Setting a string from one destination to another - c#

I want to include the string "oldSummary" in the second richtextbox, however all of the summary's functionality belongs to a streamRead after opening a file. Is there a way for that when btn1 button is clicked, it will display the oldSummary string? At the moment it's blank due to it's global string set to "" but I want it to display the oldSummary string set in the mnuOpen button.
string oldSummary = "";
private void mnuOpen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Load up file code which I remove for this example but goes here…
//Add data from text file to rich text box
richTextBox1.LoadFile(Chosen_File, RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText);
//Read lines of text in text file
string textLine = "";
int lineCount = 0;
System.IO.StreamReader txtReader;
txtReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(Chosen_File);
textLine = textLine + txtReader.ReadLine() + " ";
//Read line until there is no more characters
while (txtReader.Peek() != -1);
//seperate certain characters in order to find words
char[] seperator = (" " + nl).ToCharArray();
//number of words, characters and include extra line breaks variable
int numberOfWords = textLine.Split(seperator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length;
int numberOfChar = textLine.Length - lineCount;
string divider = "------------------------";
//Unprocessed Summary
string oldSummary = "Word Count: " + numberOfWords + "Characters Count: " + numberOfChar + divider;
private void btn1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string wholeText = "";
string copyText = richTextBox1.Text;
wholeText = oldSummary + copyText;
richTextBox2.Text = wholeText;

If you want to use the global variable oldSummary then do not redeclare one with the same name inside the menu open event handler, just use the global one
//Unprocessed Summary
oldSummary = "Word Count: " + numberOfWords + "Characters Count: " + numberOfChar + divider;

Try replacing:
string oldSummary = "Word Count: " + numberOfWords + "Characters Count: " + numberOfChar + divider;
oldSummary = "Word Count: " + numberOfWords + "Characters Count: " + numberOfChar + divider;
so that you assign the value to the class field used in btn1_Click.


Textfiles with Forms and Multiple Outputs

I have a code that needs to take input for the weather of certain day (and certain city) from the user and store that input into a textfile and then display that input for the specific cities from the textfile. I made use of FORMS.
How do I change my code to read the textfile correctly and NOT display each input 3 times each?
I added the relevant methods I made use of textfiles in:
private void btnCapture_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string city = cbCity.SelectedItem.ToString();
DateTime date = dtp.Value;
int minTemp = Convert.ToInt32(nudMinTemp.Value);
int maxTemp = Convert.ToInt32(nudMaxTemp.Value);
int precipitation = Convert.ToInt32(nudPrecip.Value);
int humidity = Convert.ToInt32(nudHumid.Value);
int windSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(nudWindSpeed.Value);
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("myFile.txt"))
sw.WriteLine(city + Environment.NewLine + date +
maxTemp + Environment.NewLine + precipitation...);
WeatherDetails w = new WeatherDetails(city, date, minTemp...)
MessageBox.Show("Your data has been Captured");
//Read data in WeatherDetails Class:
public void ReadData()
StreamReader SR = new StreamReader("myFile.txt");
while (!SR.EndOfStream)
city = SR.ReadLine();
date = DateTime.Parse(SR.ReadLine());
minTemp = int.Parse(SR.ReadLine());
maxTemp = int.Parse(SR.ReadLine());
precipitation = int.Parse(SR.ReadLine());
humidity = int.Parse(SR.ReadLine());
windSpeed = int.Parse(SR.ReadLine());
WeatherDetails newOne = new WeatherD...
private void btnDisplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
city = cbCity.SelectedItem.ToString();
DateStart = dtpStart.Value;
DateEnd = dtpEnd.Value;
//Displaying data to RTB
private void btnDisplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
city = cbCity.SelectedItem.ToString();
DateStart = dtpStart.Value;
DateEnd = dtpEnd.Value;
//Displaying data to RTB
foreach (WeatherDetails wd in
rtbDisplay.Text += ("The Weather Report for " + cbCity.SelectedItem.ToString() + " , accesssed on " + + "\n" +
"\n" +
"Maximum Temperature: " + wd.maxTemp + "\n" +
"Minimum Temperature: " + wd.minTemp + "\n" +
"Precipitation: " + wd.precipitation + "\n" +
"Humidity: " + wd.humidity + "\n" +
"Wind Speed: " + wd.windSpeed + "\n" +
"-------------------End OF Report---------------------");
The issue is that it is displaying the entered data 3 TIMES each.So if i enter data for one city on the 12th and the 14th of May, it will display the 12th 3 times and display the 14th 3 times.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException when I think my code should work

