With the reference from below link
Am using transloadit for video converting and saving it in s3 in C#. I am able to upload the video and image and am able to get the response with empty results. My response had "ok": "ASSEMBLY_EXECUTING", message and the results tag is empty. So am not getting the final response once the assembly is executed like ASSEMBLY_COMPLETED. So, i see that there is some property assembly.setblocking = true.. but in C# that property is not available. So how can i get the final response or how can i use blocking property in c#.net
Please help me out in solving this issue.
Thanks in advance.
Below is the code snippet
ITransloadit transloadit = new Transloadit.Transloadit("APIKEY", "Secret");
//Create assembly builder to build up the assembly
IAssemblyBuilder assembly = new AssemblyBuilder();
//Add a file to be uploaded (with autogenerated key)
//Define the step, you can define more in the same assembly
IStep step = new Step();
step.SetOption("robot", "/image/resize");
step.SetOption("width", 75);
step.SetOption("height", 75);
step.SetOption("resize_strategy", "pad");
step.SetOption("background", "#000000");
//Add the step to the assembly
assembly.AddStep("thumb", step);
//Set notification URL
//Set the expiration date time of the request for the assembly
//Assembly will be expired in 120 minutes from now
//Invoke assembly, and wait for the result
TransloaditResponse response = transloadit.InvokeAssembly(assembly);
if (response.Success)
// LoggerFactory.GetLogger().LogInfo(Type.GetType("TestConsole.Program"), "Assembly {0} result", response.Data);
In that first response, you should see an assembly_url. You can/should poll that URL every X seconds to get the updates. When the assembly reaches ASSEMBLY_CANCELED ASSEMBLY_COMPLETED REQUEST_ABORTED, or the error is set, it's done. I'm not sure if the boilerplate for this polling is implemented in the SDK, you'd have to check.
Blocking assemblies are not recommended as they require to keep the connection open, which is more brittle.
At work I have encountered a problem with EvoPdf for DotNet client where it won't actually convert the html because of the following exception:
An error occured. Initialization failed: Insufficient data
The stack trace shows the following:
at am.aa()
at EvoPdf.HtmlToPdfClient.HtmlToPdfConverter.ConvertHtml(String html, String baseUrl)
at evoPdfTest.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\git\evoPdfTest\evoPdfTest\Program.cs:line 32
This of course makes no sense, because in order to verify it wasn't anything I did, I decided to make a small console app as follows (also this same error occurs in their demo code as well.
var pdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter(myIpString, myPort);
var paragraphHtml = $$"<!DOCTYPE html><html> <body> The content of the body element is displayed in your browser.</body></html> "";
pdfConverter.LicenseKey = myKey;
// Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
// Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
pdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;
// set PDF page size
pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.A4;
// set PDF page orientation
pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation = PdfPageOrientation.Portrait;
var pdfBytes = pdfConverter.ConvertHtml(paragraphHtml, null);
Where am I going wrong, and is this just a case of a superemly poorly written error message?
For anyone getting this error in the future:
An error occured. Initialization failed: Insufficient data
This occurs due to a mismatch in versions. In our case, we had an Azure Function running version 8.0.0 of the EvoPDF NuGet library and an Azure Cloud Application endpoint running version 7.5.0. Ensure that all services are running the same version.
I'm using the OnEntryWritten event in order to get events from the event log when they are fired.
The problem I started to see today is that some messages come with parameters unset.
For example:
The Windows Filtering Platform has permitted a bind to a local port. Application Information: Process ID:9852 Application Name:\device\harddiskvolume7\program files (x86)\google\chrome\application\chrome.exe Network Information: Source Address::: Source Port:51714 Protocol:17 Filter Information: Filter Run-Time ID:0 Layer Name:%%14608 Layer Run-Time ID:38
You can see the %%14608 parameter. This comes with a value if I see the same log in the Event Viewer.
I'm running a windows service as LocalSystem, so I don't know if this is a permission issue or this technology is not useful at all.
I have tried the rest offered on C# and they also don't meet my requirements.
