I have a project that references a 3rd party c# assembly containing several overloaded instance methods. I want to invoke one of these methods via a generic in my code, calling the instance method whose parameter type matches the type of the generic:
void GetVal<T>(ref T val)
VendorLib v = new VendorLib();
v.GetVal(ref val);
// error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'ref T' to 'ref bool'
The closest I have come is through the use of a dynamic variable, but this results in a runtime exception as the parameter d resolves to bool even though the type of the generic is ulong, thereby binding the incorrect method:
class MyClass
void Caller()
ulong val = 0;
this.GetValue<ulong>(ref val);
void GetValue<T>(ref T val)
dynamic d = val;
GetValDynamic(ref d);
void GetValDynamic(ref dynamic val)
VendorLib v = new VendorLib();
v.GetVal(ref val);
Result Message: Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException : The best overloaded method match for 'VendorLib.GetVal(ref bool)' has some invalid arguments
The vendor library contains several GetVal overloads, of which GetVal(ref bool) is one and GetVal(ref ulong) another.
Why is the correct method not being bound?
If you don't want to check typeof(T) and call the respective method manually then reflection can work. Something like this...
public class MyVendorLibWrapper
private readonly VendorLib vendorLib;
public MyVendorLibWrapper()
this.vendorLib = new VendorLib();
public T GetValue<T>()
MethodInfo method = typeof(VendorLib)
.GetMethod("GetVal", new Type[] { typeof(T).MakeByRefType() });
object[] arguments = new object[] { default(T) };
method.Invoke(this.vendorLib, arguments);
return (T)arguments[0];
And called something like this...
MyVendorLibWrapper wrapper = new MyVendorLibWrapper();
int x = wrapper.GetValue<int>();
val is a dynamic, not a bool or a ulong. It is the wrong type. By using dynamic you are just cheating yourself out of the compile-time checking and just getting an error at runtime instead.
Looking at the way this code works the only purpose of generics and dynamic is to find a way to pass either a bool or a ulong to GetVal(...). From your code it looks like the only method that might need to be public is Caller(), in which case you can hide all this behind a common interface.
class MyClassULong : IMyClass
void Caller()
ulong val = 0;
this.GetValue(ref val);
void GetValue(ulong val)
VendorLib v = new VendorLib();
v.GetVal(ref val);
class MyClassBool : IMyClass
void Caller()
bool val = false;
this.GetValue(ref val);
void GetValue(bool val)
VendorLib v = new VendorLib();
v.GetVal(ref val);
public interface IMyClass
void Caller();
Then any code invoking Caller() would be written against IMyClass, and therefore wouldn't care which implementation you used.
public void CallIt(IMyClass myClass)
There are lots of patterns to get round this type of problem. For a better understanding you really need to spend a good deal of time reading about OOP in C#, and spend time coding.
Is it possible to create a generically typed Action at run time based on some specified types? In this particular scenario, the body of the Action will ultimately ignore the argument types, as the typed Action<> will just be a wrapper around a no-argument Action, e.g.
Action original = () => { };
Action<TType> wrapper = (arg) => {
Or, even:
Action<TTypeA, TTypeB> wrapper = (arg) => {
As you can see, the body of the typed Action<> ignores the arguments, and their type, it's just acting as a wrapper.
If you're curious as to why I want create this wrapper in the first place, the 'basic' version is that I am ultimately converting the Action to a Delegate for doing a Delegate.Combine(), which requires identical types. All I am trying to accomplish with the Delegate.Combine() is a basic notification that the delegate was fired.
At this point I will probably re-work my design to avoid these types of shenanigans, but I am still very curious how this might be accomplished.
The closest I could get was the following:
private static TType GetTypedDelegate<TType>(Action onComplete)
where TType : class
MethodInfo info = typeof(TType).GetMethod("Invoke");
ParameterInfo[] parameters = info.GetParameters();
object result;
if (parameters.Length == 0)
result = onComplete;
else if (parameters.Length == 1)
result = GetTypedDelegate<TType>(onComplete, parameters[0].ParameterType);
// etc
TType onCompleteCasted = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(TType), result, "Invoke") as TType;
return onCompleteCasted;
private static Delegate GetTypedDelegate<TType>(Action onComplete, Type type)
// This line isn't useful for me right now, since I can't just create a new
// instance of the action with a parameterless constructor ... but I thought I'd throw it in here in case it was of use
Type actionType = typeof(Action<>).MakeGenericType(new[] { type });
// Do some magic here with the type information
// The following of course does not work,but you get the idea of what I am aiming for
Action<type> wrapper = (arg1) =>
return wrapper as Delegate;
I think that the easiest option is to write a generic method and then invoke it dynamically (using Reflection or possibly even using C# 4 dynamic):
class Helper {
public static Action<TType> Wrap1<TType>(Action arg) {
return (arg) => { original(); }
Invoking the method using Reflection and using typ1 as the generic type argument could look like this:
var meth = typeof(Helper).GetMethod("Wrap1");
var gmeth = meth.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { typ1 });
var genericAction = gmeth.Invoke(null, new object[] { action });
If you don't want to use reflection you can setup some classes like this.
