I'm using DWM API for displaying thumbnail of other window in my WPF app. On most computers it works fine, but on some computers my thumbnail in app is mispositioned and smaller (it's moved a few pixels left+up and it is about 30% smaller).
For creating a thumbnail relationship I'm using this code(and dwmapi.dll):
if (DwmRegisterThumbnail(IntPtr dest, IntPtr src, out IntPtr thumb) != 0) return;
PSIZE size;
DwmQueryThumbnailSourceSize(m_hThumbnail, out size);
fVisible = true,
dwFlags = DwmApiConstants.DWM_TNP_VISIBLE | DwmApiConstants.DWM_TNP_RECTDESTINATION | DwmApiConstants.DWM_TNP_OPACITY,
opacity = 0xFF,
rcDestination = destinationRect
DwmUpdateThumbnailProperties(m_hThumbnail, ref props);
For positioning in my app I'm using a canvas whose position I'm obtaining using:
var generalTransform = PreviewCanvas.TransformToAncestor(App.Current.MainWindow);
var leftTopPoint = generalTransform.Transform(new Point(0, 0));
return new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)leftTopPoint.X, (int)leftTopPoint.Y, (int)PreviewCanvas.ActualWidth, (int)PreviewCanvas.ActualHeight);
Thanks to Hans, it was problem with dip -> px conversion (I thought that WPF dimensions are represented by pixels).
So, I changed
return new System.Drawing.Rectangle(
using (var graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero))
return new System.Drawing.Rectangle(
(int)(leftTopPoint.X * graphics.DpiX / 96.0),
(int)(leftTopPoint.Y * graphics.DpiY / 96.0),
(int)(PreviewCanvas.ActualWidth * graphics.DpiX / 96.0),
(int)(PreviewCanvas.ActualHeight * graphics.DpiY / 96.0)
and now positions and sizes of thumbnails are correct on all devices.
I'm trying to get cursor data (mask and color, if available) as a byte array using GetDIBits(), with the correct size and correct animation frame but it's proving to be unreliable.
Also, I would like to get or be able to simulate the multiple frames available in a cursor, such as what is possible when using DrawIconEx(), passing the cursorStep parameter.
Basically what I'm trying to emulate is part of the behavior of IDXGIOutputDuplication::GetFramePointerShape(), to get a buffer (byte[]) with the contents of the current cursor, just without having to rely on the DirectX library.
So, I want:
Get the cursor data as a byte[], even with the mask working (SOLVED).
Get the cursor data with the correct size, not a fixed 32x32px cursor.
Get the actual animation frame of the cursor.
Just as the DXGI method provides if I'm using OutputDuplication, but in my case, I'm not.
1) Get the cursor mask correctly (solved):
TL;DR: Wrong data interpretation on my part.
I'm calling GetDIBits() once, passing null as the buffer parameter to get the details of the color/mask images and a second time to get the image.
It works all right with the color image but returns a wrong data size and wrong image content for the mask image.
Here's a comparison and the code sample.
Files ending with "2" were created by using System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromHBitmap() while the others were obtained from GetDiBits().
For some reason, GetDIBits() returns this data (BitmapInfoHeader) for the mask. Also, only returns 128 bytes (256 if the mask has two frames, such as for the I-Beam/Text cursor), which is way too little for 32x32px or 32x64px masks.
Here's my code so far (it's C#):
WindowDeviceContext = User32.GetWindowDC(IntPtr.Zero);
//The parameter passed in the structs is just to be able to calculate the size of it.
var cursorInfo = new CursorInfo(false);
if (!User32.GetCursorInfo(out cursorInfo))
if (cursorInfo.Flags != Native.Constants.CursorShowing)
var iconHandle = User32.CopyIcon(cursorInfo.CursorHandle);
if (iconHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
if (!User32.GetIconInfo(iconHandle, out var iconInfo))
var colorHeader = new BitmapInfoHeader(false);
//Gets the color image details.