I'm working on a bit of code for school but I keep getting an ArgumentOutOfRangeException
With this code I'm trying to read some data from a .csv file and if it equals the name of the image I want it to remove it from the .csv file whilst keeping the structure intact.
public void checkPair(Image card1, Image card2)
this.Image1 = card1;
this.Image2 = card2;
if (Convert.ToString(card1.Source) == Convert.ToString(card2.Source) && (card1 != card2))
getPoint(card1, card2);
string path = #"Save1.csv";
var reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(path));
var data = new List<List<string>>();
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
var line = reader.ReadLine();
var values = line.Split(';');
data.Add(new List<String> { values[0], values[1]
string delimiter = ";";
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
if (data[i][x] == Convert.ToString(card1.Source))
data[i][x] = null;
File.WriteAllText(path, data[0][0] + delimiter + data[0][1] + Environment.NewLine + data[1][0] + delimiter + data[1][1] + delimiter + data[1][2] + delimiter + data[1][3] + Environment.NewLine + data[2][0] + delimiter + data[2][1] + delimiter + data[2][2] + delimiter + data[2][3] + Environment.NewLine + data[3][0] + delimiter + data[3][1] + delimiter + data[3][2] + delimiter + data[3][3] + Environment.NewLine + data[4][0] + delimiter + data[4][1] + delimiter + data[4][2] + delimiter + data[4][3] + Environment.NewLine + "ready");
I have no idea why I get this error and how to fix it
Initially, I'd change your last line from
File.WriteAllText(path, data[0][0] + delimiter + data[0][1] ....
to something like
var obj1 = data[0][0];
var obj2 = data[0][1];
File.WriteAllText(path, obj1 + delimiter + obj2 .... etc)
If you over inline functions or array accessing, when you get an exception the stack trace won't be that helpful. At least you'll have an idea of the statement that caused the issue.
This technique can prove to be very helpful, if you are looking at an in exception in the logs, after the fact.

how to copy multiple line from text file C#

I need to copy multiple lines from text file(cisco config file): based on the below condition
if the line starts with interface copy from interface until '! '
my file is like :
access-list 1>
interface 1
ip address xx.xx.xx.xx
interface 2
ip address xx.xx.xx.xx
route 1
I try the below code :
var lines = File.ReadAllLines("C:\\My File2.txt");
foreach (var line1 in lines){
string firstWord = line1.Split(' ').First();
if ((firstWord == "access-list") && (!line1.Contains("remark ")))
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text + "\r\n" + line1;
else if (firstWord == "nat")
TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text + "\r\n" + line1;
else if (firstWord == "interface")
var result = lines.Substring(line1.LastIndexOf('!') + 1);
TextBox3.Text = TextBox3.Text + "\r\n" + result;
but I get only one line as output
In case you want to keep your algorithm, this will work for you.
var lines = File.ReadAllLines("C:\\My File2.txt");
int i;
for (i = 0; i<lines.Length;i++)
var line1 = lines[i];
if (line1 == "!" || line1 == " ") continue;
if (line1.StartsWith("access-list")) && (!line1.Contains("remark ")))
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text + "\r\n" + line1;
else if (line1.StartsWith("nat"))
TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text + "\r\n" + line1;
if (line1.StartsWith("interface"))
var str = line1;
while (!Equals(lines[i + 1], "!"))
str += lines[i + 1];
TextBox3.Text = TextBox3.Text + "\r\n" + str;
As per the file structure shown by you interface and ip address are on different lines. So you won't get it in same iteration of for loop. When you find that firstWord == "interface" you will need to set a flag that will tell you that next line is ip address and in next iteration check if that flag is true parse the current line as ip address and process it the way you want.
You should use "File.ReadAllText" instead of "File.ReadAllLines". "File.ReadAllText" returns a string with the complete text file text. After that, you can use the "String.Split" method to generate a string array.
var lines = File.ReadAllText("C:\\My File2.txt");
var seperatedStrings = lines.Split('!');
Each index of "seperatedStrings" contains what you want.
UPDATE: Here is a code snippet, that can help:
var lines = File.ReadAllText("C:\\My File2.txt");
var seperatedStrings = lines.Split('!');
foreach (var oneString in seperatedStrings)
if (oneString.Contains("access-list"))
Console.WriteLine("Access-List: " + oneString);
}else if (oneString.Contains("nat"))
Console.WriteLine("Nat: " + oneString);
}else if (oneString.Contains("interface"))
Console.WriteLine("Interface: " + oneString);
This is the output of my code snippet:

Putting certain lines of a textfile into an editable listbox

So I want to put certain lines into a text box, say I use the "Search Function" to search transaction ID, it would look through the transactions.txt file and find the transaction ID and Read the 6 lines under it which show the transactions Details, once found this would then go to a the listbox which then you could edit the transaction.
I was wondering would you use loops and arrays to do this, and could someone show me how, Thank you!
Heres my current code:
//Creates a textfile with details of the transaction
public void CreateFile()
StreamWriter outputFile;
outputFile = File.AppendText("Transactions.txt");
outputFile.WriteLine("Investor :" +" " + InvestorNameLabel.Text);
outputFile.WriteLine("Initial Amount" + " " +AmountLabel.Text);
outputFile.WriteLine("Date Invested" +" " +DateLabel.Text);
outputFile.WriteLine("Period Chosen" + " "+DaysInvestedLabel.Text);
outputFile.WriteLine("Rate Chosen" + " " + RateLabel.Text);
outputFile.WriteLine("Total Interest" + " " +InterestAmountLabel.Text);
outputFile.WriteLine("Transaction Number :" + " " + TransactionIDLabel.Text);
MessageBox.Show("Transaction file for Transaction: " + TransactionIDLabel.Text + " " +"Was Created", "Transaction File");
//puts all transactions in listbox
//needs to be able to find certain transactions
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("transactions.txt"))
string line;
while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
Try This:
string ID = "23";
bool idFound=false;
int count = 0;
foreach (var line in File.ReadLines("transactions.txt"))
if (idFound && count < 6)
if(line.Contains(ID))//if you wantto match exactly use if(line.Equals(ID))
idFound = true;

