I'm trying to generate Word documents using OpenXML SDK and Word Document Generator. I need to apply my custom style on ContentControls (Repeating Section).
For Recursive Placeholders, I use
foreach (var item in list)
var datacontext = new OpenXmlElementDataContext()
Element = openXmlElementDataContext.Element,
DataContext = item.Value
var clonedElement = CloneElementAndSetContentInPlaceholders(datacontext);
SetContentOfContentControl(clonedElement, item.Value);
I need to apply my style on this element. How to I can do ?
I try to see generated code with "Open XML SDK 2.5 Productivity Tool for Microsoft Office" to inspire me:
var moduleDatacontext = new OpenXmlElementDataContext()
Element = openXmlElementDataContext.Element,
DataContext = module.Valeur
var moduleClonedElement = CloneElementAndSetContentInPlaceholders(moduleDatacontext);
var sdtProperties1 = new SdtProperties();
var styleId1 = new StyleId() { Val = "FormationTitre2" };
ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties1 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties();
RunFonts runFonts1 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi };
Run run1 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00C463E5" };
RunProperties runProperties1 = new RunProperties();
RunFonts runFonts2 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi };
When I open the generated document, I have this error :
We're sorry. We can't open "...docx" because we found a problem with its contents.
I validate the document and I can see 15 errors:
Full Size
I've found the solution. I search first paragraph and apply my custom style on it.
// clone element
var clonedElement = CloneElementAndSetContentInPlaceholders(datacontext);
// search the first created paragraph on my clonedElement
Paragraph p = clonedElement.Descendants<Paragraph>().FirstOrDefault();
if (p != null)
p.PrependChild<ParagraphProperties>(new ParagraphProperties());
// get the paragraph properties
ParagraphProperties pPr = p.Elements<ParagraphProperties>().First();
// apply style
pPr.ParagraphStyleId = new ParagraphStyleId { Val = "FormationTitre2" };
// set content of content control
SetContentOfContentControl(clonedElement, item.Value);
I'm generating a docx file using NPOI 2.5.2 and I stuck with headers/footers for first page.
I'd like to have a first page custom footer and start numbering pages from the second one.
Here is my code for the first page footer:
// First page
doc.Document.body.sectPr = new CT_SectPr();
var footer = new CT_Ftr();
var footerParagraph = footer.AddNewP();
footerParagraph.AddNewR().AddNewT().Value = $"FIRST PAGE CUSTOM FOOTER";
var footerPar = new XWPFParagraph(footerParagraph, doc);
var parsFooter = new XWPFParagraph[1];
parsFooter[0] = footerPar;
var headerFooterPolicy = doc.GetHeaderFooterPolicy();
if (headerFooterPolicy == null)
headerFooterPolicy = doc.CreateHeaderFooterPolicy();
headerFooterPolicy.CreateFooter(XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy.FIRST, parsFooter);
Here is my code for the default footer with page numbering:
// Other pages
footerParagraph = footer.AddNewP();
footerParagraph.AddNewR().AddNewFldChar().fldCharType = ST_FldCharType.begin;
footerParagraph.AddNewR().AddNewInstrText().Value = " PAGE ";
footerParagraph.AddNewR().AddNewFldChar().fldCharType = ST_FldCharType.separate;
footerParagraph.AddNewR().AddNewFldChar().fldCharType = ST_FldCharType.end;
footerPar = new XWPFParagraph(footerParagraph, doc);
parsFooter = new XWPFParagraph[1];
parsFooter[0] = footerPar;
headerFooterPolicy.CreateFooter(XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy.DEFAULT, parsFooter);
With the code above I could not see the first page custom footer but the page numbering in every page. What am I doing wrong?
I found this similar question but I could not find addNewTitlePg method in NPOI.
And is there any appropriate documentation with examples about NPOI?
