Get string from CryptoStream in loop - c#

I am having problems to extract a string from a memory stream. The memory stream is decorated with a crypto stream. It appears, unless I flush the crypto stream, I cannot read anything from the memory stream.
I am trying to generate multiple strings (which will then be parsed to numerical values) within a for-loop. So far I can't read from a memory stream while the crypto stream is still active.
As one can see, I am trying to measure the runtime but the length of my memory stream always appears to be zero. I also need to find an efficient way to get a string from the encrypted byte array which i extract from the memory stream.
Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
ICryptoTransform encryptor = aesInstance.CreateEncryptor(aesInstance.Key, aesInstance.IV);
CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write);
UTF8Encoding encoder = new UTF8Encoding();
int counter = (int)numericUpDown2.Value;
byte[] text;
byte[] num;
for (int k = 0; k < rounds; k++) {
text = encoder.GetBytes(counter.ToString());
cs.Write(text, 0, text.Length);
num = new byte[ms.Length];
ms.Read(num, 0, (int)num.Length);

A simple example based on what I wrote in the comment:
var lst = new List<string> {
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
var aesInstance = Aes.Create();
foreach (var str in lst)
ICryptoTransform encryptor = aesInstance.CreateEncryptor(aesInstance.Key, aesInstance.IV);
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);
byte[] encrypted = encryptor.TransformFinalBlock(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
byte[] length = BitConverter.GetBytes(encrypted.Length);
ms.Write(length, 0, length.Length);
ms.Write(encrypted, 0, encrypted.Length);
ms.Position = 0;
while (ms.Position < ms.Length)
ICryptoTransform decryptor = aesInstance.CreateDecryptor(aesInstance.Key, aesInstance.IV);
byte[] length = new byte[4];
int read = ms.Read(length, 0, length.Length);
if (read < length.Length)
throw new Exception();
int length2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(length, 0);
byte[] encrypted = new byte[length2];
read = ms.Read(encrypted, 0, encrypted.Length);
if (read < encrypted.Length)
throw new Exception();
byte[] decrypted = decryptor.TransformFinalBlock(encrypted, 0, encrypted.Length);
string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decrypted);
Console.WriteLine("Encrypted: {0} bytes, value: {1}", encrypted.Length, str);
The length of each encrypted "packet" is prepended as an Int32 to the packet. If you watch the output, you'll see that for the strings given the length of the packet is always 16 or 32. For longer strings it will go up by 16 at a time (48, 64, 80, 96...). Note that there is a bug with the CBC mode, so you can't correctly TransformFinalBlock twice or you'll get an error on decryption. To solve this I'm recreating the encryptor/decryptor for each string. This will cause equal strings to be encrypted in the same way. So if you encrypt "Foo" twice, they will be the same XXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYY in the encrypted stream.
CTR Mode
As I wrote in the comments, the best thing would be to have a CTR mode. The CTR mode has the advantage that the encrypted stream has the same length as the non-encrypted stream, and the input stream can be encrypted/decrypted one byte at a time. Using these two "characteristics" we can modify the encryption/decryption sample to encrypt/decrypt even the string length. Note that in the AesCtr class I've added some tests based on the vectors from, so the implementation should be correct.
public class AesManagedCtr : Aes
private AesManaged Aes;
public AesManagedCtr()
Aes = new AesManaged();
Aes.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
Aes.Padding = PaddingMode.None;
public override byte[] IV
return Aes.IV;
Aes.IV = value;
public override byte[] Key
return Aes.Key;
Aes.Key = value;
public override int KeySize
return Aes.KeySize;
Aes.KeySize = value;
public override CipherMode Mode
return Aes.Mode;
if (value != CipherMode.ECB)
throw new CryptographicException();
public override PaddingMode Padding
return Aes.Padding;
if (value != PaddingMode.None)
throw new CryptographicException();
public override int BlockSize
return 8;
if (value != 8)
throw new CryptographicException();
public override KeySizes[] LegalBlockSizes
return new[] { new KeySizes(BlockSize, BlockSize, 0) };
public override int FeedbackSize
return Aes.FeedbackSize;
if (FeedbackSize != Aes.FeedbackSize)
throw new CryptographicException();
public override ICryptoTransform CreateDecryptor()
// Note that we always use the Aes.CreateEncryptor, even for
// decrypting, because we only have to "rebuild" the encrypted
// CTR nonce.
return CreateEncryptor();
public override ICryptoTransform CreateDecryptor(byte[] key, byte[] iv)
// Note that we always use the Aes.CreateEncryptor, even for
// decrypting, because we only have to "rebuild" the encrypted
// CTR nonce.
return CreateEncryptor(key, iv);
public override ICryptoTransform CreateEncryptor()
return new StreamCipher(Aes.CreateEncryptor(), IV);
public override ICryptoTransform CreateEncryptor(byte[] key, byte[] iv)
if (key == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
if (!ValidKeySize(key.Length * 8))
throw new ArgumentException("key");
if (iv == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("iv");
if (iv.Length * 8 != BlockSizeValue)
throw new ArgumentException("iv");
return new StreamCipher(Aes.CreateEncryptor(key, iv), iv);
public override void GenerateIV()
public override void GenerateKey()
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
protected sealed class StreamCipher : ICryptoTransform
private ICryptoTransform Transform;
private byte[] IV;
private byte[] EncryptedIV = new byte[16];
private int EncryptedIVOffset = 0;
public StreamCipher(ICryptoTransform transform, byte[] iv)
Transform = transform;
// Note that in this implementation the IV/Nonce and the
// Counter described by
// are additioned together in a single IV, that then is
// incremented by 1 in a "big-endian" mode.
