how to set dynamic arguments for a process? - c#

In bash
I run the following kill commands (it's just a kill with an expression which return the ID of a process)
kill $(ps -ef | grep '[m]atchbox-panel --titlebar --start-applets showdesktop,windowselector' | cut -f8 -d' ')
which return something like
kill 800
When I try to run this in C#
Process.Start("kill", "$(ps -ef | grep '[m]atchbox-panel --titlebar --start-applets showdesktop,windowselector' | cut -f8 -d' ')");
I get a fatal error.
I could run all the commands one by one until I have the number and set a process with "kill" and the "number", but it seems a lot of trouble for what it does.

$(..) is not evaluated in a Process.Start argument, that is a feature of bash. You can split your command in two lines, or try pkill.


need an optimal way to get a process by means of its executable path

I'm trying to get a process ID by means of the process's execution-path. For that I'm executing the below Powershell command which runs perfectly in Powershell's console:
(Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.Path -eq 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe'}).Id
But executing the same through C# is giving no results. below is the code snippet I'm following:
string cmd = "(Get-Process | Where-Object {{$_.Path -eq '{0}'}}).Id";
string path = #"C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe";
string finalCmd = string.Format(cmd, System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(path));
powershell.Runspace = runspace;
var result = powershell.Invoke();
I'm using double-culry-braces for escape sequence. But still powershell.Invoke() returns nothing but null. Is there any other way to get the Process Id with its executable path?
My ultimate goal is that I should be able to push an application (MSI installer) to all the PCs in network through Active Directory(irrespective of x86/x64) and I should get the Process Ids for the given executable path. Thanks for the suggestions but in my case I need a generic solution which should work seamlessly for both x86 and x64.
Doesn't seem like you need to use Powershell here. .NET code can query processes directly.
Something like:
should return you an enumerable of all matching processes, from which you can easily retrieve their IDs. And decide what to do if you find more than one!

Let the shell parse or do your own parsing (powershell/cmd)

I develop an application with command line parameters and use it in cmd shell and powershell. There it is obvious that the arguments are received differently in main() of my application.
static void Main(string[] args)
// In cmd shell: args[0] == "-ipaddress="
// In powershell: args[0] == "-ipaddress=127"
// and args[1] == ".0.0.1"
myApp.exe -ipaddress=
In my C# application the arguments are interpreted differently depending on the shell I start the app in.
In cmd shell: arg[0]=-ipaddress=
In powershell: arg[0]=-ipaddress=127 and arg[1]=.0.0.1
What is best practice here?
Should I join all args[] and parse the arguments in my application?
Should I rely on the shell's parser?
I would abandon cmd shell support completely and just created proper PowerShell cmdlet. Writing a Windows PowerShell Cmdlet. But I don't know your exact requirements.
In general calling executable from cmd and PowerShell should work same way. For example line, "> ping -n 3" just works fine no matter where you put it.
When calling from PowerShell, enclose the entire argument in '...' (single quotes) to ensure that it is passed as-is:
myApp.exe '-ipaddress='
You've run into a parsing bug[1]
where PowerShell breaks an unquoted argument that starts with - in two at the first .
The following simplified example demonstrates that:
# Helper function that echoes all arguments.
function Out-Argument { $i = 0; $Args | % { 'arg[{0}]: {1}' -f ($i++), $_ }}
# Pass an unquoted argument that starts with "-" and has an embedded "."
Out-Argument -foo=bar.baz
The above yields:
arg[0]: -foo=bar
arg[1]: .baz
[1] The presumptive bug is present as of Windows PowerShell v5.1 / PowerShell Core v6.0.1 and has been reported on GitHub.
A PSv2 variation of the bug affects . when enclosed in "..." in the interior of the argument - see this answer of mine.

Golang: alternative for C#(.Net's) IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties()

I am rewriting one of my windows service(C#) in Golang. I have almost figured out and rewrote the code in Go but got stuck at one place where I am not been able to figure out golang alternative.
public static int GetNumberOfLocalEstablishedConnectionsByPort(string IPAddress, int Port)
int Result = 0;
IPGlobalProperties ipProperties = IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties();
TcpConnectionInformation[] tcpConnections = ipProperties.GetActiveTcpConnections();
foreach (TcpConnectionInformation tcpInfo in tcpConnections)
if (tcpInfo.State == TcpState.Established && tcpInfo.LocalEndPoint.Port == Port)
return Result;
Basically in this method I am finding out active number of connections based on a IP address and Port.
I am seeking help in order to find out how can I rewrite this C# code into Golang. I am using windows OS and want a solution based on Windows OS
In order to find the number of active connections, there is no equivalent wrapper similar to above-mentioned C# methods in Golang.
Though we can achieve this using the syscalls for this we can use the following command if you are Linux user.
netstat -anp | grep :80 | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l
However, in windows os, you might face some problem because grep and wc (word count) command will not work. I faced this problem when I ran it as a windows service.
For Windows OS the following command worked.
netstat -nt | findstr :80 | findstr ESTABLISHED | find /v /c ""
For /v /c to work you might need to make the exe file execute as administrator

