Is there a way to instantiate a class without a constructor if I don't have a handle to the container?
If I call container.RegisterType<IMyClass , MyClass>() I know I can use unity to instantiate an object in a constructor.
Someclass(IMyClass myClass)
var s = new Someclass();
I also know I can use
container.Resolve<IMyClass>() outside a constructor if I have a handle to the container, or use the DependencyFactory, which is also the same thing.
If I am writing code for a large project that doesn't save a handle to the container, and it is not appropriate to use a constructor, is there a way to instatiate class using unity?
you should not be referencing the container in your classes. You container should be orchestrating the construction of the object graph and your class should not be calling it, it should be calling your classes.
Ideally your container should not be used outside of the Composition Root. See this answer
The point I (and Belogix) was trying to make (not very well it seems) is that you should never need to create dependent objects directly if you are using DI correctly. Passing the container around is a code smell and you should avoid this if at all possible (which it almost always is). If you require an instance of a class in a place where you 'don't have a handle to the container' you should be asking for an instance of that class through your object's constructor. Doing this allows the IoC container to know that your object has a dependency and it can then supply an instance of that dependency when the container creates an instance of the class. If you follow this principal with every dependency all the way up your chain then your composition root becomes the only place that you need to create your objects, and you can do it manually (poor man's DI), or you can configure a container to do it for you.
I suggest you read this post it really helped me understand the concept of a composition root and why not leaking your container throughout the application is a Good Idea.
If you want to create an object without calling the constructor and without a handle to the container then you can use GetUnitializedObject as outlied in this answer but you have to ask yourself, if you are swimming that hard upstream to create your objects, surely there must be a better way?
I was only trying to point out what I consider the currently accepted best practices around using a container.
It could seem a stupid question because in my code everything is working, but I've registered a singleton this way with my Unity container _ambientContainer:
_ambientContainer.RegisterType<Application.StateContext>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
In order to avoid to use my local field, I use:
get {
return ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<Application.StateContext>();
inside my get property to get an instance of my object.
This way I get always the same instance (Application.StateContext is still a singleton) or does GetInstance create a new one?
Is it better to use the local _ambientContainer field instead?
get {
return _ambientContainer.Resolve<Application.StateContext>();
Thank you.
Passing around instances of the container to consumer classes isn't generally a good idea, since you are no longer guaranteed to have a single place in your application where components and services are being registered (known as the Composition Root).
Classes should state their dependencies in their public API, ideally by specifying them as constructor arguments, which the container will automatically provide an instance for whenever it's been asked to resolve a specific type (a process known as Autowiring).
Dependency Injection is usually the preferred choice but it isn't always applicable. In those cases using a Service Locator, like you're doing in your example, is the next best solution to decouple a class from its dependencies.
In conclusion, if Dependency Injection is not an option, I would avoid having my classes reference the container directly and instead have them access it through a Service Locator.
Preferably you should avoid both ways of (ab)using your container.
The ServiceLocator is considered an anti-pattern in modern application architecture.
I'm assuming that the ServiceLocator type is from the CommonServiceLocator project, and that you're using the Unity adapter, in which case GetInstance invokes container.Resolve, so both lines are equivalent.
You can view the source here -
I have been trying to use Ninject today and have a couple of questions. First of all do I need to use the Inject attribute on all constructors that I want to use injection for. This seems like a really lame design? Do I need to create a Kernel then use that everywhere I pass in an injected class?
The best way to get started with Ninject is to start small. Look for a new.
Somewhere in the middle of your application, you're creating a class inside another class. That means you're creating a dependency. Dependency Injection is about passing in those dependencies, usually through the constructor, instead of embedding them.
Say you have a class like this, used to automatically create a specific type of note in Word. (This is similar to a project I've done at work recently.)
class NoteCreator
public NoteHost Create()
var docCreator = new WordDocumentCreator();
WordDocumentCreator is a class that handles the specifics of creating a new document in Microsoft Word (create an instance of Word, etc.). My class, NoteCreator, depends on WordDocumentCreator to perform its work.
The trouble is, if someday we decide to move to a superior word processor, I have to go find all the places where WordDocumentCreator is instantiated and change them to instantiate WordPerfectDocumentCreator instead.
Now imagine that I change my class to look like this:
class NoteCreator
WordDocumentCreator docCreator;
public NoteCreator(WordDocumentCreator docCreator) // constructor injection
this.docCreator = docCreator;
public NoteHost Create()
My code hasn't changed that much; all I've done within the Create method is remove the line with the new. But now I'm injecting my dependency. Let's make one more small change:
class NoteCreator
IDocumentCreator docCreator;
public NoteCreator(IDocumentCreator docCreator) // change to interface
this.docCreator = docCreator;
public NoteHost Create()
Instead of passing in a concrete WordDocumentCreator, I've extracted an IDocumentCreator interface with a CreateNewDocument method. Now I can pass in any class that implements that interface, and all NoteCreator has to do is call the method it knows about.
