I have one asp .net web application and i want to build piece by piece my project. I need to use some part my project dll using other web application. How can it ? Because I will use for licensing processing.For example basic one solitions and two asp.net web applications project I want to call asp.net project using method etc. Other asp.net web applications.
I'm gettin an error when embedding a second Asp.net application into the website. The application is packaged via web deploy into a zip file and imported onto IIS via web deploy.
Best regards,
As you know we have both Asp.net Web Application and also Asp.net Web Site projects in VS 2017. I want to add a server control to an ASP.net website project but I could not find it. I find it easily in the ASP.net web application template.
Is it not possible to add a server control to a website project?
Update: It seems to add a custom server control I should create a web application and then add a simple Class. I used the guide in this post:
Custom Control in ASP.NET C#
I have created a new asp.net (standard) web api project and now I would like to have the front logic (ASP.net MVC) in the same project, I came to know that we can have both client (MVC) and server (Web API) application in the same project.
I tried to find the step by step process to follow, but I couldn't find any.
I would really appreciate if someone can provide me steps to follow, as this is the first time I'm building a application from scratch.
Thanks in advance.
You could try to create an empty asp.net project and define that this project has the web and api features. For sample:
in Visual Studio 2019, select the asp.net template:
Define the name of the project
Select the Empty and check the options, MVC and Web Api
In the App_Start folder you will see two files. The RouteConfig.cs file define the routes for the ASP.NET MVC Web App. The WebApiConfig.cs file define the routes for the ASP.NET Web Api application.
Importante: The API controllers has a prefix on the route called api, so, when you create a controller that inherits from ApiController, it will be routed by api/ControllerName.
I have a simple asp.net mvc 4 web application, there is no code problem or any issues with routing.
I deploy it to IIS(any version) as a web application it works fine i can browse my site fine.
If i just deploy it to web site, it throws standard 404 not found exception.
I am trying to understand why this happens with asp.net mvc web applications?
Any clues? Any experience deploying this as a web site?
Web Applications are compiled, Web Sites are as-is, meaning your C# files are served without actually being compiled in to a .dll
This is why it isn't working, MVC sites must be compiled in to a .dll
Is there a way I can create a RestFul Service as part of my MVC 4 web application. I already have one ASP.net MVC4 web application. I can create a new project with VS2013 to write a new service. But I don't want to create a new project, is there a way to utilize the same existing project for this?
I am looking for service which uses Web API
Try this library for .NET https://github.com/ServiceStack/ServiceStack .
It is a free if you are using branch v3 form a github.
Take a look at OWIN and Katana. You can use it to set up webapi in your current MVC project. Here is an example How to do it.