I have a expression getter like that:
var expression = () => SomeInstance.Nr;
It is passed into a method:
public void AddExpression<T>(Expression<Func<T>> func)
Now I would like to convert that generic expression to
I'm not quite sure if I can even do that. I tried something like this:
var converted = Expression.Convert(func, typeof(object));
var objectExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(Expression.Call(converted.Method), func.Parameters);
But when I call
var number = objectExpression.Compile()();
It won't return the property value.
The code can be tested here:
It seems that the invoke is wrapped a second time:
var converted = Expression.Convert(func, typeof(object));
var objectExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(Expression.Call(converted.Method), func.Parameters);
var anotherDelegate = objectExpression.Compile().Invoke(); // would have expected the value here
var value = ((Delegate)anotherDelegate).DynamicInvoke(); // this now does return the value
Don't use Expression.Call on delegates - that's only there to call methods. Instead, you want to use Expression.Invoke, which is specifically there to invoke delegates. Also, the key to doing expression trees is wrapping - invoke the inner delegate, convert the result, and wrap this in a lambda:
Expression<Func<int>> inputExpression = () => 42;
var newLambda =
Console.WriteLine(newLambda.Compile()()); // Prints 42.
newLambda is Expression<Func<object>> and invoking it gives you 42, as you'd expect.
And of course, this makes it rather easy to make this an extension method (although you probably want to use templates to generate all the different Func<...> overloads if you need them).
Do note that this is only going to work if whatever LINQ provider you're using actually supports Invoke - in this case, it's not a problem because the lambda compiler can handle it, but if you need to use something like this with e.g. EntityFramework, you'll need to take a slightly different approach - you'll need to unwrap the inner lambda, convert the body of the inner lambda, and then wrap it again in another lambda. For a parameter-less expression, this is rather easy:
Expression<Func<int>> inputExpression = () => 42;
var newLambda =
Expression.Convert(inputExpression.Body, typeof(object))
Console.WriteLine(newLambda.Compile()()); // Prints 42.
Also, for completeness, note that this only works if the inner expression is really a constant expression, and not a quote - but if you needed quoted nested expressions, you probably wouldn't be asking this question :D
Let's say I have an object of a certain class A.
Let's say I need an Expression which calls method M on class A.
Is this even doable?
Basically, I need to programatically get this lambda
a => a.M();
The trick is, I want to do this generically, i.e. I plan to use reflection to figure out that the method is called M and what parameters it wants.
I tried using Expression.Lambda(MethodCallExpression method, ParameterExpression params).
The issue there is that when I define the method call expression, I have to specify an instance (or leave it at null if it's a static method, which it isn't). I don't want this. I want whatever the parameter is passed into the lambda (a in my example) to be the instance.
Is this possible?
Yes, it's possible to construct a linq expression at a runtime.
E.g. below is an example of constructing an expression of a method call which returns an object. This is really a dummy example as it's better to avoid object in favor of strict types.
static Expression<Func<T, object>> ComposeMethodCallExpressionAsFuncObject<T>(string methodName)
MethodInfo mi = typeof(T).GetMethod(methodName, types: new Type[0])
?? throw new ArgumentException($"There is no '{methodName}' method in the '{typeof(T).Name}' with the empty arguments list!");
var paramExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
var methodCallExpression = Expression.Call(paramExpression, mi);
var result = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, object>>(methodCallExpression, paramExpression);
return result; // (T obj) =>obj.methodName()
, and example of usage:
int foo = 9988;
var expression = ComposeMethodCallExpressionAsFuncObject<int>(nameof(int.ToString));
//expression: (int obj) => obj.ToString()
var result = expression.Compile()(foo);
Assert.AreEqual("9988", result);
I would like to create the following expression dynamically:
e.Collection.Select(inner => inner.Property)
I created this code to do it, however I have an issue when I execute the expression call, someone knows what I'm doing wrong?
private static Expression InnerSelect<TInnerModel>(IQueryable source, ParameterExpression externalParameter, string complexProperty)
// Creates the expression to the external property. // this generates: "e.Collection".
var externalPropertyExpression = Expression.Property(externalParameter, complexProperty);
// Creates the expression to the internal property. // this generates: "inner => inner.Property"
var innerParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TInnerModel), "inner");
var innerPropertyExpression = Expression.Property(innerParameter, "Property");
var innerLambda = Expression.Lambda(innerPropertyExpression, innerParameter);
return Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Select", new [] { typeof(TInnerModel) }, externalPropertyExpression, innerLambda);
No generic method 'Select' on type 'System.Linq.Queryable' is
compatible with the supplied type arguments and arguments. No type
arguments should be provided if the method is non-generic.
So, first off, the primary problem is very simple. As the error message says, you haven't passed enough type arguments to Select. But when you fix that, you'll still have a problem, and that problem will be much harder for you to see and understand.
Let's dig into that.
You wish to represent this as an expression tree:
e.Collection.Select(inner => inner.Property)
Let's begin by rewriting it in its non-extension-method form.