public class ActionWrapper<TTypeA>
protected readonly Action _original;
public ActionWrapper(Action original)
_original = original;
public Action<TTypeA> Wrapped { get { return WrappedAction; } }
private void WrappedAction(TTypeA a)
public class ActionWrapper<TTypeA,TTypeB>:ActionWrapper<TTypeA>
public ActionWrapper(Action original) : base(original)
public new Action<TTypeA, TTypeB> Wrapped { get { return WrappedAction; } }
private void WrappedAction(TTypeA a,TTypeB b)
I am trying to call an overloaded method based on the generic type. I've been doing this in C++ without any pain. But I really don't understand why am not able to do this in C# with generics. Can anybody help me how can I achieve this in C# with generics?
class Test<T>
public T Val;
public void Do(T val)
Val = val;
class MainClass
public static void Print(UInt16 val)
Console.WriteLine("UInt16: " + val.ToString());
public static void Print(UInt32 val)
Console.WriteLine("UInt32: " + val.ToString());
public static void Print(UInt64 val)
Console.WriteLine("UInt64: " + val.ToString());
public static void Main (string[] args)
Test<UInt16> test = new Test<UInt16>();
This won't work because C# generics are fundamentally different to C++ templates. .NET generic class instantiations are created at run-time, whereas C++ template instantiations are created at compile-time (as far as I know; my C++ is very rusty). The generic Do<T> method has to know at compile time a single method to call that can be baked into the resulting IL.
The way to accomplish this is to use reflection, or dynamic (new in C#4):
class Test<T>
public T Val;
public void Do(T val)
Val = val;
dynamic dynVal = Val;
With dynamic, the method lookup will be at runtime. Note that this is completely separate to generics, and will work equally well in non-generic code.
I might be missing something, but in your code you have:
public void Do(T val)
Val = val;
and in you main method you have:
test.Do(); //no parameter provided.
The problem youre encountering is that C# desn't select the appropriate method based on your type T. You'll have to make a workaound like this:
void Print<T>(T val)
case typeof(UInt64):
Console.WriteLine(...); break;
Consider the following (heavily simplified) code:
public T Function<T>() {
if (typeof(T) == typeof(string)) {
return (T) (object) "hello";
It's kind of absurd to first cast to object, then to T. But the compiler has no way of knowing that the previous test assured T is of type string.
What is the most elegant, idiomatic way of achieving this behavior in C# (which includes getting rid of the stupid typeof(T) == typeof(string), since T is string can't be used)?
Addendum: There is no return type variance in .net, so you can't make a function overload to type string (which, by the way, is just an example, but one reason why association end redefinition in polymorphism, e.g. UML, can't be done in c#). Obviously, the following would be great, but it doesn't work:
public T Function<T>() {
public string Function<string>() {
return "hello";
Concrete Example 1: Because there's been several attacks to the fact that a generic function that tests for specific types isn't generic, I'll try to provide a more complete example. Consider the Type-Square design pattern. Here follows a snippet:
public class Entity {
Dictionary<PropertyType, object> properties;
public T GetTypedProperty<T>(PropertyType p) {
var val = properties[p];
if (typeof(T) == typeof(string) {
(T) (object) p.ToString(this); // magic going here
return (T) TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(T)).ConvertFrom(val);
Concrete Example 2: Consider the Interpreter design pattern:
public class Expression {
public virtual object Execute() { }
public class StringExpression: Expression {
public override string Execute() { } // Error! Type variance not allowed...
Now let's use generics in Execute to allow the caller to force a return type:
public class Expression {
public virtual T Execute<T>() {
if(typeof(T) == typeof(string)) { // what happens when I want a string result from a non-string expression?
return (T) (object) do_some_magic_and_return_a_string();
} else if(typeof(T) == typeof(bool)) { // what about bools? any number != 0 should be True. Non-empty lists should be True. Not null should be True
return (T) (object) do_some_magic_and_return_a_bool();
public class StringExpression: Expressiong {
public override T Execute<T>() where T: string {
return (T) string_result;
If you're making these types of checks in a generic method, I'd rethink your design. The method is obviously not truly generic - if it were, you wouldn't need specific type checking...
