WHERE is not being included in the LINQ-query - c#

Today I ran into a problem with Entity Framework. I'm not sure if this is a weird bug or that i'm doing something wrong. I've already looked all over the forum for any possible solutions, but none I found worked for me.
I have the following LINQ query:
return (from sp in context.ServiceProviders.DefaultIfEmpty()
join pl in context.Platforms on sp.Id equals pl.ServiceProviderId into innerPl
from pl in innerPl.DefaultIfEmpty()
join pp in context.Participants on pl.Id equals pp.PlatformId into innerPp
from pp in innerPp.DefaultIfEmpty()
join ps in context.Paymentsettlements on pp.Id equals ps.ParticipantId into innerPs
from ps in innerPs.Where(ps => ps.ConfirmedOn.HasValue && ps.ExportDate.HasValue && !ps.StatisticsDate.HasValue).DefaultIfEmpty()
select sp).Include(sp => sp.Environment)
.Include(sp => sp.Platforms.Select(pl => pl.Participants.Select(pp => pp.Paymentsettlements.Select(ps => ps.Requester))))
.Include(sp => sp.Platforms.Select(pl => pl.Participants.Select(pp => pp.Paymentsettlements.Select(ps => ps.Payer))))
The result i'm looking for is that i always get the ServiceProvider no matter if there are objects inside the ServiceProvider. I am getting this result at the moment, but the where I've put in the query does not get taken into account. The following where does not make any difference:
innerPs.Where(ps => ps.ConfirmedOn.HasValue && ps.ExportDate.HasValue && !ps.StatisticsDate.HasValue).DefaultIfEmpty()
If the StatisticsDate has a value, those Paymentsettlements also are given in the output.
I've already tried to put the WHERE statement on the context.Paymentsettlements object.
I hope anyone can help me with this problem.
Kind regards,
Rob H

Actually you are doing left join and then selecting ServiceProviders. Here you are getting all providers. Then you are including all child elements: select sp).Include(sp => sp.Environment). This won't work. It will include all rows.
What you can really do is select to anonymous type like
select new {sp, ps }
Unfortunately there is no way of filtering in included objects. Include is something like all or nothing.
You can read about it:
How to filter nested collection Entity Framework objects?
EF Query With Conditional Include

I've finally made another (hacky) solution. Here is my final code:
using (var context = new BetaalplatformContext())
var dienstverleners = context.Dienstverleners.Include(dv => dv.Omgeving)
.Include(dv => dv.Platformen)
.Include(dv => dv.Platformen.Select(pl => pl.Deelnemers))
.Include(dv => dv.Platformen.Select(pl => pl.Deelnemers.Select(dn => dn.Betaalregelingen)))
.Include(dv => dv.Platformen.Select(pl => pl.Deelnemers.Select(dn => dn.Betaalregelingen.Select(br => br.Aanvrager))))
.Include(dv => dv.Platformen.Select(pl => pl.Deelnemers.Select(dn => dn.Betaalregelingen.Select(br => br.Betaler))))
dv => dv.Platformen.ForEach(
pl => pl.Deelnemers.ForEach(
dn => dn.Betaalregelingen = dn.Betaalregelingen
.Where(br2 => br2.BevestigdOp.HasValue && br2.ExportDatum.HasValue && !br2.StatistiekDatum.HasValue)
return dienstverleners;
This way i am abled to keep my models intact (I don't like to use anonymous objects).


Field expression GroupBy not returning included objects

In this code:
var dbrepayments = _context.Repayments.Include("Loan").Include("Loan.Borrower").Include("Loan.LoanProduct")
.Where(c => c.PaidOn == null && c.DateOfRepayment <= today)
.GroupBy(c => c.Loan.Id, (key, g) => g.OrderByDescending(c => c.Id).FirstOrDefault())
.OrderBy(c => c.DateOfRepayment);
_context is ApplicationDbContext type that I am using to get results from database using Code-First approach.
The problem is when I try to iterate through dbrepayments and get the value of Loan, Loan.Borrower, and Loan.LoanProduct objects they are showing as null. But when I remove GroupBy, these objects are returned correctly.
I'd wager the issue here is the element selector in your GroupBy statement:
(key, g) => g.OrderByDescending(c => c.Id).FirstOrDefault()
This didn't make a lot of sense when I first read it. You are taking repayments grouped by loan, but then trying to select just the last repayment for each loan? Followed by ordering those first repayments by date.
I believe this will give you the results you're looking for with the eager loaded relationships:
var dbrepayments = _context.Repayments.Include("Loan").Include("Loan.Borrower").Include("Loan.LoanProduct")
.Where(c => c.PaidOn == null && c.DateOfRepayment <= today)
.GroupBy(c => c.Loan.Id)
.Select(c => c.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).FirstOrDefault())
.OrderBy(c => c.DateOfRepayment);
GroupBy will respect Include but if you are using a select expression, that overrides it. You cannot add Include inside the selector as that is working with IEnumerable of the expected results. Instead, group the results by loan as expected, but then Select from the results to get the latest repayment. This will give you a list of the latest repayments that you can then order.