IV = (byte[])iv.Clone();
Transform.TransformBlock(IV, 0, IV.Length, EncryptedIV, 0);
public bool CanReuseTransform
get { return true; }
public bool CanTransformMultipleBlocks
get { return true; }
public int InputBlockSize
get { return 1; }
public int OutputBlockSize
get { return 1; }
public int TransformBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset)
int count = Math.Min(inputCount, outputBuffer.Length - outputOffset);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (EncryptedIVOffset == EncryptedIV.Length)
outputBuffer[outputOffset + i] = (byte)(inputBuffer[inputOffset + i] ^ EncryptedIV[EncryptedIVOffset]);
return count;
public byte[] TransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount)
// This method can be reused. There is no "final block" in
// CTR mode, because characters are encrypted one by one
byte[] outputBuffer = new byte[inputCount];
TransformBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, outputBuffer, 0);
return outputBuffer;
public void Dispose()
if (Transform != null)
Transform = null;
IV = null;
EncryptedIV = null;
private void IncrementNonceAndResetOffset()
int i = IV.Length - 1;
if (IV[i] != 0 || i == 0)
while (true);
Transform.TransformBlock(IV, 0, IV.Length, EncryptedIV, 0);
EncryptedIVOffset = 0;
// A simple string-to-byte[] converter
private static byte[] GetBytes(string str)
if (str.Length % 2 != 0)
throw new ArgumentException();
byte[] bytes = new byte[str.Length / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
bytes[i] = byte.Parse(str.Substring(i * 2, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
return bytes;
public static void Test()
// Taken from
// F.5.1 CTR-AES128.Encrypt
// F.5.2 CTR-AES128.Decrypt
// F.5.3 CTR-AES192.Encrypt
// F.5.4 CTR-AES192.Decrypt
// F.5.5 CTR-AES256.Encrypt
// F.5.6 CTR-AES256.Decrypt
string[] keys = new[]
// 128 bits
// 192 bits
// 256 bits
string iv = "f0f1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9fafbfcfdfeff";
string[] plains = new[]
string[][] encrypteds = new[]
// 128 bits
// 192 bits
// 256 bits
for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
var aes = new AesManagedCtr();
aes.Key = GetBytes(keys[i]);
aes.IV = GetBytes(iv);
Console.WriteLine("{0} bits", aes.KeySize);
ICryptoTransform encryptor = aes.CreateEncryptor();
var cipher = new byte[16];
for (int j = 0; j < plains.Length; j++)
byte[] plain = GetBytes(plains[j]);
encryptor.TransformBlock(plain, 0, plain.Length, cipher, 0);
string cipherHex = BitConverter.ToString(cipher).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLowerInvariant();
if (cipherHex != encrypteds[i][j])
throw new Exception("Error encrypting " + j);
ICryptoTransform decryptor = aes.CreateDecryptor();
var plain = new byte[16];
for (int j = 0; j < encrypteds[i].Length; j++)
byte[] encrypted = GetBytes(encrypteds[i][j]);
decryptor.TransformBlock(encrypted, 0, encrypted.Length, plain, 0);
string plainHex = BitConverter.ToString(plain).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLowerInvariant();
if (plainHex != plains[j])
throw new Exception("Error decrypting " + j);
And then
var lst = new List<string> {
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
var aesInstance = new AesManagedCtr();
ICryptoTransform encryptor = aesInstance.CreateEncryptor(aesInstance.Key, aesInstance.IV);
foreach (var str in lst)
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);
byte[] length = BitConverter.GetBytes(bytes.Length);
byte[] encryptedLength = encryptor.TransformFinalBlock(length, 0, length.Length);
byte[] encryptedBytes = encryptor.TransformFinalBlock(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
ms.Write(encryptedLength, 0, encryptedLength.Length);
ms.Write(encryptedBytes, 0, encryptedBytes.Length);
ms.Position = 0;
ICryptoTransform decryptor = aesInstance.CreateDecryptor(aesInstance.Key, aesInstance.IV);
while (ms.Position < ms.Length)
byte[] encryptedLength = new byte[4];
int read = ms.Read(encryptedLength, 0, encryptedLength.Length);
if (read < encryptedLength.Length)
throw new Exception();
byte[] length = decryptor.TransformFinalBlock(encryptedLength, 0, encryptedLength.Length);
int length2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(length, 0);
byte[] encryptedBytes = new byte[length2];
read = ms.Read(encryptedBytes, 0, encryptedBytes.Length);
if (read < encryptedBytes.Length)
throw new Exception();
byte[] bytes = decryptor.TransformFinalBlock(encryptedBytes, 0, encryptedBytes.Length);
string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
Console.WriteLine("Encrypted: {0} bytes, value: {1}", encryptedBytes.Length, str);
Note the differences with the other example: here we reuse the encryptor/decryptor, because in this way every "block" is encrypted in a chain, and even if the same string is repeated twice, the encrypted version will be different.


BouncyCastle invalid parameter passed to AES init

I have a .net framework 4.5.2 project in which AES 256/GCM/NO padding implementation has to be performed. I found out that framework doesn't support GCM directly hence I tried using BouncyCastle. While passing the params it looks like something is wrong being passed to initialization. Also I wanted to make the Keysize as 256 bit . I took this page as reference
Below is the code which I'm trying :
public class BouncyCastleCustom:ICipherParameters
private const string ALGORITHM = "AES";
private const byte AesIvSize = 16;
private const byte GcmTagSize = 16; // in bytes
private readonly CipherMode _cipherMode = CipherMode.GCM;
//private const string _cipherMode = "GCM";
private readonly string _algorithm = ALGORITHM;
public string Encrypt(string plainText, byte[] key)
var random = new SecureRandom();
var iv = random.GenerateSeed(AesIvSize);
var keyParameters = CreateKeyParameters(key, iv, GcmTagSize * 8);
var cipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher(_algorithm);
cipher.Init(true, keyParameters);/*System.ArgumentException: 'invalid parameter passed to AES init - Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters.AeadParameters'*/
var plainTextData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainText);
var cipherText = cipher.DoFinal(plainTextData);
return PackCipherData(cipherText, iv);
public string Decrypt(string cipherText, byte[] key)
var (encryptedBytes, iv, tagSize) = UnpackCipherData(cipherText);
var keyParameters = CreateKeyParameters(key, iv, tagSize * 8);
var cipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher(_algorithm);
cipher.Init(false, keyParameters);
var decryptedData = cipher.DoFinal(encryptedBytes);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedData);
private ICipherParameters CreateKeyParameters(byte[] key, byte[] iv, int macSize)
var keyParameter = new KeyParameter(key);
if (_cipherMode == CipherMode.CBC)
return new ParametersWithIV(keyParameter, iv);
else if (_cipherMode == CipherMode.GCM)
return new AeadParameters(keyParameter, macSize, iv);
throw new Exception("Unsupported cipher mode");
private string PackCipherData(byte[] encryptedBytes, byte[] iv)
var dataSize = encryptedBytes.Length + iv.Length + 1;
if (_cipherMode == CipherMode.GCM)
dataSize += 1;
var index = 0;
var data = new byte[dataSize];
data[index] = AesIvSize;
index += 1;
if (_cipherMode == CipherMode.GCM)
data[index] = GcmTagSize;
index += 1;
Array.Copy(iv, 0, data, index, iv.Length);
index += iv.Length;
Array.Copy(encryptedBytes, 0, data, index, encryptedBytes.Length);
return Convert.ToBase64String(data);
private (byte[], byte[], byte) UnpackCipherData(string cipherText)
var index = 0;
var cipherData = Convert.FromBase64String(cipherText);
byte ivSize = cipherData[index];
index += 1;
byte tagSize = 0;
if (_cipherMode == CipherMode.GCM)
tagSize = cipherData[index];
index += 1;
byte[] iv = new byte[ivSize];
Array.Copy(cipherData, index, iv, 0, ivSize);
index += ivSize;
byte[] encryptedBytes = new byte[cipherData.Length - index];
Array.Copy(cipherData, index, encryptedBytes, 0, encryptedBytes.Length);
return (encryptedBytes, iv, tagSize);
public enum CipherMode //cannot access BouncyCastle inbuilt CipherMode
static void Main(string[] args)
BouncyCastleCustom aes = new BouncyCastleCustom();
var encrypted = aes.Encrypt("testDemo", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("mysmallkey1234551298765134567890"));
Console.WriteLine("Encrypted testDemo: " + encrypted);
string decrypted = aes.Decrypt(encrypted, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("mysmallkey1234551298765134567890"));
Console.WriteLine("Decrypted: " + decrypted);

My symmetric encryption adds data to my rsa key I want to save and load encrypted

Currently I am trying to implement a save function for my RSA key with the help of bouncycastle. I am running into problems if I try to save my public or private key encrypted and load it afterwards.