Can only display array by iterating through a for loop

Hello I am trying to make a C# program that downloads files but I am having trouble with the array.
I have it split up the text for downloading and put it into a 2 level jagged array (string[][]).
Now I split up the rows up text by the | char so each line will be formatted like so:
when I use short test text to put it into a text box it displays fine in the text box.
IE: a string like test|test|test|test|test|test
but if I put in a real string that I would actually be using for the program to DL files the only way I get the string to display is to iterate through it with a for or foreach loop. If I try to access the data with the index I get an index missing error. (IE array[0])
So this is the code that gets the array to display:
public Form2(string[][] textList, string path)
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + path + Environment.NewLine;
WebClient downloader = new WebClient();
foreach (string[] i in textList)
for(int j=0;j<i.Length;j++)
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + i[j] + Environment.NewLine + #"\\newline" + Environment.NewLine;
And then this is the code that gives an index missing error:
public Form2(string[][] textList, string path)
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + path + Environment.NewLine;
WebClient downloader = new WebClient();
foreach (string[] i in textList)
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + i[0] + Environment.NewLine;
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + i[1] + Environment.NewLine;
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + i[2] + Environment.NewLine;
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + i[3] + Environment.NewLine;
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + i[4] + Environment.NewLine;
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + i[5] + Environment.NewLine;
Any help is this is apreciated I don't see why I can access they data through a for loop but not directly it just doesn't make any sense to me.
Also, here is the code that generates the array:
public String[][] finalList(string[] FileList)
String[][] FinalArray = new String[FileList.Length][];
for (int i = 0; i<FinalArray.Length;i++)
string[] fileStuff = FileList[i].Split(new char[] {'|'});
FinalArray[i] = fileStuff;
return FinalArray;
In your first example you are using the actual length of each inner array to do the concatenation. In your second example you are hard coded to the same length yet you said in the intro it was a jagged array.
Can you show what your input text looks like?
you are not doing the same concatenation in first and second example so the resulting stings are very different.
first = "\r\n Crazy Video\r\n\\\\newline\r\nThis Video is absolutly crazy!\r\n\\\\newline\r\nhtt://fakeurl.fake/vidfolder/video.flv\r\n\\\\newline\r\nhtt://fakeurl.fake/imgfolder/img.j‌​pg\r\n\\\\newline\r\n300\r\n\\\\newline\r\nhtt://fakeurl.fake \r\n\\\\newline\r\n"
second = "\r\n Crazy Video\r\nThis Video is absolutly crazy!\r\nhtt://fakeurl.fake/vidfolder/video.flv\r\nhtt://fakeurl.fake/imgfolder/img.j‌​pg\r\n300\r\nhtt://fakeurl.fake \r\n"
using System;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace ClassLibrary5
public class Class1
public void test()
var temp = new[]
" Crazy Video|This Video is absolutly crazy!|htt://fakeurl.fake/vidfolder/video.flv|htt://fakeurl.fake/imgfolder/img.j‌​pg|300|htt://fakeurl.fake "
var final = finalList(temp);
var first = Form1(final, "path");
var second = Form2(final, "path");
Assert.IsTrue(first.CompareTo(second) == 0);
public string Form1(string[][] textList, string path)
string textString = path + Environment.NewLine;
foreach (string[] i in textList)
for (int j = 0; j < i.Length; j++)
textString = textString + i[j] + Environment.NewLine + #"\\newline" + Environment.NewLine;
return textString;
public string Form2(string[][] textList, string path)
string textString = path + Environment.NewLine;
foreach (string[] i in textList)
textString = textString + i[0] + Environment.NewLine;
textString = textString + i[1] + Environment.NewLine;
textString = textString + i[2] + Environment.NewLine;
textString = textString + i[3] + Environment.NewLine;
textString = textString + i[4] + Environment.NewLine;
textString = textString + i[5] + Environment.NewLine;
return textString;
public String[][] finalList(string[] FileList)
String[][] FinalArray = new String[FileList.Length][];
for (int i = 0; i < FinalArray.Length; i++)
string[] fileStuff = FileList[i].Split(new char[] {'|'});
FinalArray[i] = fileStuff;
return FinalArray;
Are you sure each String[] in string[][] textList has 6 elements?
Try to replace:
for(int j=0;j<i.Length;j++)
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + i[j] + Environment.NewLine + #"\\newline" + Environment.NewLine;
for(int j=0;j<6;j++)
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + i[j] + Environment.NewLine + #"\\newline" + Environment.NewLine;
And see if you get the same result. Your middle one has different logic than your first one. To troubleshoot, first make the logic the same, and then continue troubleshooting from there.

