Updating Control From Different Form - c#

I've got a Main Form (frm_Main) and Settings Form (frm_Settings) and I would like to update a control, which is in frm_Main, from frm_Settings. So far I've tried adding a method in frm_Main and then accessing that from frm_Settings in hopes for it to work but it did't. Here is the code for my current method:
Main Form
public partial class frm_Main : Form
public frm_Main()
public void ChangeBackColor(Color color)
richTextBox.BackColor = color;
Settings Form
public partial class frm_Settings : Form
public frm_Settings()
private void pbcl_editorBackColor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ColorDialog editorBackColor = new ColorDialog();
if (editorBackColor.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
Variables.Editor_BackColor = "#" + editorBackColor.Color.ToArgb().ToString("X");
Color colour = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(Variables.Editor_ForeColor);
var Main = new frm_Main();
Upon click the 'OK' button on the ColorSelectorDialog, nothing happens, there is no update whatsoever. What am I doing wrong here?

Try this
public partial class frm_Settings : Form
private frm_Main _main;
public frm_Settings(frm_Main main)
_main = main;
private void pbcl_editorBackColor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ColorDialog editorBackColor = new ColorDialog();
if (editorBackColor.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
Variables.Editor_BackColor = "#" + editorBackColor.Color.ToArgb().ToString("X");
Color colour = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(Variables.Editor_ForeColor);
public partial class frm_Main : Form
public frm_Main()
private void LaunchSetting()
var settings = new frm_Settings(this);
public void ChangeBackColor(Color color)
richTextBox.BackColor = color;
We can also handle it to create an event
public partial class frm_Settings : Form
public delegate void ColorChangedHandler(Color color);
public event ColorChangedHandler OnColorChangedHandler;
public frm_Settings()
private void pbcl_editorBackColor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ColorDialog editorBackColor = new ColorDialog();
if (editorBackColor.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
Variables.Editor_BackColor = "#" + editorBackColor.Color.ToArgb().ToString("X");
Color colour = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(Variables.Editor_ForeColor);
if (OnColorChangedHandler != null)
public partial class frm_Main : Form
public frm_Main()
private void LaunchSetting()
var settings = new frm_Settings(this);
settings.OnColorChangedHandler += OnColorChanged;
private void OnColorChanged(Color color)
public void ChangeBackColor(Color color)
richTextBox.BackColor = color;


C#-Winforms-How to use instance objects in different subforms?

I have a "MainForm" and a "GraphicsForm". Clicking "New" on the main form, a "GraphicsForm" will be created.
The problem is that when I create multiple "GraphicsForm", and when I want to save the content of one of the "GraphicsForm", I need to clicking "Save" on the "MainForm" and the program will save the content of the active "GraphicsForm" to a file, I don't know how to pass the content of this "GraphicsForm" to "MainForm" for storage.
public partial class MainForm : Form
public MainForm()
private ToolStripMenuItem _winMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
private GraphicsForm _graphicsForm;
private int _counter = 1;
private void New_Click(objec sender, EventArgs e)
_winMenuItem.Name = "Win";
_winMenuItem.Text = "Windows";
int item = MainMenuStrip.Items.IndexOf(_winMenuItem);
if (item == -1)
MainMenuStrip.MdiWindowListItem = _winMenuItem;
_graphicsForm = new GraphicsForm();
_graphicsForm.Name = string.Concat("Win_", _counter.ToString());
_graphicsForm.Text = _graphicsForm.Name;
_graphicsForm.MdiParent = this;
_graphicsForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
private void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
... // Problem here
private void Open_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
... // Problem here
public partial class GraphicsForm : Form
//StorageDoc is a class to manage all the graphics drawn by the user in the form.
private StorageDoc _storageDoc = new StotageDoc();
public GraphicsForm()
private Canvas_MouseDown()
private Canvas_Paint()
Because MainForm is a MDI form, it is easy to use ActiveMdiChild to get the active child form.
class MainForm : Form
public void OnSaveButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(ActiveMdiChild is GraphicsForm g)
I'm sure this has been answered before but basically, you pass in an instance of the 'data storage' to the new form.
interface ISaveForm
void Save();
class MainForm
private DataStorage _dataStorage;
private ICollection<ISaveForm> _forms = new List<ISaveForm>();
public void OnNew()
var subForm = new GraphicsForm(_dataStorage);
public void OnSave()
foreach(var form in _forms)
class GraphicsForm : Form,ISaveForm
private DataStorage _dataStorage;
public GraphicsForm(DataStorage dataStorage)
_dataStorage = dataStorage;
public void Save()

Passing values to User Control from Form

I've created User Control in my WFA (Windows Form Application) and I want to pass value from my MainForm.cs to UserControl.cs but I have no idea on how to do that. Here are my values I want to pass to the UserControl.cs
public partial class MainForm : Form
private void bgWorker_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
if (ProcOpen)
int vlInt = m.ReadByte("base+007C1DAC,0x14,0x4");
int roomID = m.ReadByte("base+003CA150,0x0");
double diffValue = m.ReadDouble("base+007B4A3C,0x0,0x2c,0x10,0x7ec,0x300");
public partial class FirstCustomControl : UserControl
public FirstCustomControl()
private void FirstCustomControl_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
you can define a property for your UC then set the property from the parent;
public partial class FirstCustomControl : UserControl
public static dynamic vlInt;
public static dynamic roomID;
public static dynamic diff;
public FirstCustomControl()
public void NotifyValueChanged(){
label1.text = vlInt.ToString();
label2.text = roomID.ToString();
label3.text = diff.ToString();
private void FirstCustomControl_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Then in your MainForm
public partial class MainForm : Form
private void bgWorker_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
if (ProcOpen)
FirstCustomControl.vlCount = m.ReadByte("base+007C1DAC,0x14,0x4");
FirstCustomControl.roomID = m.ReadByte("base+003CA150,0x0");
FirstCustomControl.diff = m.ReadDouble("base+007B4A3C,0x0,0x2c,0x10,0x7ec,0x300");

How to transfer a value from public(that i got from another form) to other functions?

