I'm creating a Windows Phone 8.1 app, and I need to serialize my data to XML.
I have two functions; the first one is creating a document where I can later put my retrieved data.
public async Task make()
using (var questions = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.OpenStreamForWriteAsync(
XDocument xml = new XDocument(
new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),
new XElement("Root")
The second one is making serialization to my xml file:
public async Task serial(Tsk tak)
using (var questions = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.OpenStreamForWriteAsync(
XDocument xml = XDocument.Load(questions);
xml.Root.Add(new XAttribute("Date", tak.Date),
new XElement("time", tak.Time),
new XElement("text", tak.Text)
The first xml function is making this code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<root />
When I'm running the second function I've got this error: root element is missing. Can anyone tell me how I can get this serialization to work?
Try this, you might need to doctor it a bit:
1) create the document
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement root = doc.CreateElement("root");
file = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFileAsync("data.xml");
await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(file, doc.GetXml());
Debug.WriteLine("Done creating file.");
2) write the new data to the document
StorageFile file = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFileAsync("data.xml");
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(file.Path);
XElement newQuestion = new XElement("Question",
new XElement("time", tak.Time),
new XElement("text", tak.Text)
).SetAttributeValue("Date", tak.Date);
await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(file, doc.Root.ToString());
I am currently developing a custom pipeline component for an XML document flow, where the root node and the first child of that root node needs to be stripped off, leaving only the second child node left (which is now the new root node).
I'm using XDocument as container class for the XML document. Ive written some code which gets the second child node, and creates a new XML document with that node as the root, thus removing the two undesired nodes from the picture.
XNode secondChild = xDoc.Root.Elements().First().NextNode;
XDocument outputXml = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),
But when I test this setup in Biztalk, I only get an empty document back as a response. It seems to create an empty XML document which is then returned.
To give an example of what I want to achieve:
I want to go from a structure like this:
To a simple structure like this:
The full code of the Execute method in the pipeline:
public IBaseMessage Execute(IPipelineContext pContext, IBaseMessage pInMsg)
var originalStream = pInMsg.BodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream();
XDocument xDoc; //new XML document to return as the message
using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(originalStream))
xDoc = XDocument.Load(reader);
XNode secondChild = xDoc.Root.Elements().First().NextNode;
XDocument outputXml = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),
// Returning stream, serializing the XML to byte array
byte[] output = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(outputXml.ToString());
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
memoryStream.Write(output, 0, output.Length);
memoryStream.Position = 0;
pInMsg.BodyPart.Data = memoryStream; //overwrite the original message with the modified stream
return pInMsg;
Looking around on SO I found this answer, which I tried to follow, but as mentioned it produces an empty document. Is there a different option, other than simply creating a new XDocument?
If you develop a regular map to edit the document you can place it in the maps section of the receive port. It's simpler to create, test, and install than a pipeline component.
I have this string :
<test>I am a test</test>
But when I write it in my xml file, and open it, I have this :
<test>I am a test</test>
I don't know how to use the good formatting. I tried HttpUtility.HtmlDecode, but it does not solve my problem.
Do you have an idea on this ?
Edit : Sorry for not having posted my code before, I thought my problem was really really trivial. Here is a sample I just wrote that resumes the situation (I'm not at work anymore so I don't have the original code) :
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
doc.LoadXml("<root>" +
"<test>I am a test</test>" +
string content = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.InnerXml;
XDocument saveFile = new XDocument();
saveFile = new XDocument(new XElement("settings", content));
I just want my xml file content looks like my original string,
so in my case the file would normally contain :
<test>I am a test</test>
Right ? But instead, I have something like :
<settings><root><test>I am a test</test></root>
You can do something along the lines of Converting XDocument to XmlDocument and vice versa to convert the root element of your XmlDocument to an XElement and then add it to your XDocument:
public static class XmlDocumentExtensions
public static XElement ToXElement(this XmlDocument xmlDocument)
if (xmlDocument == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("xmlDocument");
if (xmlDocument.DocumentElement == null)
return null;
using (var nodeReader = new XmlNodeReader(xmlDocument.DocumentElement))
return XElement.Load(nodeReader);
And then use as follows:
// Get legacy XmlDocument
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
xmlDoc.LoadXml("<root>" +
"<test>I am a test</test>" +
// Add its root element to the XDocument
XDocument saveFile = new XDocument(
new XElement("settings", xmlDoc.ToXElement()));
// Save
And the output is:
<test>I am a test</test>
Note this avoids the overhead of converting the XmlDocument to an XML string and re-parsing it from scratch.