Situations like this typically can be handled more cleanly by a redesign. One alternative is often to provide an overload of the appropriate type. Other design alternatives which avoid the type-specific behavior exist, as well, such as Richard Berg's suggestion of passing in a delegate.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace SimpleExamples
/// <summary>
/// Compiled but not run. Copypasta at your own risk!
/// </summary>
public class Tester
public static void Main(string[] args)
// Contrived example #1: pushing type-specific functionality up the call stack
var strResult = Example1.Calculate<string>("hello", s => "Could not calculate " + s);
var intResult = Example1.Calculate<int>(1234, i => -1);
// Contrived example #2: overriding default behavior with an alternative that's optimized for a certain type
var list1 = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
var list2 = new int[] { 4, 5, 6 };
Example2<int>.DoSomething(list1, list2);
var list1H = new HashSet<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
Example2<int>.DoSomething<HashSet<int>>(list1H, list2, (l1, l2) => l1.UnionWith(l2));
public static class Example1
public static TParam Calculate<TParam>(TParam param, Func<TParam, TParam> errorMessage)
bool success;
var result = CalculateInternal<TParam>(param, out success);
if (success)
return result;
return errorMessage(param);
private static TParam CalculateInternal<TParam>(TParam param, out bool success)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static class Example2<T>
public static void DoSomething(ICollection<T> list1, IEnumerable<T> list2)
Action<ICollection<T>, IEnumerable<T>> genericUnion = (l1, l2) =>
foreach (var item in l2)
l1 = l1.Distinct().ToList();
DoSomething<ICollection<T>>(list1, list2, genericUnion);
public static void DoSomething<TList>(TList list1, IEnumerable<T> list2, Action<TList, IEnumerable<T>> specializedUnion)
where TList : ICollection<T>
/* stuff happens */
specializedUnion(list1, list2);
/* other stuff happens */
/// I confess I don't completely understand what your code was trying to do, here's my best shot
namespace TypeSquarePattern
public enum Property
public class Entity
Dictionary<Property, object> properties;
Dictionary<Property, Type> propertyTypes;
public T GetTypedProperty<T>(Property p)
var val = properties[p];
var type = propertyTypes[p];
// invoke the cast operator [including user defined casts] between whatever val was stored as, and the appropriate type as
// determined by the domain model [represented here as a simple Dictionary; actual implementation is probably more complex]
val = Convert.ChangeType(val, type);
// now create a strongly-typed object that matches what the caller wanted
return (T)val;
/// Solving this one is a straightforward application of the deferred-execution patterns I demonstrated earlier
namespace InterpreterPattern
public class Expression<TResult>
protected TResult _value;
private Func<TResult, bool> _tester;
private TResult _fallback;
protected Expression(Func<TResult, bool> tester, TResult fallback)
_tester = tester;
_fallback = fallback;
public TResult Execute()
if (_tester(_value))
return _value;
return _fallback;
public class StringExpression : Expression<string>
public StringExpression()
: base(s => string.IsNullOrEmpty(s), "something else")
{ }
public class Tuple3Expression<T> : Expression<IList<T>>
public Tuple3Expression()
: base(t => t != null && t.Count == 3, new List<T> { default(T), default(T), default(T) })
{ }
Can you use as here?
T s = "hello" as T;
if(s != null)
return s;
I can't think of an "elegant" way to do this. As you say, the compiler can't know that the conditional has ensured that the type of T is string. As a result, it has to assume that, since there's no generalized way to convert from string to T, it's an error. object to T might succeed, so the compiler allows it.
I'm not sure I'd want an elegant way to express this. Although I can see where it'd be necessary to do explicit type checks like this in some situations, I think I'd want it to be cumbersome because it really is a bit of a hack. And I'd want it to stick out: "Hey! I'm doing something weird here!"
Ok, I took a run at it from several different angles and came up short. I would have to conclude that if your current implementation gets the job done you should take the win and move on. Short of some arcane emissions what you got is what you get.
But the compiler has no way of knowing
that the previous test assured T is of
type string.
Umm.... If I am not mistaken, generics is just code gen. The compiler generates a matching method for each distinct type found in the calling methods. So the compiler does know the type argument for the overload being called. Again; If I am not mistaken.
But overall, i think you are misusing the generic in this case, from what I can see, and as others have stated, there are more appropriate solutions..... which are unnamable unless you post code that completely specifies your requirements.
just my 2 pesos...