Now the tricky part. I should now have a compile error in my app, because somewhere I was creating NoteCreator with a parameterless constructor that no longer exists. Now I need to pull out that dependency as well. In other words, I go through the same process as above, but now I'm applying it to the class that creates a new NoteCreator. When you start extracting dependencies, you'll find that they tend to "bubble up" to the root of your application, which is the only place where you should have a reference to your DI container (e.g. Ninject).
The other thing I need to do is configure Ninject. The essential piece is a class that looks like this:
class MyAppModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
This tells Ninject that when I attempt to create a class that, somewhere down the line, requires an IDocumentCreator, it should create a WordDocumentCreator and use that. The process Ninject goes through looks something like this:
Create the application's MainWindow. Its constructor requires a NoteCreator.
OK, so create a NoteCreator. But its constructor requires an IDocumentCreator.
My configuration says that for an IDocumentCreator, I should use WordDocumentCreator. So create a WordDocumentCreator.
Now I can pass the WordDocumentCreator to the NoteCreator.
And now I can pass that NoteCreator to the MainWindow.
The beauty of this system is threefold.
First, if you fail to configure something, you'll know right away, because your objects are created as soon as your application is run. Ninject will give you a helpful error message saying that your IDocumentCreator (for instance) can't be resolved.
Second, if management later mandates the user of a superior word processor, all you have to do is
Write a WordPerfectDocumentCreator that implements IDocumentCreator.
Change MyAppModule above, binding IDocumentCreator to WordPerfectDocumentCreator instead.
Third, if I want to test my NoteCreator, I don't have to pass in a real WordDocumentCreator (or whatever I'm using). I can pass in a fake one. That way I can write a test that assumes my IDocumentCreator works correctly, and only tests the moving parts in NoteCreator itself. My fake IDocumentCreator will do nothing but return the correct response, and my test will make sure that NoteCreator does the right thing.
For more information about how to structure your applications this way, have a look at Mark Seemann's recent book, Dependency Injection in .NET. Unfortunately, it doesn't cover Ninject, but it does cover a number of other DI frameworks, and it talks about how to structure your application in the way I've described above.
Also have a look at Working Effectively With Legacy Code, by Michael Feathers. He talks about the testing side of the above: how to break out interfaces and pass in fakes for the purpose of isolating behavior and getting it under test.
First of all do I need to use the Inject attribute on all constructors
that I want to use injection for. This seems like a really lame
No you shouldn't have to do this at all actually. Since you work with ASP.NET MVC you can just install the Ninject.MVC3 Nuget package. This will get you started with a NinjectMVC3 class in the App_Start folder. You can use the RegisterServices method to register your interfaces/classes with Ninject. All controllers that have dependencies to those interfaces will then be automatically resolved by Ninject, there is no need for the Inject attribute.
Do I need to create a Kernel then use that everywhere I pass in an
injected class?
No - what you are describing sounds more like the Service Locator pattern, not dependency injection - you will want to pass in your dependencies ideally in the constructor, instead of resolving them within particular classes using the kernel. There should be just one central composition root where the resolving is done, which is within the composition root in either the RegisterServices method mentioned above or a separate Ninject module instantiated there - the later approach will allow you a little more flexibility and modularity (no pun intended) in changing how you resolve your dependencies.
Here's a good beginner's tutorial on dependency injection with Ninject and MVC3.
Don't forget there are docs, including an intro I feel would be very appropriate given the sort of questions you are asking on the Ninject Wiki. You're just annoying yourself if you're trying to use Ninject without reading it end to end.
Stick the table of contents on your bookmark bar for a bit.
I can also highly recommend Mark Seemann's Dependency Injection in .Net as a companion book for DI based architecture (even though it doesnt directly cover Ninject).
More specifically, What's the best approach for classes where state matters, within an application which implements Dependency Injection.
Say I need access to an object that's in a particular state. For example, this object might have been initiated in a different thread, or by a process I have no control over.
A good example of an object like this that already exists in .NET is the HttpContext.
In this case, Microsoft decided to go with the Static approach, so I just say:
var currentObj = HttpContext.Current;
And this gives me a particular instance of an object without having to worry where it came from.
The problem with the Static approach is that it doesn't play very nicely with dependency injection.
The other option is to configure your certain class as a Singleton in your IoC Container. This means that you can inject it, and depending on the current IoC Container config it'll be the correct instance of the class.
However, the downfall of this approach is that the stateful importance of the object is no longer explicit in the code, it's not obvious by looking at it. With the Static class used to access and instance it's more clear that the state is important. Maybe that doesn't matter though.
So, is there a pattern that helps me out here?
For context, I'm working on an application which has many instances of a class performing IO operations. They exists within their own threads.
I want to be able to interact with those objects (background tasks) via a web interface, so a Controller. I want to be able to interrogate them, and manipulate them etc.