I am building a Windows 8 app, and I need to extract the whole XML node and its children as string from a large xml document, and the method that does that so far looks like this:
public string GetNodeContent(string path)
XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true;
settings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Auto;
settings.IgnoreComments = true;
using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create("something.xml", settings))
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
IXmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode(path);
return node.InnerText;
When I pass any form of xpath, node gets the value of null. I'm using the reader to get the first child of root node, and then use XMLDocument to create one from that xml. Since it's Windows 8, apparently, I can't use XPathSelectElements method and this is the only way I can't think of. Is there a way to do it using this, or any other logic?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
Let's say XML has this general form:
<nodeone attributes...>
<nodetwo attributes...>
<nodethree attributes... />
<nodethree attributes... />
<nodethree attributes... />
</nodeone >
I expect to get as a result nodetwo and all of its children in the form of xml string when i pass "/nodeone/nodetwo" or "//nodetwo"
I've come up with this solution, the whole approach was wrong to start with. The problematic part was the fact that this code
ignores the namespace by itself, because it skips the root tag. This is the new, working code:
public static async Task<string> ReadFileTest(string xpath)
StorageFolder folder = await Package.Current.InstalledLocation.GetFolderAsync("NameOfFolderWithXML");
StorageFile xmlFile = await folder.GetFileAsync("filename.xml");
XmlDocument xmldoc = await XmlDocument.LoadFromFileAsync(xmlFile);
var nodes = doc.SelectNodes(xpath);
XmlElement element = (XmlElement)nodes[0];
return element.GetXml();
i've a problem in my program: running Win XP, it is impossible to write an XML file inside the backgroundworker's doWork();
here is the code inside the BW:
updateUI(file.FullName, 2);
writeToXml(file, e.Argument.ToString());
the creation of xml file:
XDocument xmlDocVideoList = new XDocument(
new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),
new XComment("..."),
new XElement(/*ns+*/"VideoList"));
the writeToXml method:
public void writeToXml(FileInfo file, string path)
Video temp = new Video();
temp.nameFile = file.Name;
temp.nameVideo = temp.processNameFile(temp.nameFile);
temp.path = file.Directory.FullName;
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode node = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Video", null);
XmlNode subnodeFN = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "FileName", null);
XmlNode subnodeVN = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "VideoName", null);
XmlNode subnodePATH = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Path", null);
subnodeFN.InnerText = temp.nameFile;
subnodeVN.InnerText = temp.nameVideo;
subnodePATH.InnerText = temp.path;
In my computer, running Win7 this WORKS, but in all the PC with WinXP doesn't work.
In all computer I use VisualStudio 10 Express and I have the FrameWork 4.
Thanks in advance!
The XDocument Object Belongs to newer versions of .Net maybe try using only the XMLDocument instead.
If you're using .NET version 3.0 or lower, you have to use XmlDocument aka the classic DOM API ... maybe xp isnt supporting this or maybe you need to update your windows.
How can I insert the following stylesheet information into my existing xml file which is created using C#?
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="_fileName.xsl"?>
Or.... Can I add this line at the time of creation of the new XML file?
I tried to achieve the above using XmlSerialier (hit and trial), something like this:
// assumes 'XML' file exists.
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XElement dataElements = XElement.Load("_fileName.xml");
XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Parents));
var ms = new MemoryStream();
xs.Serialize(ms, parents);
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // rewind stream to beginning
XmlProcessingInstruction pi;
string data = "type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"_fileName.xsl\"";
pi = doc.CreateProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", data);
doc.InsertBefore(pi, doc.DocumentElement); // insert before root
doc.DocumentElement.Attributes.RemoveAll(); // remove namespaces
But the output xml is getting corrupted:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="_fileName.xsl"?>
<parents />
Whereas the desired output is something like:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="_fileName.xsl"?>
Did this help to understand what's my problem???
You didn't answer the question.. "what lib do you use".
Although I advise:
if you would use it you could do something like:
XDocument document = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"));
document.Add(new XProcessingInstruction(
"xml-stylesheet", "type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"_fileName.xsl\""));
//and then your actual document...
new XElement("parent",
new XElement("child1"),
new XElement("child2")
Ok So you could do it like:
XDocument document = XDocument.Load("file");
document.AddFirst(new XProcessingInstruction(
"xml-stylesheet", "type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"LogStyle.xsl\""));
Is this what you're looking for?