I want to get the value from Übergabe_Darkmode that could be the value = 1. And i want to use it in the function: Einzelspieler_Load
namespace Schiffe_versenken
public partial class Einzelspieler : Form
public Einzelspieler(int Übergabe_Darkmode)
this.MaximizeBox = false;
this.MinimizeBox = false;
private void Einzelspieler_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(Übergabe_Darkmode == 1)
The main aspect of the form Tag property is handling of user variable when the instantiating it.
So, you can use it as well.
namespace Schiffe_versenken
public partial class Einzelspieler : Form
public Einzelspieler(int Übergabe_Darkmode)
this.MaximizeBox = false;
this.MinimizeBox = false;
darkmode = Übergabe_Darkmode;
private int darkmode { get; set; }
private void Einzelspieler_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(darkmode == 1)

c# change panel color from another form

I'm stuck with the following thing.
I want to change the panel color from another Form(ColorForm).
Is it possible?
Code From the MainForm:
public void upperpanel_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
I don't know how to access that upperpanel_Paint in my ColorForm.
I'm opening ColorForm From SettingsForm
Mainform > SettingsForm > ColorForm
public partial class SettingsForm : Form
public static event ColourSettingChangedDelegate ColourSettingsChangedEvent;
public delegate void ColourSettingChangedDelegate(Color color);
List<string> adreses;
List<string> bookmarki;
void SelectColour()
using (ColorForm colourForm = new ColorForm())
if (colourForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
//Update colour setting and fire event
public SettingsForm(List<string> adr, List<string> s)
adreses = adr;
bookmarki = s;
private void Historyb_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (Form form in Application.OpenForms)
if (form.GetType() == typeof(HistoryForm))
HistoryForm hf1 = new HistoryForm(adreses);
private void Bookmarksb_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
BookmarksForm booklist = new BookmarksForm();
private void Colorb_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void OnColourSettingsChanged(Color color)
if (ColourSettingsChangedEvent != null)
Code from ColorForm:
public partial class ColorForm : Form
public ColorForm()
private void Panelcolor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ColorDialog colorDlg = new ColorDialog();
colorDlg.AllowFullOpen = true;
colorDlg.AnyColor = true;
if (colorDlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
upperpanel.BackColor = colorDlg.Color;
Thank you!
Perhaps it would be better to fire a global event when the settings change, or the particular form colour setting changes, and listen for that event on the form where you need to take action.
for example see this pseudo code:
Form used just to pick a colour, and store the result in a property.
class ColourForm
public Color SelectedColor {get;set;}
private void Panelcolor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ColorDialog colorDlg = new ColorDialog();
colorDlg.AllowFullOpen = true;
colorDlg.AnyColor = true;
if (colorDlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
this.SelectedColor = colorDlg.Color;
void Cancel()
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
void Save()
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
The main form for updating settings, this creates a colour picker form and saved the settings and fires an event if the dialog result of the colour form is an 'ok' result.
class SettingsForm
public static event ColourSettingChangedDelegate ColourSettingsChangedEvent;
public delegate void ColourSettingChangedDelegate(Color color);
void SelectColour()
using (ColourForm colourForm = new ColourForm())
if (colourForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
//Update colour setting and fire event
private void OnColourSettingsChanged(Color color)
if (ColourSettingsChangedEvent!=null)
On you Main Form:
The Main form listens for a settings / colour changed event and changes the panel colour to the colour specified in the event when it fires.
class MainForm()
SettingsForm.ColourSettingsChangedEvent += ColourSettingsChanged;
void ColourSettingsChanged(Color color)
upperpanel.BackColor = color;
it would be better to have some kind of settings manager class than have the event on the settings form itself but you should get the idea

Passing data between two wpf forms as strings

trying to get data from the main form to form 2. The main form has a textbox
and a button. when the button is pressed it opens form 2 which will display the data entered in the main form as a series of text blocks.
However I cant get the data to transfer between the forms. the code is bellow.
can anyone help or suggest anything I can do differently?
WPF 1 main form:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void btnOpenForm_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//btnset: Takes the values contained in the text boxes and updates
//the student class
Student.sFname = firstname.Text;
Student.sSname = secondname.Text;
Window1 details = new Window1();
WPF 2 code:
public partial class Window1 : Window
public Window1()
private void details_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Fname.Text = Student.sFname;
Sname.Text = Student.sSname;
private void Close_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
There are a number of ways to "pass data" between 2 classes. The easiest way is to expose property or method on Window1 and just set the text you need passed. Another way is to create a constructor on Window1 that takes in the data as parameters. Here is code that demonstrates these approaches.
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var c1 = new Class1();
public class Class1
public void DoStuff()
var c = new Class2("stuff");
var c2 = new Class2();
c2.MyData = "stuff3";
public class Class2
private string _myData;
public Class2()
public Class2(string myData)
_myData = myData;
public string MyData
set { _myData = value;}
public void AcceptStuff(string myData)
_myData = myData;
public void Print()
I assume you have a class in MainWindow like:
`Public class Student
public static string sFname;
public static string sSname;
When you click open button you are assigning values to those variable, but if you want to access them in another window mention the window name and then class name.
Check this code if its working?
`public partial class Window1 : Window
public Window1()
private void details_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Fname.Text = MainWindow.Student.sFname;
Sname.Text = Mainwindow.Student.sSname;
private void Close_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

