rasterizer 'gsapi_init_with_args' is made: -15 error - c#

When I run this code:
var stream = File.OpenRead(#"C:\tmp\PdfToTest.PDF");
var latestVersion = GhostscriptVersionInfo.GetLastInstalledVersion();
rasterizer = new GhostscriptRasterizer();
rasterizer.Open(stream, latestVersion, false);
I am getting this error
An exception of type 'Ghostscript.NET.GhostscriptAPICallException' occurred in Ghostscript.NET.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: An error occured when call to 'gsapi_init_with_args' is made: -15
The error is in this line:
rasterizer.Open(stream, latestVersion, false);
Anyone could point me what it is causing this to happen?
I am running this in local machine. Installed the Ghostscript on Package manager console. Everything seems to be right, but it simple doesn't work.

-15 is a 'rangecheck' error. There should be considerable extra backchannel information which might give some useful details. However since you are not using Ghostscript directly I can't tell you where it might be going.
You should put the PDF file you are using as input somewhere public at least so we can look at it.
Ideally you should reproduce the problem with Ghostscript itself, from the command line, but in any event you must supply the configuration information (ie what settings you have used). The version of Ghostscript (and whether its 32 or 64 bit) would also be useful information.
I'm afraid there's nothing much anyone can do with what you've given us to go on.

This is my working example.
So I call the method ResizePDF(string filePath) and give the file path including extension (eg. C:\tmp\file.pdf) as parameter.
The method returns the memoryStream with the resized file that I can use to do whatever.
There are some work to do around it, however it is working so far.
internal MemoryStream ResizePDF(string filePath)
string inputFilePath = String.Format(#"{0}", filePath);
GhostscriptPipedOutput gsPipedOutput = new GhostscriptPipedOutput();
string outputPipeHandle = "%handle%" + int.Parse(gsPipedOutput.ClientHandle).ToString("X2");
MemoryStream memStream = null;
using (GhostscriptProcessor processor = new GhostscriptProcessor())
processor.Process(GetGsArgs(inputFile, outputPipeHandle));
byte[] rawDocumentData = gsPipedOutput.Data;
memStream = new MemoryStream(rawDocumentData);
catch (Exception ex)
gsPipedOutput = null;
return memStream;
private string[] GetGsArgs(string inputFilePath, string outputFilePath)
List<string> switches = new List<string>();
switches.Add("-sOutputFile=" + outputPipeHandle);
return switches.ToArray();
Thanks you all.


C# - Shell32.NameSpace does not work when trying to extract metadata from files

I am attempting to get the metadata from a few music files and failing miserably. Online, there seems to be absolutely NO HOPE in finding an answer; no matter what I google. I thought it would be a great time to come and ask here because of this.
The specific error I got was: Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component. I really wish I could elaborate on this issue, but I'm simply getting nothing back from the COMException object. The error code was -2147467259, and it in hex is -0x7FFFBFFB, and Microsoft have not documented this specific error.
I 70% sure that its not the file's fault. My code will run through a directory full of music and convert the file into a song, hence the ConvertFileToSong name. The function would not be running if the file were to not exist is what I'm trying to say.
The only thing I can really say is that I'm using Dotnet 6, and have a massive headache.
Well, I guess I could also share another problem I had before this error showed up. Dotnet6 has top level code or whatever its called, this means that I can't add the [STAThread] attribute. To solve this, I simply added the code bellow to the top. Not sure why I have to set it to unknown, but that's what I (someone else on Stack Overflow) have to do. That solved that previous problem that the Shell32 could not start, but could that be causing my current problem? Who knows... definitely not me.
Here is the code:
// Help from:
public static Song ConvertFileToSong(FileInfo file)
Song song = new Song();
List<string> headers = new List<string>();
// initialise the windows shell to parse attributes from
Shell32.Shell shell = new Shell32.Shell();
Shell32.Folder objFolder = null;
objFolder = shell.NameSpace(file.FullName);
catch (COMException e)
int code = e.ErrorCode;
string hex = code.ToString();
Console.WriteLine("MESSAGE: " + e.Message + ", CODE: " + hex);
return null;
Shell32.FolderItem folderItem = objFolder.ParseName(file.Name);
// the rest of the code is not important, but I'll leave it there anyway
// pretty much loop infinetly with a counter better than
// while loop because we don't have to declare an int on a new
// line
for (int i = 0; i < short.MaxValue; i++)
string header = objFolder.GetDetailsOf(null, i);
// the header does not exist, so we must exit
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(header)) break;
// Once the code works, I'll try and get this to work
song.Title = objFolder.GetDetailsOf(folderItem, 0);
return song;
Good night,
Diseased Finger
Ok, so the solution isn't that hard. I used file.FullName which includes the file's name, but Shell32.NameSpace ONLY requires the directory name (discluding the file name).
This is the code that fixed it:
public static Song ConvertFileToSong(FileInfo file)
// .....
Shell32.Shell shell = new Shell32.Shell();
Shell32.Folder objFolder = file.DirectoryName;
Shell32.FolderItem folderItem = objFolder.ParseName(file.Name);
// .....
return something;