A variable of the type Int32 won't be threated as Int32 if we cast it to "Object" before passing to the overloaded methods below:
public static void MethodName(int a)
public static void MethodName(object a)
To handle it as an Int32 even if it is cast to "Object" can be achieved through reflection:
public static void MethodName(object a)
if(a.GetType() == typeof(int))
Is there another way to do that? Maybe using Generics?
Runtime overload resolution will not be available until C# 4.0, which has dynamic:
public class Bar
public void Foo(int x)
public void Foo(string x)
public void Foo(object x)
public void DynamicFoo(object x)
object a = 5;
object b = "hi";
object c = 2.1;
Bar bar = new Bar();
Casting this to dynamic enables the dynamic overloading support, so the DynamicFoo wrapper method is able to call the best fitting Foo overload based on the runtime type of the argument.
public static void MethodName(object a)
if(a is int)
No, the specific overload of a method that is called is determined at compile-time, not at runtime, unless you're using reflection, thus if you've cast your int to an object, the object overload will be called. I don't believe there's any other way to do this, and generics won't do it for you either.
would this not work?
void MethodName<T>(object a){
T item = a as T;
// treat in the manner you require
public static void MethodName(Type t)
Then call it:
int a = 0;
string b = "";
object c = new object();
public static void MethodName<T>(T a)
And finally:
public static void MethodName<T>()
It comes down to the fact that the language must somehow be able to determine what type you will be dealing at compile time.
You're pretty much stuck with if/else constructs if you're looking to switch on types. The switch statement itself won't work due to polymorphism. If you're using non-primitive objects, than you can usually accomplish this sort of behavior either with polymorphism or interfaces, such that:
public static void MethodName(MyBaseObject obj)
dynamic overloading was an issue until .NET 3.5, but with .NET 4 its very feasible with few lines of code.
public void publish(dynamic queue)
Console.WriteLine("dynamic queue publishing");
public void publish(ValidationQueue queue)
Console.WriteLine("Validation queue publishing");
how to call
foreach (var queue in _vodaQueueDAO.FetchAllReadyQueuesWithHighestPriority())
I wrote an implementation for .NET 3.5 where you e.g. can do something like:
object a = 5;
OverloadResolver.Invoke(MethodName, a);
and it would use the int overload.
Works with compiled and cached Lambda expressions so the performance should be ok.
If anybody needs it, mail me, herzmeisterderwelten, who resides at gmail.com
How would you do specialization in C#?
I'll pose a problem. You have a template type, you have no idea what it is. But you do know if it's derived from XYZ you want to call .alternativeFunc(). A great way is to call a specialized function or class and have normalCall return .normalFunc() while have the other specialization on any derived type of XYZ to call .alternativeFunc(). How would this be done in C#?
In C#, the closest to specialization is to use a more-specific overload; however, this is brittle, and doesn't cover every possible usage. For example:
void Foo<T>(T value) {Console.WriteLine("General method");}
void Foo(Bar value) {Console.WriteLine("Specialized method");}
Here, if the compiler knows the types at compile, it will pick the most specific:
Bar bar = new Bar();
Foo(bar); // uses the specialized method
void Test<TSomething>(TSomething value) {
will use Foo<T> even for TSomething=Bar, as this is burned in at compile-time.
One other approach is to use type-testing within a generic method - however, this is usually a poor idea, and isn't recommended.
Basically, C# just doesn't want you to work with specializations, except for polymorphism:
class SomeBase { public virtual void Foo() {...}}
class Bar : SomeBase { public override void Foo() {...}}
Here Bar.Foo will always resolve to the correct override.
Assuming you're talking about template specialization as it can be done with C++ templates - a feature like this isn't really available in C#. This is because C# generics aren't processed during the compilation and are more a feature of the runtime.