Queryable.Select<A, B>(e.Collection, inner => inner.Property)
Where A is the collection member type and B is the type of Property.
Now, suppose you had this expression in your program. What would it actually do at runtime? It would construct an expression tree for the lambda and pass it to Queryable.Select. That is, it would do something like:
var innerParameter = parameterFactory(whatever);
var lambdaBody = bodyFactory(whatever);
var lambda = makeALambda(lambdaBody, innerParameter);
Queryable.Select<TInnerModel>(e.Collection, lambda);
Right? You with me so far?
Now, suppose we wish to translate this program fragment to an expression tree that could itself be the body of a lambda. That would be:
var theMethodInfoForSelect = whatever;
var receiverE = valueFactory(whatever);
var thePropertyInfoForCollection = whatever;
var theFirstArgument = propertyFactory(receiverE, thePropertyInfoForCollection);
Again, with me so far? Now, the crucial question: what is the second argument? It is NOT the value of lambda, which is what you are passing. Remember, what we are doing here is constructing an expression tree which represents the code that the compiler is generating for that thing, and the expression tree that is in lambda is not that. You're mixing levels!
Let me put it this way: the compiler is expecting "add one and three". You are passing 4. Those are very different things! One of them is a description of how to obtain a number and the other one is a number. You are passing an expression tree. What the compiler is expecting is a description of how to obtain an expression tree.
So: do you have to now write code that generates expression trees for all of lambda's construction code? Thank goodness no. We provided you a handy way to turn an expression tree into a description of how to produce an expression tree, which is the Quote operation. You need to use it.
So, what is the right sequence of events that you need to do to build your expression tree? Let's walk through it:
First, you'll need a ParameterExpression of the type of e, which you already have in hand. Let's suppose that is:
ParameterExpression eParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(E), "e");
Next, you will need a method info for the Select method. Let's suppose you can correctly get that.
MethodInfo selectMethod = whatever;
That method takes two arguments, so let's make an array of argument expressions:
Expression[] arguments = new Expression[2];
You'll need a property info for your Collection property. I assume you can get that:
MethodInfo collectionGetter = whatever;
Now we can build the property expression:
arguments[0] = Expression.Property(eParam, collectionGetter);
Super. Next we need to start building that lambda. We need a parameter info for inner:
ParameterExpression innerParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Whatever), "inner");
We'll need a property info for Property, which I assume you can get:
MethodInfo propertyGetter = whatever;
Now we can build the body of the lambda:
MemberExpression body = Expression.Property(innerParam, propertyGetter);
The lambda takes an array of parameters:
ParameterExpression[] innerParams = { innerParam };
Build the lambda from the body and the parameters:
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<X, int>>(body, innerParams);
Now the step you missed. The second argument is the quoted lambda, not the lambda:
arguments[1] = Expression.Quote(lambda);
Now we can build the call to Select:
MethodCallExpression callSelect = Expression.Call(null, selectMethod, arguments);
And we're done.
Give someone an expression tree and you give them an expression tree for a day; teach them how to find expression trees themselves and they can do it for a lifetime. How did I do that so fast?
Since I wrote the expression tree code generator, I had some immediate familiarity with the problem that you were likely to have. But that was ten years ago, and I did not do the above entirely from memory. What I did was I wrote this program:
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
public interface IQ<T> {}
public class E
public IQ<X> C { get; set; }
public class X
public int P { get; set; }
public class Program
public static IQ<R> S<T, R>(IQ<T> q, Expression<Func<T, R>> f) { return null; }
public static void Main()
Expression<Func<E, IQ<int>>> f = e => S<X, int>(e.C, c => c.P);
Now I wished to know what code was generated by the compiler for the body of the outer lambda, so I went to https://sharplab.io/, pasted in the code, and then clicked on Results --> Decompile C#, which will compile the code to IL and then decompile it back to human-readable C#.
This is the best way I know of to quickly understand what the C# compiler is doing when it builds an expression tree, regardless of whether you know the compiler source code backwards and forwards. It's a very handy tool.
I have this
List<Expression> levl1expressions;
Collection contains binary expressions like Expression.NotEqual, Expression.Equal
I have another collection which is And and Or Conditions
List<Expression> levl2expressions;
I would like to execute these two expression collections
Is this possible?
object.Name = "something" && object.Category != "myCategory"(//I transformed the string to expressions)
levl1expressions[0] = Expression.Equal(
Expression.Property(Expression.Parameter(typeof(MyObject), "m")),
levl1expressions[1] = Expression.NotEqual(....)
levl2expressions[0]= Expression.And(/*Would like to join levl1expressions*/)
If I understand your problem correctly, you should not use lists at all. Instead you can create a single expression which will look like that:
var finalExpression = Expression.And(Expression.Equal(...), Expression.NotEqual(...));
If you would like to combine more logical operators then you can use a result of Expression.And as the right operand:
var finalExpression = Expression.And(Expression.Equal(...), Expression.And(Expression.NotEqual(...), Expression.Equal(...)));
To invoke the expression you need to compile first:
var action = Expression.Lambda<Action<bool>>(finalExpression).Compile();
Here Action<bool> is specifying what kind of function you create. Action<bool> basically means a function which is returning a boolean and has no parameters. Once you have that you can simply call it:
var result = action();
Bear in mind that expression compilation process is very expensive. Cache the result if you can.