Here is my code with the first footer working. (using NPOI 2.5.3)
var doc = new XWPFDocument();
using (var sw = File.Create("fileformat.docx"))
XWPFParagraph p1 = doc.CreateParagraph();
XWPFParagraph p2 = doc.CreateParagraph();
XWPFRun r1 = p1.CreateRun();
XWPFRun r2 = p2.CreateRun();
r1.SetText("The quick brown fox");
r2.SetText("Next page: The quick brown fox");
doc.Document.body.sectPr = new CT_SectPr();
var policy = doc.CreateHeaderFooterPolicy();
var ctSectPr = doc.Document.body.sectPr;
if (ctSectPr.titlePg == null)
ctSectPr.titlePg = new CT_OnOff() { val = true };
var firstFooter = policy.CreateFooter(ST_HdrFtr.first);
var paragraph = firstFooter.CreateParagraph();
var run = paragraph.CreateRun();
run.SetText("First page footer...");
var defaultFooter = policy.CreateFooter(ST_HdrFtr.#default);
paragraph = defaultFooter.CreateParagraph();
run = paragraph.CreateRun();
paragraph.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.RIGHT;
paragraph.GetCTP().AddNewR().AddNewFldChar().fldCharType = ST_FldCharType.begin;
paragraph.GetCTP().AddNewR().AddNewInstrText().Value = " PAGE ";
paragraph.GetCTP().AddNewR().AddNewFldChar().fldCharType = ST_FldCharType.separate;
paragraph.GetCTP().AddNewR().AddNewFldChar().fldCharType = ST_FldCharType.end;
run = paragraph.CreateRun();
I am using below code to highlight text in power point presentation (.pptx) using openxml but below code for pptx - it corrupts the file and ask to repair while opening pptx and after opening it highlights the word but it does not preserves the formatting. So total 2 problems:
1. File gets corrupted
2. Formatting is not preserved
But it highlights the text which i want (but it does not preserve formatting)
I have debuged my code line by line and problem is at below line, but i am not able to figure out what is the problem.
highlightRun.InsertAt(runPro, 0);
I have used openxml productivity tool to compare two files of pptx one with highlighting one without highlighting: The difference i see is as below : i am not using two times RunProperties but it is showing 2 times :
Corrupted file :
public Run GenerateRun()
Run run1 = new Run();
RunProperties runProperties1 = new RunProperties(){ Language = "en-US", Dirty = false };
runProperties1.SetAttribute(new OpenXmlAttribute("", "smtClean", "", "0"));
SolidFill solidFill1 = new SolidFill();
RgbColorModelHex rgbColorModelHex1 = new RgbColorModelHex(){ Val = "FFF000" };
RunProperties runProperties2 = new RunProperties(){ Language = "en-US", Dirty = false };
runProperties2.SetAttribute(new OpenXmlAttribute("", "smtClean", "", "0"));
SolidFill solidFill2 = new SolidFill();
RgbColorModelHex rgbColorModelHex2 = new RgbColorModelHex(){ Val = "FFFF00" };
Text text1 = new Text();
text1.Text = "gaits";
return run1;
<a:r xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main">
<a:rPr lang="en-US" dirty="0" smtClean="0">
<a:srgbClr val="FFF000" />
<a:rPr lang="en-US" dirty="0" smtClean="0">
<a:srgbClr val="FFFF00" />
Correct file :
public class GeneratedClass
// Creates an Run instance and adds its children.
