Export data table to excel sheet with number format - c#

I need to export a data set:
DataSet ds = new DataSet("tabless");
it contains 3 data table, each one of them is:
table01.Columns.Add("Today", typeof(double));
So I need to export them to an excel sheet with number format and comma separator.
Like when value = -200000 will be (200,000) with red color and value 300000 will be 300,000 and apply this to each table in the work sheet.
For more info check the below photo:
Screenshot http://postimg.org/image/lj55lz6ib/

You could use NumberingFormat
//Create a NumberingFormat
NumberingFormat numForm2decim = new NumberingFormat();
numForm2decim.NumberFormatId = 1u;
numForm2decim.FormatCode = StringValue.FromString("0.00");
//Use it in a CellFormat
CellFormat cellformatNumber2Decim = new CellFormat();
cellformatNumber2Decim.NumberFormatId = numForm2decim.NumberFormatId;
cellformatNumber2Decim.ApplyNumberFormat = true;
//And apply the cellFormat to your Cell throw the StyleIndex Property


EPPLUS ExcelRange creates table starting in wrong row

In C# I have populated an excel file with data. Now I would like to create a table starting at cell A2.
I am using the code below to create the table but instead of creating the table starting at Cell A2, the table is being created starting at cell A3
using var package = new ExcelPackage(file);
var ws = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(Name: "MainReport");
var range = ws.Cells[Address: "A2"].LoadFromCollection(people, PrintHeaders: true);
//Formats Header row
ws.Cells[Address: "A1"].Value = "My Data!";
ws.Cells[Address: "A1:C1"].Merge = true;
ws.Column(col: 1).Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
ws.Row(row: 1).Style.Font.Size = 24;
ws.Row(row: 1).Style.Font.Color.SetColor(Color.Pink);
ws.Row(row: 2).Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
ws.Row(row: 2).Style.Font.Bold = true;
ws.Column(col: 3).Width = 20;
//create a range for the table
ExcelRange range_table = ws.Cells[2, 1, ws.Dimension.End.Row, ws.Dimension.End.Column];
//add a table to the range
ExcelTable tab = ws.Tables.Add(range_table, "Table1");
//format the table
tab.TableStyle = TableStyles.Medium2;
Excel itself works so that if you select A2:C4 and create a table and you say "has no Headers" it will put some generic headers in A2:C2 and shift the data area (and the data if there is any) to A2:C5.
If you say "has Headers" the headers will be defined in A2:C2, too, but the data only is in A3:C4.
The real Excel obviously does some guessing whether headers are present or not and pre-ticks the box for you.
As stated here in the API Documentation, there is no flag to define if headers are present in the range so there might be no guessing and it might be assumed it is "no" and the shifting as explained on top takes place.
If you take that into consideration you should be able to work it out.

How can I get column width via openxml and c#

My task is parse an excel file and converted it to web table.
To achieve that objective, I need the column numbers, width of each column, row numbers, and each cell and cell property within the row.
So far, I can get the rows, the cells, the cell property such as border,font, and so on. But I can't get the column width.
When I open the excel file and get columns by following code
Columns columns = sheet.Descendants<Columns>().FirstOrDefault()
But, sometimes I can get it, sometimes the value is null.
I read the excel file by openxml tools. The following code is not always there.
Columns columns1 = new Columns();
Column column1 = new Column(){ Min = (UInt32Value)7U, Max = (UInt32Value)7U, Width = 39.6328125D, CustomWidth = true };
If you open an empty excel file and do not change column width, then you save it. The code is not there.
So my question is how can I get the column width?
A column width can have either the default width or custom width. As you state, the custom width can be read from Column.Width property. If the default column width is set, it can be read from SheetFormatProperties Class. However, if DefaultColumnWidth property is set to null, The default column width is 8.43 characters.
To get the DefaultColumnWidth :
using (SpreadsheetDocument spreadSheetDocument = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(filePath, true))
WorkbookPart workbookPart = spreadSheetDocument.WorkbookPart;
IEnumerable<Sheet> sheets = spreadSheetDocument.WorkbookPart.Workbook.GetFirstChild<Sheets>().Elements<Sheet>();
string relationshipId = sheets.First().Id.Value;
WorksheetPart worksheetPart = (WorksheetPart)spreadSheetDocument.WorkbookPart.GetPartById(relationshipId);
Worksheet workSheet = worksheetPart.Worksheet;
var sheetFormatProps = workSheet.SheetFormatProperties;
var defaultColWidth = sheetFormatProps.DefaultColumnWidth;
if (defaultColWidth == null)
defaultColWidth = 8.43;

Format vsto listobject before linked to datatable

I have a vsto application that populates an Excel sheet.
First I populate the datatable. The next function is to create a vsto listobject:
// Populate the sheet
XlsInterop.Excel.Worksheet worksheet = (XlsInterop.Excel.Worksheet)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add();
extendedWorksheet = Globals.Factory.GetVstoObject(worksheet);
XlsInterop.Excel.Range cell = extendedWorksheet.Range["A1"];
excelItemsList = extendedWorksheet.Controls.AddListObject(cell, sheetName);
excelItemsList.AutoSetDataBoundColumnHeaders = true;
excelItemsList.DataSource = dt;
excelItemsList.ListColumns[5].Range.NumberFormat = "#";
Now the problem is that in column "5" I have values like 005, 004. In Excel, the values display as 5 and 4. How can I make sure that the values in Excel show the same values as in my database?
If I change my code like:
excelItemsList.ListColumns[5].Range.NumberFormat = "#";
It is doing what I want, but I don't think that this is the way to go.
If you know how many leading zeros you need, you can then format the column with that.
.NumberFormat = "000";
The column would then still be evaluated as a number.