Problem with LINQ query: Select first task from each goal

I'm looking for suggestions on how to write a query. For each Goal, I want to select the first Task (sorted by Task.Sequence), in addition to any tasks with ShowAlways == true. (My actual query is more complex, but this query demonstrates the limitations I'm running into.)
I tried something like this:
var tasks = (from a in DbContext.Areas
from g in a.Goals
from t in g.Tasks
let nextTaskId = g.Tasks.OrderBy(tt => tt.Sequence).Select(tt => tt.Id).DefaultIfEmpty(-1).FirstOrDefault()
where t.ShowAlways || t.Id == nextTaskId
select new CalendarTask
// Member assignment
But this query appears to be too complex.
System.InvalidOperationException: 'Processing of the LINQ expression 'OrderBy<Task, int>(
source: MaterializeCollectionNavigation(Navigation: Goal.Tasks(< Tasks > k__BackingField, DbSet<Task>) Collection ToDependent Task Inverse: Goal, Where<Task>(
source: NavigationExpansionExpression
Source: Where<Task>(
source: DbSet<Task>,
predicate: (t0) => Property<Nullable<int>>((Unhandled parameter: ti0).Outer.Inner, "Id") == Property<Nullable<int>>(t0, "GoalId"))
PendingSelector: (t0) => NavigationTreeExpression
Value: EntityReferenceTask
Expression: t0
predicate: (i) => Property<Nullable<int>>(NavigationTreeExpression
Value: EntityReferenceGoal
Expression: (Unhandled parameter: ti0).Outer.Inner, "Id") == Property<Nullable<int>>(i, "GoalId"))),
keySelector: (tt) => tt.Sequence)' by 'NavigationExpandingExpressionVisitor' failed. This may indicate either a bug or a limitation in EF Core. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2101433 for more detailed information.'
The problem is the line let nextTaskId =.... If I comment out that, there is no error. (But I don't get what I'm after.)
I'll readily admit that I don't understand the details of the error message. About the only other way I can think of to approach this is return all the Tasks and then sort and filter them on the client. But my preference is not to retrieve data I don't need.
Can anyone see any other ways to approach this query?
Note: I'm using the very latest version of Visual Studio and .NET.
I tried a different, but less efficient approach to this query.
var tasks = (DbContext.Areas
.Where(a => a.UserId == UserManager.GetUserId(User) && !a.OnHold)
.SelectMany(a => a.Goals)
.Where(g => !g.OnHold)
.Select(g => g.Tasks.Where(tt => !tt.OnHold && !tt.Completed).OrderBy(tt => tt.Sequence).FirstOrDefault()))
.Where(a => a.UserId == UserManager.GetUserId(User) && !a.OnHold)
.SelectMany(a => a.Goals)
.Where(g => !g.OnHold)
.Select(g => g.Tasks.Where(tt => !tt.OnHold && !tt.Completed && (tt.DueDate.HasValue || tt.AlwaysShow)).OrderBy(tt => tt.Sequence).FirstOrDefault()))
.Select(t => new CalendarTask
Id = t.Id,
Title = t.Title,
Goal = t.Goal.Title,
CssClass = t.Goal.Area.CssClass,
DueDate = t.DueDate,
Completed = t.Completed
But this also produced an error:
System.InvalidOperationException: 'Processing of the LINQ expression 'Where<Task>(
source: MaterializeCollectionNavigation(Navigation: Goal.Tasks (<Tasks>k__BackingField, DbSet<Task>) Collection ToDependent Task Inverse: Goal, Where<Task>(
source: NavigationExpansionExpression
Source: Where<Task>(
source: DbSet<Task>,
predicate: (t) => Property<Nullable<int>>((Unhandled parameter: ti).Inner, "Id") == Property<Nullable<int>>(t, "GoalId"))
PendingSelector: (t) => NavigationTreeExpression
Value: EntityReferenceTask
Expression: t
predicate: (i) => Property<Nullable<int>>(NavigationTreeExpression
Value: EntityReferenceGoal
Expression: (Unhandled parameter: ti).Inner, "Id") == Property<Nullable<int>>(i, "GoalId"))),
predicate: (tt) => !(tt.OnHold) && !(tt.Completed))' by 'NavigationExpandingExpressionVisitor' failed. This may indicate either a bug or a limitation in EF Core. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2101433 for more detailed information.'
This is a good example for the need of full reproducible example. When trying to reproduce the issue with similar entity models, I was either getting a different error about DefaulIfEmpty(-1) (apparently not supported, don't forget to remove it - the SQL query will work correctly w/o it) or no error when removing it.
Then I noticed a small deeply hidden difference in your error messages compared to mine, which led me to the cause of the problem:
MaterializeCollectionNavigation(Navigation: Goal.Tasks (<Tasks>k__BackingField, DbSet<Task>)
specifically the DbSet<Task> at the end (in my case it was ICollection<Task>). I realized that you used DbSet<T> type for collection navigation property rather than the usual ICollection<T>, IEnumerable<T>, List<T> etc., e.g.
public class Goal
// ...
public DbSet<Task> Tasks { get; set; }
Simply don't do that. DbSet<T> is a special EF Core class, supposed to be used only from DbContext to represent db table, view or raw SQL query result set. And more importantly, DbSets are the only real EF Core query roots, so it's not surprising that such usage confuses the EF Core query translator.
So change it to some of the supported interfaces/classes (for instance, ICollection<Task>) and the original problem will be solved.
Then removing the DefaultIfEmpty(-1) will allow successfully translating the first query in question.
I don't have EF Core up and running, but are you able to split it up like this?
var allTasks = DbContext.Areas
.SelectMany(a => a.Goals)
.SelectMany(a => a.Tasks);
var always = allTasks.Where(t => t.ShowAlways);
var next = allTasks
.OrderBy(tt => tt.Sequence)
var result = always
.Select(t => new
// Member assignment
Edit: Sorry, I'm not great with query syntax, maybe this does what you need?
var allGoals = DbContext.Areas
.SelectMany(a => a.Goals);
var allTasks = DbContext.Areas
.SelectMany(a => a.Goals)
.SelectMany(a => a.Tasks);
var always = allGoals
.SelectMany(a => a.Tasks)
.Where(t => t.ShowAlways);
var nextTasks = allGoals
.SelectMany(g => g.Tasks.OrderBy(tt => tt.Sequence).Take(1));
var result = always
.Select(t => new
// Member assignment
I would recommend you start by breaking up this query into individual parts. Try iterating through the Goals in a foreach with your Task logic inside. Add each new CalendarTask to a List that you defined ahead of time.
Overall breaking this logic up and experimenting a bit will probably lead you to some insight with the limitations of Entity Framework Core.
I think we might separate the query into two steps. First, query each goals and get the min Sequence task and store them(maybe with a anonymous type like {NextTaskId,Goal}). Then, we query the temp data and get the result. For example
.Select(g=>new {
.SelectMany(a=>a.Tasks,(a,task)=>new {
NextTaskId = a.NextTaskId,
Task = task
I tried to create the linq request but I'm not sure about the result
var tasks = ( from a in DbContext.Areas
from g in a.Goals
from t in g.Tasks
join oneTask in (from t in DbContext.Tasks
group t by t.Id into gt
select new {
Id = gt.Key,
Sequence = gt.Min(t => t.Sequence)
}) on new { t.Id, t.Sequence } equals new { oneTask.Id,oneTask.Sequence }
select new {Area = a, Goal = g, Task = t})
from a in DbContext.Areas
from g in a.Goals
from t in g.Tasks
where t.ShowAlways
select new {Area = a, Goal = g, Task = t});
I currently don't have EF Core, but do you really need to compare this much?
Wouldn't querying the tasks be sufficient?
If there is a navigation property or foreign key defined I could imaging using something like this:
Tasks.Where(task => task.Sequence == Tasks.Where(t => t.GoalIdentity == task.GoalIdentity).Min(t => t.Sequence) || task.ShowAlways);