As a little example here the original public key:
What I get after loading it (it adds 4 zeroes, bigger key means more zeroes added):
I found out it has something to do with my implementation of the symmetric encryption and the padding used there. Normal text no matter how long it is just works fine without extra data getting added.
This is the code I am using for my AES encryption:
byte[] outputBytes = new byte[0];
AesEngine aesengine = new AesEngine();
CbcBlockCipher aesblockCipher = new CbcBlockCipher(aesengine);
PaddedBufferedBlockCipher aescipher = new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(aesblockCipher);
KeyParameter aeskeyParameter = new KeyParameter(Hash.HashDataBlock(password, Hash.HashAlgorithm.SHA3).Bytes);
aescipher.Init(true, aeskeyParameter);
outputBytes = new byte[aescipher.GetOutputSize(inputBytes.Bytes.Length)];
int aeslength = aescipher.ProcessBytes(inputBytes.Bytes, outputBytes, 0);
aescipher.DoFinal(outputBytes, aeslength);
byte[] inputBytes = input.Bytes;
byte[] outputBytes = new byte[0];
AesEngine aesengine = new AesEngine();
CbcBlockCipher aesblockCipher = new CbcBlockCipher(aesengine);
PaddedBufferedBlockCipher aescipher = new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(aesblockCipher);
KeyParameter aeskeyParameter = new KeyParameter(Hash.HashDataBlock(password, Hash.HashAlgorithm.SHA3).Bytes);
aescipher.Init(false, aeskeyParameter);
outputBytes = new byte[aescipher.GetOutputSize(inputBytes.Length)];
int aeslength = aescipher.ProcessBytes(inputBytes, outputBytes, 0);
aescipher.DoFinal(outputBytes, aeslength);
My Functions to save and load the keys. The DataBlock class just converts data to needed formats like UTF8, Base64 or just byte arrays:
public static void SaveKeyEncrypted(DataBlock key, string path, DataBlock password)
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path);
DataBlock encrypted = SymmetricEncryption.Encrypt(key, password, SymmetricEncryption.SymmetricAlgorithms.AES);
public static DataBlock ReadKeyEncrypted(string path, DataBlock password)
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path);
DataBlock readData = new DataBlock(sr.ReadLine(), DataBlock.DataType.Base64);
return SymmetricEncryption.Decrypt(readData, password, SymmetricEncryption.SymmetricAlgorithms.AES);
For reproduction my other code that has to do with this problem:
public class DataBlock
private byte[] _data;
public DataBlock()
this._data = new byte[0];
public enum DataType
public DataBlock(string data, DataType dataType) : this()
switch (dataType)
case DataType.UTF8:
this._data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
case DataType.UTF7:
this._data = Encoding.UTF7.GetBytes(data);
case DataType.UTF32:
this._data = Encoding.UTF32.GetBytes(data);
case DataType.ASCII:
this._data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
case DataType.Unicode:
this._data = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(data);
case DataType.Hex:
this._data = new byte[data.Length / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += 2)
this._data[i / 2] = Convert.ToByte(data.Substring(i, 2), 16);
case DataType.Base64:
this._data = Convert.FromBase64String(data);
case DataType.Base32:
this._data = this.FromBase32String(data);
public DataBlock(byte[] data)
this._data = data;
public string UTF8
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(this._data);
public string UTF7
return Encoding.UTF7.GetString(this._data);
public string UTF32
return Encoding.UTF32.GetString(this._data);
public string ASCII
return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(this._data);
public string Unicode
return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(this._data);
public string Hex
return BitConverter.ToString(this._data).Replace("-", "");
public string Base64
return Convert.ToBase64String(this._data);
public string Base32
return this.ToBase32String(this._data);
public byte[] Bytes
return this._data;
private string ValidChars = "QAZ2WSX3" + "EDC4RFV5" + "TGB6YHN7" + "UJM8K9LP";
private string ToBase32String(byte[] bytes)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
byte index;
int hi = 5;
int currentByte = 0;
while (currentByte < bytes.Length)
if (hi > 8)
index = (byte)(bytes[currentByte++] >> (hi - 5));
if (currentByte != bytes.Length)
index = (byte)(((byte)(bytes[currentByte] << (16 - hi)) >> 3) | index);
hi -= 3;
else if (hi == 8)
index = (byte)(bytes[currentByte++] >> 3);
hi -= 3;
index = (byte)((byte)(bytes[currentByte] << (8 - hi)) >> 3);
hi += 5;
return sb.ToString();
public byte[] FromBase32String(string str)
int numBytes = str.Length * 5 / 8;
byte[] bytes = new Byte[numBytes];
str = str.ToUpper();
int bit_buffer;
int currentCharIndex;
int bits_in_buffer;
if (str.Length < 3)
bytes[0] = (byte)(ValidChars.IndexOf(str[0]) | ValidChars.IndexOf(str[1]) << 5);
return bytes;
bit_buffer = (ValidChars.IndexOf(str[0]) | ValidChars.IndexOf(str[1]) << 5);
bits_in_buffer = 10;
currentCharIndex = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
bytes[i] = (byte)bit_buffer;
bit_buffer >>= 8;
bits_in_buffer -= 8;
while (bits_in_buffer < 8 && currentCharIndex < str.Length)
bit_buffer |= ValidChars.IndexOf(str[currentCharIndex++]) << bits_in_buffer;
bits_in_buffer += 5;
return bytes;
Function to generate a keypair
public static DataBlock[] GenerateKeyPair(KeyPairSize keyPairSize)
RsaKeyPairGenerator keyPairGenerator = new RsaKeyPairGenerator();
keyPairGenerator.Init(new KeyGenerationParameters(new SecureRandom(new CryptoApiRandomGenerator()), (int) keyPairSize));
AsymmetricCipherKeyPair keyPair = keyPairGenerator.GenerateKeyPair();
PrivateKeyInfo pkInfo = PrivateKeyInfoFactory.CreatePrivateKeyInfo(keyPair.Private);
