LINQ: Is there a way to combine these queries into one? - c#

I have a database that contains 3 tables:
PhoneListings has a FK from the Phones table(PhoneID), and a FK from the Phone Conditions table(conditionID)
I am working on a function that adds a Phone Listing to the user's cart, and returns all of the necessary information for the user. The phone make and model are contained in the PHONES table, and the details about the Condition are contained in the PhoneConditions table.
Currently I am using 3 queries to obtain all the neccesary information. Is there a way to combine all of this into one query?
public ActionResult phoneAdd(int listingID, int qty)
ShoppingBasket myBasket = new ShoppingBasket();
string BasketID = myBasket.GetBasketID(this.HttpContext);
var PhoneListingQuery = (from x in myDB.phoneListings
where x.phonelistingID == listingID
select x).Single();
var PhoneCondition = myDB.phoneConditions
.Where(x => x.conditionID == PhoneListingQuery.phonelistingID).Single();
var PhoneDataQuery = (from ph in myDB.Phones
where ph.PhoneID == PhoneListingQuery.phonePageID
select ph).SingleOrDefault();

You could project the result into an anonymous class, or a Tuple, or even a custom shaped entity in a single line, however the overall database performance might not be any better:
var phoneObjects = myDB.phoneListings
.Where(pl => pl.phonelistingID == listingID)
.Select(pl => new
PhoneListingQuery = pl,
PhoneCondition = myDB.phoneConditions
.Single(pc => pc.conditionID == pl.phonelistingID),
PhoneDataQuery = myDB.Phones
.SingleOrDefault(ph => ph.PhoneID == pl.phonePageID)
// Access phoneObjects.PhoneListingQuery / PhoneCondition / PhoneDataQuery as needed
There are also slightly more compact overloads of the LINQ Single and SingleOrDefault extensions which take a predicate as a parameter, which will help reduce the code slightly.
As an alternative to multiple retrievals from the ORM DbContext, or doing explicit manual Joins, if you set up navigation relationships between entities in your model via the navigable join keys (usually the Foreign Keys in the underlying tables), you can specify the depth of fetch with an eager load, using Include:
var phoneListingWithAssociations = myDB.phoneListings
.Include(pl => pl.PhoneConditions)
.Include(pl => pl.Phones)
.Single(pl => pl.phonelistingID == listingID);
Which will return the entity graph in phoneListingWithAssociations
(Assuming foreign keys PhoneListing.phonePageID => Phones.phoneId and
PhoneCondition.conditionID => PhoneListing.phonelistingID)

You should be able to pull it all in one query with join, I think.
But as pointed out you might not achieve alot of speed from this, as you are just picking the first match and then moving on, not really doing any inner comparisons.
If you know there exist atleast one data point in each table then you might aswell pull all at the same time. if not then waiting with the "sub queries" is nice as done by StuartLC.
var Phone = (from a in myDB.phoneListings
join b in myDB.phoneConditions on a.phonelistingID equals b.conditionID
join c in ph in myDB.Phones on a.phonePageID equals c.PhoneID
a.phonelistingID == listingID
select new {
Listing = a,
Condition = b,
Data = c
FirstOrDefault because single throws error if there exists more than one element.


LINQ troubles in C# using Entity Framework

I have a few tables and this is what I need to achieve.
This gets all the rows from one table
var FRA = from prod in _cctDBContext.Fra
where prod.ActTypeId == 1
From within that, I get all the rows where ActTypeID.
Then I need to query another table from with the ID's get from that
foreach (var item in FRA)
var FRSA = _cctDBContext.Frsa
.Select(p => new { p.Fraid, p.Frsa1,
p.Frsaid, p.CoreId,
p.RelToEstId, p.ScopingSrc,
p.Mandatory })
.Where(p => p.Fraid == item.Fraid)
I then need to push each one of these to Entity Framework. I usually do it this way:
foreach (var item in FRA)
var FinanicalReportingActivity = new FinancialReportingActivity { FinancialReportingActivityId = item.Fraid, ScopingSourceType = item.ScopingSrc, Name = item.Fra1, MandatoryIndicator = item.Mandatory, WorkEffortTypeId = 0 };
But because I have used 2 for each loops, I cannot get the variables to work because I cannot find a way to get local variables as the entity context.
Can anyone think of a better way to code this?
It looks like you can do this as a single join:
var query =
from prod in _cctDBContext.Fra
where prod.ActTypeId == 1
join p in _cctDBContext.Frsa on prod.Fraid equals p.Fraid
select new
It looks like you are loading data from one set of entities from one database and want to create matching similar entities in another database.
Navigation properties would help considerably here. Frsa appear to be a child collection under a Fra, so this could be (if not already) wired up as a collection within the Fra entity:
Then you only need to conduct a single query and have access to each Fra and it's associated Frsa details. In your case you look to be more interested in the associated FRSA details to populate this ReportingActivity:
var details = _cctDBContext.Fra
.Where(x => x.ActTypeId == 1)
.SelectMany(x => x.Frsa.Select(p => new
though if the relationship is bi-directional where a Fra contains Frsas, and a Frsa contains a reference back to the Fra, then this could be simplified to:
var details = _cctDBContext.Frsa
.Where(x => x.Fra.ActTypeId == 1)
.Select(p => new
Either of those should give you the details from the FRSA to populate your reporting entity.

Self join in LINQ

SELECT, count(*)
firmware FW1
firmware FW2 ON FW1.firmware_group_id = FW2.firmware_group_id
AND FW1.br_date < FW2.br_date
AND FW2.[public]= '1'
I am looking to convert into linq query. As I know less than symbol cannot be converted into Linq query. Please suggest how to do it. I have a string date and I need to compare into linq.
As you said, Linq does not support other types of join outside of EquiJoin. Docs is pretty clear on what you can do to bypass this:
you could use a simple cross join (a cartesian product), then applying in the where clause the conditions for your non-equijoin.
Or you could use a temporary variable to store a new table with only the attributes you need for your query and, like before, applying the conditions in the where clause.
In your case, a possible Linq query could be this one:
from f1 in firmwares
from f2 in firmwares
let f1_date = DateTime.Parse(f1.Dt)
let f2_date = DateTime.Parse(f2.Dt)
where f1.Group_Id == f2.Group_Id && f1_date < f2_date
group f1 by f1.Id into fres
select new {
Id = fres.Key,
Count = fres.Count()
However I am still thinking how to emulate the LEFT JOIN without casting it to a group join.
Of course the < symbol can be used. Just use method syntax instead of query syntax!
Every FW1 has zero or more FW2s. Every FW2 belongs to exactly one FW1. This one-to-many is implemented using foreign key firmware_group_id.
Apparently you want all FW1s, each with the number of its FW2s, that have a property public with a value equal to 1 and a property br-date larger than the value of the br-date of the FW1.
Whenever you want an item with its many sub-items (using a foreign key), like s School with its Students, a Customer with his Orders, a Book with his Pages, you'll need Enumerable.GroupJoin
var result = FW1.GroupJoin(FW2, // GroupJoin FW1 and FW2
fw1 => fw1.firmware_group_id, // from fw1 take the primary key firmware_group_id
fw2 => fw2.firmware_group_id, // from fw2 take the foreing key firmware_group_id
(fw1, fw2s) => new // from every fw1, with all its matching fw2s
{ // make one new object containing the following properties:
Id = fw1.Id,
// Count the fw2s of this fw1 that have public == 1
// and a date larger than
Count = fw2.Where(fw2 => fw2.Public == 1 && fw1.br_date < fw2.br_date)