Dropbox.Api failing to upload large files

I am uploading files to dropbox using the following code.
I am using the nuget package Dropbox.Api and getting the exception System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException("A task was canceled.")
From this SO Question it appears to be a timeout issue.
So how do I modify the following code to set the timeout.
public async Task<FileMetadata> UploadFileToDropBox(string fileToUpload, string folder)
DropboxClient client = new DropboxClient(GetAccessToken());
using (var mem = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(fileToUpload)))
string filename = Path.GetFileName(fileToUpload);
string megapath = GetFullFolderPath(folder);
string megapathWithFile = Path.Combine(megapath, Path.GetFileName(Path.GetFileName(filename))).Replace("\\", "/");
var updated = client.Files.UploadAsync(megapathWithFile, WriteMode.Overwrite.Instance, body: mem);
await updated;
return updated.Result;
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
Try creating and initializing the client like this:
var config = new DropboxClientConfig();
config.HttpClient.Timeout = new TimeSpan(hr, min, sec); // choose values
var client = DropboxClient(GetAccessToken(), config);
One more thing to keep in mind is UploadAsync will not work for files larger than 150MB as per documentation. One will have to use UploadSessionStartAsync based implementation for it. I was making the mistake without realizing it and it took ages for me to fish the problem out.

Xamarin.Android PackageInstaller Session.commit "Files still open" Exception on apk silent install

I'm trying to code a proof of concept, with Xamarin android.
A sort of EMM tool, i.e. an application which will be in charge of installing other applications and managing the device.
So Android Marshmallow is a good place to start with android for work features.
My app is a Device Owner, therefore it should have no problem silently installing other applications. It can download an apk from a website without any problem. But when I try to install it, it throws a "Files still open" exception despite calling all Close() methods.
I have taken my code from the excellent android-testdpc github example here.
I have changed it to work in C# with Xamarin.
Here is my code:
public static bool InstallPackage(Context context, Handler handler, InputStream input, String packageName)
PackageInstaller packageInstaller = context.PackageManager.PackageInstaller;
PackageInstaller.SessionParams param = new PackageInstaller.SessionParams(PackageInstallMode.FullInstall);
// set params
int sessionId = packageInstaller.CreateSession(param);
PackageInstaller.Session session = packageInstaller.OpenSession(sessionId);
using (System.IO.Stream output = session.OpenWrite("COSU", 0, -1))
byte[] buffer = new byte[65536];
int c;
while ((c = input.Read(buffer)) != -1)
output.Write(buffer, 0, c);
session.Commit(createIntentSender(context, sessionId)); // this line throws exception 'Files stil open'
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(TAG, "Error installing package: " + packageName, ex);
return false;
I'm stuck with this for the moment. If I have the time, I will try to install Android Studio and test my code in Java to see if the problem comes from Xamarin.
If someone has any clue for my problem, I will greatly appreciate the help.
SecurityException : if streams opened through openWrite(String, long, long) are still open.
The Java peer object is not closed yet, this is how I force it for the PackageInstaller.Session.Commit:
var input = Assets.Open(packageName);
var packageInstaller = PackageManager.PackageInstaller;
var sessionParams = new PackageInstaller.SessionParams(PackageInstallMode.FullInstall);
int sessionId = packageInstaller.CreateSession(sessionParams);
var session = packageInstaller.OpenSession(sessionId);
using (var output = session.OpenWrite(packageName, 0, -1))
foreach (var name in session.GetNames())
Log.Debug("Installer", name);
var pendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetBroadcast(BaseContext, sessionId, new Intent(Intent.ActionInstallPackage), 0);