SubjectPublicKeyInfo info = SubjectPublicKeyInfoFactory.CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfo(keyPair.Public);
DataBlock[] keyPairData = new DataBlock[2];
keyPairData[0] = new DataBlock(pkInfo.GetDerEncoded());
keyPairData[1] = new DataBlock(info.GetDerEncoded());
return keyPairData;
Code to reproduce the error:
DataBlock[] keyPair = AsymmetricEncryption.GenerateKeyPair(AsymmetricEncryption.KeyPairSize.Bits512);
DataBlock pass = new DataBlock("1234", DataBlock.DataType.UTF8);
DataBlock orig = new DataBlock("Hello World", DataBlock.DataType.UTF8);
DataBlock encrypted = AsymmetricEncryption.Encrypt(orig, keyPair[1]);
AsymmetricEncryption.SaveKeyEncrypted(keyPair[0], "D:\\privateenc", pass);
AsymmetricEncryption.SaveKeyEncrypted(keyPair[1], "D:\\publicenc", pass);
DataBlock privateKey = AsymmetricEncryption.ReadKeyEncrypted("D:\\privateenc", pass);
DataBlock publicKey = AsymmetricEncryption.ReadKeyEncrypted("D:\\publicenc", pass);
DataBlock decrypted = AsymmetricEncryption.Decrypt(encrypted, privateKey);
The encryption/decryption method is not needed because the error already happens after reading the encrypted key on my harddrive.
Why/where is the extra data added and how can I fix it?
I was able to fix it by adding the initial byte array length of the key to the encrypted text and read it later on. In the read function I cut everything after the original size of the key.
The main problem is still present and this is just a workaround.

PBKDF2 function with 128 Bit Key Length and 1,024 iterations of SHA256 in .Net Framework 4.5

I am trying to work with an api in .Net framework 4.5 that supposed to provide me cryptocurrencies wallet. in a part of it's documentations it says:
Pass Pin Code through the PBKDF2 function with 128 Bit Key Length and
1,024 iterations of SHA256
i could not find the Specify method in C# to do that. in documentations they have input "be9d3a4f1220495a96c38d36d8558365" as pin code and the out put is "4369cb0560d54f55d0c03564fbd983c4".
it seems that i should use Rfc2898DeriveBytes Method, and i used it like code below but i didnot get the same result.
string output = Convert.ToBase64String((new Rfc2898DeriveBytes("e24546d6643137a310968566cf1cd42b",16, 1024)).GetBytes(32));
output ==> 'x10zclBJY2eeZqjMyPfQm4ljyMFPvWbxF72Om2DCzHE='
It's probably best to implement your own version of PBKDF2. PBKDF2 is the actual algorithm implemented by the badly named Rfc2898DeriveBytes class.
As .NET 4.5 doesn't include the functionality to use PBKDF2 with a different hash. .NET version 4.7.2 does include the functionality but it doesn't allow the salt to be zero bytes.
So therefore it is best to implement your own version. The .NET version of Microsoft has specific copyright notices that do not seem compatible. One way to go around this is to implement PBKDF2 from Mono, but the later versions of Mono do not implement this class (it seems) and they do not implement the version where the hash can be chosen.
Fortunately bartonjs has indicated a version that has the permissive MIT license, which can be used, leading to the following solution:
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace StackOverflow
public class Rfc2898DeriveBytes : DeriveBytes
private const string DEFAULT_HASH_ALGORITHM = "SHA-1";
private const int MinimumSaltSize = 0;
private readonly byte[] _password;
private byte[] _salt;
private uint _iterations;
private HMAC _hmac;
private int _blockSize;
private byte[] _buffer;
private uint _block;
private int _startIndex;
private int _endIndex;
public string HashAlgorithm { get; }
public Rfc2898DeriveBytes(byte[] password, byte[] salt, int iterations)
: this(password, salt, iterations, DEFAULT_HASH_ALGORITHM)
public Rfc2898DeriveBytes(byte[] password, byte[] salt, int iterations, string hashAlgorithm)
if (salt == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(salt));
if (salt.Length < MinimumSaltSize)
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(salt));
if (iterations <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(iterations));
if (password == null)
throw new NullReferenceException(); // This "should" be ArgumentNullException but for compat, we throw NullReferenceException.
_salt = (byte[])salt.Clone();
_iterations = (uint)iterations;
_password = (byte[])password.Clone();
HashAlgorithm = hashAlgorithm;
_hmac = OpenHmac();
// _blockSize is in bytes, HashSize is in bits.
_blockSize = _hmac.HashSize >> 3;
public Rfc2898DeriveBytes(string password, byte[] salt)
: this(password, salt, 1000)
public Rfc2898DeriveBytes(string password, byte[] salt, int iterations)
: this(password, salt, iterations, DEFAULT_HASH_ALGORITHM)
public Rfc2898DeriveBytes(string password, byte[] salt, int iterations, string hashAlgorithm)
: this(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password), salt, iterations, hashAlgorithm)
public Rfc2898DeriveBytes(string password, int saltSize)
: this(password, saltSize, 1000)
public Rfc2898DeriveBytes(string password, int saltSize, int iterations)
: this(password, saltSize, iterations, DEFAULT_HASH_ALGORITHM)
public Rfc2898DeriveBytes(string password, int saltSize, int iterations, string hashAlgorithm)
if (saltSize < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(saltSize));
if (saltSize < MinimumSaltSize)
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(saltSize));
if (iterations <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(iterations));
_salt = new byte[saltSize];
_iterations = (uint)iterations;
_password = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);
HashAlgorithm = hashAlgorithm;
_hmac = OpenHmac();
// _blockSize is in bytes, HashSize is in bits.