UPDATE: this is the code I'm using to read the events.
1) First I subscribe to the corresponding Event log:
private void Subscribe()
_eventLog.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
var callbackFunction = new EntryWrittenEventHandler(OnEntryWritten);
_eventLog.EntryWritten += callbackFunction;
// Save a reference for callbackFunction
_eventHandler = callbackFunction;
2) Then on the callback method, I read data from the message:
public void OnEntryWritten(Object source, EntryWrittenEventArgs entryArgs)
// When overwrite policy is enabled, this will trigger for all elements when it starts writing new ones
var entry = entryArgs.Entry;
var timeWritten = entry.TimeWritten;
// This comes with %% values depending on the log
string message = entry.Message;
catch(Exception ex)
3) The event log variable is simply initialized as:
var eventLog = EventLog.GetEventLogs().FirstOrDefault(el => el.Log.Equals(logName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
I need some help on this, honestly I don't know what else to try.
I'm adding some images here so everybody can understand the situation a little bit better. To be honest, it looks like there's no solution but to implement a dictionary and replace manually the required values, which appear to be always constants.
This is what I see on the Event Viewer for a given Event ID:
This is what I see on my program when I read that entry:
You can clearly see that the following values:
"Machine key." (Key type)
"Read persisted key from file." (Operation)
Are coming unmapped in the ReplacementStrings and the Message properties as: %%2499 and %%2458
This is the message value I get on the program:
"Key file operation.\r\n\r\nSubject:\r\n\tSecurity ID:\t\tS-1-5-18\r\n\tAccount Name:\t\tMyAccount$\r\n\tAccount Domain:\t\tWORKGROUP\r\n\tLogon ID:\t\t0x3e7\r\n\r\nProcess Information:\r\n\tProcess ID:\t\t6644\r\n\tProcess Creation Time:\t2019-04-03T12:17:24.587994400Z\r\n\r\nCryptographic Parameters:\r\n\tProvider Name:\tMicrosoft Software Key Storage Provider\r\n\tAlgorithm Name:\tUNKNOWN\r\n\tKey Name:\t816339d2-c476-4f1e-bc40-954f0aa0f851\r\n\tKey Type:\t%%2499\r\n\r\nKey File Operation Information:\r\n\tFile Path:\tC:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\Keys\6d55a45fd69327293e9ed3e7930f4565_5663a8bb-2d1d-4c0d-90c1-624beddabe9c\r\n\tOperation:\t%%2458\r\n\tReturn Code:\t0x0"
What can be done here? There also nothing in entry.Data that might help me out to obtain both values.
No, I believe you're mistaken, sorry that this answer is too late. I found a similar event that was raised by chrome and evaluated if there's anything missed by the event handler. There wasn't anything missed. The message I got in my console output exactly matched what I saw in my Event Viewer.
A better solution would be to
Use entry.Data to get the complete data instead of entry.Message
entry.Data will return a byte[] which you can convert to a string. Here's the link to all properties that an entry will have.
Update: I downloaded Ramone project, added it to my project and then ran the application again with debugger. The error is shown below:
public MediaTypeWriterRegistration GetWriter(Type t, MediaType mediaType)
CodecEntry entry = SelectWriters(t, mediaType).FirstOrDefault(); => this line throws error
Error occurs in CodecManager.cs. I am trying to figure out why it does not recognize json-patch media type. Could it be because writer is not being registered correctly? I am looking into it. If you figure out the problem, please let me know. Since you are the author of the library, it will be easier for you to figure out the issue. I will have to go through all the code files and methods to find the issue. Thanks!
I was excited to know that Ramone library supports json-patch operations but when I tried it, I got following error:
415- Unsupported Media Type
This is the same error that I get when I use RestSharp. I thought may be RestSharp does not support json-patch and errors out so I decided to try Ramone lib but I still get same error. Endpoint has no issues because when I try same command using Postman, it works but when I try it programmatically in C#, it throws unsupported media type error. Here is my code:
var authenticator = new TokenProvider("gfdsfdsfdsafdsafsadfsdrj5o97jgvegh", "sadfdsafdsafdsfgfdhgfhehrerhgJ");
JsonPatchDocument patch = new JsonPatchDocument<MetaData>();
patch.Add("/Resident2", "Boyle");
//patch.Replace("/Resident", "Boyle");
RSession = RamoneConfiguration.NewSession(new Uri("https://api.box.com"));
RSession.DefaultRequestMediaType = MediaType.ApplicationJson;
RSession.DefaultResponseMediaType = MediaType.ApplicationJson;
Ramone.Request ramonerequest = RSession.Bind("/2.0/files/323433290812/metadata");
ramonerequest.Header("Authorization", "Bearer " + authenticator.GetAccessToken(code).AccessToken);
//var ramoneresponse = ramonerequest.Patch(patch); //results in error: 405 - Method Not Allowed
var ramoneresponse = ramonerequest.Put(patch); //results in error: 415 - Unsupported Media Type
var responsebody = ramoneresponse.Body
Endpoint information is available here: http://developers.box.com/metadata-api
I used json-patch section in the following article as a reference:
By the way I tried Patch() method (as shown in above ref. article) but that resulted in "Method not allowed" so I used Put() method which seems to work but then errors out because of json-patch operation.
Any help, guidance, tips in resolving this problem will be highly appreciated. Thanks much in advance.
The Box documentation says you should use PUT (which is quite a bit funny). The server even tells you that it doesn't support the HTTP PATCH method (405 Method Not Allowed) - so PUT it must be.
Now, you tell Ramone to use JSON all the time (RSession.DefaultRequestMediaType = MediaType.ApplicationJson), so you end up PUT'ing a JSON document to Box - where you should be PUT'ing a JSON-Patch document.
Drop the "RSession.DefaultRequestMediaType = MediaType.ApplicationJson" statement and send the patch document as JSON-Patch with the use of: ramonerequest.ContentType("application/json-patch+json").Put(...).
I started with the solution here http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/20547.biztalk-server-dynamic-schema-resolver-real-scenario.aspx
which matches my scenario perfectly except for the send port, but that isn't necessary. I need the receive port to choose the file and apply a schema to disassemble. From their the orchestration does the mapping, some of it custom, etc.
I've done everything in the tutorial but I keep getting the following error.
"There was a failure executing the receive pipeline... The body part is NULL"
The things I don't get from the tutorial but don't believe they should be an issue are:
I created a new solution and project to make the custompipeline component (reference figure 19) and thus the dll file. Meaning it is on it's own namespace. However, it looks like from the tutorial they created the project within the main biztalk solution (ie the one with the pipeline and the orchestration) and thus the namespace has "TechNetWiki.SchemaResolver." in it. Should I make the custompipeline component have the namespace of my main solution? I'm assuming this shouldn't matter because I should be able to use this component in other solutions as it is meant to be generic to the business rules that are associated with the biztalk application.
The other piece I don't have is Figure 15 under the "THEN Action" they have it equal the destination schema they would like to disassemble to but then they put #Src1 at the end of "http://TechNetWiki.SchemaResolver.Schemas.SRC1_FF#Src1". What is the #Src1 for?
In the sample you've linked to, the probe method of the pipeline component is pushing the first 4 characters from the filename into a typed message that is then passed into the rules engine. Its those 4 characters that match the "SRC1" in the example.
string srcFileName = pInMsg.Context.Read("ReceivedFileName", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/2003/file-properties This link is external to TechNet Wiki. It will open in a new window. ").ToString();
srcFileName = Path.GetFileName(srcFileName);
//Substring the first four digits to take source code to use to call BRE API
string customerCode = srcFileName.Substring(0, 4);
//create an instance of the XML object
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
xmlDoc.LoadXml(string.Format(#"<ns0:Root xmlns:ns0='http://TechNetWiki.SchemaResolver.Schemas.SchemaResolverBRE This link is external to TechNet Wiki. It will open in a new window. '>
</ns0:Root>", customerCode));
//retreive source code in case in our cache dictionary
if (cachedSources.ContainsKey(customerCode))
messageType = cachedSources[customerCode];
TypedXmlDocument typedXmlDocument = new TypedXmlDocument("TechNetWiki.SchemaResolver.Schemas.SchemaResolverBRE", xmlDoc);
Microsoft.RuleEngine.Policy policy = new Microsoft.RuleEngine.Policy("SchemaResolverPolicy");
So the matching rule is based on the 1st 4 characters of the filename. If one isn't matched, the probe returns a false - i.e. unrecognised.
