Im trying to get a button to print out my current form and have tried all the code I can find on here but it keeps printing blank pages and I cant work out why.
The code I use is as follows
Bitmap bitmap;
private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Add a Panel control.
Panel panel = new Panel();
//Create a Bitmap of size same as that of the Form.
Graphics grp = panel.CreateGraphics();
Size formSize = this.ClientSize;
bitmap = new Bitmap(formSize.Width, formSize.Height, grp);
grp = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
//Copy screen area that that the Panel covers.
Point panelLocation = PointToScreen(panel.Location);
grp.CopyFromScreen(panelLocation.X, panelLocation.Y, 0, 0, formSize);
//Show the Print Preview Dialog.
printPreviewDialog1.Document = printDocument1;
printPreviewDialog1.PrintPreviewControl.Zoom = 1;
private void PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
//Print the contents.
e.Graphics.DrawImage(bitmap, 0, 0);
This runs from a button (btnPrint) which is on a form (Form2) along with loads of textboxes and graphics)
When clicked it brings up the print preview dialog fine but the page is blank. If I press print it prints a blank page.
Any idea why its not copying the form??
Please refer: How to: Print Preview a Form
public static extern long BitBlt (IntPtr hdcDest,
int nXDest, int nYDest, int nWidth, int nHeight,
IntPtr hdcSrc, int nXSrc, int nYSrc, int dwRop);
private Bitmap memoryImage;
private void CaptureScreen()
Graphics mygraphics = this.CreateGraphics();
Size s = this.Size;
memoryImage = new Bitmap(s.Width, s.Height,
Graphics memoryGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(
IntPtr dc1 = mygraphics.GetHdc();
IntPtr dc2 = memoryGraphics.GetHdc();
BitBlt(dc2, 0, 0, this.ClientRectangle.Width,
this.ClientRectangle.Height, dc1, 0, 0,
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(System.Object
sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
e.Graphics.DrawImage(memoryImage, 0, 0);
private void printButton_Click(System.Object sender,
System.EventArgs e)
printPreviewDialog1.Document = printDocument1;
Does anyone know how I can save my panel as pdf?
Now I have this code but this saves the whole form and I only need Panel1.
This code returns a pdf of the whole form but that is not necessary.
I checked already on the internet but couldn't find anything...
I also searched in the code to see if I could find something pointing to the form but I can't find anything there either.
Can someone help me save my panel and not my entire winform?
private System.IO.Stream streamToPrint;
string streamType;
private static extern bool BitBlt
IntPtr hdcDest, // handle to destination DC
int nXDest, // x-coord of destination upper-left corner
int nYDest, // y-coord of destination upper-left corner
int nWidth, // width of destination rectangle
int nHeight, // height of destination rectangle
IntPtr hdcSrc, // handle to source DC
int nXSrc, // x-coordinate of source upper-left corner
int nYSrc, // y-coordinate of source upper-left corner
System.Int32 dwRop // raster operation code
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(this.streamToPrint);
int x = e.MarginBounds.X;
int y = e.MarginBounds.Y;
int width = image.Width;
int height = image.Height;
if ((width / e.MarginBounds.Width) > (height / e.MarginBounds.Height))
width = e.MarginBounds.Width;
height = image.Height * e.MarginBounds.Width / image.Width;
height = e.MarginBounds.Height;
width = image.Width * e.MarginBounds.Height / image.Height;
System.Drawing.Rectangle destRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
e.Graphics.DrawImage(image, destRect, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
public void StartPrint(Stream streamToPrint, string streamType)
this.printDocument1.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(printDocument1_PrintPage);
this.streamToPrint = streamToPrint;
this.streamType = streamType;
System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog PrintDialog1 = new PrintDialog();
PrintDialog1.AllowSomePages = true;
PrintDialog1.ShowHelp = true;
PrintDialog1.Document = printDocument1;
DialogResult result = PrintDialog1.ShowDialog();
if (result == DialogResult.OK)
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
String filename = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName();
Graphics g1 = this.CreateGraphics();
Image MyImage = new Bitmap(this.ClientRectangle.Width, this.ClientRectangle.Height, g1);
Graphics g2 = Graphics.FromImage(MyImage);
IntPtr dc1 = g1.GetHdc();
IntPtr dc2 = g2.GetHdc();
BitBlt(dc2, 0, 0, this.ClientRectangle.Width, this.ClientRectangle.Height, dc1, 0, 0, 13369376);
MyImage.Save(filename, ImageFormat.Png);
FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
StartPrint(fileStream, "Image");
if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename))
# Raf.
For printing panel as pdf, you can refer to the following code.