_blockSize = _hmac.HashSize >> 3;
public int IterationCount
return (int)_iterations;
if (value <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value));
_iterations = (uint)value;
public byte[] Salt
return (byte[])_salt.Clone();
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
if (value.Length < MinimumSaltSize)
throw new ArgumentException("Too few bytes for salt");
_salt = (byte[])value.Clone();
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (_hmac != null)
_hmac = null;
if (_buffer != null)
Array.Clear(_buffer, 0, _buffer.Length);
if (_password != null)
Array.Clear(_password, 0, _password.Length);
if (_salt != null)
Array.Clear(_salt, 0, _salt.Length);
public override byte[] GetBytes(int cb)
if (cb <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(cb));
byte[] password = new byte[cb];
int offset = 0;
int size = _endIndex - _startIndex;
if (size > 0)
if (cb >= size)
Buffer.BlockCopy(_buffer, _startIndex, password, 0, size);
_startIndex = _endIndex = 0;
offset += size;
Buffer.BlockCopy(_buffer, _startIndex, password, 0, cb);
_startIndex += cb;
return password;
while (offset < cb)
byte[] T_block = Func();
int remainder = cb - offset;
if (remainder > _blockSize)
Buffer.BlockCopy(T_block, 0, password, offset, _blockSize);
offset += _blockSize;
Buffer.BlockCopy(T_block, 0, password, offset, remainder);
offset += remainder;
Buffer.BlockCopy(T_block, remainder, _buffer, _startIndex, _blockSize - remainder);
_endIndex += (_blockSize - remainder);
return password;
return password;
public byte[] CryptDeriveKey(string algname, string alghashname, int keySize, byte[] rgbIV)
// If this were to be implemented here, CAPI would need to be used (not CNG) because of
// unfortunate differences between the two. Using CNG would break compatibility. Since this
// assembly currently doesn't use CAPI it would require non-trivial additions.
// In addition, if implemented here, only Windows would be supported as it is intended as
// a thin wrapper over the corresponding native API.
// Note that this method is implemented in PasswordDeriveBytes (in the Csp assembly) using CAPI.
throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
public override void Reset()
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA5350", Justification = "HMACSHA1 is needed for compat. (")]
private HMAC OpenHmac()
String hashAlgorithm = HashAlgorithm;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hashAlgorithm))
throw new CryptographicException("HashAlgorithm name not present");
if (hashAlgorithm.Equals("SHA-1", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return new HMACSHA1(_password);
if (hashAlgorithm.Equals("SHA-256", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return new HMACSHA256(_password);
if (hashAlgorithm.Equals("SHA-384", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return new HMACSHA384(_password);
if (hashAlgorithm.Equals("SHA-512", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return new HMACSHA512(_password);
throw new CryptographicException("MAC algorithm " + hashAlgorithm + " not available");
private void Initialize()
if (_buffer != null)
Array.Clear(_buffer, 0, _buffer.Length);
_buffer = new byte[_blockSize];
_block = 1;
_startIndex = _endIndex = 0;
// This function is defined as follows:
// Func (S, i) = HMAC(S || i) | HMAC2(S || i) | ... | HMAC(iterations) (S || i)
// where i is the block number.
private byte[] Func()
byte[] temp = new byte[_salt.Length + sizeof(uint)];
Buffer.BlockCopy(_salt, 0, temp, 0, _salt.Length);
WriteInt(_block, temp, _salt.Length);
temp = _hmac.ComputeHash(temp);
byte[] ret = temp;
for (int i = 2; i <= _iterations; i++)
temp = _hmac.ComputeHash(temp);
for (int j = 0; j < _blockSize; j++)
ret[j] ^= temp[j];
// increment the block count.
return ret;
private void WriteInt(uint i, byte[] buf, int bufOff)
buf[bufOff++] = (byte)(i >> 24);
buf[bufOff++] = (byte)(i >> 16);
buf[bufOff++] = (byte)(i >> 8);
buf[bufOff] = (byte)i;
this is a class where more specific exceptions have been rewritten, some specialized cloning is replaced, and the random salt generation is generalized. The minimum salt size has also been set to 0. Otherwise it is the same code in a different name space.
It is possible to use it like this:
string pw = "be9d3a4f1220495a96c38d36d8558365";
byte[] salt = new byte[0];
int iterations = 1024;
Rfc2898DeriveBytes pbkdf2 = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(pw, salt, iterations, "SHA-256");
byte[] key = pbkdf2.GetBytes(16);
Note that the PIN is hexadecimals encoded as UTF-8, the default encoding for PBKDF2 (not the default encoding for .NET!). The result is a key that, when represented as hexadecimals equals 4369cb0560d54f55d0c03564fbd983c4.
I've converted to a 4.5 compatible class using a string to indicate the hash function, for the one with an enum HashAlgorithm (4.6 or something similar) take a look at the revision history.

C# Extract public key from RSA PEM private key

I have a private key in PEM format. How can I extract the public key from it. I need to be able to do this in code, pragmatically, without executing a process (using openssl).
Sample unused private key:
I've seen a bunch of other SO articles but they are not exactly what I need.
c# RSA extract public key from private key
Use RSA private key to generate public key?
