Using Facebook SDK to publish on user feed / wall - c#

I'm trying to understand if it is possible to post on the users' wall from my Facebook application.
At the moment I have:
One Facebook app with the permission to write on the users' wall
A BackEnd with Fairbooks SDK Installed
Actually I'm following this approach:
public static string GetToken()
var fb = new Facebook.FacebookClient();
dynamic result = fb.Get("oauth/access_token", new
client_id = APP_ID,
client_secret = APP_S,
grant_type = "client_credentials"
return result.access_token;
public static void Post(string Message, long UserID)
var token = GetToken();
var client = new FacebookClient(token);
client.Post("/" + UserID + "/photos", new { url = "url", caption = Message });
My final goal is to post on facebook when the user interact with my API without client-side popups. Is this possible?

This line of code calls for an application access token
dynamic result = fb.Get("oauth/access_token", new
client_id = APP_ID,
client_secret = APP_S,
grant_type = "client_credentials"
It makes no sense to use this if you haven't first retrieved a user access token in advance. Only then can you make calls on behalf of the user.
My final goal is to post on facebook when the user interact with my API without client-side popups. Is this possible?
This will never be possible by design. All 3rd party applications must invoke a client-side activity for the user in some format. It cannot be automated.


is there a way to associate a spotify access token to a ASP.NET identity user?

I'm working on a multilanguage project for accademic purpose. I've written a simple Python Client that make requests to an API server written in ASP.NET. The server retrives spotify info about users. The server interacts with a DB filled by a Golang server that only makes scraping on API's exposed from Spotify. I'm aware that it's a misuse and there are better solutions
Clearly, Golang server, in order to make requests to Spotify API's, needs to know the access token returned from spotify Authorization Code Flow. Overlooking about spotify token expire time, the idea is: after user authentication through Identity module of ASP.NET server (using JWT token), associate the access token obtained calling to user's informations. So, i expose an API in ASP.NET server like this
public async Task<ContentResult> getTokenAsync(string? code = null)
//to retrive information about who is the user that making call -> need later for associate spotifytoken
string accessToken = Request.Headers[HeaderNames.Authorization].ToString().Replace("Bearer ", "");
JwtSecurityTokenHandler t = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
var token = t.ReadJwtToken(accessToken);
var user = _userManager.FindByIdAsync(token.Subject).Result;
string s = "";
if (code == null)
var qb = new QueryBuilder();
qb.Add("response_type", "code");
qb.Add("client_id", _config["SpotiSetting:clientId"]);
qb.Add("scope", "user-read-private user-read-email user-library-read");
qb.Add("redirect_uri", _config["SpotiSetting:redirectUser"]);
qb.Add("show_dialog", "true");
return new ContentResult
ContentType = "text/html",
Content = "" + qb.ToQueryString().ToString()
//Content = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user.Result)
} else
//if i'm here, api is the callback designed for spotify
var qb = new QueryBuilder();
qb.Add("grant_type", "authorization_code");
qb.Add("code", code);
qb.Add("redirect_uri", "https://localhost:44345/spotify/token");
var client = new HttpClient();
var req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, s);
req.Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(qb);
req.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", "here_my_secret_encoded_CLIENTID:CLIENT_SECRET");
var response = await client.SendAsync(req);
var result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
AccessToken json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AccessToken>(result);
user.spotifyInformation.authToken = code;
user.spotifyInformation.accessToken = json;
var res = _userManager.UpdateAsync(user);
if (res.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
return Content("ok");
} return Content("");
The problem is that the second time that API is invoked, it's spotify that is sending the first authorization token (needed to request access_token), so I lost user information retrived in the first request. Should be better write two distinct API and separate callback from user request?
It's my first question here, so please to have mercy

How can I get the picture of a Facebook event using server side code?