Include not working in LINQ query but works in LINQ Fluent API

The Problem
I have a LINQ query (against Entity Framework) that use Include to include some navigation properties. One of those properties uses ThenInclude to include its own property collection. When I run the query, the first level properties are included on the primary object but the sub-collection (the one using ThenInclude) is always empty.
However, if I change the query to use Fluent API form, the query works and the sub-collection is actually included. Why does this work for the Fluent form and not the normal LINQ query?
//FAIL - This returns Benefits but Benefits.Dates.Count = 0 on all Benefits
var list1 = (from s in _context.Subscribers
.Include(s => s.Dates)
.Include(s => s.Benefits)
.ThenInclude(b => b.Dates)
where s.Id == 13643
select new { benefits = s.Benefits }).ToList();
//SUCCESS - This returns Benefits and Benefits.Dates.Count is > 0 on the ones with Dates
var list2 = _context.Subscribers
.Include(s => s.Dates)
.Include(s => s.Benefits)
.ThenInclude(b => b.Dates)
.Where(s => s.Id == 13643)
.Select(s => new { benefits = s.Benefits}).ToList();
Am I mistaken that these queries should give the same output?
I just tried manually linking things using LINQ and I am able to get Benefit dates included -- granted, its not apples to apples as the resulting set is different, but the point is that Include(b => b.Dates) seems to work in this case.
var list3 = (from s in _context.Subscribers.Include(s => s.Dates)
join b in _context.Benefits.Include(b => b.Dates) on s.Id equals b.SubscriberId
select new {benefits = b}).ToList();
I'm beginning to wonder if ThenInclude() may be a little more restrictive in where/when it can be used?
Update 2
I just noticed a warning in my Debug Output window that led me to this link about ignored includes. This seems to be on the right track as the Debug Output clearly indicates that these includes are being ignored.
What doesn't make sense, though, is that I'm actually selecting to anonymous in both examples and only one of them seems to ignore the includes. Why one and not the other?
This is just a guess: since You have Datas, in both Subscribers and Benefits, there is a chance that you are not querying the correct model/entity... you can try confirming the entity type like below (assuming Benefit is your Entity type).
var list1 = (from s in _context.Subscribers
.Include(s => s.Dates)
.Include(s => s.Benefits)
.ThenInclude(b => (b as Benefit).Dates)
where s.Id == 13643
select new { benefits = s.Benefits }).ToList();
var list2 = _context.Subscribers
.Include(s => s.Dates)
.Include(s => s.Benefits)
.ThenInclude(b => (b as Benefit).Dates) // <-- I suggest renaming s to b
.Where(s => s.Id == 13643)
.Select(s => new { benefits = s.Benefits}).ToList();