C# RSA Public Key Output Not Correct
In order to do this I had to combine a couple answers here:
I combined both of the above answers and refactored out GetRSAProviderFromPemString so I didn't need to read the private key from a file:
//Adapted from
public class PemKeyUtils
const String pemprivheader = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
const String pemprivfooter = "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
const String pempubheader = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----";
const String pempubfooter = "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";
const String pemp8header = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----";
const String pemp8footer = "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----";
const String pemp8encheader = "-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----";
const String pemp8encfooter = "-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----";
static bool verbose = false;
public static RSACryptoServiceProvider GetRSAProviderFromPemFile(String pemfile)
string pemstring = File.ReadAllText(pemfile).Trim();
return GetRSAProviderFromPemString(pemstring);
public static RSACryptoServiceProvider GetRSAProviderFromPemString(String pemstr)
bool isPrivateKeyFile = true;
if (pemstr.StartsWith(pempubheader) && pemstr.EndsWith(pempubfooter))
isPrivateKeyFile = false;
byte[] pemkey;
if (isPrivateKeyFile)
pemkey = DecodeOpenSSLPrivateKey(pemstr);
pemkey = DecodeOpenSSLPublicKey(pemstr);
if (pemkey == null)
return null;
if (isPrivateKeyFile)
return DecodeRSAPrivateKey(pemkey);
return DecodeX509PublicKey(pemkey);
//-------- Get the binary RSA PUBLIC key --------
static byte[] DecodeOpenSSLPublicKey(String instr)
const String pempubheader = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----";
const String pempubfooter = "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";
String pemstr = instr.Trim();
byte[] binkey;
if (!pemstr.StartsWith(pempubheader) || !pemstr.EndsWith(pempubfooter))
return null;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(pemstr);
sb.Replace(pempubheader, ""); //remove headers/footers, if present
sb.Replace(pempubfooter, "");
String pubstr = sb.ToString().Trim(); //get string after removing leading/trailing whitespace
binkey = Convert.FromBase64String(pubstr);
catch (System.FormatException)
{ //if can't b64 decode, data is not valid
return null;
return binkey;
static RSACryptoServiceProvider DecodeX509PublicKey(byte[] x509Key)
// encoded OID sequence for PKCS #1 rsaEncryption szOID_RSA_RSA = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1"
byte[] seqOid = { 0x30, 0x0D, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00 };
// --------- Set up stream to read the asn.1 encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo blob ------
using (var mem = new MemoryStream(x509Key))
using (var binr = new BinaryReader(mem)) //wrap Memory Stream with BinaryReader for easy reading
var twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16();
switch (twobytes)
case 0x8130:
binr.ReadByte(); //advance 1 byte
case 0x8230:
binr.ReadInt16(); //advance 2 bytes
return null;
var seq = binr.ReadBytes(15);
if (!CompareBytearrays(seq, seqOid)) //make sure Sequence for OID is correct
return null;
twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16();
if (twobytes == 0x8103) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Bit String is 03 81)
binr.ReadByte(); //advance 1 byte
else if (twobytes == 0x8203)
binr.ReadInt16(); //advance 2 bytes
return null;
var bt = binr.ReadByte();
if (bt != 0x00) //expect null byte next
return null;
twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16();
if (twobytes == 0x8130) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Sequence is 30 81)
binr.ReadByte(); //advance 1 byte
else if (twobytes == 0x8230)
binr.ReadInt16(); //advance 2 bytes
return null;
twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16();
byte lowbyte = 0x00;
byte highbyte = 0x00;
if (twobytes == 0x8102) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Integer is 02 81)
lowbyte = binr.ReadByte(); // read next bytes which is bytes in modulus
else if (twobytes == 0x8202)
highbyte = binr.ReadByte(); //advance 2 bytes
lowbyte = binr.ReadByte();
return null;
byte[] modint = { lowbyte, highbyte, 0x00, 0x00 }; //reverse byte order since asn.1 key uses big endian order
int modsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(modint, 0);
byte firstbyte = binr.ReadByte();
binr.BaseStream.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current);
if (firstbyte == 0x00)
{ //if first byte (highest order) of modulus is zero, don't include it
binr.ReadByte(); //skip this null byte
modsize -= 1; //reduce modulus buffer size by 1
byte[] modulus = binr.ReadBytes(modsize); //read the modulus bytes
if (binr.ReadByte() != 0x02) //expect an Integer for the exponent data
return null;
int expbytes = binr.ReadByte(); // should only need one byte for actual exponent data (for all useful values)
byte[] exponent = binr.ReadBytes(expbytes);
// We don't really need to print anything but if we insist to...
//showBytes("\nExponent", exponent);
//showBytes("\nModulus", modulus);
// ------- create RSACryptoServiceProvider instance and initialize with public key -----
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
RSAParameters rsaKeyInfo = new RSAParameters
Modulus = modulus,
Exponent = exponent
return rsa;
catch (Exception)
return null;
//------- Parses binary ans.1 RSA private key; returns RSACryptoServiceProvider ---
static RSACryptoServiceProvider DecodeRSAPrivateKey(byte[] privkey)
byte[] MODULUS, E, D, P, Q, DP, DQ, IQ;
// --------- Set up stream to decode the asn.1 encoded RSA private key ------
MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(privkey);
BinaryReader binr = new BinaryReader(mem); //wrap Memory Stream with BinaryReader for easy reading
byte bt = 0;
ushort twobytes = 0;
int elems = 0;
twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16();
if (twobytes == 0x8130) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Sequence is 30 81)
binr.ReadByte(); //advance 1 byte
else if (twobytes == 0x8230)
binr.ReadInt16(); //advance 2 bytes
return null;
twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16();
if (twobytes != 0x0102) //version number
return null;
bt = binr.ReadByte();
if (bt != 0x00)
return null;
//------ all private key components are Integer sequences ----
elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);
MODULUS = binr.ReadBytes(elems);
elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);
E = binr.ReadBytes(elems);
elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);
D = binr.ReadBytes(elems);
elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);
P = binr.ReadBytes(elems);
elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);
Q = binr.ReadBytes(elems);
elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);
DP = binr.ReadBytes(elems);
elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);
DQ = binr.ReadBytes(elems);
elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);