Gdi32.GetDIBits(WindowDeviceContext, iconInfo.Color, 0, 0, null, ref colorHeader, DibColorModes.RgbColors);
if (colorHeader.Height != 0)
colorHeader.Height *= -1;
var colorBuffer = new byte[colorHeader.SizeImage];
Gdi32.GetDIBits(WindowDeviceContext, iconInfo.Color, 0, (uint)(colorHeader.Height * -1), colorBuffer, ref colorHeader, DibColorModes.RgbColors);
//Converts a byte array to image (System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource) just for testing.
var image = ImageUtil.ImageMethods.FromArray(colorBuffer, colorHeader.Width, colorHeader.Height * -1, 4); //4 channels
using var fileStream = new FileStream(#"Color.png", FileMode.Create);
var bmpEncoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
//Converts the HBitmap to Bitmap, just for testing too.
var image2 = System.Drawing.Image.FromHbitmap(iconInfo.Color);
var maskHeader = new BitmapInfoHeader(false);
//Gets the mask image details.
Gdi32.GetDIBits(WindowDeviceContext, iconInfo.Mask, 0, 0, null, ref maskHeader, DibColorModes.RgbColors);
if (maskHeader.Height != 0)
maskHeader.Height *= -1;
var maskBuffer = new byte[maskHeader.SizeImage];
Gdi32.GetDIBits(WindowDeviceContext, iconInfo.Mask, 0, (uint) maskHeader.Height, maskBuffer, ref maskHeader, DibColorModes.RgbColors);
//Converts a byte array to image (System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource) just for testing.
var image = ImageUtil.ImageMethods.FromArray(maskBuffer.ToList(), maskHeader.Width, maskHeader.Height * -1, 1, 1);
using var fileStream = new FileStream(#"Mask.png", FileMode.Create);
var bmpEncoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
//Converts the HBitmap to Bitmap, just for testing too.
var image2 = System.Drawing.Image.FromHbitmap(iconInfo.Mask);
With the proper interpretation of the bits per pixel of the mask image, this issue was solved.
public static BitmapSource FromArray(byte[] data, int width, int height, int channels, int bitsPerPixel = 32)
var format = PixelFormats.Default;
var stride = channels * ((bitsPerPixel * width + 31) / 32);
//Abridged channel and bits by pixel to format converter.
if (channels == 1)
format = PixelFormats.BlackWhite;
stride = width / 8;
else if (channels == 3)
format = PixelFormats.Bgr24; //RGB.
else if (channels == 4)
format = PixelFormats.Bgr32; //RGB + alpha.
var wbm = new WriteableBitmap(width, height, 96, 96, format, null);
wbm.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, width, height), data, stride, 0);
return wbm;
2) Get the correct size of the cursor:
As noted above, I'm only getting cursor images of size 32x32 or 32x64 (for masks).
I've tried to increase the size being passed to GetDIBits(), but the image being returned is always the same size.
Even if the size in Windows 10/11 settings is set to a bigger cursor size.
The IDXGIOutputDuplication::GetFramePointerShape() method returns a correct size, so it looks like it's possible. What does this method do in order to get the correct image size?
3) Get the actual cursor frame being displayed (for animated cursors):
As for the animation frame (steps) of the cursor, I don't see a way of getting multiple frames based on an index the same way that I would be able to draw with DrawIconEx():
//If the cursor rate needs to be precisely captured, I could use this undocumented API:
//int rate = 0, num = 0;
//var ok1 = User32.GetCursorFrameInfo(cursorInfo.hCursor, IntPtr.Zero, 17, ref rate, ref num);
var ok = User32.DrawIconEx(CompatibleDeviceContext, frame.CursorX - iconInfo.XHotspot, frame.CursorY - iconInfo.YHotspot, cursorInfo.CursorHandle, 0, 0, CursorStep, IntPtr.Zero, 0x0003);
if (!ok)
CursorStep = 0;
User32.DrawIconEx(CompatibleDeviceContext, frame.CursorX - iconInfo.XHotspot, frame.CursorY - iconInfo.YHotspot, cursorInfo.CursorHandle, 0, 0, CursorStep, IntPtr.Zero, 0x0003);
Maybe I could draw the cursor color and masks separately using DrawIconEx() into two bitmaps (using the flags DI_IMAGE and DI_MASK in each call, passing the cursor step), and then getting the pixels using GetDIBits()?
But how to do that?
I use SharpDX and I don't understand how to get pixel color at bitmap. I found CopySubresourceRegion method, but it working on Direct3D.
I've strange idea:
I can create RenderForm and drawing my bitmap on form. Then get graphics of form. Then create bitmap via "new Bitmap(width, height, graphics)". And then get pixel color from new bitmap;
I written special function for getting pixel color. This solved my problem ;)
C# - SharpDX
Color4 GetPixel(Bitmap image, int x, int y, RenderTarget renderTarget) {
var deviceContext2d = renderTarget.QueryInterface<DeviceContext>();
var bitmapProperties = new BitmapProperties1();
bitmapProperties.BitmapOptions = BitmapOptions.CannotDraw | BitmapOptions.CpuRead;
bitmapProperties.PixelFormat = image.PixelFormat;
var bitmap1 = new Bitmap1(deviceContext2d, new Size2((int)image.Size.Width, (int)image.Size.Height), bitmapProperties);
var map = bitmap1.Map(MapOptions.Read);
var size = (int)image.Size.Width * (int)image.Size.Height * 4;
byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
Marshal.Copy(map.DataPointer, bytes, 0, size);
var position = (y * (int)image.Size.Width + x) * 4;
return new Color4(bytes[position], bytes[position + 1], bytes[position + 2], bytes[position + 3]);
If you are targeting Direct2D 1.1 (or higher), then you can use the ID2D1Bitmap1::Map method. This will require that you set D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_CPU_READ and D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_CANNOT_DRAW flags on the bitmap when creating it.
I am writing a Windows Phone 8.1 (WINRT) App. I am using fileopenpicker to choose a picture from gallery and then i display it in my app. But i want that user can crop this image before getting displayed on app.
In windows phone 8, we used Photochooser task having width property and cropping options automatically used to come.
Now I am trying to use this :
Windows Phone 8.0: Image Crop With Rectangle
But there is no WriteableBitmap.Pixels in Windows Phone 8.1. What to use instead of WriteableBitmap.Pixels?
// Create a new WriteableBitmap. The size of the bitmap is the size of the cropping rectangle
// drawn by the user, multiplied by the image size ratio.
WB_CroppedImage = new WriteableBitmap((int)(widthRatio * Math.Abs(Point2.X - Point1.X)), (int)(heightRatio * Math.Abs(Point2.Y - Point1.Y)));
// Calculate the offset of the cropped image. This is the distance, in pixels, to the top left corner
// of the cropping rectangle, multiplied by the image size ratio.
int xoffset = (int)(((Point1.X < Point2.X) ? Point1.X : Point2.X) * widthRatio);
int yoffset = (int)(((Point1.Y < Point2.Y) ? Point1.Y : Point2.X) * heightRatio);
// Copy the pixels from the targeted region of the source image into the target image,
// using the calculated offset
if (WB_CroppedImage.Pixels.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < WB_CroppedImage.Pixels.Length; i++)
int x = (int)((i % WB_CroppedImage.PixelWidth) + xoffset);
int y = (int)((i / WB_CroppedImage.PixelWidth) + yoffset);
WB_CroppedImage.Pixels[i] = WB_CapturedImage.Pixels[y * WB_CapturedImage.PixelWidth + x];
// Set the source of the image control to the new cropped bitmap
FinalCroppedImage.Source = WB_CroppedImage;
FinalCroppedImage.Source = null;
You should take a look at BitmapEncoder and BitmapDecoder classes.
Also you probably will be able to use BitmapBounds to crop your image - set 'X' and 'Y' along with 'Width' and 'Height'.
I think the code may look like this (but I've not tested it):
StorageFile destination; // your destination file
using (var sourceStream = await sourceFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read))
BitmapDecoder bmpDecoder = await BitmapDecoder.CreateAsync(sourceStream);
// here you scale your image if needed and crop by setting X, Y, Width and Height
BitmapTransform bmpTransform = new BitmapTransform() { ScaledHeight = scaledHeight, ScaledWidth = scaledWidth, InterpolationMode = BitmapInterpolationMode.Cubic, Bounds = new BitmapBounds { X = topLeftX, Y = topLeftY Width = desiredSizeW, Height = desiredSizeH } };
PixelDataProvider pixelData = await bmpDecoder.GetPixelDataAsync(BitmapPixelFormat.Rgba8, BitmapAlphaMode.Straight, bmpTransform, ExifOrientationMode.RespectExifOrientation, ColorManagementMode.DoNotColorManage);
using (var destFileStream = await destination.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite))
BitmapEncoder bmpEncoder = await BitmapEncoder.CreateAsync(BitmapEncoder.PngEncoderId, destFileStream);
// here you need to set height and width - take from above
bmpEncoder.SetPixelData(BitmapPixelFormat.Rgba8, BitmapAlphaMode.Straight, desiredSizeW, desiredSizeH, 300, 300, pixelData.DetachPixelData());
await bmpEncoder.FlushAsync();
Of course you don't need to save the edited picture to StorageFile - I've used it as an example, you can write to stream and then set your image source.
I have an app that's basically a fancy PDF reader. I download a PDF from the internet and generate thumbnails for that PDF. However, it seems that when I generate these thumbnails a lot of memory is being allocated (checked using Instruments), sometimes parts of this is collected by the GC but in the end, my app gives up. I've had memory usage of up to 38Mb when generating thumbnails for a single PDF (100x100 thumbs, ~60 pages).
I generate one thumbnail at a time, store it and then repeat the process, so under any circumstance there should only be one thumbnail in memory (while generating them, at least). My code for generating thumbnails looks like this:
public UIImage GetPageThumbnail(int pageNumber, SizeF size)
//If using retina display, make sure to scale-up the thumbnail as well.
size.Width = size.Width * UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale;
size.Height = size.Height * UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale;
CGContext tempContext = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();
CGPDFPage page = Document.GetPage(pageNumber);
RectangleF drawArea = new RectangleF(new PointF(0f, 0f), size);
CGAffineTransform transform = page.GetDrawingTransform( CGPDFBox.Crop, drawArea, 180, true); //fit PDF to context
transform.xx = -transform.xx; // }
transform.x0 = 0; // }flip horizontally
//Console.WriteLine("XX: " + transform.xx + ", YX:" + transform.yx + ", XY:" + transform.xy + ", YY:" + transform.yy + ", X0:" + transform.x0 + ", Y0:" + transform.y0);
tempContext.DrawPDFPage (page);
UIImage returnImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return returnImage;
I've tried explicitly disposing the context and PDF page, but that had no effect (actually it seemed worse, but take that with a pinch of salt).
I've seen some posts about memory leakage with MonoTouch and PDF (basically this post), but that's pretty old. I'm using the newest MonoTouch (5.0.2).
Not sure where the problem in your code is, but here's my code for generating thumbs of PDF pages. It is working flawlessly. Maybe it helps you. I think your issue might be what you are doing with the returned image when you're don.
public static UIImageView GetLowResPagePreview (CGPDFPage oPdfPage, RectangleF oTargetRect)
RectangleF oOriginalPdfPageRect = oPdfPage.GetBoxRect (CGPDFBox.Media);
RectangleF oPdfPageRect = PdfViewerHelpers.RotateRectangle( oPdfPage.GetBoxRect (CGPDFBox.Media), oPdfPage.RotationAngle);
// Create a low res image representation of the PDF page to display before the TiledPDFView
// renders its content.
int iWidth = Convert.ToInt32 ( oPdfPageRect.Size.Width );
int iHeight = Convert.ToInt32 ( oPdfPageRect.Size.Height );
CGColorSpace oColorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB();
CGBitmapContext oContext = new CGBitmapContext(null, iWidth, iHeight, 8, iWidth * 4, oColorSpace, CGImageAlphaInfo.PremultipliedLast);
// First fill the background with white.
oContext.SetFillColor (1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
oContext.FillRect (oOriginalPdfPageRect);
// Scale the context so that the PDF page is rendered
// at the correct size for the zoom level.
oContext.ConcatCTM ( oPdfPage.GetDrawingTransform ( CGPDFBox.Media, oPdfPageRect, 0, true ) );
oContext.DrawPDFPage (oPdfPage);
CGImage oImage = oContext.ToImage();
UIImage oBackgroundImage = UIImage.FromImage( oImage );
oImage.Dispose ();
oColorSpace.Dispose ();
UIImageView oBackgroundImageView = new UIImageView (oBackgroundImage);
oBackgroundImageView.Frame = new RectangleF (new PointF (0, 0), oPdfPageRect.Size);
oBackgroundImageView.ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleToFill;
oBackgroundImageView.UserInteractionEnabled = false;
oBackgroundImageView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.None;
return oBackgroundImageView;
I implemented the EVR renderer into a player of mine to deal with bad resizing quality on Windows Vista+ and came to problems...
I have subtitle overlay problems with the EVR:
try to see what i'm talking about - you must set the EVR in options.