how to set Set-VMFirmware on a single line in powershell

i am trying to make a small c# application to create my Hyper V VM's but i has got a problem with powershell in c# so i just running every powershell cmdlet using cmd.exe
but now i cant get how to set dvddrive as firstbootdevice in generation 2 virtual machine in just one line
for powershell script i use
$VMDVD = Get-VMDvdDrive -VMName $VMNAME
Set-VMFirmware -VMName $VMNAME -FirstBootDevice $VMDVD
but how can i do it in a single line
As a general rule, any variable reference can be substituted by a subexpression ($()):
Set-VMFirmware -VMName "SQL3" -FirstBootDevice $(Get-VMDvdDrive -VMName "SQL3")
If you have multiple DVD drives and know the ISO file
$DvdBootDrive = Get-VMDvdDrive -VMName $VmName | where {$_.Path -Like "*AutoInstall.iso*" }
Set-VMFirmware -VMName $VmName -FirstBootDevice $DvdBootDrive

Parse into Website

I have a file (text or csv) that I generate that has a list of part numbers. I need to take this list, and download some spec sheets for these parts automatically and then print. Once on the website, I need to input the part number, then print the results. What's the best way to do this?
Okay everyone, here's what I was doing before, but it would take over an hour to process on a progress 4gl (version 9.1) database into a QAD environment v8.6e on a Unix Red-Hat server:
FNAME=`date +%y%m%d%H%M%S`
echo requiredmcpartno=$1 | lynx -accept_all_cookies -nolist -dump -post_data 75.144.##.###/specdata/specdata.asp 2>&1 | tee $FNAME | lp -d$2 >>/apps/proedi/####/ftp/log/brownart.log
grep "Unit of Issue" $FNAME | cut --delimiter=: --fields=2 | awk '{print $1}'
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo 0
echo nopic
cd /apps/proedi/####/ftp/ftpscripts
rm -fr 184.168.##.###/ 75.144.##.###/ 2>&1 >>/apps/proedi/####/ftp/log/brownart.log
wget -p -m -k -K -E -H --cookies=on --post-data="requiredmcpartno=$1" 75.144.##.###/specdata/specdata.asp >/dev/null 2>&1
/apps/proedi/####/ftp/ftpscripts/ $1 $2 >>/tmp/printspec.log 2>&1
cat /apps/proedi/####/ftp/ftpscripts/"$1".pt
rm -f /apps/proedi/####/ftp/ftpscripts/"$1".pt
rm $FNAME 2>&1 >>/apps/proedi/ford/ftp/log/brownart.log
Then script:
if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then
echo nopic >/apps/proedi/ford/ftp/ftpscripts/"$1".pt
grep -q "No Pictures Available for this Part Number" "$file"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo nopic >/apps/proedi/ford/ftp/ftpscripts/"$1".pt
html2ps -i .7\?p\=$1.html | lp d$2 -s
echo picfnd >/apps/proedi/ford/ftp/ftpscripts/"$1".pt
The wget command takes way to long to process in Unix. Our customer may send us a conveyance file with 150-200 parts 8-9 times a day, and we need to download all of the pictures associated with each part every time we receive parts.
I was thinking of just making a flat file(text or csv), then have the user run a batch file on their windows computer to connect to the unix server, and download the file to their computer. After this, then have either the same batch job, or an excel template or something on the windows side download the pictures and print the spec sheets to their default printer.
Sorry for not posting all of this initially.
The first thing that I would try is to break the process into two or more independent pieces and run them in parallel. The scripts above appear to take a part number as a parameter. I would guess that whatever is feeding them the part number is working from a list (the "conveyance file"?) That list would be the obvious place to make the split.
If you do it in such a way that the number of concurrent processes is configurable it should be simple to find the "sweet spot". Supposing that the list of parts to be downloaded is in a table called "part" with fields "needsDownload" and "partNum". For the sake of simplicity we will assume that partNum is an integer and that the actual part numbers needing download are randomly distributed. If you are driving this process with Progress 4GL code you might write a control program something like this:
/* control.p
* to run two "threads":
* _progres -b dbName -p control.p -param "1,2" > control.1.log 2>&1 & # 1 of 2
* _progres -b dbName -p control.p -param "2,2" > control.2.log 2>&1 & # 2 of 2
define variable myThread as integer no-undo.
define variable numThreads as integer no-undo.
myThread = integer( entry( 1, session:parameter )) - 1. /* this just allows the "1 of 2" stuff to be more "human sensible" */
numThreads = integer( entry( 2, session:parameter )).
for each part exclusive-lock where needsDownload = true and (( partNum modulo numThreads ) = myThread ):
os-command value( " " + string( partNum )).
needsDownload = false.
Of course the problem might be that the external system is too slow. No amount of programming on your end will fix that.