I'm writing a web app that pulls events data from Facebook, and I can get a lot of the information using an app token, but not the picture, which requires a client token, as documented here:
I want the code that grabs the event data to run automatically on a server at regular intervals, without requiring a user to log in to their Facebook account.
Is there a way I can get a client token without user intervention? If not, is there another way I can get the event picture?
This is the code I am using to get the event data, using C# and JSON.Net (This gets a list of events created by the specified user - ResortStudios):
var fb = new FacebookClient();
dynamic result = fb.Get( "oauth/access_token", new
client_id = "XXXXXXXXXXX",
grant_type = "client_credentials"
} );
var apptoken = result.access_token;
fb = new FacebookClient(apptoken);
result = fb.Get("ResortStudios/events");
JObject events = JObject.Parse(result.ToString());
JArray aEvents = (JArray)events["data"];
string s = aEvents.ToString();
List<fbEvent> lEvents = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<fbEvent>>(s);
I've not tried this but something occurred to me that might work for you. Have you considered something like storing it a non-persistent data store like session state? Then, using the Facebook SDK for .NET, you create an ActionResult for UserInfo, like below. (I know this isn't directly applicable but I hoped it might get you thinking.)
public ActionResult UserInfo()
var accessToken = Session["AccessToken"].ToString();
var client = new FacebookClient(accessToken);
dynamic result = client.Get("me", new { fields = "name,id" });
return Json(new
id =,
name =,

Posting to FB Page error(s)

Scenario: I want to get user access token of the fb page admin by JS login and retrieving token ONE TIME, and will store that in database. Then daily, I want to do wall post to those page.
I am using JS to get the initial token and storing it. Then using c# FacebookSDK for the web requests.
FB.login(function (response) {
var r = response;
// get access token of the user and update in database
scope: 'manage_pages,publish_stream'
Now I am saving this token in database as I will be using this for future graph calls - is this right?
On server side when I need to do a post after a day I retrieve that token and do the processing as below:
// step 1 get application access token
var fb1 = new FacebookClient();
dynamic appTokenCLient = fb1.Get("oauth/access_token", new
client_id = appId,
client_secret = appSecret,
grant_type = "client_credentials",
scope = "manage_pages,publish_stream",
redirect_uri = siteUrl
var fbTokenSettingVal = GetTokenFromDB(); // getting access token from database which was stored during JS fb login
// step 2 extend token
var fb2 = new FacebookClient(appTokenCLient.access_token);
dynamic extendedToken = fb2.Get("oauth/access_token", new
client_id = appId,
client_secret = appSecret,
grant_type = "fb_exchange_token",
fb_exchange_token = fbTokenSettingVal.Val
var userExtendedToken = extendedToken.access_token; // get extended token and update database
// step 3 get page access token from the pages, that the user manages
var fb3 = new FacebookClient { AppId = appId, AppSecret = appSecret, AccessToken = userExtendedToken };
var fbParams = new Dictionary<string, object>();
var publishedResponse = fb3.Get("/me/accounts", fbParams) as JsonObject;
var data = JArray.Parse(publishedResponse["data"].ToString());
var pageToken = "";
foreach (var account in data)
if (account["name"].ToString().ToLower().Equals("PAGE_NAME"))
pageToken = account["access_token"].ToString();
// step 4 post a link to the page - throws error !
var fb4 = new FacebookClient(pageToken);
link = ""
The last 4th step throws error, when posting to selected page:
The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action
Have tried several different ways, but in vain. Assume that there is just a simple step which I am doing wrong here.
Also, is it ok to extend the fb access token for user every time before making request?
Any way to check if token is expired or not?
If you want to use that access token for future. You need to take offline_access token and that token you need to store in database.
This offline accesstoken will be expire once user will change the password or delete your application from facebook account.
private void GetPermenentAccessTokenOfUser(string accessToken)
var client2 = new FacebookClient(accessToken);
//get permenent access token
dynamic result = client2.Post("oauth/access_token", new
client_id = _apiKey,
client_secret = _apiSecret,
grant_type = "fb_exchange_token",
fb_exchange_token = accessToken
_accessToken = result.access_token;
Looks like for new apps we need to apply for manage_pages permission from our application:
which I am doing now. As it shows error when doing login:
Also, the app needs to be live, so they can reproduce this permission and verify that we do need this permission to post to pages. Its good for fb users safety but a time taking process for developers.
Any way this can be skipped for testing purpose?