IQ = binr.ReadBytes(elems);
Console.WriteLine("showing components ..");
if (verbose)
showBytes("\nModulus", MODULUS);
showBytes("\nExponent", E);
showBytes("\nD", D);
showBytes("\nP", P);
showBytes("\nQ", Q);
showBytes("\nDP", DP);
showBytes("\nDQ", DQ);
showBytes("\nIQ", IQ);
// ------- create RSACryptoServiceProvider instance and initialize with public key -----
RSACryptoServiceProvider RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
RSAParameters RSAparams = new RSAParameters();
RSAparams.Modulus = MODULUS;
RSAparams.Exponent = E;
RSAparams.D = D;
RSAparams.P = P;
RSAparams.Q = Q;
RSAparams.DP = DP;
RSAparams.DQ = DQ;
RSAparams.InverseQ = IQ;
return RSA;
catch (Exception)
return null;
finally { binr.Close(); }
private static int GetIntegerSize(BinaryReader binr)
byte bt = 0;
byte lowbyte = 0x00;
byte highbyte = 0x00;
int count = 0;
bt = binr.ReadByte();
if (bt != 0x02) //expect integer
return 0;
bt = binr.ReadByte();
if (bt == 0x81)
count = binr.ReadByte(); // data size in next byte
if (bt == 0x82)
highbyte = binr.ReadByte(); // data size in next 2 bytes
lowbyte = binr.ReadByte();
byte[] modint = { lowbyte, highbyte, 0x00, 0x00 };
count = BitConverter.ToInt32(modint, 0);
count = bt; // we already have the data size
while (binr.ReadByte() == 0x00)
{ //remove high order zeros in data
count -= 1;
binr.BaseStream.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current); //last ReadByte wasn't a removed zero, so back up a byte
return count;
//----- Get the binary RSA PRIVATE key, decrypting if necessary ----
static byte[] DecodeOpenSSLPrivateKey(String instr)
const String pemprivheader = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
const String pemprivfooter = "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
String pemstr = instr.Trim();
byte[] binkey;
if (!pemstr.StartsWith(pemprivheader) || !pemstr.EndsWith(pemprivfooter))
return null;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(pemstr);
sb.Replace(pemprivheader, ""); //remove headers/footers, if present
sb.Replace(pemprivfooter, "");
String pvkstr = sb.ToString().Trim(); //get string after removing leading/trailing whitespace
{ // if there are no PEM encryption info lines, this is an UNencrypted PEM private key
binkey = Convert.FromBase64String(pvkstr);
return binkey;
catch (System.FormatException)
{ //if can't b64 decode, it must be an encrypted private key
//Console.WriteLine("Not an unencrypted OpenSSL PEM private key");
StringReader str = new StringReader(pvkstr);
//-------- read PEM encryption info. lines and extract salt -----
if (!str.ReadLine().StartsWith("Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED"))
return null;
String saltline = str.ReadLine();
if (!saltline.StartsWith("DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,"))
return null;
String saltstr = saltline.Substring(saltline.IndexOf(",") + 1).Trim();
byte[] salt = new byte[saltstr.Length / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < salt.Length; i++)
salt[i] = Convert.ToByte(saltstr.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16);
if (!(str.ReadLine() == ""))
return null;
//------ remaining b64 data is encrypted RSA key ----
String encryptedstr = str.ReadToEnd();
{ //should have b64 encrypted RSA key now
binkey = Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedstr);
catch (System.FormatException)
{ // bad b64 data.
return null;
//------ Get the 3DES 24 byte key using PDK used by OpenSSL ----
SecureString despswd = GetSecPswd("Enter password to derive 3DES key==>");
//Console.Write("\nEnter password to derive 3DES key: ");
//String pswd = Console.ReadLine();
byte[] deskey = GetOpenSSL3deskey(salt, despswd, 1, 2); // count=1 (for OpenSSL implementation); 2 iterations to get at least 24 bytes
if (deskey == null)
return null;
//showBytes("3DES key", deskey) ;
//------ Decrypt the encrypted 3des-encrypted RSA private key ------
byte[] rsakey = DecryptKey(binkey, deskey, salt); //OpenSSL uses salt value in PEM header also as 3DES IV
if (rsakey != null)
return rsakey; //we have a decrypted RSA private key
Console.WriteLine("Failed to decrypt RSA private key; probably wrong password.");
return null;
// ----- Decrypt the 3DES encrypted RSA private key ----------
static byte[] DecryptKey(byte[] cipherData, byte[] desKey, byte[] IV)
MemoryStream memst = new MemoryStream();
TripleDES alg = TripleDES.Create();
alg.Key = desKey;
alg.IV = IV;
CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(memst, alg.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write);
cs.Write(cipherData, 0, cipherData.Length);
catch (Exception exc)
return null;
byte[] decryptedData = memst.ToArray();
return decryptedData;
//----- OpenSSL PBKD uses only one hash cycle (count); miter is number of iterations required to build sufficient bytes ---
static byte[] GetOpenSSL3deskey(byte[] salt, SecureString secpswd, int count, int miter)
IntPtr unmanagedPswd = IntPtr.Zero;
int HASHLENGTH = 16; //MD5 bytes
byte[] keymaterial = new byte[HASHLENGTH * miter]; //to store contatenated Mi hashed results
byte[] psbytes = new byte[secpswd.Length];
unmanagedPswd = Marshal.SecureStringToGlobalAllocAnsi(secpswd);
Marshal.Copy(unmanagedPswd, psbytes, 0, psbytes.Length);
//UTF8Encoding utf8 = new UTF8Encoding();
//byte[] psbytes = utf8.GetBytes(pswd);
// --- contatenate salt and pswd bytes into fixed data array ---
byte[] data00 = new byte[psbytes.Length + salt.Length];
Array.Copy(psbytes, data00, psbytes.Length); //copy the pswd bytes
Array.Copy(salt, 0, data00, psbytes.Length, salt.Length); //concatenate the salt bytes
// ---- do multi-hashing and contatenate results D1, D2 ... into keymaterial bytes ----
MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] result = null;
byte[] hashtarget = new byte[HASHLENGTH + data00.Length]; //fixed length initial hashtarget
for (int j = 0; j < miter; j++)
// ---- Now hash consecutively for count times ------
if (j == 0)
result = data00; //initialize
Array.Copy(result, hashtarget, result.Length);
Array.Copy(data00, 0, hashtarget, result.Length, data00.Length);
result = hashtarget;
//Console.WriteLine("Updated new initial hash target:") ;
//showBytes(result) ;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
result = md5.ComputeHash(result);
Array.Copy(result, 0, keymaterial, j * HASHLENGTH, result.Length); //contatenate to keymaterial
//showBytes("Final key material", keymaterial);
byte[] deskey = new byte[24];
Array.Copy(keymaterial, deskey, deskey.Length);
Array.Clear(psbytes, 0, psbytes.Length);
Array.Clear(data00, 0, data00.Length);
Array.Clear(result, 0, result.Length);
Array.Clear(hashtarget, 0, hashtarget.Length);
Array.Clear(keymaterial, 0, keymaterial.Length);
return deskey;
static SecureString GetSecPswd(String prompt)
SecureString password = new SecureString();
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta;
while (true)
ConsoleKeyInfo cki = Console.ReadKey(true);
if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
return password;
else if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace)
// remove the last asterisk from the screen...