The final part is that the message type is pushed into the returned message - this is made up of the namespace and the root schema node with a # separator - so your #src1 is the root node.
You need to implement IProbeMessage near to class
I forgot to add IProbeMessage in the code of article. It is updated now.
but it is there in sample source code
Src1 is the the root node name of schema. I mentioned that in article that message type is TargetNamespace#Root
I recommend to download the sample code
I hope this will help you
I'm looking for help from anyone who's worked with the verbot sdk.
I'm making a program that I want to use the LearnedKnowledge.vkb, Teacher.vkb, and any standard bot (julia, for example). Those who've used this before will know that with the rules in Teacher, you can essentially write responses to things that the bot doesn't understand, and train it on the fly.
I'm planning on using speech recognition and text-to-speech, but my problem right now is that after I load the knowledgebases, I can't seem to get any response from the bot.
Here's what I have: The Verbot5Library.dll, from verbots.sourceforge.net (I got the editor and player too, to make sure the files were working). In my program, I set up the variables as such:
Verbot5Engine verbot = new Verbot5Engine();
KnowledgeBase kb = new KnowledgeBase();
KnowledgeBaseItem kbi = new KnowledgeBaseItem();
State state = new State();
XMLToolbox xmlToolboxKB = new XMLToolbox(typeof(KnowledgeBase));
Then I initialize the verbot engine and load the kbs:
// using the xmlToolboxKB method I saw in this forum: http://www.verbots.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2984
kbi.Fullpath = #"C:\\[full path to kb...]\\";
kbi.Filename = "LearnedKnowledge.vkb";
kb = (KnowledgeBase)xmlToolboxKB.LoadXML(kbi.Fullpath + kbi.Filename);
verbot.AddKnowledgeBase(kb, kbi);
kbi.Filename = "julia.vkb";
kb = (KnowledgeBase)xmlToolboxKB.LoadXML(kbi.Fullpath + kbi.Filename);
verbot.AddKnowledgeBase(kb, kbi);
//trying to use LoadKnowledgeBase and LoadCompiledKnowledgeBase methods: verbot.LoadKnowledgeBase("C:\\[full path to kb...]\\LearnedKnowledge.vkb");
//verbot.LoadCompiledKnowledgeBase("C:\\[full path...]\\julia.ckb");
//verbot.LoadCompiledKnowledgeBase("C:\\[full path...]\\Teacher.ckb");
// set up state
state.CurrentKBs.Add("C:\\[full path...]\\LearnedKnowledge.vkb");
state.CurrentKBs.Add("C:\\[full path...]\\Teacher.vkb");
state.CurrentKBs.Add("C:\\[full path...]\\julia.ckb");
Finally, I attempt to get a response from the verbot engine:
Reply reply = verbot.GetReply("hello", state);
if (reply != null)
Console.WriteLine("No reply found.");
I know julia has a response for "hello", as I've tested it with the editor. But all it ever returns is "No reply found". This code has been taken from the example console program in the SDK download (as very little documentation is available). That's why I need some pointers from someone who's familiar with the SDK.
Am I not loading the KBs correctly? Do they all need to be compiled (.ckb) instead of the XML files (.vkb)? I've used the verbot.OnKnowledgeBaseLoadError event handler and I get no errors. I even removed the resource file Default.vsn needed to load the Teacher, and it throws an error when trying to load it so I'm pretty sure it's all loading correctly. So why do I always get "No reply found"?
resolved: see http://www.verbots.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=13021#13021