Clearing an array - c#

I'm having a problem on an assignment, I can't clear the array. Also in my MessageBox when it displays the scores I get a zero as the first number no matter what I do. I can't figure out what to change so zero is not the first element.
public partial class Form1 : Form
int scoreTotal = 0;
int scoreCount = 0;
decimal average = 0;
int[] scoreTotalArray = new int[1];
public Form1()
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (IsValidData())
Int32 score = Convert.ToInt32(txtScore.Text);
scoreTotalArray[scoreCount] = score;
Array.Resize(ref scoreTotalArray, scoreTotalArray.Length + 1);
scoreTotal += score; //accumulator
scoreCount++; //counter
average = scoreTotal / (decimal)scoreCount;//average
txtScoreCount.Text = scoreCount.ToString();//display in score count txtbox
txtScoreTotal.Text = scoreTotal.ToString(); //display in score total txtbox
txtAverage.Text = average.ToString("n2"); //display in average text box
catch (Exception ex) //catches all other exceptions
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().ToString());
public bool IsValidData()
IsPresent(txtScore, "Score:") &&
IsInt32(txtScore, "Score:") &&
IsWithinRange(txtScore, "Score:", 0, 100);
public bool IsPresent(TextBox textBox, string name)
if (textBox.Text == "")
MessageBox.Show(name + " is a required field, please enter a number between 0 and 100.", "Entry Error");
return false;
return true;
public bool IsInt32(TextBox textBox, string name)
return true;
catch (FormatException)
MessageBox.Show(name + "must be a number between 0 and 100.", "Entry Error");
return false;
public bool IsWithinRange(TextBox textBox, string name, decimal min, decimal max)
decimal number = Convert.ToDecimal(textBox.Text);
if (number < min || number > max)
MessageBox.Show(name + " must be between " + min + " and " + max + ".", "Entry Error");
return false;
return true;
private void btnDisplayScore_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string scoreCountString = "\n";
for(int i = 0; i < scoreCount; i++)
scoreCountString += scoreTotalArray [i] + "\n";
MessageBox.Show(scoreCountString + "\n", "Sorted Scores");
private void btnClearScores_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Your int array scoreTotalArray is always one element to big. That extra element contains the 0 you want to get rid of ;-)
Clearing the scores can be done by resizing your array to 0.
That said: You should probably consider using a List instead of an int array.


binary search built in method is not working for my window form program c#

I created a program that uses both linear and binary search method. I use string array.
private void linearSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string target = linearSearchBox.Text;
bool found = false;
for (int x = 0; x < myArray.Length; x++)
if (myArray[x] == target)
displayBox2.Text = target + " Found at index " + (x + 1) +
if (!found)
displayBox2.Text = "Not Found, try again." + "\r\n";
this will work, however the binary doest not
private void BinarySearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Array.Sort(myArray, 0, emptyPtr);
SearchArray(myArray, binarySearchBox.Text);
private void SearchArray(Array array, object value)
Array.Sort(myArray, 0, emptyPtr);
string target = binarySearchBox.Text;
int numIndex = Array.BinarySearch(array, target);
if (numIndex < 0)
displayBox2.Text = "The element to search for " + target + " is not found.";
else if(numIndex >= 0)
displayBox2.Text = "The element to search for " + target+ " is at index: " + numIndex;
test1 test2
Note that the code is performing a binary search in the text box of binarySearchBox, not the value in the text box of ListBox1.
The code that needs to convert the value added to ListBox1 into an Array array for storage.string[]myArray = listBox1.Items.Cast<string>().ToArray();,then search for ListBox1.
Code show as below:
private void BinarySearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string[]myArray = listBox1.Items.Cast<string>().ToArray();
Array.Sort(myArray, 0, emptyPtr);
SearchArray(myArray, binarySearchBox.Text);
private void SearchArray(Array array, object value)
string[] myArray = listBox1.Items.Cast<string>().ToArray();
Array.Sort(myArray, 0, emptyPtr);
string target = binarySearchBox.Text;
int numIndex = Array.BinarySearch(array, target);
if (numIndex < 0)
displayBox2.Text = "The element to search for " + target + " is not found.";
else if (numIndex >= 0)
displayBox2.Text = "The element to search for " + target + " is at index: " + numIndex;
private void linearSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string[] myArray = listBox1.Items.Cast<string>().ToArray();
string target = linearSearchBox.Text;
bool found = false;
for (int x = 0; x < myArray.Length; x++)
if (myArray[x] == target)
displayBox2.Text = target + " Found at index " + (x + 1) +
if (!found)
displayBox2.Text = "Not Found, try again." + "\r\n";

