I am trying to retrieve a message from a node (my own status message):
I am using C# Facebook SDK. My GET request is the following:
status = fb.Get("/v2.2/100006927xxxxxx_1568238173xxxxxx?fields=message")
I tested this in Graph Explorer on the development site and it works.
but in my application I get an "Unsuppported Get Request #100" error.
Is there something new because I think that worked before?
Ensure that the access token you are using on Graph API Explorer matches the one you are using in your application.
In Graph API Explorer check three calls
/app to see which app you are using
/me/permissions to see what permission is granted in the application
/me to see which app scoped user ID has been assigned
Depending on the access token and the application, the privacy level of that status might not be able available to you.
e.g. 100006927xxxxxx looks like an app scoped user ID
This will mean that only one particular application will be able to access this resource.
When I am trying to run user flow manually from portal.azure.com by clicking 'Run user flow' at the bottom I can select the application and reply URL.
I have defined two reply URLs:
I select the first reply URL and below that information the 'Run user flow endpoint' is generated automatically. When I copy this endpoint and try to call from my blazor app it is working correctly. I can log in and change my profile info. Then, I can click continue to reply to my blazor app.
After clicking I want to get back to my app but I have an error:
An error occurred while processing your request.
Request ID:
Details OpenIdConnectAuthenticationHandler: message.State is null or
When I set the reply URL to jwt.ms everything works fine.
How to call Edit Profile User Flow from the blazor app properly?
There are below few workaround may help to achieve the above requirement
Kindly check the signuporsignin.xml b2c userflow policy for correct tenant id and public policy uri in that policy file specifically check the technical profile id and inherent output claims regarding post successful authentication with Azure ad b2c .
Since after successful authentication to the blazor app you are able to login and able to change the profile info in the signinsignup user flow page successfully ,But when returning to the blazor client application you are encountering an error that displays the State parameter is null or empty, which inherently implies that the token access authentication is not passed on or the token has is broken/missing or misinterpreted during the changes of pages.
Thus i would suggest you to please check the program.cs file in the blazor client application code whether it includes the below code snippets or not.
builder.Services.AddMsalAuthentication(options => { builder.Configuration.Bind("AzureAd", options.ProviderOptions.Authentication); options.ProviderOptions.DefaultAccessTokenScopes.Add("api://https://domain.onmicrosoft.com/cxxxx-1xx-4xxxe-aad0-4xxxxx/API.Access"); });
The above code snippet states that the blazor client application has exposed his api to the blazor server application as a provider.
Further also please check the authentication.razor file for the parameter to be passed on public string
Once the above has been checked and found correct then please ensure that the appsettings.json file on both the client & server applications has the correct respective client Id and the policy name mentioned. Also check the Azure ADb2c app registration for the details in blazor web assembly application.
For more information please refer the below links:-
Secure an ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly hosted app with Azure Active Directory | MICROSOFT DOCUMENTATION
With my outlook.com account I logged in to portal.azure.com and I created a new application. Microsoft has provided a sample app (daemon_console) for quick experiments (in QuickStart guide) and I followed steps provided for the sample app, the app automatically takes the application id and client secret you generated and updates the configuration JSON file (appsettings.json) with this info. I downloaded the code after these steps but when I run the sample app it throws the error "Authorization_IdentityNotFound".
Looks like it is able to fetch the token but following code is throwing the error:
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var apiCaller = new ProtectedApiCallHelper(httpClient);
await apiCaller.CallWebApiAndProcessResultASync($"{config.ApiUrl}v1.0/users", result.AccessToken, Display);
Microsofts page has step to get Admin consent in two ways:
If you are a global administrator, go to API Permissions page select Grant admin consent for Enter_the_Tenant_Name_Here
Standard user
If you're a standard user of your tenant, then you need to ask a global administrator to grant admin consent for your application. To do this, give the following URL to your administrator:
https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/adminconsent?client_id=my apps client id
I have tried both these options. With the first option, I am able to grant the required permissions. But the issue still exists.
With the second option when I go to the suggested URL it fails with error:
"AADSTS500113: No reply address is registered for the application."
I think this should have been a straightforward process but somehow the app is not able to execute and fails with errors:
"code": "Authorization_IdentityNotFound",
"message": "The identity of the calling application could not be established.",
Please let me know if anyone has tried these steps and has managed to resolve this issue.
Note that I can run "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users" from graph explorer with my outlook.com account and it works perfectly fine.
I tested it, and at first I was running into the same issue,
its because of the common in the appsettings.json
replace the "Tenant": "common"
with "Tenant": "your Tenant ID",
You can get the tenant ID from the overview page of your app registration Directory (tenant) ID. After you do that, make sure you right click the project and click rebuild. because if I just do a normal run it had it cached and did not update it from common.
I have set up a Web Application with ASP.NET Razor Pages with -> Individual User Accounts -> Connect to an existing user store in the cloud (Azure AD B2C).
This works really well and I could both sign up and sign in to the web application.
However when I follow the guide for API I don't understand how to sign in.
The example Controller /weatherforecast simply returns a HTTP 401 when the web application is started.
Looking at the file structure I can't find any clues either but this could be similar to scaffolding I guess.
If I comment out [Authorize] from WeatherForecastController I get a HTTP 200 so what I need is probably just a token from Azure AD B2C that is being sent to the Controller in the GET request.
I know that the B2C tenant and application work since I use the same application for the API as I did with the Web Application. It was set up using Microsofts own guide:
Update 2020-07-27:
Applications are now Legacy and App registrations should be used instead. See this guide:
Fixed it using these guides:
I had some trouble where I got the error "AADB2C90205: This application does not have sufficient permissions against this web resource to perform the operation. numerous times. Turned out I had not declared the correct scopes for the application.
First step is therefore to make sure you have a read scope for your Azure AD B2C application under Published scopes:
Then under API access add your application with the scope read.
Then perform a GET request with this format, simplest way to test is to use it in Chrome or any other browser:
Make sure the redirect_uri is present as Reply URL for your application.
This should give you a result like after logging in like https://jwt.ms/?code=... or https//localhost:44376/signin-oidc?code= depending on redirect_uri. Microsoft example uses https://jwt.ms but I prefer to keep my codes on domains that I control.
Copy the value from code parameter and then perform a POST request, I use Postman.
POST <tenant-name>.onmicrosoft.com/oauth2/v2.0/token?p=<policy-name> HTTP/1.1
Host: <tenant-name>.b2clogin.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
client_secret is from Keys:
Correct response should look like this:
Then you can copy the value for access_token and access your local API with Bearer Authorization. To see the content of your access_token you can copy the value to https://jwt.ms/
I would like to post to my company Yammer feed from Console C# application.
Before, I created Javascript and Rest Application. But now, I do not know How to get access Token.
I tryed to use HttpWebRequest Class to Endpoint
https://www.yammer.com/dialog/oauth/?client_id=[my_client_id] &response_type=code&redirect_uri=[redirect_url]
However, Httpresponse Not contain "code".
Someone who know get access token, please tell me how to get access token.
There are a number of ways to get a sample token. You can now generate one within the screen where you created your client application. Go to https://www.yammer.com/client_applications/ and select the app you want to get a token for.
There is a link for 'Generate a developer token for this application'
For the API request you have listed I think the user would need to authenticate first then get a dialog box to accept\reject the app which would then redirect to get the code to exchange for an access token.
Docs are here:
I have no idea how to start to retrieve my Facebook friends using the Facebook API. I have read the Graph API docs.
Secondly, I'm doing TDD so I want to start with my test cases.
At first, these will be integration tests because I have to integrate the real life Facebook api. After that works, I'll mock out these tests to make them unit tests.
So this is why I'm stuck. Please assume that I have a Facebook account (eg. email + password) so I can authenticate and then use the access token to get my friends.
I also do have an FB App already setup (eg. app id / app secret).
The first thing that you need to do to get the list of friends, or any other api request on the behalf of the user, is to authenticate the user and get a user access token.
There are two authentication flows:
Client-Side: will result with a short lived access token (expires within a few hours) which you can then extend (on the server side) for a long lived using the new endpoint.
Server-Side: results with a long lived access token for about 60 days.
It will probably be hard to do that with TDD (at least at first), and so you might want to use one of the following facebook tools which will generate the access token for you:
Access Token Tool: gives you a list of `access tokens for all your apps bound to your own user'. Per application you get both a user token and an app token.
Graph API Explorer: Select your application at the top right corner and then click the "Get Access Token" button, then select the permissions you need and approve it, when the dialog closes you'll see the access token in the field.
With the access token that you get you can start querying the api.
To get the list of friends simply issue a request to me/fiends as explained in the Friends connection of the User object documentation.
I'm not a C# developer, but I'm aware of this C# SDK for Facebook, it should (like all other facebook SDKs) have implemented most of the work for you for sending the api requests and parsing the returned data.
From a quick look at their getting started documentation it should look something like:
var accessToken = "THE ACCESS TOKEN YOU HAVE";
var client = new FacebookClient(accessToken);
dynamic me = client.Get("me/friends");