How to add spikes to line on Winform chart? - c#

I am drawing a line on a graph from numbers read from a text file. There is a number on each line of the file which corresponds to the X co-ordinate while the Y co-ordinate is the line it is on.
The requirements have now changed to include "special events" where if the number on the line is followed by the word special a spike will appear like image below:
Currently the only way I can find is to use a line for each spike, however there could be a large of these special events and so needs to be modular. This seems an efficient and bad way to program it.
Is it possible to add the spikes to the same graph line? Or is it possible to use just one additional line and have it broken (invisible) and only show where the spikes are meant to be seen?
I have looked at using bar graphs but due to other items on the graph I cannot.

The DataPoints of a Line Chart are connected so it is not possble to really break it apart. However each segment leading to a DataPoint can have its own color and that includes Color.Transparent which lends itself to a simple trick..
Without adding extra Series or Annotations, your two questions can be solved like this:
To simply add the 'spikes' you show us in the 2nd graph, all you need to do is to insert 2 suitable datapoints, the 2nd being identical to the point the spike is connected to.
To add an unconnected line you need to 'jump' to its beginning by adding one extra point with a transparent color.
Here are two example methods:
void addSpike(Series s, int index, double spikeWidth)
DataPoint dp = s.Points[index];
DataPoint dp1 = new DataPoint(dp.XValue + spikeWidth, dp.YValues[0]);
s.Points.Insert(index+1, dp1);
s.Points.Insert(index+2, dp);
void addLine(Series s, int index, double spikeDist, double spikeWidth)
DataPoint dp = s.Points[index];
DataPoint dp1 = new DataPoint(dp.XValue + spikeDist, dp.YValues[0]);
DataPoint dp2 = new DataPoint(dp.XValue + spikeWidth, dp.YValues[0]);
DataPoint dp0 = dp.Clone();
dp1.Color = Color.Transparent;
dp2.Color = dp.Color;
dp2.BorderWidth = 2; // optional
dp0.Color = Color.Transparent;
s.Points.Insert(index + 1, dp1);
s.Points.Insert(index + 2, dp2);
s.Points.Insert(index + 3, dp0);
You can call them like this:
addSpike(chart1.Series[0], 3, 50d);
addLine(chart1.Series[0], 6, 30d, 80d);
Note that they add 2 or 3 DataPoints to the Points collection!
Of course you can set the Color and width (aka BorderWidth) of the extra lines as you wish and also include them in the params list..
If you want to keep the points collection unchanged you also can simply create one 'spikes series' and add the spike points there. The trick is to 'jump' to the new points with a transparent line!


Chart : displaying boolean flags in a time plot as filled rectangles (instead of as lines)

