Can you add items to a bound checkedListBox? - c#

I have a CheckedListBox in a WinForms app, that are bound to a LINQ query.
Is it possible to add new items in the checkedListBox? I would like to add the items to the list box and then have a user confirmation before committing them to the DB.
I guess I can have an unbound listbox with items from the DB, but was hoping for a quicker way.
I'm trying:
var avail = from c in dc.CostCenters
select new { Item = c.CostCenterID,
Description = c.CostCenterID + ": " + c.Description };
myList.DataSource = avail;
myList.DisplayMember = "Description";
myList.Items.Add(123, "New Description");
It compiles and runs, but nothing is added in the list box control.


WinAppDriver how to select item in ComboBox

I have problem with selecting item from ComboBox,
I able to unfold ComboBox but can't select one of the items
var comboBEle = winDriver.FindElementByName("Combo1");
comboBEle.Click(); // unfold comboBox
winDriver.FindElementByName("Item1").Click(); // don't work
I tried also:
var comboB = sapSession.FindElementByClassName("Combo1");
var selEle= new SelectElement(comboB);
Why winDriver don't see this element?

Dynamically add SubMenuItems to a SubMenu

I have a c# menu strip with top-level menu items (TLM items). I am dynamically adding items to one of the TLM items as follows, which works great.
DataRowCollection DRC = DataAccessClass.GetData("SELECT * FROM company ORDER BY CompanyName");
ToolStripMenuItem[] items = new ToolStripMenuItem[DRC.Count];
int itemCounter = 0;
foreach (DataRow dr in DRC)
string nm = dr["companyname"].ToString();
int id = Convert.ToInt16(dr["companyid"].ToString());
items[itemCounter] = new ToolStripMenuItem();
items[itemCounter].Name = string.Format("menuitem{0}", itemCounter);
items[itemCounter].Text = nm;
items[itemCounter].Click += new EventHandler(MenuItemClickHandler);
Once this TLM has been populated, I want to dynamically add sub-menu items to each of the dynamic menu items created above. I am similarly creating an array of ToolStripMenuItems as above, and I am trying to add them to a menu item using this, shown here for the first menu item:
But it isn't working. Any ideas?
When I add CompanyToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems[0] to a watch window, it is showing a "DropDownItems" property. When I try to type it in, the auto-complete drop-down isn't exposing the property as an option.
Try casting the selected DropDownItem item to a ToolStripMenuItem:

Add more items to same Row and same column in listview

I know how to add/delete items but I don't know how to add more items to the same field (same row and same column). I want whenever I click a button, an item is added to same selected row but not to new row in the listView.
I uploaded a photo you can check to see what I exactly mean.
Consider looking at ObjectListView or DataGridView instead of what you are currently. It may be more flexible to your needs.
Your question is somewhat unclear. Clearly you are using listView and you have columns and rows resulting in a cell / box / grid location. I gather that, after its initial creation, you wish to append or alter the data at that location.
To get to the point: Multi-line text within a given 'cell' is not supported (as best I can tell). The picture you have shown is likely a custom object or something similar to a listView, but different (such as a ObjectListView). Or perhaps a picture.
listView2.Items[0].SubItems[4].Text = "123\nabc"; //Doesn't add a proper newline like a normal string
listView2.Items[0].SubItems[4].Text = "123\rabc"; //Doesn't add a proper return carriage like a normal string
listView2.Items[0].SubItems[4].Text = "123\r\nabc"; //Doesn't add a proper newline like a normal string
I am assuming you are using the details view
listView1.View = View.Details;
First adding your headers, listView1.Columns.Add(text, width);
listView1.Columns.Add(First Name", 50);
listView1.Columns.Add("Middle Name", 100);
listView1.Columns.Add("Last Name", 100);
You then add data to the listView. However, this is not done directly. You build a listViewITEM then add that item to the list view.
string[] row = new string[3];
row[0] = "john";
row[1] = "someone";
row[2] = "doe";
ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(row);
listView1.SelectedItems[#].SubItems[#].Text = "string" + "\n" + "string2";
CrazyPaste suggested adding a row, which could be practical and is something you often see with listViews.
However, If you choose to add or "redo" the rows, be sure to remove any old information before inputting new information to avoid duplicates.
Taken from the popup within visual studio 2013 pro
listView1.Items.RemoveAt(int index)
listView1.Items.Insert(int index, string key, string text, int imageIndex)
listView1.Items.Clear(); //Clears all items
//Add populate logic here
Two arrays or a multidimensional array in a loop would be effective if you wish to populate the listview in that manner.
To achieve this programmatically, you could...
listView2 = new ListView();
listView2.View = View.Details;
listView2.Location = new Point(50, 50);
listView2.Size = new Size(400, 100);
ListViewItem item1 = new ListViewItem();
item1.Text = "0"; //The way to properly set the first piece of a data in a row is with .Text
item1.SubItems.Add("1"); //all other row items are then done with .SubItems
ListViewItem item2 = new ListViewItem();
item2.Text = "00";
ListViewItem item3 = new ListViewItem();
item3.Text = "000";
//listView2.Items.Insert(2, item1); //0 here is the row. Increasing the number, changes which row you are writing data across
listView2.Items[0].SubItems[4].Text = "123\rabc";
To 'update' the information:
I was not able to get .Insert to work with subitems.
If you already inserted a listViewItem, You cannot insert an item
without first removing it
SubItems are not automatically created to fill empty space. Commands like 'listView2.Items[0].SubItems[4].Text' will not work with null/non-existent SubItems
I don't have much to go on. But this adds a new row:
string[] row = { "1", "snack", "2.50" };
var listViewItem = new ListViewItem(row);
Here's a post discussing how to update an existing listitem:
C#: How do you edit items and subitems in a listview?
Ok. after I searched the internet for ages, it turned out that listView does not support text wrap. so instead I used DataGridView. thank you for your help