Append data to excel sheet if created using ClosedXML in c#

I am writing an application in which I need to store data cell values into excel sheet. Everything is working fine but the problem is everytime I run the application, it overwrites the existing data.
So far the code I have taken from Github:
var workbook = new XLWorkbook();
var worksheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sample Sheet");
worksheet.Cell("A1").Value = this.textBox1.Text;
worksheet.Cell("B1").Value = this.textBox2.Text;
worksheet.Cell("C1").Value = this.textBox3.Text;
worksheet.Cell("D1").Value = col1;
worksheet.Cell("E1").Value = col2;
worksheet.Cell("F1").Value = this.textBox6.Text;
Note: I don't want to save data using datatable or anything. I just want to get values from textboxes and append them to the existing sheet. I have visited many stackoverflow post but they doesn't helped me much.
Thanks in advance!
Hope this helps:
var wb = new XLWorkbook("Path to file");
IXLWorksheet Worksheet = wb.Worksheet("Tab name");
int NumberOfLastRow = Worksheet.LastRowUsed().RowNumber();
IXLCell CellForNewData = Worksheet.Cell(NumberOfLastRow + 1, 1);
You are explicitly storing the values in row 1 of the spreadsheet. If you want to append the values, you'll have to increment the row number and store the values in the appropriate cells.

Add Columns to Existing Excel 2007 workbook using Open Xml

I have a predefined Excel workbook with all sheets in place and I need to write content to it. I succesfully write to cells.
The problem is in a particular worksheet that i need to add three columns to it. In the code bellow, first i'm grabbing the Worksheet and then i proceed to add columns. This code runs fine, i mean, no exception is thrown, but then I get an error when I try to open the Excel file, stating that there are some content that cannot be read and all the content of this particular worksheet is cleared.
I know that the problem is with this operation because if I comment out those lines that add columns, the workbook opens just fine with all the cells values I write from code in place.
This is the relevant code, for testing purpose I'm trying to add 3 columns:
using (SpreadsheetDocument document = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(outputPath, true)){
Sheet sheet2 = document.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Descendants<Sheet>().Single( s => s.Name == "Miscellaneous Credit" );
Worksheet workSheet2 = ( (WorksheetPart)document.WorkbookPart.GetPartById( sheet2.Id ) ).Worksheet;
Columns cs = new Columns();
for ( var y = 1; y <= 3; y++ ) {
Column c = new Column()
Min = (UInt32Value)1U,
Max = (UInt32Value)1U,
Width = 44.33203125D,
CustomWidth = true
cs.Append( c );
workSheet2.Append( cs );
EDIT : As per Chris's explanation about columns's concept
using (SpreadsheetDocument document = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(outputPath, true)){
Sheet sheet2 = document.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Descendants<Sheet>().Single( s => s.Name == "Miscellaneous Credit" );
Worksheet workSheet2 = ( (WorksheetPart)document.WorkbookPart.GetPartById( sheet2.Id ) ).Worksheet;
// Check if the column collection exists
Columns cs = workSheet2.Elements<Columns>().FirstOrDefault();
if ( ( cs == null ) ) {
// If Columns appended to worksheet after sheetdata Excel will throw an error.
SheetData sd = workSheet2.Elements<SheetData>().FirstOrDefault();
if ( ( sd != null ) ) {
cs = workSheet2.InsertBefore( new Columns(), sd );
else {
cs = new Columns();
workSheet2.Append( cs );
//create a column object to define the width of columns 1 to 3
Column c = new Column
Min = (UInt32Value)1U,
Max = (UInt32Value)3U,
Width = 44.33203125,
CustomWidth = true
cs.Append( c );
This first part of answer deals about how to set columns width (based on the initial sample code, I was thinking that you wanted only define the width of the columns).
First, it seems you misunderstood what are Min and Max properties of the Column object. They represent respectively First and Last column affected by this 'column info' record. So if you have a set of contiguous columns with the same width, you can set that width using one Column class. In your snippet you define 3 times the width of the same column (Index 1).
Then, you presume Columns collection doesn't exist yet...
And finally, the main point is that if the Columns collection is appended after SheetData, Excel will throw error.
Final code that work for me (Open XML SDK 2.0)
using (SpreadsheetDocument document = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(outputPath, true)) {
Sheet sheet2 = document.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Descendants<Sheet>().Single(s => s.Name == "Your sheet name");
Worksheet workSheet2 = ((WorksheetPart)document.WorkbookPart.GetPartById(sheet2.Id)).Worksheet;
// Check if the column collection exists
Columns cs = workSheet2.Elements<Columns>().FirstOrDefault();
if ((cs == null)) {
// If Columns appended to worksheet after sheetdata Excel will throw an error.
SheetData sd = workSheet2.Elements<SheetData>().FirstOrDefault();
if ((sd != null)) {
cs = workSheet2.InsertBefore(new Columns(), sd);
} else {
cs = new Columns();
//create a column object to define the width of columns 1 to 3
Column c = new Column {
Min = (UInt32Value)1U,
Max = (UInt32Value)3U,
Width = 44.33203125,
CustomWidth = true
I'm still confused on how to perform column insert. Says I have
columns A, B and C, I want to insert three columns between B and C,
ending up with columns A,B,C,D,E,F. How can i achieve it?
The Columns object in OpenXml SDK is here to store styles and width informations for the columns. Inserting a Column in the collection won't "insert" a column in the sheet.
"Inserting" a column like you mean is a very large and complex task with OpenXmlSDK.
From my understanding of the problem, it means you will have to find all cells and shift them by changing their reference (ex. a cell with ref "B1" would become "F1" after inserting 3 columns, etc ...). And it means you will have to change a lot of other things (reference of cell in formulas for example).
This kind of task could be easily done with Office.Interop or probably with libraries like EEPlus or ClosedXml.