How do I display the contents of an array without having the "0"'s in the display using a foreach loop?

public partial class frmEnhancedInvoiceTotal : Form
public frmEnhancedInvoiceTotal()
private void BtnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
decimal[] decTotalofInvoicesArray = new decimal[5];
int intNumberOfInvoices = 0; //global variables
decimal decTotalOfInvoicesVariable = 0m;
decimal decAverageOfInvoices = 0m;
private void BtnCalculate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Convert = Class, .ToDecimal = method,
//when the user clicks the calulate button,
//we collect the subtotal, determine the appropriate discount,
//calculate the total and output the result to the screen.
decimal decSubtotal = 0m; //initialize subtotal with a value of zero. We'll collect from the user later.
if (Decimal.TryParse(txtSubtotal.Text,
System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency, //now can type a $ sign and now break the code
out decSubtotal)) //.tryparse attempts to convert but is a fail safe
//parse does 2 things - does something and tells you if works
decTotalofInvoicesArray[intNumberOfInvoices] = decSubtotal;
decimal decDiscountPercent = 0m; //defining a new variable (discount percent) allow for real #, giving it a intial value of 0. Decimal variables you have to add m
if (decSubtotal >= 500m) //if my subtotal is 500 or more
decDiscountPercent = 0.2m; //inside braces is what will happen to the question above
//set discount rate to 20%
else if (decSubtotal < 500m && decSubtotal >= 250m) //if subtotal is between 250 & 500
//^^redundant because < 500 is already stated in the first if statement
//could just right else if(decSubtotal >=250m)
decDiscountPercent = 0.15m; //set discount rate to 15%
else if (decSubtotal < 250m && decSubtotal >= 100m) //if subtotal is between 100 and 250
decDiscountPercent = 0.1m; //set discount to 10%
//if subtotal is less than 100, dicounter percent is 0%
decimal decDiscountAmount = decDiscountPercent * decSubtotal;
decimal decTotal = decSubtotal - decDiscountAmount; //He is going so fast
//Aggregate Processing - across mutliple clicks of the calculate button
//old way of doing it = intNumberOfInvoices = intNumberOfInvoices + 1;
intNumberOfInvoices++; //value of variable plus one
//old way of doing it decTotalOfInvoices = decTotalOfInvoices + decTotal;
decimal decSum = 0m;
for (int intColIndex = 0; intColIndex < decTotalofInvoicesArray.Length; intColIndex++)
decSum += decTotalofInvoicesArray[intColIndex];
decTotalOfInvoicesVariable = decSum;
decAverageOfInvoices = decSum / decTotalofInvoicesArray.Length;
txtSubtotal.Text = decSubtotal.ToString("c");
txtDiscountPercent.Text = decDiscountPercent.ToString("p2"); //sending a numeric value and sending it to text = gives error
txtDiscountAmount.Text = decDiscountAmount.ToString("c"); //dot ToString makes value a text value and sends to textbox in form
//c=currency //"p2" - 2 = how many decimal places
//P = percentage
txtTotal.Text = decTotal.ToString("c");
//aggregate output
txtNumberOfInvoices.Text = intNumberOfInvoices.ToString();
txtTotalOfInvoices.Text = decTotalOfInvoicesVariable.ToString("c");
txtAverageOfInvoices.Text = decAverageOfInvoices.ToString("c");
//breakpoint analysis = click on the grey side bar and slowly work through the code to find the error. Essentially pause the code and run the code one point at a time
catch (FormatException) //you do not know what went wrong in the try part. It just errors anyways because SOMETHING went wrong
MessageBox.Show("Please enter valid numeric values.", "Entry Error");
catch (OverflowException) //something is to big
MessageBox.Show("Please try smaller numbers", "Entry Error");
catch //generic error code because why not
MessageBox.Show("An unexpected error has occured. Please try again.", "Entry Error");
private void BtnClearTotals_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//When resetting aggregate/global info - need to reset the variables AND the visual interface
intNumberOfInvoices = 0;
decTotalOfInvoicesVariable = 0m;
decAverageOfInvoices = 0m;
// txtNumberOfInvoices.Text = ""; //setting the variable to nothing. Erase the information in the text box
private void TxtSubtotal_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void BtnDisplayTotals_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
String strOrderTotals = "";
//for (int intColIndex = 0; intColIndex < intNumberOfInvoices; intColIndex++)
// strOrderTotals += decTotalofInvoicesArray[intColIndex] + "\n";
foreach (decimal decTotalInvoices in decTotalofInvoicesArray)
if (strOrderTotals == "0")
strOrderTotals += decTotalInvoices + "\n";
private bool IsValidData()
IsPresent(txtSubtotal) && //did you type anyting
IsDecimal(txtSubtotal) && //make sure you types a real number
IsWithinRange(txtSubtotal, 0m, 1000m); //is the number in the range
private bool IsPresent(TextBox textBox) //send an entire textbox into method
if (textBox.Text == "")
MessageBox.Show(textBox.Tag.ToString() + " is a required field.", "Missing Entry"); //textbox is whatever is in the (TextBox textBox)
return false;
return true;
private bool IsDecimal(TextBox textBox)
decimal decTestValue = 0m;
if (!Decimal.TryParse(textBox.Text, out decTestValue)) //! - dont succusfully tryparse
MessageBox.Show(textBox.Tag.ToString() + " must be a numeric value", "Entry Error"); //textbox is whatever is in the (TextBox textBox)
return false;
return true;
private bool IsInteger(TextBox textBox)
int intTestValue = 0;
if (!Int32.TryParse(textBox.Text, out intTestValue)) //! - dont succusfully tryparse
MessageBox.Show(textBox.Tag.ToString() + " must be a whole number.", "Missing Entry"); //textbox is whatever is in the (TextBox textBox)
return false;
return true;
private bool IsWithinRange(TextBox textBox, decimal decMin, decimal decMax)
decimal decTestValue = Convert.ToDecimal(textBox.Text);
if (decTestValue < decMin || decTestValue > decMax) //to small or to big
MessageBox.Show(textBox.Tag.ToString() + " must be between " + decMin.ToString() + " and " + decMax.ToString() + "." + "Out of Range"); //textbox is whatever is in the (TextBox textBox)
return false;
return true;
Basically I have a invoice total windows form were the user inputs a subtotal value and total value is calculated based on the discount percent. In the assignment is says to create an array that hold up to five invoice totals. My problem is when I type lets say 2 subtotal values and click display totals the 2 number I typed in are displayed along with 3 zeros. I am wanting to know how to only display the number I inputted and not the zeros using a foreach loop.
It does not look like you are adding anything in your foreach.
foreach (decimal decTotalInvoices in decTotalofInvoicesArray)
if (strOrderTotals == "0")
strOrderTotals += decTotalInvoices + "\n";
Am I reading this right that you want to have each invoice shown, and do you want the total too? This code with a for loop should work. I
strOrderTotals = "My Invoices\n";
decimal decOrderTotals = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < decTotalofInvoicesArray.Length; i++)
if (decTotalofInvoicesArray[i] != 0)
strOrderTotals += "Invoice : " + decTotalofInvoicesArray[i] + "\n";
decOrderTotals += decTotalofInvoicesArray[i];
strOrderTotals += "Total of invoices: " + decOrderTotals;

Searching for values in arrays

I have an array in C# that generates random array of length 5. I have already declared this way
int[] array = new int[5]
I'm supposed to search for an array, an input dialog box opens, and I type in any value. It is supposed to give me an output if the number is found or else display not found and keep on going till I input the correct number.
I have this code something like this, it gives me some values not the kind i need. How can i implement such that it satisfies my condition? Thanks in advance.
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//use InputBox dialog to input a value.
//Search for the value in the array.
//If found, display "Found!", otherwise
//display "Not found!" when there is no match.
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
InputBox inputDlg = new InputBox("Search for array value " + (i + 1));
if (inputDlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
if (array[i] == Array.IndexOf(array, 5))
array[i] = Convert.ToInt32(inputDlg.Input);
tbxOutput.AppendText("Value found: " + array[i] + Environment.NewLine);
tbxOutput.AppendText("Value not found" + Environment.NewLine);
If I understand correctly you have 1 array with 5 values in it, and you want to check if it contains a given value. Is that correct?
If yes you have to loop through your array and flag a boolean to true if you find it:
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// loop until you call break
while(true) {
// ask for a value
InputBox inputDlg = new InputBox("Search for array value " + (i + 1));
try {
int value = Convert.ToInt32(inputDlg.Input);
// Check if value is in the array and display the appropriate message
if(isInArray(array, value)) {
tbxOutput.AppendText("Value found: " + value + Environment.NewLine);
// break to exit from the while loop
} else {
tbxOutput.AppendText("Value not found" + Environment.NewLine);
} catch (OverflowException) {
tbxOutput.AppendText("OverflowException parsing input to int" + Environment.NewLine);
} catch (FormatException) {
tbxOutput.AppendText("FormatException parsing input to int" + Environment.NewLine);
The isInArray method:
// this method returns true if the given value is in the array
private static boolean isInArray(int[] array, int valueToFind) {
boolean found = false;
int currentValue;
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) {
currentValue = array[i];
if(currentValue == valueToFind) {
found = true;
return found;

freezing form after clicking button

I have a problem regarding to payment button.
I don't encounter an error before building, but after building and clicking the payment button it hangs. I think its because of lblTotalPrice.text, but I don't know how to fix it.
public partial class Form1 : Form
int totalCost;
public double holDer;
public Form1()
this.cbo1.Items.AddRange(new object[] { "Lechon Kawali - 200", "Bicol Express - 300"
,"Adobo - 350" });
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
lb1.SelectedIndex = lb1.SelectedIndex ;
int z = 0;
if (cbo1.SelectedIndex == 0)
z = z + 1;
if (cbo1.SelectedIndex == 1)
z = z + 2;
if (cbo1.SelectedIndex == 2)
z = z + 3;
case 1:
totalCost = totalCost + 200;
case 2:
totalCost = totalCost + 300;
case 3:
totalCost = totalCost + 350;
lblSubTotalCost.Text = ("Php " + totalCost.ToString());
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int deleteCost = 0;
int itemCost = 0;
foreach (int selectedIndex in lb1.SelectedIndices)
itemCost = int.Parse(lb1.Items[selectedIndex].ToString().Split('-')[1]);
deleteCost += itemCost; lb1.Items.RemoveAt(selectedIndex);
totalCost = totalCost - deleteCost;
lblSubTotalCost.Text = ("Php " + totalCost.ToString());
if (lb1.Items.Count > 0)
lb1.SelectedIndex = 0;
MessageBox.Show("No orders");
private void lblVAT_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void lblSubTotalCost_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void multiply()
int a;
double b = 0.12;
bool Valid = int.TryParse(totalCost.ToString(), out a);
if (Valid)
lblVAT.Text = (a * b).ToString();
lblVAT.Text = "No VAT entered";
private void lbTotalPrice_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void Add()
int a;
int b;
bool AValid = int.TryParse(totalCost.ToString(), out a);
bool BValid = int.TryParse(lblVAT.Text, out b);
if (AValid && BValid)
lblTotalPrice.Text = ("Php " + (a + b).ToString());
private void btnPayment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
holDer = double.Parse(tbPayment.Text) - double.Parse(lblTotalPrice.Text);
MessageBox.Show("Change: " + holDer.ToString());
As you stated in your comments, your problem it is not that your application hangs, but the problem is that you are getting a Input string was not in a correct format Exception.
That it seems is from this block:
private void btnPayment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
holDer = double.Parse(tbPayment.Text) - double.Parse(lblTotalPrice.Text);
MessageBox.Show("Change: " + holDer.ToString());
As it is a not very complex code, your problem seems to be when you are casting your textboxes to Double. Be sure that you are using the correct separator for double values and that you not have any strange characters in tbPayment
Try using TryParse method:
double res;
if(double.TryParse(tbPayment.Text, out res))
holDer = res - double.Parse(lblTotalPrice.Text);
MessageBox.Show("Change: " + holDer.ToString());
MessageBox.Show("Input a correct format");
I suspect it's because the lblTotalPrice_TextChanged event-handler calls Add() which then changes the lblTotalPrice.Text property, causing the event to fire again, ad -infinitum?