public Run GenerateRun()
Run run1 = new Run();
RunProperties runProperties1 = new RunProperties(){ Language = "en-US", Dirty = false };
runProperties1.SetAttribute(new OpenXmlAttribute("", "smtClean", "", "0"));
SolidFill solidFill1 = new SolidFill();
RgbColorModelHex rgbColorModelHex1 = new RgbColorModelHex(){ Val = "FFFF00" };
Text text1 = new Text();
text1.Text = "gaits";
return run1;
<a:r xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main">
<a:rPr lang="en-US" dirty="0" smtClean="0">
<a:srgbClr val="FFFF00" />
What i am missing ? My complete code is as below :
using OpenXmlDrawing = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing;
private void HighLightTextPresentation(OpenXmlDrawing.Paragraph paragraph, string text)
var found = paragraph
.Where(r => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.InnerText) && r.InnerText != "\\s")
.Select(r =>
var runText = r.GetFirstChild<OpenXmlDrawing.Text>();
int index = runText.Text.IndexOf(text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// 'Run' is a reference to the text run we found,
// TextNode is a reference to the run's Text object,
// 'TokenIndex` is the index of the search string in run's text
return new { Run = r, TextNode = runText, TokenIndex = index };
.FirstOrDefault(o => o.TokenIndex >= 0);
// Nothing found -- escape
if (found == null)
// Create a node for highlighted text as a clone (to preserve formatting etc)
var highlightRun = found.Run.CloneNode(true);
// Add the highlight node after the found text run and set up the highlighting
paragraph.InsertAfter(highlightRun, found.Run);
highlightRun.GetFirstChild<OpenXmlDrawing.Text>().Text = text;
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.RunProperties runPro = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.RunProperties() { Language = "en-US", Dirty = false };
runPro.SetAttribute(new OpenXmlAttribute("", "smtClean", "", "0"));
//Apply color to searched text
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.SolidFill solidFill1 = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.SolidFill();
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.RgbColorModelHex rgbColorModelHex1 = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "FFF000" };//Set Font-Color to Green (Hex "00B050").
highlightRun.InsertAt(runPro, 0);
// Check if there's some text in the text run *after* the found text
int remainderLength = found.TextNode.Text.Length - found.TokenIndex - text.Length;
if (remainderLength > 0)
// There is some text after the highlighted section --
// insert it in a separate text run after the highlighted text run
var remainderRun = found.Run.CloneNode(true);
paragraph.InsertAfter(remainderRun, highlightRun);
OpenXmlDrawing.Text textNode = remainderRun.GetFirstChild<OpenXmlDrawing.Text>();
textNode.Text = found.TextNode.Text.Substring(found.TokenIndex + text.Length);
// We need to set up this to preserve the spaces between text runs
//textNode.Space = new EnumValue<SpaceProcessingModeValues>(SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve);
// Check if there's some text *before* the found text
if (found.TokenIndex > 0)
// Something is left before the highlighted text,
// so make the original text run contain only that portion
found.TextNode.Text = found.TextNode.Text.Remove(found.TokenIndex);
// We need to set up this to preserve the spaces between text runs
//found.TextNode.Space = new EnumValue<SpaceProcessingModeValues>(SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve);
// There's nothing before the highlighted text -- remove the unneeded text run
As noted in the comments, the reason of "getting corrupted" is that you make the XML structure invalid by creating an additional a:rPr element (RunProperties) in the a:r element (Run) while only one is allowed.
So you should first check whether there already is a RunProperties element in the Run before inserting a new one. If a RunProperties element already exists, you should instead reuse it.
// Either reuse an existing RunProperties element,
// or create a new one if there's none
RunProperties runPro = highlightRun.Descendants<RunProperties>().FirstOrDefault() ??
new RunProperties { Language = "en-US", Dirty = false };
// only add the element if it's really new, don't add existing one
if (runPro.Parent == null)
highlightRun.InsertAt(runPro, 0);
I'm creating a word document using OXML in Visual Studio. I don't know how long it is going to be and I need to add a simple page number in the footer of the document.
To generate headers and footers I used this:
As I understand, this presets the default headers/footers before I even write anything in the document. So I'm not quite sure if I can add page numbering to this? I'd really appreciate the help, because I've been stuck on this for a whole day...
You can add dynamic page numbers by adding a SimpleField with an Instruction of "PAGE". Word will automatically update any such field with the correct page number.