Post message from Website to Facebook wall

I have a website made with ASP.NET webform .NET 4.5 C#. This site contains a forum(homemade by me), parts of this forum needs to be posted to the specific facebook wall(made for this webpage). What I need :
Post just created thread(message) from specific part of the forum to the corsponding facebook wall.
Optional : Sync the forum thread on webpage with message/comments on the specific facebook page
I have looked at these guides :
But im not sure that this is really the solution for me? I have tried to follow the guide but it does not look the same.
Edit :
dynamic result;
FacebookClient client = new FacebookClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FacebookAppToken"]);
//result = client.Get("debug_token", new
// input_token = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FacebookAppToken"],
// access_token = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FacebookAppToken"]
//result = client.Get("oauth/access_token", new
// {
// client_id = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FacebookAppId"],
// client_secret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FacebookAppSecret"],
// grant_type = "client_credentials",
// //redirect_uri = "",
// //code = ""
// });
result = client.Get("oauth/access_token", new
client_id = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FacebookAppId"],
client_secret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FacebookAppSecret"],
grant_type = "client_credentials"
client.AccessToken = result.access_token;
result = client.Post("[IdOfFacebookPage]/feed", new { message = "Test Message from app" });
result = client.Get("[IdOfFacebookPage]");
return false;
Approach to post to a facebook wall:
You need to register in facebook developer tools.
Create a app (fill a form).
Download FGT 5.0.480 (Facebook graph toolkit)
Reference FGT dlls in your web application.
FGT has methods to post to facebook wall but needs appId.
Use the app id of your app created in step 2.
To post to an user's wall through facebook, it is only possible through an app.
Try this asp .net app, which will allow you to post in your wall:
This will allow you to envision what you need.
Your app gets an appId with which you need to generate auth token.
Limitation: The user's wall where you want to post should have added the app created at step 2, this is compulsory and there is no work around.
When the user accesses the app for the first time, it automatically asks for permission to post to wall--> the user needs to accept it.
Hope this gives you an idea on how to go about doing this.
You can then post into the user's wall.
For Banshee's below request using Facebook SDK for .NET:
userId - facebook user id, wall to post the message
This user should have added the app created by you in step 1 else it will say unauthorized access.
dynamic messagePost = new ExpandoObject();
messagePost.picture = ""; = ""; = "This is a test name";
messagePost.caption = "CAPTION 1";
messagePost.description = "Test desc";
messagePost.message = "message"
var fb = new FacebookClient();
dynamic result = fb.Get("oauth/access_token", new {
client_id = "app_id",
client_secret = "app_secret",
grant_type = "client_credentials"
fb.AccessToken = result.access_token;
var postId = fb.Post(userId + "/feed", messagePost);
catch (FacebookOAuthException ex)
//handle oauth exception
catch (FacebookApiException ex)
//handle facebook exception
You will need an extended token to publish to a wall.. Steps to get extended token is explained well by Banshee..
Edit: How to get extended token by Banshee:
Please follow this post
By creating a extended page token and use it to make the post everything works just fine. See this : How to get Page Access Token by code?
Im surprised that this simple task was so hard to get running and that there was vary little help to get.

Getting OAuth2 refresh token

I'm trying to use Google's Calendar API to demo out an OAuth2 integration that we'll need to do with another third party. I'm using the DotNetOpenAuth library, and I've been able to get the initial redirect to Google for the Allow / Deny prompt and get the authorization code back.
I now need to get the access token and refresh token, but I only seem to get an access token back, refresh token is null.
This is my controller action method where Google redirects back to after the user Accepts or Denies:
public ActionResult ProcessResponse(string state, string code, string error)
var oAuthClient =
new WebServerClient(
new AuthorizationServerDescription
TokenEndpoint = new Uri(""),
AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(""),
ProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion.V20
AuthorizationTracker = new TokenManager()
var authState = oAuthClient.ProcessUserAuthorization();
var accessToken = authState.AccessToken;
var refreshToken = authState.RefreshToken;
return View(new[] { accessToken, refreshToken });
Any ideas?
To get the authorization code, I setup the oAuthClient identically to what I did above, and use this method:
oAuthClient.RequestUserAuthorization(new[] { "" }, returnUrl);
I had a similar problem, and solved mine by hand-coding the HttpRequest and HttpResponse handling. See code at:

