I haven't any errors, but the program always generates 0 for AnimalAge. It should generate numbers from 1-20. This is a simple game where a player should find Age of Animal. Corrected, still get 0.
public class losowaniez
public int AnimalAge;
public static Random AnimalAge1 = new Random();
public int Age2
return AnimalAge1.Next(20);
public class Animal
public void Fish()
Console.WriteLine("Zwierze moze miec maksymalnie 10 lat, zgadnij ile ma lat");
int x = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
public int zwierze(losowaniez c)
int AnimalAge = c.Age2;
Console.WriteLine("Zwierze moze miec maksymalnie 20 lat zgadnij ile ma lat");
int x = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (x == AnimalAge)
Console.WriteLine("Wygrales gre");
else if (x > AnimalAge)
Console.WriteLine("Celuj nizej!");
Console.WriteLine("Celuj wyzej!");
add a constructor to the class losowaniez and do the assigning of Age2 in the Constructor.
Your class would be
public class losowaniez
public int AnimalAge;
public int Age2;
public losowaniez()
int AnimalAge;
Random RandomObj = new Random();
AnimalAge = RandomObj.Next(20);
Age2 = AnimalAge;
you should do something like this
Change your losowanie() method as below method
public int losowanie()
Random RandomObj = new Random();
Age2 = RandomObj.Next(20);
return Age2;
Call above function inside zwierze() like this
losowaniez MyAnimal = new losowaniez();
int AnimalAge = MyAnimal.losowanie();
Alternatively You can Create Public Property in your losowaniez class
public int Age2
get {
Random RandomObj = new Random();
return RandomObj.Next(20);
after creating property your this code will work
losowaniez MyAnimal = new losowaniez();
int AnimalAge = MyAnimal.Age2;
I am creating a console app in c#. The apps purpose is to create robots, randomly assign 5 tasks once the robot is created, then display the robots total time etc. I have a class for BotTask and for Robot.
Having trouble with the following:
I am initializing each individual BotTask then attempting to load them into a list, to randomize them and return 5 BotTask's that can be assigned to a Robot.
I was thinking if each BotTask has an index property: I can randomize an integer then use that index property to select which BotTask is called by random.
When I try this I am receiving error code CS1503 (Arguement 1: cannot convert from 'int' to 'BotOMat.BotTask') and am unsure if I am trying to complete this process the correct way.
Here is the code I have written for the BotTask class:
public class BotTask
//initialize bot tasks
public static readonly BotTask DISHES = new BotTask("Dishes", "Do the dishes", 1000, 1);
public static readonly BotTask SWEEP = new BotTask("Sweep", "Sweep the house", 3000, 2);
public static readonly BotTask LAUNDRY = new BotTask("Laundry", "Do the laundry", 10000, 3);
public static readonly BotTask RECYCLING = new BotTask("Recycling", "Take out the recycling", 4000, 4);
public static readonly BotTask SAMMICH = new BotTask("Sammich", "Make a sammich", 7000, 5);
public static readonly BotTask LAWN = new BotTask("Lawn", "Mow the lawn", 20000, 6);
public static readonly BotTask RAKE = new BotTask("Rake", "Rake the leaves", 18000, 7);
public static readonly BotTask BATH = new BotTask("Bath", "Give the dog a bath", 14500, 8);
public static readonly BotTask BAKE = new BotTask("Bake", "Bake some cookies", 8000, 9);
public static readonly BotTask WASH = new BotTask("Wash", "Wash the car", 20000, 10);
public string Name { get; private set; }
public string Description { get; private set; }
public int Duration { get; private set; }
public int Index { get; private set; }
private BotTask(string name, string description, int duration, int index)
Name = name;
Description = description;
Duration = duration;
Index = index;
public static List<BotTask> randomizeBotTasks()
int i = 1;
List<BotTask> randomizedBotTasks = new List<BotTask>();
while (i <= 5)
var random = new Random();
int index = random.Next(loadBotTasks.Count);
return randomizedBotTasks;
Without intentionally adding a second question here I would like to return this list of BotTasks to my Robot Class. So after user creates a Robot, 5 randomized BotTasks will be assigned to it.
Here is how I am trying to achieve this in my Robot class:
public class Robot
public string BotName { get; set; }
public RobotType BotType { get; set; }
public string BotTypeDescription => BotType.GetDescription();
public TimeSpan TimeElapsed { get; set; }
private readonly List<BotTask> _tasks = new List<BotTask>();
//public IEnumerable<BotTask> Tasks => _tasks;
public Robot(string botName, RobotType botType, TimeSpan timeElapsed = default)
this.BotName = botName;
this.BotType = botType;
TimeElapsed = timeElapsed;
public static void CreateRobot()
var robotsList = new List<Robot>();
//loop until there are no more robots
while (true)
Console.Write("Enter robot name: ");
var robotName = Console.ReadLine();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(robotName))
break; //empty robot, time to list things out
//RobotType? robotType = null;
RobotType? robotType = null;
while (!robotType.HasValue)
robotType = GetResponseUsingEnum<RobotType>("Robots");
var robot = new Robot(robotName, robotType.Value);
//At this point, we have a fully populated list of robots, each with some tasks
foreach (var robot in robotsList)
public static T? GetResponseUsingEnum<T>(string prompt) where T : struct, Enum
//Loop until a good answer (or no answer)
while (true)
Console.WriteLine($"{prompt}: Please enter one of:");
var values = (T[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(T));
foreach (var enumValue in values)
var description = enumValue.GetDescription<T>();
var intValue = Convert.ToInt32(enumValue);
Console.WriteLine($"{intValue}: {description}");
Console.Write(">> ");
var response = Console.ReadLine();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
return (T?)null;
if (Enum.TryParse<T>(response, out var val))
if (values.Contains(val))
Console.WriteLine($"You answered: {val}");
return val;
Appreciate any help in advance - thank you.
You can't add integer value to List<BotTask>
Use this:
public static List<BotTask> randomizeBotTasks()
int i = 1;
List<BotTask> randomizedBotTasks = new List<BotTask>();
while (i <= 5)
var random = new Random();
int index = random.Next(loadBotTasks.Count);
return randomizedBotTasks;
I have code like this:
class First
public int a { get; set; }
public int b { get; set; }
public int c = 2;
public _second;
public First()
_second = new Second(c);
this.a = _second.a;
this.b = _second.b;
class Second
public int a;
public int b;
public Second(int c)
if(c == 0)
a = 1;
b = 2;
a = -1;
b = -2;
How can I pass a and b from First class into second class and then directly from second class set their values withohut using static as declaration in First class.
I have tried this:
class First
public int a;
public int b;
public int c = 2;
public _second;
public First()
_second = new Second(a, b, c);
class Second
public Second(int a, int b, int c)
if(c == 0)
a = 1;
b = 2;
a = -1;
b = -2;
but it is not doing the job.
You can simply add a constructor in the Second class that receives the instance of First and updates the public variables of the instance passed
public class Second
public Second(int a, int b, int c)
// old constructor if still needed
public Second(First f)
int sign = f.c == 0 ? 1 : -1;
f.a = 1 * sign;
f.b = 2 * sign;
By the way, I suggest to use properties instead of public fieds.
public class First
public int a {get;set;}
public int b {get;set;}
public int c {get;set;} = 2;
public Second _second {get;set;}
public First()
_second = new Second(this);
Looking at your image it is clear what is the source of your problem. You are receiving a Form class instance in your Forma constructor. You need to receive a Main instance like
public Forma(Main form, int modulID)
The base class Form has no knowledge of methods defined in custom form classes. In alternative you can still receive a Form instance but you need to add something like this
public Forma(Form form, int modulID)
Main m = form as Main;
if(m != null)
m.helpWindow = new Help(modulID);
You can pass the fields as ref meaning that you pass a reference to the field passed as parameter not the value. This means changes to the fields inside the Second constructor will be reflected in the First class
class First
public int a;
public int b;
public int c = 2;
public Second _second;
public First()
_second = new Second(ref a, ref b, c);
class Second
public Second(ref int a, ref int b, int c)
if (c == 0)
a = 1;
b = 2;
a = -1;
b = -2;
You can pass by ref to any method not just a constructor. You should read more about this topic, here for example
I accomplished it with Interface.
public interface IClass
int a { get; set; }
int b { get; set; }
class First : IClass
public int a { get; set; }
public int b { get; set; }
public int c = 2;
public _second;
public First()
_second = new Second(this, c);
class Second
public Second(IClass ic, int c)
if(c == 0)
ic.a = 1;
ic.b = 2;
ic.a = -1;
ic.b = -2;
I have created a class named Card and a class named CardDeck.
In class CardDeck I've declared an array named deck( of type Card ) whose elements are objects of class Card.
Its Card object has its own number and shape.
How can I compare for example deck[0] with deck[1] to see if these obects have the same number or the same shape?
Class CardDeck
using System;
public Class CardDeck
private int number_of_elements = 30;
public CardDeck()//constructor
int[] arrayNumber = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
string[] arrayShape = { "oval" , "diamond", "square" };
deck = new Card[number_of elements];
InitialiseDeck(arrauNumber, arrayShape);
private void InitialiseDeck(int[] num, string[] sha)
int count = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
deck[count] = new Card(num[i],sha[j]);
Class Card
using System;
public class Card
private int number;
private string shape;
public Card( int cardNumber, string cardShape)
number = cardNumber;
shape = cardShape;
You'll want to make public attributes on the Card class that expose the number and shape variables. Then in code outside the Card class reference those attributes.
For example:
public class Card
private int number;
private string shape;
public Card( int cardNumber, string cardShape)
number = cardNumber;
shape = cardShape;
public int Number { get { return this.number; } }
public string Shape { get { return this.shape; } }
var card1 = new Card(13, "diamond");
var card2 = new Card(13, "heart");
if (card1.Number == card2.Number && card2.Shape == card2.Shape)
// The cards are the same
If all you want to do is check for equality of cards, then you can just declare what the == operator will do for the Card class: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8edha89s.aspx
So I have the following set-up.
A sensor that detects the temperature of a room a controller then checks if it is below or above a set temperature and if it is below it starts a heater.
Now how do I get the method GetCurTemp() to get the temperature I have set?
public class TempSensor
public int Temp { get; set; }
public class Control
private int threshold;
public Control(TempSensor t, Heater h, int thr)
threshold = thr;
public void SetThreshold(int thr)
threshold = thr;
public int GetThreshold()
return threshold;
public int GetCurTemp()
return ???;
class Test
static void Main(string[] args)
var tempSensor = new TempSensor();
var heater = new Heater();
var uut = new Control(tempSensor, heater, 25);
Console.WriteLine("Set the current temperatur");
int n= int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
tempSensor.Temp = n;
You need to keep a reference to the TempSensor in your Control class. Then you can access the temperature from that reference.
public class Control
private int threshold;
private TempSensor sensor;
public Control(TempSensor t, Heater h, int thr)
threshold = thr;
sensor = t;
public void SetThreshold(int thr)
threshold = thr;
public int GetThreshold()
return threshold;
public int GetCurTemp()
return sensor.Temp;
You aren't doing anything with the TempSensor object you're passing into the Control constructor. You should set up a field like sensorTemp in your Control class to hold this value.
public class Control
private int threshold;
private int sensorTemp;
public Control(TempSensor t, Heater h, int thr)
threshold = thr;
sensorTemp = t.Temp;
public void SetThreshold(int thr)
threshold = thr;
public int GetThreshold()
return threshold;
public int GetCurTemp()
return sensorTemp;
using System;
namespace Matrix_Algebra
public struct S_Matrix_size
public int size_R, size_C;
public S_Matrix_size(int r, int c)
this.size_R = r;
this.size_C = c;
public class C_Matrix_entries
public C_Matrix_entries()
int r, c;
Console.WriteLine("Enter number of rows and columns ");
r = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
c = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
S_Matrix_size size = new S_Matrix_size(r,c);
double[,] entry = new double [size.size_R,size.size_C];
Console.WriteLine("Enter the entries from first row [left to right] to the last row ");
for (int i = 0; i<size.size_R; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Enter the {0} row", i + 1);
for (int j = 0; j<size.size_C;j++)
entry[i, j] = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
namespace Row_Reduce_Algebra
using Matrix_Algebra;
public class TEST
static void Main()
C_Matrix_entries matrix_no1 = new C_Matrix_entries();
for (int i = 0; i < **matrix_no1.size**; i++)
As the title says, I'm trying to access a variable from a class instance, but don't know how to do it properly.
You can't access matrix_no1.size because size is inaccessible.
Add a public property to your C_Matrix_entries class, and reference it in Main().
public class C_Matrix_entries
public S_Matrix_size size { get; private set; }
public C_Matrix_entries()
size = new S_Matrix_size(r,c);
As #GrantWinney rightfully pointed out (as I was shaping up a working reply for you), you cannot access matrix_no1.size because it is inaccessible. (It is also out of scope being that matrix_no1 is a local variable declared in the default C_Matrix_entries constructor.)
Based on your code, here is an end-to-end working example of how to fix the problem using a somewhat different public property added to C_Matrix_entries. Beyond the flavor of the new S_Matrix_size public property you add to C_Matrix_entries (i.e. Grant Winney's will work too), you will need to compute the product of its size_R and size_C properties in your loop's setup.
using System;
namespace Matrix_Algebra
public struct S_Matrix_size
public int size_R, size_C;
public S_Matrix_size(int r, int c)
this.size_R = r;
this.size_C = c;
public class C_Matrix_entries
private S_Matrix_size _size;
public C_Matrix_entries()
int r, c;
Console.WriteLine("Enter number of rows and columns ");
r = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
c = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
_size = new S_Matrix_size(r,c);
double[,] entry = new double [_size.size_R,_size.size_C];
Console.WriteLine("Enter the entries from first row [left to right] to the last row ");
for (int i = 0; i<_size.size_R; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Enter the {0} row", i + 1);
for (int j = 0; j<_size.size_C;j++)
entry[i, j] = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
public S_Matrix_size Size { get { return _size; } }
namespace Row_Reduce_Algebra
using Matrix_Algebra;
public class TEST
static void Main()
C_Matrix_entries matrix_no1 = new C_Matrix_entries();
for (int i = 0; i < matrix_no1.Size.size_R * matrix_no1.Size.size_C; i++)
// TODO: something useful
Console.WriteLine(i); // FORNOW