In order to code that you can adapt the GeneratePageFooterPart in the link you provided to include a SimpleField in the Run that gets added to the Footer:
private static Footer GeneratePageFooterPart(string FooterText)
var element =
new Footer(
new Paragraph(
new ParagraphProperties(
new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "Footer" }),
new Run(
new Text(FooterText),
// *** Adaptation: This will output the page number dynamically ***
new SimpleField() { Instruction = "PAGE" })
return element;
Note that you can change the format of the page number by postfixing the PAGE text. From the Ecma Office Open XML Part 1 - Fundamentals And Markup Language Reference.pdf:
When the current page number is 19 and the following fields are updated:
PAGE \* ArabicDash
PAGE \* roman
the results are:
- 19 -
So to get roman numerals for example you would need to change the SimpleField line of code above to:
new SimpleField() { Instruction = "PAGE \\* roman" })
or (if you prefer)
new SimpleField() { Instruction = #"PAGE \* roman" })
Try this:
private static void GenerateFooterPartContent(WordprocessingDocument package, string text = null)
FooterPart footerPart1 = package.MainDocumentPart.FooterParts.FirstOrDefault();
if (footerPart1 == null)
footerPart1 = package.MainDocumentPart.AddNewPart<FooterPart>();
var relationshipId = package.MainDocumentPart.GetIdOfPart(footerPart1);
// Get SectionProperties and set HeaderReference and FooterRefernce with new Id
SectionProperties sectionProperties1 = new SectionProperties();
FooterReference footerReference2 = new FooterReference() { Type = HeaderFooterValues.Default, Id = relationshipId };
Footer footer1 = new Footer();
Paragraph paragraph2 = CreateParagraph(package, string.Empty, "Footer");
Run r = new Run(new SimpleField() { Instruction = "DATE" });
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
r = new Run();
PositionalTab positionalTab1 = new PositionalTab() { Alignment = AbsolutePositionTabAlignmentValues.Center,
RelativeTo = AbsolutePositionTabPositioningBaseValues.Margin,
Leader = AbsolutePositionTabLeaderCharValues.None };
r = new Run(new Text(text) { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve });
r = new Run();
PositionalTab positionalTab2 = new PositionalTab() { Alignment = AbsolutePositionTabAlignmentValues.Right,
RelativeTo = AbsolutePositionTabPositioningBaseValues.Margin,
Leader = AbsolutePositionTabLeaderCharValues.None };
r = new Run(new Text("Page: ") { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve },
// *** Adaptation: This will output the page number dynamically ***
new SimpleField() { Instruction = "PAGE" },
new Text(" of ") { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve },
// *** Adaptation: This will output the number of pages dynamically ***
new SimpleField() { Instruction = "NUMPAGES" });
footerPart1.Footer = footer1;
Refer to the following link for more instructions.
I am creating word document in C# using OpenXML.
I can insert my Text after specified bookmark, but how can delete data within two bookmarks.
Following is the code to insert text after specified Bookmark.
string fileName = #"C:\Users\sharepointadmin\Desktop\volc.docx";
TableValues ObjTableValues = new TableValues();
List<TableValues> allValues = new System.Collections.Generic.List<TableValues>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
ObjTableValues = new TableValues();
ObjTableValues.EmpID = i.ToString();
ObjTableValues.EmpName = "Emp" + i.ToString();
ObjTableValues.EmpDesig = "SE";
ObjTableValues.EmpDept = "Software";
AddTable(fileName, allValues);
using (var document = WordprocessingDocument.Open(fileName, true))
IDictionary<String, BookmarkStart> bookmarkMap = new Dictionary<String, BookmarkStart>();
var doc = document.MainDocumentPart.Document;
var mainpart = document.MainDocumentPart;
var res = from ObjTableValues in mainpart.Document.Body.Descendants<BookmarkStart>() where ObjTableValues.Name == "testbookmark" select ObjTableValues;
var bookmark = res.SingleOrDefault();
if (bookmark != null)
var parent = bookmark.Parent;
Paragraph newParagraph = new Paragraph(run);
// insert after bookmark parent
foreach (BookmarkStart bookmarkStart in document.MainDocumentPart.RootElement.Descendants<BookmarkStart>())
bookmarkMap[bookmarkStart.Name] = bookmarkStart;
MoveToRangeStart ranstart = new MoveToRangeStart();
foreach (BookmarkStart bookmarkStart in bookmarkMap.Values)
Run bookmarkText = bookmarkStart.NextSibling<Run>();
if (bookmarkText != null)
//bookmarkText.GetFirstChild<Text>().Text = "blah";
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Table table = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Table();
TableProperties props = new TableProperties(
new TableBorders(
new TopBorder
Val = new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Single),
Size = 12
new BottomBorder
Val = new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Single),
Size = 12
new LeftBorder
Val = new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Single),
Size = 12
new RightBorder
Val = new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Single),
Size = 12
new InsideHorizontalBorder
Val = new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Single),
Size = 12
new InsideVerticalBorder
Val = new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Single),
Size = 12
foreach (TableValues Tableitem in allValues)
var tr = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.TableRow();
var tc = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.TableCell();
tc.Append(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(Tableitem.EmpID))));
tc = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.TableCell();
tc.Append(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(Tableitem.EmpName))));
tc = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.TableCell();
tc.Append(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(Tableitem.EmpDesig))));
tc = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.TableCell();
tc.Append(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(Tableitem.EmpDept))));
Can any one help me please.
I assume you want to delete some table or data from word document. If this is the case than I will suggest you to enable the developer tab in Microsoft Word. For Microsoft Word 2007 if you click on Office Button and than go to "Word Options" button which is at the bottom of drop down menue. Now enable Show "Developer tab in The Ribbon".
Once you have activated the developer tab now you can see an additional tab "Developer" in your Microsoft Word. From this tab if you click on the Rich Text icon (Marked with Aa), will insert a tag on your word document. Now, If you right click on the tag, you can give this tag a name and id.
Now you can access this tag by its id or name in C#.
e.g. the tag name you have given is 'Test Tag'
MainDocumentPart mainPart = doc.MainDocumentPart;
List<SdtBlock> taggedContentControls = mainPart.Document.Descendants<SdtBlock>().ToList();
foreach (var tagControl in taggedContentControls)
string tagName = tagControl.Descendants<SdtAlias>().First().Val.Value;
if(tagName== "Test Tag")
// you can insert any data in this tag over here
Now, with similar approach let's suppose you have a table and some other data in this tag that you want to delete
foreach (var tagControl in taggedContentControls)
string tagName = tagControl.Descendants<SdtAlias>().First().Val.Value;
if (tagName.Contains("Test Tag"))
// If we want to delete table only
// If you want to remove everything in this tag
dont forget to save your document at the end of this operation
i mean mainpart.Document.Save();
for simplicity I have written multiple LINQ statements to fetch tag from the document. You can change them according to your understanding.
I hope it will help you to get your problem sorted.
I am trying to change the style of my bullets in a word document (Word 2007).... I currently place a bullet and it comes out as a circle. I want it to be a square... here's my code for applying bullets...
public void ToggleBullets(bool bulletsOn)
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application wd;
Object _oMissing = Type.Missing;
Object _numberType = WdNumberType.wdNumberListNum;
if (bulletsOn)
wd.Selection.Range.ListFormat.ApplyBulletDefault(ref _oMissing);
wd.Selection.Range.ListFormat.RemoveNumbers(ref _numberType);
any ideas? Let me know if you need more details
I use the Open XML SDK 2.0 Productivity Tool for Microsoft Office:
When I want to to do these kinds of things. Just launch the Productivity tool, load up the .docx that has what you want and then let the tool generate the code for you.
I just whipped up an example and this was the code it generated:
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
public Paragraph GenerateParagraph()
Paragraph paragraph1 = new Paragraph(){ RsidParagraphAddition = "00EA7FFB", RsidParagraphProperties = "00EA7FFB", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00EA7FFB" };
ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties();
ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId1 = new ParagraphStyleId(){ Val = "ListParagraph" };
NumberingProperties numberingProperties1 = new NumberingProperties();
NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference1 = new NumberingLevelReference(){ Val = 0 };
NumberingId numberingId1 = new NumberingId(){ Val = 2 };
Run run1 = new Run();
Text text1 = new Text(){ Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve };
text1.Text = "Item ";
return paragraph1;
This is using the OpenXml headers, and not Word specifically