Combining LINQ-to-Entities Queries into Single Query

I have an Entity Framework entity Provider, with a list of rating votes for that provider. My current queries look something like this:
int previousVote = provider.ProviderRankings.FirstOrDefault(r => r.UserId == CurrUserId);
double averageVote = provider.ProviderRankings.Average(r => r.Rating);
int totalVotes = provider.ProviderRankings.Count();
This seems functionally correct. However, I believe this will result in three additional trips to the database. Is there anyway to have these requests combined into a single query such that only one SQL query will be sent, and all results can be returned with only one additional trip to the server?
You could combine the two aggregates fairly easily using a Group By:
Multiple SQL aggregate functions in a single Linq-to-Entities query
I am pretty sure the FirstOrDefault will work if you choose a suitably vague key for the grouping (for example key = 0) i.e:
from t in ProviderRankings
group t by key = 0
into g
select new {
previousVote = g.FirstOrDefault(r => r.UserId == CurrUserId),
totalVotes = g.Count(),
averageVote = g.Average(x => x.Rating)

Linking Multiple Tables in LINQ to SQL

I would like to get the list of albums (Distinct) which was sung by the artistId=1
I am very new to LINQ to SQL and do not know how to join multiple tables. Please see the database diagram below:
alt text
SingBy is the middle table between Track and Artist.
How could I achieve this?
var albums = from singer in artist
from sb in singby
from t in track
from a in album
where singer.artistId == 1 &&
sb.artistId == 1 &&
sb.trackId == t.trackId &&
a.albumId == track.albumId
select a;
I'm sure there must be a better way. You should look into creating Navigation Properties on your entities. Navigation Properties are like foreign keys.
Edit - corrected to get albums, not artists.
Now, I wrote the codes like the following and it works.
var albums = (from a in db.artists
where a.artistId == 1
join sb in db.singbies on a equals sb.artist
join t in db.tracks on sb.track equals t
join al in db.albums on t.album equals al
select al).Distinct();
return albums.ToList() as List<album>;
I tested the Chad's version and it works too. I would like to know which way is better and good for query optimization? Thanks all.
If you have all the foreign key relationship defined, you should be able to issue call like below:
dc.GetTable<Album>().Where(a => a.Track.Singby.ArtistId == 1).ToList();
This is relying on Linq to perform lazy load for Track and Singby automatically when required. Obviously this is not optimal to use when you have a large set of data in the db and performance is critical. You can chain the query with GroupBy or Distinct operation to return only the distinct set such as
dc.GetTable<Album>().Where(a => a.Track.Singby.ArtistId == 1).Distinct().ToList();
I would like to get the list of albums
(Distinct) which was sung by the
DBDataContext = new DBDataContext();
album[] = db.artists.Where(a => a.artistId == 1) /* Your artist */
.SelectMany(a => a.singbies) /* Check if `singby` converted to `singbies` */
.Select(sb => sb.track) /* The tracks */
.Select(t => t.album) /* The albums */
.GroupBy(al => al.albumId) /* Group by id */ /* "Distinct" for objects */
.Select(alG => alG.First()) /* Select first of each group */
IEnumerable<Album> query =
from album in myDC.Albums
let artists =
from track in album.Tracks
from singBy in track.SingBys
select singBy.Artist
where artists.Any(artist => artist.ArtistId == 1)
select album;
List<int> Ids = dc.Albums.Where(a => a.Track.Singby.ArtistId == 1).Select(a=> a.albumId).Distinct().ToList();
List<Album> distinctAlbums = dc.Albums.Where(a => distinctAlbumIds.Contains(a.albumId)).ToList();
Hey TTCG, above is the simplest way to do it. This is because doing a Distinct on a List of objects won't do it based on the albumId.
Either you do it in two steps as above, or, you write your own Album Comparer which specifies uniqueness based on AlbumId and pass it to the Distinct call on a List.
The above will only work if you've defined the constraints in your DBML, but better still in your DB.
For best practices, always define your relationships IN THE DATABASE when using Linq to SQL, as Linq to SQL is not like EF, or NHibernate, in that is does not "abstract" your db, it simply reflects it. It's a tool for Data Driven Design, not Domain Driven, so define the relationships in the db.

Dynamic where clause using Linq to SQL in a join query in a MVC application

I am looking for a way to query for products in a catalog using filters on properties which have been assigned to the product based on the category to which the product belongs. So I have the following entities involved:
[Id, Name, UrlName]
[Id, CategoryId, Name, UrlName]
[Id, PropertyId, Text, UrlText]
[ProductId, PropertyValueId]
When I add a product to the catalog, multiple ProductPropertyValues will be added based on the category and I would like to be able to filter all products from a category by selecting values for one or more properties. The business logic and SQL indexes and constraints make sure that all UrlNames and texts are unique for values properties and categories.
The solution will be a MVC3 EF code first based application and the routing is setup as followed:
The filter routing part has a variable length so multiple filters can be applied. Each filter contains the UrlName of the property and the UrlText of the value separated by an underscore.
An url could look like this /products/websites/framework_mvc3/language_csharp
I will gather all filters, which I will hold in a list, by reading the URL. Now it is time to actually get the products based on multiple properties and I have been trying to find the right strategy.
Maybe there is another way to implement the filters. All larger web shops use category depending filters and I am still looking for the best way to implement the persistence part for this type of functionality. The suggested solutions result in an "or" resultset if multiple filters are selected. I can imagine that adding a text property to the product table in which all property values are stores as a joined string can work as well. I have no idea what this would cost performance wise. At leased there will be no complex join and the properties and their values will be received as text anyway.
Maybe the filtering mechanism can be done client side ass well.
The tricky part about this is sending the whole list into the database as a filter. Your approach of building up more and more where clauses can work:
productsInCategory = ProductRepository
.Where(p => p.Category.Name == category);
foreach (PropertyFilter pf in filterList)
PropertyFilter localVariableCopy = pf;
productsInCategory = from product in productsInCategory
where product.ProductProperties
.Any(pp => pp.PropertyValueId == localVariableCopy.ValueId)
select product;
Another way to go is to send the whole list in using the List.Contains method
List<int> valueIds = filterList.Select(pf => pf.ValueId).ToList();
productsInCategory = ProductRepository
.Where(p => p.Category.Name == category)
.Where(p => p.ProductProperties
.Any(pp => valueIds.Contains(pp.PropertyValueId)
IEnumerable<int> filters = filterList.Select(pf => pf.ValueId);
var products = from pp in ProductPropertyRepository
where filters.Contains(pp.PropertyValueId)
&& pp.Product.Category.Name == category
select pp.Product;
Bear in mind that as Contains is used, the filters will be passed in as sproc parameters, this means that you have to be careful not to exceed the sproc parameter limit.
I came up with a solution that even I can understand... by using the 'Contains' method you can chain as many WHERE's as you like. If the WHERE is an empty string, it's ignored (or evaluated as a select all). Here is my example of joining 2 tables in LINQ, applying multiple where clauses and populating a model class to be returned to the view.
public ActionResult Index()
string AssetGroupCode = "";
string StatusCode = "";
string SearchString = "";
var mdl = from a in _db.Assets
join t in _db.Tags on a.ASSETID equals t.ASSETID
where a.ASSETGROUPCODE.Contains(AssetGroupCode)
&& a.STATUSCODE.Contains(StatusCode)
&& (
|| a.MODEL.Contains(SearchString)
|| a.USERNAME.Contains(SearchString)
|| a.LOCATION.Contains(SearchString)
|| t.TAGNUMBER.Contains(SearchString)
|| t.SERIALNUMBER.Contains(SearchString)
select new AssetListView
AssetId = a.ASSETID,
TagId = t.TAGID,
PO = a.PO,
Model = a.MODEL,
UserName = a.USERNAME,
Location = a.LOCATION,
return View(mdl);
I know this an old answer but if someone see's this I've built this project:
Which should be downloadable on nuget as well:
You could use this to loop through your filter coming from query string and do
something in the lines of
query = query.Query(q =>
q.Compare("AuthorId", ConditionOperators.Equal, 1);
q.And(sq =>
sq.Compare("Content", ConditionOperators.Equal, "World");
sq.Or("Title", ConditionOperators.Contains, 3);