Streamwriter throws a system.argumentexception

I know this question seems strange.
I use .NET Micro Framework to write a small program in C# that use the default emulator to emulate a flash light using 5 buttons on the emulator, using interruptport to raise events.
I coded so that when i pressed the bottom button, all the records stored in an arraylist usagelog will be printed out to a txt file. Very simple and straightforward, i made a Streamwriter instance
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(#"c:\temp.txt");
But then it throws "An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in System.IO.dll" at this line.
I can't fix this, and I can't understand why there's an argument exception here. The code works fine for a console project in visual C#, but it doesn't in Micro Framework.
The problem you are having is the because the FileSystem is different between Windows and the MicroFramework. I was able to get it to run on the Emulator by using some Directory Functions to determine the available directorys.
public static void Main()
string d = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
string[] directorys = Directory.GetDirectories(d);
foreach (var item in directorys )
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("\\WINFS\\temp.txt"))
sw.WriteLine("Good Evening");
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
In the Emulator I came up with
[0]: "\\ROOT"
[1]: "\\WINFS"
ROOT did not work but WINFS did.

C# SAPI in a web service

var speechEngine = new SpVoiceClass();
SetVoice(speechEngine, job.Voice);
var fileMode = SpeechStreamFileMode.SSFMCreateForWrite;
var fileStream = new SpFileStream();
fileStream.Open(filePath, fileMode, false);
speechEngine.AudioOutputStream = fileStream;
speechEngine.Speak(job.Script, SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak | SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFDefault); //TODO: Change to XML
//Wait for 15 minutes only
speechEngine.WaitUntilDone((uint)new TimeSpan(0, 15, 0).TotalMilliseconds);
This exact code works in a WinForm app, but when I run it inside a webservice I get the following
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException was unhandled
Message="Exception from HRESULT: 0x80045003"
Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this error? The error code means
For completeness here is the SetVoice method
void SetVoice(SpVoiceClass speechEngine, string voiceName)
var voices = speechEngine.GetVoices(null, null);
for (int index = 0; index < voices.Count; index++)
var currentToken = (SpObjectToken)voices.Item(index);
if (currentToken.GetDescription(0) == voiceName)
throw new Exception("Voice not found: " + voiceName);
I have given full access to USERS on the folder C:\Temp where the file is to be written. Any help would be appreciated!
I don't think the System.Speech works in windows service. It looks like there is a dependency to Shell, which isn't available to services. Try interop with SAPI's C++ interfaces. Some class in System.Runtime.InteropServices may help on that.
Our naming convention requires us to use a non-standard file extension. This works fine in a Winforms app, but failed on our web server. Changing the file extension back to .wav solved this error for us.
Make sure you explicitly set the format on the SPFileStream object. ISpAudio::SetState (which gets called in a lower layer from speechEngine.Speak) will return SPERR_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT if the format isn't supported.
I just got the webservice to spawn a console app to do the processing. PITA :-)