I use the C# Chart in WinForms to plot a variety of variables in real time using the "line" chart type. That works well for analog values, but it's less than ideal for on/off flags.
I'd like to plot multiple flags as horizontal bars that are filled when the value is '1" and clear when the value is '0'.
Before I start coding a solution from scratch, do you have any suggestion on how I could take advantage of any features of the "chart" object to implement this more effectively?
EDIT: I am playing with the Area type, and it seems to be promising.
EDIT 2: That didn't work, because the area in the Area type always starts at the bottom of the chart, hiding the other rows. I am now trying the Range Column type
There are several ways to tackle this.: StackedBars, AreaChart, Annotations but I think by far the simplest is using a LineChartType.
The first issue is: How to create the gaps? The simplest way is to draw them as lines but with Color.Transparent. So instead of using the flag value as our y-value we use it to set the color..
So we could use a function like this:
void AddFlagLine(Chart chart, int series, int flag, int x)
Series s = chart.Series[series];
int px = s.Points.AddXY(x, series);
s.Points[px].Color = s.Color;
if (px > 0) s.Points[px - 1].Color = flag == 1 ? s.Color : Color.Transparent;
It takes the index of your Series and uses the flag to determine the color; note that the color of a line segment is controlled by the color of the end point.
So if you want to have the line going out from the new point to have its flag color, you need to set it when adding the next one..
This is simple enough and for lines as thick as 1-10 it works fine. But if you want larger widths things get a bit ugly..:
The rounded caps start to get bigger and bigger until they actually touch, flling the gaps more or less.
Unfortunately there seems to be no way to controls the caps-style of the lines. There are many CustomAttributes including DashStyles but not this one. So we have to resort to owner-drawing. This is rather simple for line charts. Here is an example:
The xxxPaint event looks like this:
private void chart_PostPaint(object sender, ChartPaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.ChartGraphics.Graphics;
Axis ax = chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX;
Axis ay = chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY;
for (int si = 0; si < chart.Series.Count; si++ )
Series s = chart.Series[si];
for (int pi = 1; pi < s.Points.Count - 1; pi++)
DataPoint dp = s.Points[pi];
int y = (int) ay.ValueToPixelPosition(dp.YValues[0]+1); ///*1*
int x0 = (int)ax.ValueToPixelPosition(ax.Minimum);
int x1 = (int)ax.ValueToPixelPosition(s.Points[pi-1].XValue); ///*2*
int x2 = (int)ax.ValueToPixelPosition(dp.XValue);
x1 = Math.Max(x1, x0);
x2 = Math.Max(x2, x0);
using (Pen pen = new Pen(dp.Color, 40) ///*3*
{ StartCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Flat,
EndCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Flat })
g.DrawLine(pen, x1, y, x2, y);
A few notes:
1 : I have decided to move the the series up by one; this is up to you just as using or turning off the y-axis labels or replacing them by custom labels..
2 : Here we use the previous point's x-position!
3 : Note that instead of hard coding a width of 40 pixels you really should decide on a calculated width. This is an example that almost fills up the area:
int width = (int)( ( ay.ValueToPixelPosition(ay.Minimum) -
ay.ValueToPixelPosition(ay.Maximum)) / (chart7.Series.Count + 2));
You can twist is to fill more or less by adding less or more than 2.
I have turned all BorderWidths to 0 so only the drawn lines show.
I got it:
It turned out to actually be pretty easy; I used the Range Column type.
A) Set-up (done once):
plotChart.Series[chanNo].ChartType = SeriesChartType.RangeColumn;
plotChart.Series[chanNo].CustomProperties = "PointWidth=" + noOfFlags;
PointWidth is required to set the relative width of each rectangle so that it fills the entire width of one data point (if too small, there are gaps in the horizontal bar; if too large, there is overlap). noOfFlags is the number of flags shown (in the example shown above, noOfFlags = 4). (By the way the MSDN documentation is wrong: PointWidth is not limited to 2.)
B) Plotting (done for each new data point):
int barHeight = flagHigh ? 1 : 0;
plotChart.Series[chanNo].Points.AddXY(pointX, baseLine, baseLine + barHeight);
flagHigh is a bool that is equal to the flag being monitored.
baseLine is decremented for each trace. In the example above, baseLine starts at 4, and is decremented down to 0.
Note that for each data point, RangeColumn requires 2 "Y" values: one for the bottom of the rectangle, one for the top; in the code, I set the bottom Y to the bottom of the row that I use for that particular flag, and the top to 1 above the bottom, to give me a height of 1.

How to make line plotted thicker in mschart

I have a line which connects different points. I have generated the line dynamically. I want to make the line thinker.
My code is as below:
//now lets plot lines between tow points.
Series newLineSeries = new Series("LineSeries" + index);
//--If the series already present lets remove from the chart
if(chart1.Series.IndexOf(newLineSeries.Name) != -1)
newLineSeries.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
newLineSeries.Color = menuStripNodeInfoValues[index].colorValue;
newLineSeries.ToolTip = tooltipString;//tooltipString is cal. dynamically
newLineSeries.Points.Add(new DataPoint(valueX1,valueY1)); //valueX1,valueY1 are some dynamically calculated values
newLineSeries.Points.Add(new DataPoint(valueX2,valueY2));//These are also also dynamically calculated
This successfully generate a line but the size of the line doesnot change even when i change the MarkerSize property.
Have you tried chart1.Series[i].BorderWidth = 5 ? If by size you mean thickness