How to use a where clause on a sub navigation property using linq and EF

My model has a navigation property and this navigation property has another sub navigation property. I need to use a where clause on sub navigation property to filter results.
I'm trying to use linq query but unable to get the results
The following sql join gives me desired results
select *
from [dbo].[JOB] J inner join
[dbo].[PREMISES] P on J.PremisesId = P.Id inner join
[dbo].[STATION] S on P.StationCode=S.StationCode
where S.StationCode = '001'
Any ideas?
Notice these similar LINQ statements:
var jobs = db.Jobs
.Include(j => j.Premises)
.Include(j => j.Premises.Select(p => p.Stations))
var stations = db.Stations
.Include(s => s.Premise)
.Include(s => s.Premise.Job)
While your return type is different, you are essentially holding the same data in memory. I could use the second to get all jobs too:
var jobs_from_stations = stations.Select(s => s.Premise.Job).Distinct();
Both jobs_from_stations and jobs will contain the exact same data.
There is a difference in filtering though.
If you were to add a Where() clause in this query, it would work differently.
The first query would filter in scope of the Job entity, whereas the second would filter in scope of the Station entity.
Since you are currently trying to filter based on a station property, that suggests using the second query:
var stations = db.Stations
.Include(s => s.Premise)
.Include(s => s.Premise.Job)
.Where(s => s.StationCode == "001")
If you want the return type to be a list of jobs:
var jobs = db.Stations
.Include(s => s.Premise)
.Include(s => s.Premise.Job)
.Where(s => s.StationCode == "001")
.Select(s => s.Premise.Job)
Note that it would still be possible to use the first query instead, but it becomes more verbose and unwieldy:
var jobs = db.Jobs
.Include(j => j.Premises)
.Include(j => j.Premises.Select(p => p.Stations))
.Where(j => j.Premises.Any(p => p.Stations.Any(s => s.StationCode == "001")))
As a rule of thumb, I always try to start from the child and work my way up. As you see in the above example, it makes the filtering easier. But maybe you also noticed that it keeps the Include() statements simple too:
.Include(s => s.Premise)
.Include(s => s.Premise.Job)
instead of
.Include(j => j.Premises)
.Include(j => j.Premises.Select(p => p.Stations))
While these two examples are functionally equivalent, having to add a Select() for every level becomes very cumbersome if you want to include entities that are several relationships removed from where you started.

How to remove duplicates from SQLite DB - using ENtity and LINQ

I have a DB, which containes a few fields. I want to remove duplicates based on one field ("full") - i.e. if there are more than one version of it, I should take any/first of them, and discard the rest...
So far I can't - everything throws an error of some kind.
This is one of my tires. Unfortunately the last Select in distinctList throws an error.
using (var context = new JITBModel())
var allList = context.BackupEvents.Select(i => i.Id).ToList();
var distinctList = context.BackupEvents
.GroupBy(x => x.Full)
.Select(i => i.ToList())
.Where(c => c.Count > 1)
.Select(t => t[0].Id).ToList();
var dups = allList.Except(distinctList);
context.BackupEvents.RemoveRange(from e in context.BackupEvents
where dups.Contains(e.Id)
select e);
Also, can't seem to choose .First() within a select query.
UPDATE: for now I implemented a simple ExecuteSqlCommand based on the answer here.
string com = #"DELETE FROM BackupEvents
WHERE rowid NOT IN (
FROM BackupEvents
GROUP BY full)";
If anyone knows how to do it with entity/linq - let me know :-)
instead of t=> t[0].Id, try t.FirstOrDefault().Id.
Maybe code below would work ? I didn't run it, but I'm not getting any pre-compile error using something similar to below.
using (var context = new JITBModel())
var duplicates= context.BackupEvents
.GroupBy(x => x.Full)
.Where(grp => grp.Count() > 1)