I have the method below which converts a (non-static) MethodInfo into a compiled Expression (Func) which I can then call.
This works great: I can call it with a method expecting both reference objects and value types.
BUT unlike the original method where I could call a method that had a parameter expecting a double and pass it an int this compiled expression doesn't support that and throws an InvalidCastException.
How do I modify this to support the same type of implicit casting that happens during a normal method call?
Bonus question: should the instanceExp use the DeclaringType or the ReflectedType from the MethodInfo?
public Func<object, object[], object> Create(MethodInfo methodInfo)
var methodParams = methodInfo.GetParameters();
var arrayParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object[]), "array");
var arguments =
methodParams.Select((p, i) => Expression.Convert(
Expression.ArrayAccess(arrayParameter, Expression.Constant(i)), p.ParameterType))
var instanceParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "controller");
var instanceExp = Expression.Convert(instanceParameter, methodInfo.DeclaringType);
var callExpression = Expression.Call(instanceExp, methodInfo, arguments);
var bodyExpression = Expression.Convert(callExpression, typeof(object));
return Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object[], object>>(
bodyExpression, instanceParameter, arrayParameter)
--- EDIT
The working solution is:
var changeTypeMethod = typeof(Convert).GetMethod("ChangeType", new Type[] { typeof(object), typeof(TypeCode) });
var arguments =
methodParams.Select((p, i) =>
// If NOT IConvertible, don't try to convert it
? (Expression)Expression.Convert(
Expression.ArrayAccess(arrayParameter, Expression.Constant(i)), p.ParameterType)
// Otherwise add an explicit conversion to the correct type to handle int <--> double etc.
Expression.ArrayAccess(arrayParameter, Expression.Constant(i)),
The problem is the same as in this piece of C# code:
object a = 123;
double b = (double)a; // InvalidCastException
The reason is that a is an object, so in order to make it a double the cast must unwrap it, and then transform an int to double. The language allows the cast to do only one thing - it will either unwrap or transform, but not both. You need to tell the compiler how to do this cast explicitly by telling it that there is an int wrapped inside the object:
double b = (double)((int)a); // Works
If you could do the same thing in your LINQ expression, your compiled expression will work as well. However, you may not know the actual type of the parameter at the time you generate your expression, so you may want to go for a different strategy - wire in a call to Convert.ChangeType method, which can unwrap and cast at the same time.
So, I am trying to learn how to put together my own expressions, pass objects and compile to retrieve generated result, and I am stuck trying to understand exactly where my object instance goes in all of this.
So this is what I have gotten so far from reading through the code and stepping through
Create your object instance, your expressionstring, and parameters.
T SampleString = "Some String I have";
var operation= "it.Replace(#0, #1)";
var operationParameters = new [] { "e", "CLOWN"};
Create a ParameterExpression object to specify the type of parameter your operation will be performed on
ParameterExpression[] parameters = new ParameterExpression[] { Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "") };
Using the ExpressionParser class, create the expression you need to be executed against your object there
ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser(parameters, operation, operationParameters );
Called the ExpressionParser Parse method to retrieve the generated Expression, passing it the type of the result you want
var generatedExpression = parser.Parse(typeof(String));
Now call the Expression.Lamba, passing it the generatedExpression, and the item
var StringReplaceresult = Expression.Lambda<Func<T,String> >(generatedExpression , parameters).Compile()(item);
I am not quite sure if the above is correct, or where exactly the issue I am having with it starts. I do know that my Compile fails (5). The message is about not passing in the right number of parameters to the Expression.Lamba method there. But I wonder if that is really where the problem is as, again, I am not sure I get this even 60%, so I would appreciate it is someone would please correct my work above, where necessary.
I'm assuming you're using the Dynamic Linq Query Library described by Scott Guthrie:
If so, I think you want:
string sampleString = "some string I have";
var operation= "it.Replace(#0, #1)";
var operationParameters = new [] { "e", "CLOWN"};
Expression<Func<string, string>> expr = DynamicExpression.ParseLambda<string, string>(operation, operationParameters);
string result = expr.Compile().Invoke(sampleString);
When I run this in LinqPad the value of result is "somCLOWN string I havCLOWN"
The DynamicExpression.ParseLambda allows you to specify the parameter types as generic type arguments, rather than doing it by explicit creation of a ParameterExpression array as you were doing.
The ParseLambda<> call returns a strongly typed Expression<TDelegate> object and it's Compile() method compiles the underlying lambda expression into executable code and returns it as a delegate of the correct type that can then be invoked. That means the Invoke() returns an object of the correct type(string in this case) rather than an object that has to be cast. So even though you start off with non-strongly-typed code, you get back to type-safety as quickly as possible.
And in the source code I have, ExpressionParser is internal, you naughty boy/girl ;o)