I used this to apply a 32bit alpha bitmap onto VMR9, using a DirectX surface:
private void SetVRM9MixerSettings(int width, int height, int lines)
int hr = 0;
VMR9AlphaBitmap alphaBmp;
// Set Alpha Bitmap Parameters for using a Direct3D surface
alphaBmp = new VMR9AlphaBitmap();
alphaBmp.dwFlags = VMR9AlphaBitmapFlags.EntireDDS | VMR9AlphaBitmapFlags.FilterMode;
// on unmanagedSurface the bitmap was drawn with transparency
alphaBmp.pDDS = unmanagedSurface;
alphaBmp.rDest = GetDestRectangle(width, height, lines);
alphaBmp.fAlpha = 1.0f;
alphaBmp.dwFilterMode = VMRMixerPrefs.BiLinearFiltering;
// for anaglyph half SBS
if (FrameMode == Mars.FrameMode.HalfSideBySide)
alphaBmp.rDest.left /= 2;
alphaBmp.rDest.right /= 2;
// Set Alpha Bitmap Parameters
hr = mixerBitmap.SetAlphaBitmap(ref alphaBmp);
Now however the project MediaFoundation.NET doesnt have the alphaBmp.pDDS pointer to set, so I cannot use a directdraw surface and need to use GDI (IF SOMEONE HAS A METHOD TO DO THIS IT WOULD BE COOL). But with GDI I cannot use 32bit alpha Bitmaps for true transparency - I only get 1 bit transparency with this approach:
private void SetEVRMixerSettings(int width, int height, int subtitleLines)
MFVideoAlphaBitmap alphaBmp = new MFVideoAlphaBitmap();
//alphaBitmap is a 32bit semitransparent Bitmap
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(alphaBitmap);
// get pointer to needed objects
IntPtr hdc = g.GetHdc();
IntPtr memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
IntPtr hBitmap = alphaBitmap.GetHbitmap();
IntPtr hOld = SelectObject(memDC, hBitmap);
alphaBmp.GetBitmapFromDC = true;
alphaBmp.stru = memDC;
alphaBmp.paras = new MFVideoAlphaBitmapParams();
alphaBmp.paras.dwFlags = MFVideoAlphaBitmapFlags.Alpha | MFVideoAlphaBitmapFlags.SrcColorKey | MFVideoAlphaBitmapFlags.DestRect;
// calculate destination rectangle
MFVideoNormalizedRect mfNRect = new MFVideoNormalizedRect();
NormalizedRect nRect = GetDestRectangle(width, height, subtitleLines);
mfNRect.top = nRect.top;
mfNRect.left = nRect.left;
mfNRect.right = nRect.right;
mfNRect.bottom = nRect.bottom;
// used when viewing half side by side anaglyph video that is stretched to full width
if (FrameMode == Mars.FrameMode.HalfSideBySide)
mfNRect.left /= 2;
mfNRect.right /= 2;
alphaBmp.paras.nrcDest = mfNRect;
// calculate source rectangle (full subtitle bitmap)
MFRect rcSrc = new MFRect();
rcSrc.bottom = alphaBitmap.Height;
rcSrc.right = alphaBitmap.Width;
rcSrc.top = 0;
rcSrc.left = 0;
alphaBmp.paras.rcSrc = rcSrc;
// apply 1-bit transparency
System.Drawing.Color colorKey = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
alphaBmp.paras.clrSrcKey = ColorTranslator.ToWin32(colorKey);
// 90% visible
alphaBmp.paras.fAlpha = 0.9F;
// set the bitmap to the evr mixer
// cleanup
SelectObject(memDC, hOld);
So the questions are:
How to use a DirectDraw surface to mix bitmaps on the EVR video
How to mix a semi transparent bitmap without DirectDraw?
Thank you very much!
I'll try to answer the second question...
Alpha blending is rather simple task.
Assume that alpha is in the range from 0.0 - 1.0, where 0.0 means fully transparent and 1.0 represents a fully opaque color.
R_result = R_Source * alpha + R_destination * (1.0 - alpha)
Since we don't really need floats here, we can switch alpha to a 0-255 range.
R_result = ( R_Source * alpha + R_destination * (255 - alpha) ) >> 8
You can optimize it further... it's up to you.
Of course, same applies for G and B.