public partial class Form1 : Form
Bitmap MemoryImage;
private PrintDocument printDocument1 = new PrintDocument();
private PrintPreviewDialog previewdlg = new PrintPreviewDialog();
public Form1()
printDocument1.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(printdoc1_PrintPage);
public void GetPrintArea(Panel pnl)
MemoryImage = new Bitmap(pnl.Width, pnl.Height);
pnl.DrawToBitmap(MemoryImage, new Rectangle(0, 0, pnl.Width, pnl.Height));
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
if (MemoryImage != null)
e.Graphics.DrawImage(MemoryImage, 0, 0);
void printdoc1_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
Rectangle pagearea = e.PageBounds;
e.Graphics.DrawImage(MemoryImage, (pagearea.Width / 2) - (this.panel1.Width / 2), this.panel1.Location.Y);
public void Print(Panel pnl)
Panel pannel = pnl;
previewdlg.Document = printDocument1;
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
The result is shown in the picture:
I am trying to Print the complete form but It print document is not covering full width. I have tried different ways, But didn't get the desired result.
I have taken help from this link
This is the half print which I am getting
Here is the complete form which I want to print
Please tell me how I can get complete form printed.
Thanks in advance
I am not sure about the link you are following, I was getting same error even after trying multiple codes while I was trying to print whole form once. Then I found below code somewhere on internet, which prints whole form.
private System.IO.Stream streamToPrint;
string streamType;
PrintDocument printDoc = new PrintDocument();
private static extern bool BitBlt
IntPtr hdcDest, // handle to destination DC
int nXDest, // x-coord of destination upper-left corner
int nYDest, // y-coord of destination upper-left corner
int nWidth, // width of destination rectangle
int nHeight, // height of destination rectangle
IntPtr hdcSrc, // handle to source DC
int nXSrc, // x-coordinate of source upper-left corner
int nYSrc, // y-coordinate of source upper-left corner
System.Int32 dwRop // raster operation code
private void printDoc_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(this.streamToPrint);
int x = e.MarginBounds.X;
int y = e.MarginBounds.Y;
int width = image.Width;
int height = image.Height;
if ((width / e.MarginBounds.Width) > (height / e.MarginBounds.Height))
width = e.MarginBounds.Width;
height = image.Height * e.MarginBounds.Width / image.Width;
height = e.MarginBounds.Height;
width = image.Width * e.MarginBounds.Height / image.Height;
System.Drawing.Rectangle destRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
e.Graphics.DrawImage(image, destRect, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
private void btnPrintDoc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Graphics g1 = this.CreateGraphics();
System.Drawing.Image MyImage = new Bitmap(this.ClientRectangle.Width, this.ClientRectangle.Height, g1);
Graphics g2 = Graphics.FromImage(MyImage);
IntPtr dc1 = g1.GetHdc();
IntPtr dc2 = g2.GetHdc();
BitBlt(dc2, 0, 0, this.ClientRectangle.Width, this.ClientRectangle.Height, dc1, 0, 0, 13369376);
MyImage.Save(#"D:\PrintPage.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(#"D:\PrintPage.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
StartPrint(fileStream, "Image");
public void StartPrint(Stream streamToPrint, string streamType)
this.printDoc.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(printDoc_PrintPage);
this.streamToPrint = streamToPrint;
this.streamType = streamType;
System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog PrintDialog1 = new PrintDialog();
PrintDialog1.AllowSomePages = true;
PrintDialog1.ShowHelp = true;
PrintDialog1.Document = printDoc;
DialogResult result = PrintDialog1.ShowDialog();
if (result == DialogResult.OK)
If you want to fix size When Form starts you can try this, my friend. Or When you click the print button, some controls are added to your form you can only just call the SizeFix function end of your print button click event function instead of creating load event.
public Form1()
this.Load += new EventHandler(SizeFix);
public void SizeFix(object o, EventArgs e)
int widthMax = this.Width;
foreach (var item in this.Controls)
int tempWitdh = (item as Control).Location.X + (item as Control).Width;
if (tempWitdh > widthMax)
widthMax = tempWitdh;
this.Width = widthMax; // You can add 10 width more
imageI want to print data to a label using c# application. I created the application for the same purpose. Since there is only limited space in the label, I need to use the full white space available.
Here I have attached the two pictures of the data showing in the window and in the print preview. In print preview it is shown that white space from both sides are gone.But after printing in the label there is space at both ends.
Is there any way to use the complete space.
The Code I used for the same is below.
public PrintPreviewExt()
public static extern long BitBlt(IntPtr hdcDest, int nXDest, int nYDest, int nWidth, int nHeight, IntPtr hdcSrc, int nXSrc, int nYSrc, int dwRop);
private Bitmap memoryImage;
private void PrintScreen()
Graphics mygraphics = this.CreateGraphics();
Size s = this.Size;
memoryImage = new Bitmap(s.Width, s.Height, mygraphics);
Graphics memoryGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(memoryImage);
IntPtr dc1 = mygraphics.GetHdc();
IntPtr dc2 = memoryGraphics.GetHdc();
BitBlt(dc2, 0, 0, this.ClientRectangle.Width, this.ClientRectangle.Height, dc1, 0, 0, 13369376);
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
e.Graphics.DrawImage(memoryImage, 0, 0);
private void print_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
print.Visible = false;
I want to print only the active window from a C# application. Using CopyFromScreen() does not work as it takes a screenshot and the window can be partially hidden by other transient windows appearing. So I tried PrintWindow():
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
e.Graphics.PageScale = 10.0f;
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
PrintWindow(this.Handle, g.GetHdc(), 0);
This produces a tiny stamp-sized printout of the window regardless of which PageScale I use.
Any ideas?
This does the trick:
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
Graphics myGraphics = CreateGraphics();
var bitmap = new Bitmap(Width, Height, myGraphics);
DrawToBitmap(bitmap, new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height));
e.Graphics.DrawImage(bitmap, 0, 0);
Some googling around, and I found: Copying content from a hidden or clipped window in XP?
It seems you will need to prepare a bitmap for storing the page:
// Takes a snapshot of the window hwnd, stored in the memory device context hdcMem
HDC hdc = GetWindowDC(hwnd);
if (hdc)
HDC hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
if (hdcMem)
RECT rc;
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc);
HBITMAP hbitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, RECTWIDTH(rc), RECTHEIGHT(rc));
if (hbitmap)
SelectObject(hdcMem, hbitmap);
PrintWindow(hwnd, hdcMem, 0);
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
This is supposed to be very simple. I basically copied the code from MSDN for printing a form in my C# winforms application. All I get when i click on "Print" is a blank sheet of paper but no error messages.
This is the link.
The code is:
public static extern long BitBlt (IntPtr hdcDest, int nXDest, int nYDest, int nWidth, int nHeight, IntPtr hdcSrc, int nXSrc, int nYSrc, int dwRop);
private Bitmap memoryImage;
private void CaptureScreen()
Graphics mygraphics = this.CreateGraphics();
Size s = this.Size;
memoryImage = new Bitmap(s.Width, s.Height, mygraphics);
Graphics memoryGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(memoryImage);
IntPtr dc1 = mygraphics.GetHdc();
IntPtr dc2 = memoryGraphics.GetHdc();
BitBlt(dc2, 0, 0, this.ClientRectangle.Width, this.ClientRectangle.Height, dc1, 0, 0, 13369376);
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(System.Object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
e.Graphics.DrawImage(memoryImage, 0, 0);
private void printButton_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
All I need to do is print the current form. I just get a blank sheet of paper. I think its because of the unmanaged code(calling the dll). How do I fix this?
I tested the sample in .NET 4.5.2 and it works great.
I just get a blank sheet of paper. I think its because of the unmanaged code(calling the dll). How do I fix this?
You will get a blank sheet of paper if you don't hook up the subscriber for PrintDocument.PrintPage event.
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(Object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
e.Graphics.DrawImage(memoryImage, 0, 0);
The page you linked to is from 2003, likely not going to work anymore.
Here is a more recent MSDN page: How to: Print a Windows Form
You only require permissions to access the printer.
And the full code:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Printing;
public class Form1 :
private Button printButton = new Button();
private PrintDocument printDocument1 = new PrintDocument();
public Form1()
printButton.Text = "Print Form";
printButton.Click += new EventHandler(printButton_Click);
printDocument1.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(printDocument1_PrintPage);
void printButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Bitmap memoryImage;
private void CaptureScreen()
Graphics myGraphics = this.CreateGraphics();
Size s = this.Size;
memoryImage = new Bitmap(s.Width, s.Height, myGraphics);
Graphics memoryGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(memoryImage);
memoryGraphics.CopyFromScreen(this.Location.X, this.Location.Y, 0, 0, s);
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(System.Object sender,
System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
e.Graphics.DrawImage(memoryImage, 0, 0);
public static void Main()
Application.Run(new Form1());