wix # script for creating a installer - c#

I have a wpf application which helps user to selects the directory path and when he click create installer button then I want to create installer for user selected directory(inside directory there may me more than one file).
I came to know that I can use a wix# script and then I call this script when button is clicked. But I don't know how to write a wix# script which take input for file (the file for that installer is going to create).
I am familier with basic wix and new to wix #. Please help me to solve my problem.

You could try the Wixsharp solution.
You can get it from the nuget reference option (Visual studio), then you just need to write the code so it works like you want it.
I'll make a C# example:
static string sRootDir = #"<Path of Source directory>";
static void BuildMSI()
WixEntity[] weDir = new WixEntity[0];
weDir = BuildDirInfo(sRootDir, weDir);
var project = new Project("My product", weDir)
GUID = Guid.NewGuid(),
//UI = WUI.WixUI_InstallDir,
Version = new Version(55, 0, 0, 0),
UpgradeCode = guidUpgradeCode, // Forwarded if upgrading existing product
MajorUpgradeStrategy = new MajorUpgradeStrategy
UpgradeVersions = VersionRange.OlderThanThis,
PreventDowngradingVersions = VersionRange.NewerThanThis,
NewerProductInstalledErrorMessage = "Newer version already installed"
static WixEntity[] BuildDirInfo(string sRootDir, WixEntity[] weDir)
DirectoryInfo RootDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(sRootDir);
if (RootDirInfo.Exists)
DirectoryInfo[] DirInfo = RootDirInfo.GetDirectories();
List<string> lMainDirs = new List<string>();
foreach (DirectoryInfo DirInfoSub in DirInfo)
int cnt = lMainDirs.Count;
weDir = new WixEntity[cnt + 1];
if (cnt == 0)
weDir[0] = new DirFiles(RootDirInfo.FullName + #"\*.*");
weDir[cnt] = new DirFiles(RootDirInfo.FullName + #"\*.*");
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
DirectoryInfo RootSubDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(lMainDirs[i]);
if (!RootSubDirInfo.Exists)
WixEntity[] weSubDir = new WixEntity[0];
weSubDir = BuildDirInfo(RootSubDirInfo.FullName, weSubDir);
weDir[i] = new Dir(RootSubDirInfo.Name, weSubDir);
return weDir;


C# WUApiLib know if a windows update needs a restart

I use this code to get pending windows updates and also most of the informations of the update:
static List<PendingUpdate> GetPendingUpdates()
var updateSession = new UpdateSession();
var updateSearcher = updateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher();
updateSearcher.Online = false; //set to true if you want to search online
List<PendingUpdate> pendingUpdates = new List<PendingUpdate>();
var searchResult = updateSearcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 And IsHidden=0");
if (searchResult.Updates.Count > 0)
Console.WriteLine("There are updates available for installation");
foreach (IUpdate windowsUpdate in searchResult.Updates)
PendingUpdate update = new PendingUpdate();
update.Title = windowsUpdate.Title;
update.Description = windowsUpdate.Description;
update.Downloaded = windowsUpdate.IsDownloaded;
update.Urls = new List<string>();
foreach (string url in windowsUpdate.MoreInfoUrls)
foreach (dynamic category in windowsUpdate.Categories)
update.Categories += category.Name + ", ";
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return pendingUpdates;
I also use this code to get to know if the computer currently needs a restart to finish installed updates:
static bool needsRestart()
ISystemInformation systemInfo = new SystemInformation();
return systemInfo.RebootRequired;
Now my question is, is it possible to get to know if an pending update needs a computer restart to finish? In the first code I get a IUpdate object but I dont see informations about a needed restart after installing this update. I there a way to get this information?
For the asynchronous installation I use something like this:
rebootRequired = false;
UpdateSession updateSession = new UpdateSession();
updateSession.ClientApplicationID = SusClientID;
IUpdateInstaller updatesInstaller = updateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller();
IInstallationJob job = updatesInstaller.BeginInstall(InstallProgressCallback, installComplete, installState);
// here is your installer code and the checking if the installation is completed
IInstallationProgress jobProgress = job.GetProgress();
for (int updateindex = 0; updateindex < updatesInstaller.Updates.Count; updateindex++)
IUpdateInstallationResult updateInstallResult = jobProgress.GetUpdateResult(updateindex);
rebootRequired |= updateInstallResult.RebootRequired;
// any of the updates need a reboot

Doing a Move and an edit in one Commit with Git TFS API in C#?

I am trying to edit one of our files and also move it to another place in our repo and so far have this setup:
GitRepository repo = new GitRepository();
repo.Id = new Guid(RepositoryId);
repo.Url = "Working.url.goes.here.com";
repo.DefaultBranch = "heads/master";
GitRef defaultBranch = GitClient.GetRefsAsync(repo.Id, filter: repo.DefaultBranch).Result.First();
string result = testpath.Replace(ACTUALFILEPATH, "");
GitCommitRef newCommit;
List<GitChange> changes;
GitRefUpdate newBranch = new GitRefUpdate()
Name = currBranch,
OldObjectId = defaultBranch.ObjectId,
changes = new List<GitChange>(3);
//the changes for the test being edited
changes.Add(new GitChange()
ChangeType = VersionControlChangeType.Add,
Item = new GitItem() { Path = result },
NewContent = new ItemContent()
Content = TestContent,
ContentType = ItemContentType.RawText
//the changes for the csproj file
changes.Add(new GitChange()
ChangeType = VersionControlChangeType.Edit,
Item = new GitItem() { Path = projPath },
NewContent = new ItemContent()
Content = projContent,
ContentType = ItemContentType.RawText
//The deletion of the old file
changes.Add(new GitChange()
ChangeType = VersionControlChangeType.Delete,
Item = new GitItem() { Path = origpath },
newCommit = new GitCommitRef()
Comment = commitmessage,
Changes = changes.ToArray()
GitPush push = GitClient.CreatePushAsync(new GitPush()
RefUpdates = new GitRefUpdate[] { newBranch },
Commits = new GitCommitRef[] { newCommit },
Repository = repo
}, repo.Id).Result;
return result;
Everytime I try to run it, either the delete causes an error that says you cant modify the same file twice in one commit, or if I move the delete to before it says the file doesnt exist in the directory of the branch.
What I need: To be able to move a test from one directory to another, edit its contents, and also edit the contents of another file, and push all that to the server.
Other Notes: Use of Powershell and Cmd are very limited.
Any Thoughts or suggestions or know what is wrong? Thanks so much for helping!
Well, after testing for several more hours, I finally figured it out..
I was using the wrong argument for origpath, and was passing it the same path as the new file that I was adding.
TLDR: Double check your arguments when writing a function

Publish a project programmatically C#

I want to be able to publish a separate C# project programmatically. When I run the following code I want it to publish my Repair.csproj project.
What I'm doing here is I'm getting the version number from my code. I then increment it by one, delete everything in the publish folder and then try to publish my project.
However when I run this code it doesn't publish my Repair.csproj. I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.
My code is as follows
public const string publishLocation = #"C:\Workspace_User\Repair\MAIN\Publish";
public const string RepairLocation = #"C:\Workspace_User\Repair\MAIN\Repair.sln";
public const string repairproj = #"C:\Workspace_User\Repair\MAIN\Repair\Repair.csproj";
public const string r = #"C:\Workspace_User\Repair\MAIN\Repair\bin\Release\Repair.dll";
static void Main(string[] args)
Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Engine.GlobalEngine.BuildEnabled = true;
System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(publishLocation);
FileVersionInfo fvi = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(RepairLocation);
var version= AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(r).Version;
var splitVersionNumber= version.ToString().Split('.');
var getNumber = splitVersionNumber[3];
var addInt=Convert.ToInt32(getNumber);
foreach (FileInfo file in di.GetFiles())
if (file.Name!="Working Folder")
public static object buildMethod()
var props = new Dictionary<string, string>();
props["Configuration"] = "Publish";
var request = new BuildRequestData(repairproj, props, null, new string[] { "Build" }, null);
var parms = new BuildParameters();
// parms.Loggers = ...;
var result = BuildManager.DefaultBuildManager.Build(parms, request);
return result.OverallResult == BuildResultCode.Success;

Displaying image in web application

i have problem with displaying image in my web app. It took photo from database, and should dispay in web app.
protected void btnShowPhoto_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string adresURL = #"~/Content";
string camPath = "";
string[] tab = new string[10];
CheckBox[] _boxes = new CheckBox[] { this.CheckBox1, this.CheckBox2, this.CheckBox3, this.CheckBox4, this.CheckBox5, this.CheckBox6, this.CheckBox7, this.CheckBox8 };
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image[] _images = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image[] { this.Image1, this.Image2, this.Image3, this.Image4, this.Image5, this.Image6, this.Image7, this.Image8 };
Label[] _labels = new Label[] { this.lblCameraName1, this.lblCameraName2, this.lblCameraName3, this.lblCameraName4, this.lblCameraName5, this.lblCameraName6, this.lblCameraName7, this.lblCameraName8 };
System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlAnchor[] _linkscontrol = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlAnchor[] { this.imagelink1, this.imagelink2, this.imagelink3, this.imagelink4, this.imagelink5, this.imagelink6, this.imagelink7, this.imagelink8 };
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
_images[i].Visible = false;
_labels[i].Visible = false;
_linkscontrol[i].HRef = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (_boxes[i].Checked)
camPath = null;
tab = null;
camPath = this.GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text;
tab = camPath.Split(new string[] { "StoredPhotos" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
//Virtual Path'a
camPath = adresURL + tab[1].Replace(#"\", "/");
_labels[i].Visible = true;
_labels[i].Text = this.GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[1].Text;
_linkscontrol[i].HRef = camPath;
_images[i].ImageUrl = camPath;
_images[i].Visible = true;
_images[i].Visible = false;
I have problem with my virtual path probably. CamPath(Virtual Path) becomes from : E:\Photo\StoredPhotos\20151010\000003819619_201512021335_1_C1, and finally looks: ~/20151010/000003819619_201512021335_1_C1
This path means nothing to a web browser:
It doesn't know what to do with that ~ directory. That's a server-side concept, not a client-side concept. So your server-side code needs to resolve that to an actual path.
It could be as simple as just explicitly starting from the root of the server:
string adresURL = #"/Content";
So the resulting URL would start with /Content/..... and the browser would check for the image in that path.
But if the application isn't (or might not be) the root of the server domain then you'd need to either manually account for that or use a server-side helper of some sort. There are a variety of ways to go about that, for example:
_images[i].ImageUrl = System.Web.VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(camPath);
The browser expect access to image via http protocol, if you want view the image you have 2 diffrerent way:
(simple) Create a virtual directory under iis that point to a phisical folder E:\Photo\StoredPhotos\ and called StoredPhotos, in _images[i].ImageUrl you may set the value /StoredPhotos/20151010/000003819619_201512021335_1_C1.jpg
(complex) Build a class that read the file on the disk and write it to the response (use IHttpHandler interface), add this handler to web.config and set _images[i].ImageUrl the value of 'NameOfHandler.aspx?20151010/000003819619_201512021335_1_C1

Trying to download file from FileCabinet in NetSuite using C# program

I need to download JPG file from FileCabinet in NetSuite. For that I know the file name, so I searched file and assigned to FileObject. I got the object right, but got NULL content. I am providing here some code. Can anybody point out the error or any missing step here? Thank you.
var result = _service.search(flSearch);
if (result.totalRecords > 0)
recordList = result.recordList;
Record[] records = new Record[recordList.Length];
for (int j = 0; j < recordList.Length; j++)
if (recordList[j] is File)
File itemImage = (File)(recordList[j]);
byte[] data;
data = new Byte[(int)itemImage.fileSize];
data = itemImage.content; //Here getting NULL value
FileStream inFile;
using (inFile = new FileStream("newImage.jpg", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
inFile.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
itemImage is just a string - base64.
take that string and do a base64 decode and save that to your local file.
If the search is based on the internal id of the file you want to search, then the following code may help
var service = LoginNetSuite();
Tuple<string, string> fileContent = null;
FileSearch fileSearch = new FileSearch();
FileSearchBasic fileSearchBasic = new FileSearchBasic();
// Specify the folder in which the search is to be done.
SearchMultiSelectField folderFilter = new SearchMultiSelectField();
folderFilter.#operator = SearchMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf;
folderFilter.operatorSpecified = true;
RecordRef[] folder = new RecordRef[1];
folder[0] = new RecordRef();
folder[0].internalId = "78990"; // 78990 => Internal id of the folder.
folderFilter.searchValue = folder;
fileSearchBasic.folder = folderFilter;
// Specify the file internal id.
SearchMultiSelectField fileFilter = new SearchMultiSelectField();
fileFilter.#operator = SearchMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf;
fileFilter.operatorSpecified = true;
RecordRef[] rec = new RecordRef[1];
rec[0] = new RecordRef();
rec[0].internalId = "345656"; // 345656 => Internal id of the file.
fileFilter.searchValue = rec;
fileSearchBasic.internalId = fileFilter;
fileSearch.basic = fileSearchBasic;
var result = service.search(fileSearch);
var recordList = (Record[])result.recordList;
if (recordList != null && recordList.Length != 0)
var file = (File)result.recordList.First();
fileContent = new Tuple<string, string>(file.url, file.name);
In this code the folder internal id and the file internal id is given as the search parameters. So the file search will be done in the specified file cabinet with specified file id.
The response from netsuite will consist of the internal id, file name, url, folder name etc. The file can be downloaded from the url location.