How to set combobox first element in winform application in c#

I am new in Winform application, here i am using Entity framework, when i binding values to a combobox from sql table, i need to set first combobox item as "Please select", how can i set this..?
var qry = context.Tbl_EmployeeDetails.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false).ToList();
drpname.ValueMember = "RecordId";
drpname.DisplayMember = "Name";
drpname.DataSource = qry;
how can i set this first item as "please select" and value '0'
another suggestion in winform that..
how can i set value in a datagridview linkbutton column when i set 'Edit', 'Delete' columns are as linkbutton
You can insert that item in the beginning of the list.
var items = db.Tbl_EmployeeDetails.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false).ToList();
items.Insert(0,new Tbl_EmployeeDetail() { RecordId= 0, Name = "[Please Select an Item]" });
drpname.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; //optional
drpname.ValueMember = "RecordId";
drpname.DisplayMember = "Name";
drpname.DataSource = items;
drpname.SelectedIndex = 0;
To have a hint in ComboBox without adding an item, take a look at following post:
Set hint or watermark or default text for ComboBox without adding it as item:
After you load your var qry which will be a List<string>
you want to do the following
var qry = context.Tbl_EmployeeDetails.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false).ToList();
drpname.ValueMember = "RecordId";
drpname.DisplayMember = "Name";
drpname.DataSource = qry;
drpname.Items.Insert(0, "--Please Select--");
drpname.SelectedIndex = 0;
Or you could have easily added it to qry since you are returning the data ToList()
for example
var qry = context.Tbl_EmployeeDetails.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false).ToList();
qry.Insert(0, "--Please Select--");
drpname.ValueMember = "RecordId";
drpname.DisplayMember = "Name";
drpname.DataSource = qry;
drpname.SelectedIndex = 0;
Your combobox cannot contain additional items if you are binding it to a data source. You have a few options here:
Don't bind it to a data source, i.e. populate it manually from your data set by looping through the items in your query and adding them individually to the combobox; this will allow you the opportunity to first add your "Please Select" item. This can be complicated because you will actually have to add the string names as the items in the combobox, and then you can set the item's Tag property to the actual query row to reference it later.
Include a fake item returned from your query that has a display member of "please select". Note, I don't recommend this approach because you're allowing your presentation logic to leak into your data/business layer.
Use a third-party control instead of the win forms combobox. I've used Infragistics and they have the ability to display a "suggestion" that's not actually in the list when nothing is selected.

Adding values to DataGridViewComboBoxColumn with autocomplete

I am new to using datagridviews and wanted to know how to populate certain fields.
I have created a form and added a datagridview (named GridSellProducts) with Visual Studio designer and added 8 columns with the first named Item.
I have also changed the column type for Item to DataGridViewComboBoxColumn also in design view.
I have the following data (product names) that I want to populate the combobox with for each row that may be added:
// get products
productsURL = "" + sessionID + ".json";
var products = Products.GetProducts(productsURL);
List<string> productNames = new List<string>(); <-----the data to add to the combobox
foreach (var p in products)
var x = p.Product;
foreach (var pn in x)
How do I add the above data to the column combobox Item that will let a user be able to type a product name and also have an autocomplete feature. I am using WinForms.
To populate your list with Items property in DataGridViewComboBoxColumn use this:
public DataGridViewComboBoxColumn cbColumn; // outside method for further use of inserting into DataBase
cbColumn = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn();
bColumn.DataSource = productNames;
MSDN DataGridViewComboBoxColumn.DataSource Property

