Model.User();
oUsers.Email = "r#se.com";
oUsers.IsVerified = true;
oUsers.Name = "R r";
oUsers..........// Other properties
int a = oZen.CreateOrUpdateUser(oUsers);
List<Organization> oOrg = oZen.GetOgranizations();
foreach (var orgItem in oOrg)
int orgId = orgItem.Id;
Take a look at this zendesk api client for C#.net on Github. See the JUSTEAT blog for more details. You can use this client to get all users like this:
Create a client:
IZendeskClient client = new ZendeskClient(
new Uri("my-zendesk-api-host-endpoint"),
Then you can use the Search resource to search all users:
var result = client.Search.Find(new ZendeskQuery<User>().WithCustomFilter("y", "x"));
You can download the code as a Nuget here
I am using ZendeskApi_v2 and I am able to get all the users using api as follows:
var userList = api.Users.GetAllUsers();
Here userList is GroupUserReponse.I doubt whether we have any method GetUsers().Atleast its not available in the version which I am using.Once you get the response you can iterate through it.
I see that this question is related to ZenDeskApi which is available at this location:
Sorry,I have not worked on it and tried this.
Not sure if you got a response to this but for anyone else looking for info on the API:
Try instead of:
ZenDeskApi.ZenDeskApi oZen = new ZenDeskApi.ZenDeskApi("https://waresolution.zendesk.com", "j#se.com", "87ggh76IO");
ZenDeskApi.ZenDeskApi oZen = new ZenDeskApi("https://waresolution.zendesk.com", "j#se.com", "87ggh76IO");
Also, to get a paginated list of 100 users instead of the group response, just call:
var zendeskUsers = oZen.Users.GetAllUsers().Users;
I'm hoping that I'm just using the API incorrectly, but for some reason, when I query my oData service from wp7, I am only receiving the last entry in the sequence. I'm pretty sure the service is working just fine as I'm able to just visit the oData query URL in the browser and get the correct results. However, the following method only ends up displaying one item on the list.
I based the following code from the sample at this blog post: http://chriskoenig.net/2010/10/30/odata-v2-and-windows-phone-7/
The observable collection which is passed in is the one which is bound to the wpf listbox.
private static void LoadRuntimeData(ObservableCollection<CategoryItem> items)
var catalog = GetCatalog();
var queryUri = new Uri("/Categories?&$orderby=Name", UriKind.Relative);
var categories = new DataServiceCollection<Category>(catalog);
var queryHandle = App.ViewModel.StartQuerying();
categories.LoadCompleted += (e, c) =>
using (queryHandle)
var serverItems = categories.Select(k => new CategoryItem
Name = k.Name,
Description = k.Description
foreach (var item in serverItems)
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: per a comment below, I've uploaded the source code in which this issue is reproducible: http://khanviewer.codeplex.com/
Taking a quick stab at this (and I suspect that Chris would know better).
But don't you need to somehow identify/tag with an attribute a primary key column (the property or properties that define uniqueness).
I know I have run into something similar to this with RIA Services, and the issue there was that I wasn't setting a value for the unique identifier column. As a result I saw all my data come down, but the when the client got the data it saw all the data as a single record.