Reverse Polish Notation- Logic and display of results

I am working on a Reverse polish notation calculator. I created a method that will take care of the calculations but there are three lines in my code that are causing an error. After every = an operation is performed and then displayed. I am trying to grab the string from TxtInputBox and convert to integers but it always shows the catch message Please check the input. Then nothing gets calculated or display. I am sure that my first if statement will check for actual integers and avoid the characters. My ultimate goal is to input a formula in rpn format and have the result display in the multiline textbox.
Sample Input 5 6 -=
namespace rpncalc
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void RPNCalc(TextBox TxtBoxInputbox, TextBox TxtBoxOutputbox)
Stack<int> stackone = new Stack<int>();
string[] inputarray = TxtBoxInputbox.Text.Split();
int end = inputarray.Length - 1;
int numinput;
int i = 0;
if(inputarray[i] != "=" && inputarray[i] != "+" && inputarray[i] != "-" && inputarray[i] != "*" && inputarray[i] != "/")
numinput = Convert.ToInt32(inputarray[i]);
MessageBox.Show("Please check the input");
else if (inputarray[i]== "+")
int store1 = stackone.Pop();
int store2 = stackone.Pop();
stackone.Push(store2 + store1);
else if (inputarray[i]== "-")
int store1 = stackone.Pop();
int store2 = stackone.Pop();
stackone.Push(store2 + store1);
else if (inputarray[i]== "+")
int store1 = stackone.Pop();
int store2 = stackone.Pop();
stackone.Push(store2 + store1);
else if (inputarray[i]== "*")
int store1 = stackone.Pop();
int store2 = stackone.Pop();
stackone.Push(store2 + store1);
else if (inputarray[i]== "/")
int store1 = stackone.Pop();
int store2 = stackone.Pop();
stackone.Push(store2 + store1);
while(i < end && inputarray[i]!= "=" && stackone.Count != 0);
string txtout = TxtInputBox + " " + stackone.Pop().ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
private void Btn_Calc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
RPNCalc(TxtInputBox, TxtOutputBox);
The Split command, with no argument, is splitting the string on spaces and other whitespace.
There is no space in the input between -= so it is treated as one token that doesn't match the tests in the if statement.
Original answer incorrectly suggested that Split with no argument was splitting into individual characters.
What are you doing to increment i after each iteration of your do loop? I tried out your code and it seems like i is never incremented. Also, when you catch and run
MessageBox.Show("Please check the input");
You could perhaps change it to:
catch (Exception e)
so you could be sure of just what you're catching, and why.
Here's my version of your code, now working correctly:
i is incremented in each iteration
Fixed the typo in the minus, multiplication and division operators that made them do addition instead
Removed the redundant addition operator
namespace rpncalc {
public partial class Form1 : Form {
public Form1 () {
private void RPNCalc (TextBox TxtBoxInputbox, TextBox TxtBoxOutputbox) {
Stack<int> stackone = new Stack<int>();
string[] inputarray = TxtBoxInputbox.Text.Split();
int end = inputarray.Length - 1;
int numinput;
int i = 0;
do {
if (inputarray[i] != "=" && inputarray[i] != "+" && inputarray[i] != "-" && inputarray[i] != "*" && inputarray[i] != "/") {
try {
numinput = Convert.ToInt32(inputarray[i]);
} catch (Exception e) {
} else if (inputarray[i] == "+") {
try {
int store1 = stackone.Pop();
int store2 = stackone.Pop();
stackone.Push(store2 + store1);
} catch {
} else if (inputarray[i] == "-") {
try {
int store1 = stackone.Pop();
int store2 = stackone.Pop();
stackone.Push(store2 - store1);
} catch {
} else if (inputarray[i] == "*") {
try {
int store1 = stackone.Pop();
int store2 = stackone.Pop();
stackone.Push(store2 * store1);
} catch {
} else if (inputarray[i] == "/") {
try {
int store1 = stackone.Pop();
int store2 = stackone.Pop();
stackone.Push(store2 / store1);
} catch {
while (i++ < end && inputarray[i] != "=" && stackone.Count != 0);
string txtout = TxtInputBox.Text + " " + stackone.Pop().ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
private void Btn_Calc_Click (object sender, EventArgs e) {
RPNCalc(TxtInputBox, TxtOutputBox);