Sorry, I think my use of the term "stateful" is a bit misleading. let me explain some thing:
"state" is probably the wrong word. I mean communicating with an object whereby I don't have control over it's lifecycle.
It is funny that I use "stateful" when talking about static classes. That's why I gave the HttpContext example, as that exactly what it does. The Current property gets you a very specific instance, not any new instance.
When I say that static doesn't play nice with DI, I meant, you can't inject Static classes. I could create a wrapper, yes, but I'm just pushing the problem elsewhere no?
I should have been more clear about my definition of Singleton. I meant a Singleton lifestyle, as defined in an IoC Container.
I always prefer Singleton over static. In fact, I almost never use statics in my own classes.
True singletons and static classes are both very difficult to write automated tests against. Do you mean a single instance looked up at runtime? That would make sense to me but I don't know the right construct to use in C#. The analog in Java is JNDI.
Neither or both. Presuming the stateful dependency is thread-safe the better approach is to build at least a basic layer of abstraction around said dependency then inject said abstraction into your classes. Singleton vs static becomes pretty immaterial then.
I'm building an application and as time goes on, I have more and more objects to initialize at startup. Moveover, some of the newer objects depend on others so I'm getting some kind of spaggetti initialization where objects are created then passed to other constructors. I'm suspecting that I'm getting it wrong.
For example I have a WinForm which accepts a "Controller" class and 2 events. The controller needs to be told about the existence of a DataGridView from the WinForm so it has a method
Controller::SetDataGridReference(DataGridView^ dgv)
Is there a general method of instanciating objects at startup then referencing those objects to each another?
I've been told that putting all the required classes as constructor parameters is a good practice but frankly, I don't see how I can do that here.
I don't really think that the language matters
This looks like a textbook case for using dependency injection (DI). It will certainly help with your spaghetti code and can even assist with unit testing. If you want to make a gradual migration towards DI you might want to consider refactoring the objects with similar relationships and using a few sets of factory classes that can handle all the boilerplate chain intialization as well as centralizing where all that takes place in your code base.
I can recommend Google Guice as a good DI framework for Java. Even if you arent using Java it is a good DI model to compare against other language's DI frameworks
Two patterns pop into mind as possibly appropriate depending on the specifics of your problem:
Abstract Factory Pattern. This can work with or without the Dependency Injection approach suggested by #Scanningcrew.
Mediator Pattern. Construct a mediator. Pass the mediator into the constructor of each object. Have each object register with the mediator. Then the objects don't need to know about each other explicitly. This works well when you have a set number of objects interacting with each other.
Use the Controller Design Pattern.
That is, create a SINGLE class that will be instanced on program initialization, called Controller. On the constructor of that class, create all other objects. Whatever object that needs any other objects should receive said object as a parameter on its constructor. No one, no absolutely any other object should create anything on their constructor. Pass everything as parameters on their constructors. Also, on the Controller class destructor/dispose call all objects destructor/dispose method in reverse order. This won't reduce your code, but it will make if far better to understand and debug later on.
Dependency Injection should help here: at application boot you can choice to build the complete (or sort of) graph of objects. The entry point of your application will instantiate the DI container of your choice, the you just request the root object.
For example Google Guice comes with a very nice Object grapher.
For the objects interaction, I would go for a Mediator. Check out this definition:
"Define an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact. Mediator promotes loose coupling by keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly, and it lets you vary their interaction independently."
For the instantiation, I would consider the Dependency Injection. Remember that you can freely use and mix design patterns to achieve your goals.
I'm using NInject on a new web application and there are two things that are unclear to me:
Don't I need to keep a reference to the Kernel around (Session/App variable) to insure that GC doesn't collect all my instances? For example, if I specify .Using() and then the Kernel object gets collected, aren't all my "singletons" collected as well?
If I do need keep a reference to a Kernel object around, how do I allow the arguments passed in to WithArguments() to change or is that not possible.
It's true that you don't want to pass around the kernel. Typically, in a web app, I store the kernel in a static property in the HttpApplication. If you need a reference to the kernel, you can just expose a dependency (via constructor argument or property) that is of the type IKernel, and Ninject will give you a reference to the kernel that activated the type.
If you use WithArguments() on a binding, they will be used for all activations. If you use IParameters, they will only be used for that activation. (However, if the service you're activating has a re-usable behavior like Singleton, it won't be re-activated even if you pass different IParameters.)
This is a common pitfall when starting to use a IoC container. See this related question.
In a nutshell:
It's bad practice to pass your container around (been there, done that, and it really hurts)
If you really need to invocate directly the container, first consider abstracting to an injected factory, then as a last resource consider using a static gateway to the container
Mark Seeman -- author of Manning Dependency Injection Suggust to Use Hollywood principle Don't call us(IOC framework) instead We will call you ... .. The IOC container should be placed in the Application's Composition root.. and it needs to instantiated as requested.. like wat nate mentioned
.. For the Web Application the Composition root is Global.asax file where the u can use the override the startup events and There u can bind your Ninject to resolve the component