Vimeo Search API implementation for Windows Phone 8 - c#

I am in a process to develop an app in which the user would enter some text into the textbox . On click of search button , the application fetches list of all videos with details like link , thumbnail and title related to the input. Just like we do in youtube.
I want to bind that data to listbox .
My problem is I am unable to start with it. I have registered my app but do I need client Key and all because I am accessing public videos.
Any help would be appreciated
PS: I am able to do this with youtube. I want JSON data which I can bind.

You can generate an unauthenticated token, and use it forever (it will not expire).
There is additional documentation here:


How to Fix issues related to DirectLineChannel prompt choice options not displayed in chat bot window developed using V4 SDK in C#?

I am trying to create a chatbot which is having multiple waterfall dialog classes using C# and BOT SDK V4. I have created a HTML page and placed the DirectLine channel Secret Key Iframe data into it and published it to Azure successfully and opened it in the browser. The browser opens with a in-built welcome message something like: Hi bot name type Hi to continue.
If i have Choice options done through prompt options to be displayed as buttons but these are not displayed through direct line channel but works very good in Web Chat Channel?
Attached image shows the issue:
a "WebChatbotHtml_optionbtndisplayed.jpg"
b. "DirectLinechannelHtml_optionbtnnotdisplayed.jpg"
Now, in the main dialog class i have implemented the Login mechanism using the Oauth Prompt in th html page that was created above i see the login link getting displayed using which i have successfully logged in this will navigate to another waterfall dialog having prompt options with some custom choice buttons, whee if i click on a choice button the next step will be executed and respective action will be triggered.
The issue i have is normally the options are displayed for me to access but in the html that i created the all other things like login link and navigation is happening but the choice buttons are not displayed its like they are getting hidden.
or Sometimes the Choice Option buttons are not displayed at all in the Direct Channel Web chat bot
The query is how to fix the issue?
To make my query to be understood in a better way please find below set of things:
1. WaterfalldiaglogClass1:
STEP 1: Has login option/link displayed through Oauth Prompt.
STEP 2: Gets token validates it and displays login successful message and then navigates to second waterfalldialogClass
2. WaterFallddialogClass2:
STEP 1: Custom choices are displayed through Prompt options lets say 1,2,3,4
STEP 2: Capture the choice getting clicked and perform respective action
I created a HTML page where the I frame code i copied with secret code of Direct Line Channel
Published it to azure successfully with no errors or warnings
Opened the html page in a browser the chat bot opens successfully with a welcome default message like: HI i am bot,enter Hi to continue
User sends hi and logins using the login link available displayed in dialog class 1 and login successful message is displayed
Navigated successfully to second dialog successfully as i can see the prompt message given as part of prompt option and custom choices in the code
Current Issue: The option buttons 1,2,3,4 are not getting displayed it is getting hidden somehow
Need help in resolving the issue Please provide detailed step by step guide in resolving it as i am new to BOT and coding .
language: C#
Bot Framework: V4
I have tried increasing height width and other % values in the HTML page and republished it but not successful. The same thing works in web chat channel i.e. if i keep secret code inside the HTML page of webchat channel without any issues.
Issue Image attached for reference.
Expected Result: Data or choices should be shown as it is working in Webchat channel
Actual Result: Not working the choice options are not visible to choose
There are two versions of Embedded Web Chat at the moment: Gemini and Scorpio. Embedded Web Chat is currently in the process of slowly transitioning all clients from Scorpio to Gemini. It appears your embedded Web Chat is still using Scorpio which unfortunately does not support the OAuth prompt. In the near future, you will be able to manually request your client to be switched to Gemini.
In the meantime, you can add either add Web Chat v4 to your site using a CDN or wait for your client to be migrated to Gemini.
For more details regarding Embedded Web Chat, take a look at the documentation.
Hope this is somewhat helpful.

Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Location integrated with Cortana skills: issues selecting the address

I am building Chat bot using Microsoft builder SDK for c#. Currently, I have working location dialog using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Location with Facebook, emulator and Skype channels.
Recently, I have been trying to integrate bot with Cortana channel however Location Dialog does not seem to work as well as in other channels.
Once I select to “enter shipping” it prompts me for the address. I say the address and it updates the page with found possible locations (as carousel cards) and straight after it updates the page prompting me for selection of the correct address out of the possible found. However, I cannot select the correct option as it already updated the page and I can no longer view possible locations.
This is the way I have implemented location dialog:
var locationDialog = this.dialogFactory.Create<LocationDialog>(
new Dictionary<string, object>()
{ "prompt", string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.RootDialog_Delivery_Address_Prompt, (await qtyResult).From.Name ?? "User") },
{ "channelId", context.Activity.ChannelId },
{ "apiKey", "apiKey"},
{ "options",LocationOptions.SkipFinalConfirmation | LocationOptions.SkipFavorites},
I am wondering Is there a different approach to get user location (shipping address) for Cortana channel? Thank you!
did this ever get resolved? I am currently integrating the BotBuilder.Location library as well, and all is well on the skype, facebook, etc... side, but concerning Cortana, after it prompts "what location are you interested in?" there is no method for input (microphone doesn't open up and text input is disabled).
I had issues with this dialog as well. What I did was download the dialog and rework it completely to suit my needs (i also replaces bing with google as I could not get the search to work as it does on the bing maps site).
One of the issues is that the card and the message after it are two different messages. Cortana will update the canvas for each post, so I combined it into one.
I had a lot of issues with PromptDialog.Confirm not working so I replaced this with context.MakeMessage and attach the card as an attachment. Then post the message.
In the message, you can have both the card and the text/speech. Then await the response.
The only problem is that you will have to interpret the response. I have yet to figure out how to do this automatically.

Share link to social media from Phone

i am developing an app in wp7, which gives you the ability to post on social networks, the song you are listening with name, description and link!
The app is writen with # for Windows Phone and it use
ShareLinkTask shareLinkTask = new ShareLinkTask();
to post the link of song from YouTube!
The format of post is like:
Message = Listening now: SONGNAME from APP(APPLINK)
The problem is that when i post to facebook the SONGLINK does not have a preview, so is displayed like APPLINK in text-blue-hyperlink with border!
I think is like facebook gets the link but not loads the preview...
I also tried to post facebook via the Facebook app (Microsoft's) and i got the same result, so the app has not problem but the facebook service?
Problem it seems to be from facebook as when i am working with twitter i have the preview with the same code sample!
So any ideas?
Problem it seem to be solved from facebook after some days, it seems that this happend due maintence of the facebook page.

Linking to the app's Store Page on WP7 using XNA

Is it possible for an XNA game/app to obtain it's own store link url through code or would I have to submit an app, wait for it's store link to become available and release an update including the store link?
Basically I want the player to be able to post his or her score to any social networks set up along with a link to the store page.
-Short question I know but my Google-Fu failed me this time.
To get a store URL, you will need to get hold of the app id. This is done by calling GetManifestAttributeValue. Note that the actual app id (Product ID) is generated when the app is published, and is different than the temporary one that is in WMAppManifest.xml. This causes a chicken and egg scenario when it comes to testing this.
See this for detailed instructions:
If all you need is to link to store from within your app, then use MarketplaceDetailTask to launch to the store. Leave ContentIdentifier as null and it will attempt to bring up the detail page of the current app. If you need to bring up the detail page of a different app, then you will need to know the app id, which you can only get after that app has been published.

Automatic web browsing for windows phone

There's a website (telephonic company) where I get a statistic information about the amount of data transferred by my phone during the current month.
To access that information, I need:
* Access the website and login with username and passwod (html form)
* Then choose an option in a combo box (html select)
* And finally click on a link that shows the information (html a)
I want to develop an app that does all this process automatically, and shows only the statistic data.
There's a way to do this in C#?
You need to use System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser.
Hope this helps.
Please read this MSDN article. Method InvokeScript(String, String[]) may be useful. try to use javascript complete above, if a website page inclued those "login,html selec,submit..." is all the better.