However, you can achieve similar effect using C# 3.0 extension methods. Here is an example that shows how to add extension method only for MyClass<int> type, which is just like template specialization. Note however, that you can't use this to hide default implementation of the method, because C# compiler always prefers standard methods to extension methods:
class MyClass<T> {
public int Foo { get { return 10; } }
static class MyClassSpecialization {
public static int Bar(this MyClass<int> cls) {
return cls.Foo + 20;
Now you can write this:
var cls = new MyClass<int>();
If you want to have a default case for the method that would be used when no specialization is provided, than I believe writing one generic Bar extension method should do the trick:
public static int Bar<T>(this MyClass<T> cls) {
return cls.Foo + 42;
I was searching for a pattern to simulate template specialization, too. There are some approaches which may work in some circumstances. However what about the case
static void Add<T>(T value1, T value2)
//add the 2 numeric values
It would be possible to choose the action using statements e.g. if (typeof(T) == typeof(int)). But there is a better way to simulate real template specialization with the overhead of a single virtual function call:
public interface IMath<T>
T Add(T value1, T value2);
public class Math<T> : IMath<T>
public static readonly IMath<T> P = Math.P as IMath<T> ?? new Math<T>();
//default implementation
T IMath<T>.Add(T value1, T value2)
throw new NotSupportedException();
class Math : IMath<int>, IMath<double>
public static Math P = new Math();
//specialized for int
int IMath<int>.Add(int value1, int value2)
return value1 + value2;
//specialized for double
double IMath<double>.Add(double value1, double value2)
return value1 + value2;
Now we can write, without having to know the type in advance:
static T Add<T>(T value1, T value2)
return Math<T>.P.Add(value1, value2);
private static void Main(string[] args)
var result1 = Add(1, 2);
var result2 = Add(1.5, 2.5);
If the specialization should not only be called for the implemented types, but also derived types, one could use an In parameter for the interface. However, in this case the return types of the methods cannot be of the generic type T any more.
By adding an intermediate class and a dictionary, specialization is possible.
To specialize on T, we create an generic interface, having a method called (e.g.) Apply. For the specific classes that interface is implemented, defining the method Apply specific for that class. This intermediate class is called the traits class.
That traits class can be specified as a parameter in the call of the generic method, which then (of course) always takes the right implementation.
Instead of specifying it manually, the traits class can also be stored in a global IDictionary<System.Type, object>. It can then be looked up and voila, you have real specialization there.
If convenient you can expose it in an extension method.
class MyClass<T>
public string Foo() { return "MyClass"; }
interface BaseTraits<T>
string Apply(T cls);
class IntTraits : BaseTraits<MyClass<int>>
public string Apply(MyClass<int> cls)
return cls.Foo() + " i";
class DoubleTraits : BaseTraits<MyClass<double>>
public string Apply(MyClass<double> cls)
return cls.Foo() + " d";
// Somewhere in a (static) class:
public static IDictionary<Type, object> register;
register = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
register[typeof(MyClass<int>)] = new IntTraits();
register[typeof(MyClass<double>)] = new DoubleTraits();
public static string Bar<T>(this T obj)
BaseTraits<T> traits = register[typeof(T)] as BaseTraits<T>;
return traits.Apply(obj);
var cls1 = new MyClass<int>();
var cls2 = new MyClass<double>();
string id = cls1.Bar();
string dd = cls2.Bar();
See this link to my recent blog and the follow ups for an extensive description and samples.
I think there is a way to achieve it with .NET 4+ using dynamic resolution:
static class Converter<T>
public static string Convert(T data)
return Convert((dynamic)data);
private static string Convert(Int16 data) => $"Int16 {data}";
private static string Convert(UInt16 data) => $"UInt16 {data}";
private static string Convert(Int32 data) => $"Int32 {data}";
private static string Convert(UInt32 data) => $"UInt32 {data}";
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Int16 -1
UInt16 1
Int32 -1
UInt32 1
Which shows that a different implementation is called for different types.
Some of the proposed answers are using runtime type info: inherently slower than compile-time bound method calls.
Compiler does not enforce specialization as well as it does in C++.
I would recommend looking at PostSharp for a way to inject code after the usual compiler is done to achieve an effect similar to C++.
A simpler, shorter and more readable version of what #LionAM proposed (about half of the code size), shown for lerp since this was my actual use case:
public interface ILerp<T> {
T Lerp( T a, T b, float t );
public class Lerp : ILerp<float>, ILerp<double> {
private static readonly Lerp instance = new();
public static T Lerp<T>( T a, T b, float t )
=> ( instance as ILerp<T> ?? throw new NotSupportedException() ).Lerp( a, b, t );
float ILerp<float>.Lerp( float a, float b, float t ) => Mathf.Lerp( a, b, t );
double ILerp<double>.Lerp( double a, double b, float t ) => Mathd.Lerp( a, b, t );
You can then just e.g.
Lerp.Lerp(a, b, t);
in any generic context, or provide the method as a grouped Lerp.lerp method reference matching T(T,T,float) signature.
If ClassCastException is good enough for you, you can of course just use
=> ( (ILerp<T>) instance ).Lerp( a, b, t );
to make the code even shorter/simpler.
If you just want to test if a type is derrived from XYZ, then you can use:
If so, you can cast "theunknownobject" to XYZ and invoke alternativeFunc() like this:
XYZ xyzObject = (XYZ)theunknownobject;
Hope this helps.