How to create Box Plot for a series of data without x values

I am having difficulty creating a box plot for a set of row objects contained in a list. The data itself is populating fine enough but the chart creates a different x value for each object in the list, which is not intended. Perhaps I am using the wrong binding method on the list? Here is the snippet of code in which the binding occurs:
foreach (DataRow row in myDataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
colValues.Add(row["Freight Cost/ Pc - $"]);
It is a list. It contains each row value of column "Freight Cost/ Pc -$". I believe I only have one series. It is currently creating an x value for each y value in the list. I want only one independent value for every y value. In other words, I am dealing with a univariate sample. I don't even get why this is an issue. I was under the impression that a box plot was strictly used to display descriptive statistics related to univariate data.
A DataPoint of ChartType BoxPlot is a graphical depiction of statistical data.
You have two basic ways to use a BoxPlot chart:
You can add multiple DataPoints e.g. by using the AddXY call. For this you will have to provide (at least) six Y-Values containing the statistical values to show.
Or you can 'bind' a DataPoint to another Series in the Chart. If you have multiple Series you can show their stats in one BoxPlot DataPoint each.
The main difference is that in the first case you need to already have the stats while the second way will let the chart do the calculations on the series of DataPoints. The way to make that work is not by normal data binding but by using the BoxPlotSeries custom property:
Series BS = chart1.Series.Add("BoxPlotSeries");
BS.ChartType = SeriesChartType.BoxPlot;
BS.Points.Add(new DataPoint(55, 0));
BS.Points[0]["BoxPlotSeries"] = "S1";
After creating a random series S1 with 50 DataPoints, I create a BoxPlot series, add one point at x=55 and relate the point's Custom property BoxPlotSeries
Here is a result:
By regular binding the Points to your List you have effectively chosen method one and see many BoxPlot points. Instead style the Series to your liking as chartType Point, Line, Column or what you want; then add a second Series with one DataPoint, relating it to the data series, like in my code example..
I have chosen my X-Value so that the BoxPlot point sits to the right of the data. If your data do not have meaningful i.e. numeric X-Values they are displayed in order and you can place the BoxPlot point at S1.Points.Count or Count + 1 or +2..
Note that if you have a lot of DataPoints the BoxPlotPoint will look so thin you can hardly see it at all.
In that case it would be nice if you could simply make it wider.
There is a set of Custom Properties, namely
PointWidth and PixelPointWidth, MinPixelPointWidth and MaxPixelPointWidth.
BS["MinPixelPointWidth"] = "15";
BS["MaxPixelPointWidth"] = "25";
But you may prefer to keep the BoxPlot points separate by adding a second ChartArea where you place the BoxPlot series:
Here are the positioning and styling calls used for the above screenshot:
ChartArea A1 = chart1.ChartAreas[0];
Series S1 = chart1.Series[0];
A1.AxisX.Interval = 50;
ChartArea A2 = chart1.ChartAreas.Add("A2");
A2.AlignWithChartArea = "A1";
A2.AlignmentOrientation = AreaAlignmentOrientations.Horizontal;
A2.AlignmentStyle = AreaAlignmentStyles.PlotPosition;
A1.Position.Width *= 0.85f;
A2.Position.Y = A1.Position.Y;
A2.Position.X = A1.Position.Right;
A2.Position.Width = A1.Position.Width * 0.15f;
A2.AxisX.LabelStyle.ForeColor = Color.Transparent;
A2.AxisX.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
A2.AxisX.MajorTickMark.Enabled = false;
A2.AxisX.Minimum = 0;
A2.AxisX.Maximum = 2;
A2.AxisY.Interval = 10;
A2.AxisY.Maximum = A1.AxisY.Maximum;
A2.AxisY.Minimum = A1.AxisY.Minimum;
Series BS = chart1.Series.Add("BoxPlotSeries");
BS.ChartArea = "A2";
BS.ChartType = SeriesChartType.BoxPlot;
BS.Points.Add(new DataPoint(1, 0));
DataPoint DPT = BS.Points[BS.Points.Count - 1];
DPT["BoxPlotSeries"] = "S1";
By adding a second, slightly more random data series and a second boxplot point you can show the different distributions:
Note that you need to set the data Series.Colors explictly to allow referencing them for the BoxPlot points..:
S1.Color = Color.SteelBlue;
S2.Color = Color.DarkKhaki;
DPT1.Color = chart1.Series["S1"].Color;
DPT2.Color = chart1.Series["S2"].Color;

Chart - Automatic highlighting Zero Points

So basically I have a graph as below in the image, I am going to be implementing some check boxes to enable and disable each line graph.
My main question is:
As you can see on the graphs there is dips in the data down to ZERO - How do I get these to automatically highlight for the user to see!
I.e. Set a point on the X Axis that displays interval!
One way would be to add a another Series of ChartType Point and add only those Zero Points as red dots..:
// add a new Series:
Series sz = chart1.Series.Add("Zeroes");
sz.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Point;
sz.Color = Color.Red;
sz.BorderWidth = 3;
// add Points wherever the other series is zero or less
foreach (DataPoint dp in chart1.Series[0].Points )
if (dp.YValues[0] <= 0) sz.Points.AddXY(dp.XValue, 0);
If you need to check on more Series you can repeat the loop for them..

VS2010 Chart control, how to display a blank chart?

I'm trying to use the chart control on a windows form and have it working, plotting some real time data, however before the data arrives nothing is displayed. I would like to show an empty graph with an X Y of 10 30 but still have the graph auto range if values go above this.
I cannot find a property to show the "blank" graph it this possible and if so how?
You can hide all data of a Series by making its line color Transparent. If you also set its LegendText to be " " all you can see are the Axis ticks. you can control them by adding a few Points and by setting the Minimum and Maximum values:
// short reference for our dummy:
Series S0 = chart1.Series[0];
// a simple type
S0.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
// set 10 point with x-values going from 0-100 and y-values going from 1-10:
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i +=10) S0.Points.AddXY(i , i / 10);
// or add only a few, e.g. the first and last points:
//S0.Points.AddXY(100, 10);
//S0.Points.AddXY(0, 10);
// hide the line:
S0.Color = Color.Transparent;
// hide the legend text (it will still take up a little space, though)
S0.LegendText = " ";
// limit the axis to the target values
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum = 100;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum = 0;
The result looks like an empty chart:

