Play .wma from memory stream using NAudio - c#

I'm working on a C# app in Visual Studio 2013 that needs to play audio files in .wav, .mp3 and .wma formats. the .wav and mp3 files play with no problem. .wma files, however, seem to require extra handling and I'm at a loss to find a solution.
Here are the using statements at the top of the project file:
using NAudio;
using NAudio.Wave;
using NAudio.FileFormats.Wav;
using NAudio.FileFormats.Mp3;
using NAudio.WindowsMediaFormat;
using NAudio.MediaFoundation;
And here's the code for playback:
private void PlayIntroScreenAudio()
byte[] IntroAudioInBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(GameInfo.IntroScreenAudio);
MemoryStream msIntroAudioStream = new MemoryStream(IntroAudioInBytes, 0, IntroAudioInBytes.Length);
msIntroAudioStream.Write(IntroAudioInBytes, 0, IntroAudioInBytes.Length);
msIntroAudioStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
msIntroAudioStream.Position = 0;
if (GameInfo.IntroScreenAudioFileExt == ".wav")
WaveFileReader wfr = new WaveFileReader(msIntroAudioStream);
else if (GameInfo.IntroScreenAudioFileExt == ".mp3")
Mp3FileReader mp3rdr = new Mp3FileReader(msIntroAudioStream);
else if (GameInfo.IntroScreenAudioFileExt == ".wma")
WMAFileReader wmafr = new WMAFileReader(msIntroAudioStream);
IntroAudioIsPlaying = true;
FinalScoreAudioIsPlaying = QuestionAudioIsPlaying = CARAudioIsPlaying = IARAudioIsPlaying = false;
btnPlayIntroScreenAudio.Image = Properties.Resources.btnStopIcon;
btnPlayFinalScoreAudio.Image = btnPlayQuestionAudio.Image = btnPlayCorrectResponseAudio.Image =
btnPlayIncorrectResponseAudio.Image = Properties.Resources.btnPlayIcon;
Player.PlaybackStopped += Player_PlaybackStopped;
As you'll probably guess, I get a wiggly line under "(msIntroAudioStream)". I tried adding ".ToString() inside the parentheses, but VS says it's wrong, since wmafr can't read from a string. What other code do I need to play a .wma file?

WMAFileReader only supports input from a file and it expects a string representing a path to file in its constructor's argument.
If you want to use WMAFileReader, you would have to write your MemoryStream to a file first, and then feed the path to WMAFileReader.
Curiously enough, WMAFileReader has no constructor taking a Stream as an argument, but Mp3FileReader and WaveFileReader both do.


Renaming elements within a .properties file using C#

I am trying to rename an element inside a file using C#.
This is currently being accomplished via a batch file but it would be good if I could directly acheive this with C#.
For example inside my file I have the value 'name'.
With a batch file which is being run from within C# I can update the element 'name' in this file on the fly.
Im assuming there is a way to accomplish this in C# without the need for a batch file.
Managed to solve this using BinaryWriter.
using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(ApppropFile, FileMode.Open)))
//write new data
string strNewData = "NEW DATA";
byte[] byteNewData = new byte[strNewData.Length];
// copy contents of string to byte array
for (var i = 0; i < strNewData.Length; i++)
byteNewData[i] = Convert.ToByte(strNewData[i]);
// write new data to file
bw.Seek(141, SeekOrigin.Begin); // seek to position
bw.Write(byteNewData, 0, byteNewData.Length);

How can I do reading and writing TextAssets at runtime with Unity 3D?

I have my desired txt files which I want to use as TextAssets. I need these files to be usable at runtime by my other scripts. Now the issue is that I can not figure out a way to make these things work.
I know that I should be using the Assets/Resources or the Streaming Assets folder but for some reason things are not working properly. Is there a way to incorporate it all with StreamWriters and Filestreams? What about TextAssets assigned in Unity Editor, can those also be setup as Streaming?
Some examples of code that uses my assets:
public void TaskOnClick() //getting multi-values
string filename = "Assets/Resources/TempoText/multi-export.txt";
using (StreamWriter writeFile = new StreamWriter(filename, false))
foreach (string inputJson in File.ReadLines("Assets/Resources/TempoText/multi-import.txt"))
string temperature = GetTemperatureByRegex(inputJson);
writeFile.AutoFlush = true;
File.Copy("Assets/Resources/TempoText/multi-export.txt", "Assets/Resources/multi-export.txt", true);
FileStream filestream = new FileStream("Assets/Resources/TempoText/multi-import.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite);
var writeFile = new StreamWriter(filestream);
var document = collection.Find(new BsonDocument()).Sort(sort).Limit(limit: limit).ForEachAsync(d => Console.WriteLine(d)); //displays last 10 entries
writeFile.AutoFlush = true;
All help greatly appreciated, I've basically messed up big time since I only found out about this now when I built everything as is...
Edit: got the streamwriters to do everything nicely with Application.persistentDataPath! Now stuck with a problem that I already struggled with - how to assign a TextAsset to get the file from a fixed path...
public TextAsset textFile;
Wondering how to set this to get it's .txt from Application.persistentDataPath
Application.persistentDataPath is what was needed all along.
Something nobody ever mentioned wherever I looked around. Hope somebody will be able to find the correct way using this mess of a question and lackluster answer.

Unable to merge 2 PDFs using MemoryStream

I have a c# class that takes an HTML and converts it to PDF using wkhtmltopdf.
As you will see below, I am generating 3 PDFs - Landscape, Portrait, and combined of the two.
The properties object contains the html as a string, and the argument for landscape/portrait.
System.IO.MemoryStream PDF = new WkHtmlToPdfConverter().GetPdfStream(properties);
System.IO.FileStream file = new System.IO.FileStream("abc_landscape.pdf", System.IO.FileMode.Create);
PDF.Position = 0;
properties.IsHorizontalOrientation = false;
System.IO.MemoryStream PDF_portrait = new WkHtmlToPdfConverter().GetPdfStream(properties);
System.IO.FileStream file_portrait = new System.IO.FileStream("abc_portrait.pdf", System.IO.FileMode.Create);
PDF_portrait.Position = 0;
System.IO.MemoryStream finalStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
System.IO.FileStream file_combined = new System.IO.FileStream("abc_combined.pdf", System.IO.FileMode.Create);
catch (Exception)
The PDFs "abc_landscape.pdf" and "abc_portrait.pdf" generate correctly, as expected, but the operation fails when I try to combine the two in a third pdf (abc_combined.pdf).
I am using MemoryStream to preform the merge, and at the time of debug, I can see that the finalStream.length is equal to the sum of the previous two PDFs. But when I try to open the PDF, I see the content of just 1 of the two PDFs.
The same can be seen below:
Additionally, when I try to close the "abc_combined.pdf", I am prompted to save it, which does not happen with the other 2 PDFs.
Below are a few things that I have tried out already, to no avail:
Change CopyTo() to WriteTo()
Merge the same PDF (either Landscape or Portrait one) with itself
In case it is required, below is the elaboration of the GetPdfStream() method.
var htmlStream = new MemoryStream();
var writer = new StreamWriter(htmlStream);
htmlStream.Position = 0;
return htmlStream;
Process process = Process.Start(psi);
process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
var inputTask = Task.Run(() =>
// Copy the output to a memorystream
MemoryStream pdf = new MemoryStream();
var outputTask = Task.Run(() =>
Task.WaitAll(inputTask, outputTask);
// Reset memorystream read position
pdf.Position = 0;
return pdf;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
Merging pdf in C# or any other language is not straight forward with out using 3rd party library.
I assume your requirement for not using library is that most Free libraries, nuget packages has limitation or/and cost money for commercial use.
I have made research and found you an Open Source library called PdfClown with nuget package, it is also available for Java. It is Free with out limitation (donate if you like). The library has a lot of features. One such you can merge 2 or more documents to one document.
I supply my example that take a folder with multiple pdf files, merged it and save it to same or another folder. It is also possible to use MemoryStream, but I do not find it necessary in this case.
The code is self explaining, the key point here is using SerializationModeEnum.Incremental:
public static void MergePdf(string srcPath, string destFile)
var list = Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetFullPath(srcPath));
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(srcPath) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(destFile) || list.Length <= 1)
var files = list.Select(File.ReadAllBytes).ToList();
using (var dest = new org.pdfclown.files.File(new org.pdfclown.bytes.Buffer(files[0])))
var document = dest.Document;
var builder = new;
foreach (var file in files.Skip(1))
using (var src = new org.pdfclown.files.File(new org.pdfclown.bytes.Buffer(file)))
{ builder.Add(src.Document); }
dest.Save(destFile, SerializationModeEnum.Incremental);
To test it
var srcPath = #"C:\temp\pdf\input";
var destFile = #"c:\temp\pdf\output\merged.pdf";
MergePdf(srcPath, destFile);
Input examples
PDF doc A and PDF doc B
Output example
Links to my research:
Disclaimer: A part of this answer is taken from my my personal web site with source code to github.
This answer from Stack Overflow (Combine two (or more) PDF's) by Andrew Burns works for me:
using (PdfDocument one = PdfReader.Open("pdf 1.pdf", PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import))
using (PdfDocument two = PdfReader.Open("pdf 2.pdf", PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import))
using (PdfDocument outPdf = new PdfDocument())
CopyPages(one, outPdf);
CopyPages(two, outPdf);
void CopyPages(PdfDocument from, PdfDocument to)
for (int i = 0; i < from.PageCount; i++)
That's not quite how PDFs work. PDFs are structured files in a specific format.
You can't just append the bytes of one to the other and expect the result to be a valid document.
You're going to have to use a library that understands the format and can do the operation for you, or developing your own solution.
PDF files aren't just text and images. Behind the scenes there is a strict file format that describes things like PDF version, the objects contained in the file and where to find them.
In order to merge 2 PDFs you'll need to manipulate the streams.
First you'll need to conserve the header from only one of the files. This is pretty easy since it's just the first line.
Then you can write the body of the first page, and then the second.
Now the hard part, and likely the part that will convince you to use a library, is that you have to re-build the xref table. The xref table is a cross reference table that describes the content of the document and more importantly where to find each element. You'd have to calculate the byte offset of the second page, shift all of the elements in it's xref table by that much, and then add it's xref table to the first. You'll also need to ensure you create objects in the xref table for the page break.
Once that's done, you need to re-build the document trailer which tells an application where the various sections of the document are among other things.
This is not trivial and you'll end up re-writing lots of code that already exists.

Creating an Epub file with a Zip library

HI All,
I am trying to zip up an Epub file i have made using c#
Things I have tried
Dot Net Zip
- DotNetZip works but epubcheck fails the resulting file (**see edit below)
- creates an epub file that passes validation but the file won't open in Adobe Digital Editions
7 zip
- I have not tried this using c# but when i zip the file using there interface it tells me that the mimetype file name has a length of 9 and it should be 8
In all cases the mimetype file is the first file added to the archive and is not compressed
The Epub validator that I'am using is epubcheck
if anyone has succesfully zipped an epub file with one of these libraries please let me know how or if anyone has zipped an epub file successfully with any other open source zipping api that would also work.
DotNetZip works, see accepted answer below.
If you need to control the order of the entries in the ZIP file, you can use DotNetZip and the ZipOutputStream.
You said you tried DotNetZip and it (the epub validator) gave you an error complaining about the mime type thing. This is probably because you used the ZipFile type within DotNetZip. If you use ZipOutputStream, you can control the ordering of the zip entries, which is apparently important for epub (I don't know the format, just surmising).
I just checked, and the epub page on Wikipedia describes how you need to format the .epub file. It says that the mimetype file must contain specific text, must be uncompressed and unencrypted, and must appear as the first file in the ZIP archive.
Using ZipOutputStream, you would do this by setting CompressionLevel = None on that particular ZipEntry - that value is not the default.
Here's some sample code:
private void Zipup()
string _outputFileName = "Fargle.epub";
using (FileStream fs = File.Open(_outputFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite ))
using (var output= new ZipOutputStream(fs))
var e = output.PutNextEntry("mimetype");
e.CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel.None;
byte[] buffer= System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("application/epub+zip");
WriteExistingFile(output, "META-INF/container.xml");
output.PutNextEntry("OPS/"); // another directory
WriteExistingFile(output, "OPS/whatever.xhtml");
// ...
private void WriteExistingFile(Stream output, string filename)
using (FileStream fs = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Read))
int n = -1;
byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
while ((n = fs.Read(buffer,0,buffer.Length)) > 0)
See the documentation for ZipOutputStream here.
Why not make life easier?
private void IonicZip()
string sourcePath = "C:\\pulications\\";
string fileName = "filename.epub";
// Creating ZIP file and writing mimetype
using (ZipOutputStream zs = new ZipOutputStream(sourcePath + fileName))
var o = zs.PutNextEntry("mimetype");
o.CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel.None;
byte[] mimetype = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("application/epub+zip");
zs.Write(mimetype, 0, mimetype.Length);
// Adding META-INF and OEPBS folders including files
using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(sourcePath + fileName))
zip.AddDirectory(sourcePath + "META-INF", "META-INF");
zip.AddDirectory(sourcePath + "OEBPS", "OEBPS");
For anyone like me who's searching for other ways to do this, I would like to add that the ZipStorer class from Jaime Olivares is a great alternative. You can copy the code right into your project, and it's very easy to choose between 'deflate' and 'store'.
Here's my code for creating an EPUB:
Dictionary<string, string> FilesToZip = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{ ConfigPath + #"mimetype", #"mimetype"},
{ ConfigPath + #"container.xml", #"META-INF/container.xml" },
{ OutputFolder + Name.Output_OPF_Name, #"OEBPS/" + Name.Output_OPF_Name},
{ OutputFolder + Name.Output_XHTML_Name, #"OEBPS/" + Name.Output_XHTML_Name},
{ ConfigPath + #"style.css", #"OEBPS/style.css"},
{ OutputFolder + Name.Output_NCX_Name, #"OEBPS/" + Name.Output_NCX_Name}
using (ZipStorer EPUB = ZipStorer.Create(OutputFolder + "book.epub", ""))
bool First = true;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> File in FilesToZip)
if (First) { EPUB.AddFile(ZipStorer.Compression.Store, File.Key, File.Value, ""); First = false; }
else EPUB.AddFile(ZipStorer.Compression.Deflate, File.Key, File.Value, "");
This code creates a perfectly valid EPUB file. However, if you don't need to worry about validation, it seems most eReaders will accept an EPUB with a 'deflate' mimetype. So my previous code using .NET's ZipArchive produced EPUBs that worked in Adobe Digital Editions and a PocketBook.

SharpZipLib : Compressing a single file to a single compressed file

I am currently working with SharpZipLib under .NET 2.0 and via this I need to compress a single file to a single compressed archive. In order to do this I am currently using the following:
string tempFilePath = #"C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp9AE0.tmp.xml";
string archiveFilePath = #"C:\Archive\Archive_[UTC TIMESTAMP].zip";
FileInfo inFileInfo = new FileInfo(tempFilePath);
ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip fZip = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
fZip.CreateZip(archiveFilePath, inFileInfo.Directory.FullName, false, inFileInfo.Name);
This works exactly (ish) as it should, however while testing I have encountered a minor gotcha. Lets say that my temp directory (i.e. the directory that contains the uncompressed input file) contains the following files:
tmp9AE0.tmp.xml //The input file I want to compress
xxx_tmp9AE0.tmp.xml // Some other file
yyy_tmp9AE0.tmp.xml // Some other file
wibble.dat // Some other file
When I run the compression all the .xml files are included in the compressed archive. The reason for this is because of the final fileFilter parameter passed to the CreateZip method. Under the hood SharpZipLib is performing a pattern match and this also picks up the files prefixed with xxx_ and yyy_. I assume it would also pick up anything postfixed as well.
So the question is, how can I compress a single file with SharpZipLib? Then again maybe the question is how can I format that fileFilter so that the match can only ever pick up the file I want to compress and nothing else.
As an aside, is there any reason as to why System.IO.Compression not include a ZipStream class? (It only supports GZipStream)
EDIT : Solution (Derived from accepted answer from Hans Passant)
This is the compression method I implemented:
private static void CompressFile(string inputPath, string outputPath)
FileInfo outFileInfo = new FileInfo(outputPath);
FileInfo inFileInfo = new FileInfo(inputPath);
// Create the output directory if it does not exist
if (!Directory.Exists(outFileInfo.Directory.FullName))
// Compress
using (FileStream fsOut = File.Create(outputPath))
using (ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipOutputStream zipStream = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipOutputStream(fsOut))
ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipEntry newEntry = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipEntry(inFileInfo.Name);
newEntry.DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
using (FileStream streamReader = File.OpenRead(inputPath))
ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Core.StreamUtils.Copy(streamReader, zipStream, buffer);
zipStream.IsStreamOwner = true;
This is an XY problem, just don't use FastZip. Follow the first example on this web page to avoid accidents.