if (password.Length > 0)
Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft - 1, Console.CursorTop);
Console.Write(" ");
Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft - 1, Console.CursorTop);
password.RemoveAt(password.Length - 1);
else if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
return password;
else if (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(cki.KeyChar) || Char.IsSymbol(cki.KeyChar))
if (password.Length < 20)
static bool CompareBytearrays(byte[] a, byte[] b)
if (a.Length != b.Length)
return false;
int i = 0;
foreach (byte c in a)
if (c != b[i])
return false;
return true;
static void showBytes(String info, byte[] data)
Console.WriteLine("{0} [{1} bytes]", info, data.Length);
for (int i = 1; i <= data.Length; i++)
Console.Write("{0:X2} ", data[i - 1]);
if (i % 16 == 0)
/// <summary>
/// Export public key from MS RSACryptoServiceProvider into OpenSSH PEM string
/// slightly modified from
/// </summary>
/// <param name="csp"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string ExportPublicKey(RSACryptoServiceProvider csp)
StringWriter outputStream = new StringWriter();
var parameters = csp.ExportParameters(false);
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);
writer.Write((byte)0x30); // SEQUENCE
using (var innerStream = new MemoryStream())
var innerWriter = new BinaryWriter(innerStream);
innerWriter.Write((byte)0x30); // SEQUENCE
EncodeLength(innerWriter, 13);
innerWriter.Write((byte)0x06); // OBJECT IDENTIFIER
var rsaEncryptionOid = new byte[] { 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 };
EncodeLength(innerWriter, rsaEncryptionOid.Length);
innerWriter.Write((byte)0x05); // NULL
EncodeLength(innerWriter, 0);
innerWriter.Write((byte)0x03); // BIT STRING
using (var bitStringStream = new MemoryStream())
var bitStringWriter = new BinaryWriter(bitStringStream);
bitStringWriter.Write((byte)0x00); // # of unused bits
bitStringWriter.Write((byte)0x30); // SEQUENCE
using (var paramsStream = new MemoryStream())
var paramsWriter = new BinaryWriter(paramsStream);
EncodeIntegerBigEndian(paramsWriter, parameters.Modulus); // Modulus
EncodeIntegerBigEndian(paramsWriter, parameters.Exponent); // Exponent
var paramsLength = (int)paramsStream.Length;
EncodeLength(bitStringWriter, paramsLength);
bitStringWriter.Write(paramsStream.GetBuffer(), 0, paramsLength);
var bitStringLength = (int)bitStringStream.Length;
EncodeLength(innerWriter, bitStringLength);
innerWriter.Write(bitStringStream.GetBuffer(), 0, bitStringLength);
var length = (int)innerStream.Length;
EncodeLength(writer, length);
writer.Write(innerStream.GetBuffer(), 0, length);
var base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(stream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)stream.Length).ToCharArray();
// WriteLine terminates with \r\n, we want only \n
outputStream.Write("-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n");
for (var i = 0; i < base64.Length; i += 64)
outputStream.Write(base64, i, Math.Min(64, base64.Length - i));
outputStream.Write("-----END PUBLIC KEY-----");
return outputStream.ToString();
private static void EncodeLength(BinaryWriter stream, int length)
if (length < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", "Length must be non-negative");
if (length < 0x80)
// Short form
// Long form
var temp = length;
var bytesRequired = 0;
while (temp > 0)
temp >>= 8;
stream.Write((byte)(bytesRequired | 0x80));
for (var i = bytesRequired - 1; i >= 0; i--)
stream.Write((byte)(length >> (8 * i) & 0xff));
private static void EncodeIntegerBigEndian(BinaryWriter stream, byte[] value, bool forceUnsigned = true)
stream.Write((byte)0x02); // INTEGER
var prefixZeros = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
if (value[i] != 0) break;
if (value.Length - prefixZeros == 0)
EncodeLength(stream, 1);
if (forceUnsigned && value[prefixZeros] > 0x7f)
// Add a prefix zero to force unsigned if the MSB is 1
EncodeLength(stream, value.Length - prefixZeros + 1);
EncodeLength(stream, value.Length - prefixZeros);
for (var i = prefixZeros; i < value.Length; i++)
Then, I was able to export (more like piece together) the public key like by calling PemKeyUtils.ExportPublicKey:
using (RSACryptoServiceProvider rsaCsp = PemKeyUtils.GetRSAProviderFromPemString(privateKeyInPemFormat))
return PemKeyUtils.ExportPublicKey(rsaCsp);
You aren't very clear on what you want. You can use the Bouncycastle library to parse the PEM data and return the RSA keypair, from which you can extract the public key. Here is some sample code:
using System.IO;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto;
using Org.BouncyCastle.OpenSsl;
namespace ImportRSAPrivateKeyPEM
class MainClass
readonly static string PEM_PRIV_KEY = #"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
public static void Main(string[] args)
var rdr = new StringReader(PEM_PRIV_KEY);
var pemReader = new PemReader(rdr);
AsymmetricCipherKeyPair pemObject = (Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.AsymmetricCipherKeyPair)pemReader.ReadObject();
If you need to convert from Bouncycastle types to .NET types then the methods of Org.BouncyCastle.Security.DotNetUtilities can be used. The Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Pkcs.RsaPrivateKeyStructure may also be of use depending on what you want to do.
Unfortunately documentation on the Bouncycastle C# library seems to be pretty thin. There always the source code itself, which is what I use.

Decryption in Windows RT project

This code is working well in Windows Phone Silverlight project.
but this not working in Windows RT project.
its syay cryptographic and Aes and AesManaged classes missing etc.
please help me thanks.
i dont really need password and salt. its just simple take string and decrypt it.
public class DecryptionHelper
public static string Decrypt(string base64StringToDecrypt)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(base64StringToDecrypt))
return string.Empty;
//Set up the encryption objects
using (Aes acsp = GetProvider(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes
byte[] RawBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64StringToDecrypt);
ICryptoTransform ictD = acsp.CreateDecryptor();
//RawBytes now contains original byte array, still in Encrypted state
//Decrypt into stream
MemoryStream msD = new MemoryStream(RawBytes, 0, RawBytes.Length);
CryptoStream csD = new CryptoStream(msD, ictD, CryptoStreamMode.Read);
//csD now contains original byte array, fully decrypted
//return the content of msD as a regular string
return (new StreamReader(csD)).ReadToEnd();
private static Aes GetProvider(byte[] key)
Aes result = new AesManaged();
result.IV = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
byte[] RealKey = GetKey(key, result);
result.Key = RealKey;
return result;
private static byte[] GetKey(byte[] suggestedKey, SymmetricAlgorithm p)
byte[] kRaw = suggestedKey;
List<byte> kList = new List<byte>();
for (int i = 0; i < p.LegalKeySizes[0].MinSize; i += 8)
kList.Add(kRaw[(i / 8) % kRaw.Length]);
byte[] k = kList.ToArray();
return k;

