Which is the simplest way to update a Label from another Thread?
I have a Form running on thread1, and from that I'm starting another thread (thread2).
While thread2 is processing some files I would like to update a Label on the Form with the current status of thread2's work.
How could I do that?
The simplest way is an anonymous method passed into Label.Invoke:
// Running on the worker thread
string newText = "abc";
form.Label.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate {
// Running on the UI thread
form.Label.Text = newText;
// Back on the worker thread
Notice that Invoke blocks execution until it completes--this is synchronous code. The question doesn't ask about asynchronous code, but there is lots of content on Stack Overflow about writing asynchronous code when you want to learn about it.
For .NET 2.0, here's a nice bit of code I wrote that does exactly what you want, and works for any property on a Control:
private delegate void SetControlPropertyThreadSafeDelegate(
Control control,
string propertyName,
object propertyValue);
public static void SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(
Control control,
string propertyName,
object propertyValue)
if (control.InvokeRequired)
control.Invoke(new SetControlPropertyThreadSafeDelegate
new object[] { control, propertyName, propertyValue });
new object[] { propertyValue });
Call it like this:
// thread-safe equivalent of
// myLabel.Text = status;
SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(myLabel, "Text", status);
If you're using .NET 3.0 or above, you could rewrite the above method as an extension method of the Control class, which would then simplify the call to:
myLabel.SetPropertyThreadSafe("Text", status);
UPDATE 05/10/2010:
For .NET 3.0 you should use this code:
private delegate void SetPropertyThreadSafeDelegate<TResult>(
Control #this,
Expression<Func<TResult>> property,
TResult value);
public static void SetPropertyThreadSafe<TResult>(
this Control #this,
Expression<Func<TResult>> property,
TResult value)
var propertyInfo = (property.Body as MemberExpression).Member
as PropertyInfo;
if (propertyInfo == null ||
!#this.GetType().IsSubclassOf(propertyInfo.ReflectedType) ||
propertyInfo.PropertyType) == null)
throw new ArgumentException("The lambda expression 'property' must reference a valid property on this Control.");
if (#this.InvokeRequired)
#this.Invoke(new SetPropertyThreadSafeDelegate<TResult>
new object[] { #this, property, value });
new object[] { value });
which uses LINQ and lambda expressions to allow much cleaner, simpler and safer syntax:
// status has to be of type string or this will fail to compile
myLabel.SetPropertyThreadSafe(() => myLabel.Text, status);
Not only is the property name now checked at compile time, the property's type is as well, so it's impossible to (for example) assign a string value to a boolean property, and hence cause a runtime exception.
Unfortunately this doesn't stop anyone from doing stupid things such as passing in another Control's property and value, so the following will happily compile:
myLabel.SetPropertyThreadSafe(() => aForm.ShowIcon, false);
Hence I added the runtime checks to ensure that the passed-in property does actually belong to the Control that the method's being called on. Not perfect, but still a lot better than the .NET 2.0 version.
If anyone has any further suggestions on how to improve this code for compile-time safety, please comment!
Handling long work
Since .NET 4.5 and C# 5.0 you should use Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) along with async-await keywords in all areas (including the GUI):
TAP is the recommended asynchronous design pattern for new development
instead of Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) and Event-based Asynchronous Pattern (EAP) (the latter includes the BackgroundWorker Class).
Then, the recommended solution for new development is:
Asynchronous implementation of an event handler (Yes, that's all):
private async void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
var progress = new Progress<string>(s => label.Text = s);
await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => SecondThreadConcern.LongWork(progress),
label.Text = "completed";
Implementation of the second thread that notifies the UI thread:
class SecondThreadConcern
public static void LongWork(IProgress<string> progress)
// Perform a long running work...
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Notice the following:
Short and clean code written in sequential manner without callbacks and explicit threads.
Task instead of Thread.
async keyword, that allows to use await which in turn prevent the event handler from reaching the completion state till the task finished and in the meantime doesn't block the UI thread.
Progress class (see IProgress Interface) that supports Separation of Concerns (SoC) design principle and doesn't require explicit dispatcher and invoking. It uses the current SynchronizationContext from its creation place (here the UI thread).
TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning that hints to do not queue the task into ThreadPool.
For a more verbose examples see: The Future of C#: Good things come to those who 'await' by Joseph Albahari.
See also about UI Threading Model concept.
Handling exceptions
The below snippet is an example of how to handle exceptions and toggle button's Enabled property to prevent multiple clicks during background execution.
private async void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
button.Enabled = false;
var progress = new Progress<string>(s => button.Text = s);
await Task.Run(() => SecondThreadConcern.FailingWork(progress));
button.Text = "Completed";
catch(Exception exception)
button.Text = "Failed: " + exception.Message;
button.Enabled = true;
class SecondThreadConcern
public static void FailingWork(IProgress<string> progress)
progress.Report("I will fail in...");
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
progress.Report((3 - i).ToString());
throw new Exception("Oops...");
Variation of Marc Gravell's simplest solution for .NET 4:
control.Invoke((MethodInvoker) (() => control.Text = "new text"));
Or use Action delegate instead:
control.Invoke(new Action(() => control.Text = "new text"));
See here for a comparison of the two: MethodInvoker vs Action for Control.BeginInvoke
Fire and forget extension method for .NET 3.5+
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public static class ControlExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Executes the Action asynchronously on the UI thread, does not block execution on the calling thread.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="control"></param>
/// <param name="code"></param>
public static void UIThread(this Control #this, Action code)
if (#this.InvokeRequired)
This can be called using the following line of code:
this.UIThread(() => this.myLabel.Text = "Text Goes Here");
This is the classic way you should do this:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Threading;
namespace Test
public partial class UIThread : Form
Worker worker;
Thread workerThread;
public UIThread()
worker = new Worker();
worker.ProgressChanged += new EventHandler<ProgressChangedArgs>(OnWorkerProgressChanged);
workerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(worker.StartWork));
private void OnWorkerProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedArgs e)
// Cross thread - so you don't get the cross-threading exception
if (this.InvokeRequired)
OnWorkerProgressChanged(sender, e);
// Change control
this.label1.Text = e.Progress;
public class Worker
public event EventHandler<ProgressChangedArgs> ProgressChanged;
protected void OnProgressChanged(ProgressChangedArgs e)
public void StartWork()
OnProgressChanged(new ProgressChangedArgs("Progress Changed"));
public class ProgressChangedArgs : EventArgs
public string Progress {get;private set;}
public ProgressChangedArgs(string progress)
Progress = progress;
Your worker thread has an event. Your UI thread starts off another thread to do the work and hooks up that worker event so you can display the state of the worker thread.
Then in the UI you need to cross threads to change the actual control... like a label or a progress bar.
The simple solution is to use Control.Invoke.
void DoSomething()
if (InvokeRequired) {
Invoke(new MethodInvoker(updateGUI));
} else {
// Do Something
void updateGUI() {
// update gui here
Threading code is often buggy and always hard to test. You don't need to write threading code to update the user interface from a background task. Just use the BackgroundWorker class to run the task and its ReportProgress method to update the user interface. Usually, you just report a percentage complete, but there's another overload that includes a state object. Here's an example that just reports a string object:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
backgroundWorker1.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(0, "A");
backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(0, "B");
backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(0, "C");
private void backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged(
object sender,
ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
label1.Text = e.UserState.ToString();
That's fine if you always want to update the same field. If you've got more complicated updates to make, you could define a class to represent the UI state and pass it to the ReportProgress method.
One final thing, be sure to set the WorkerReportsProgress flag, or the ReportProgress method will be completely ignored.
The vast majority of answers use Control.Invoke which is a race condition waiting to happen. For example, consider the accepted answer:
string newText = "abc"; // running on worker thread
this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate {
someLabel.Text = newText; // runs on UI thread
If the user closes the form just before this.Invoke is called (remember, this is the Form object), an ObjectDisposedException will be likely fired.
The solution is to use SynchronizationContext, specifically SynchronizationContext.Current as hamilton.danielb suggests (other answers rely on specific SynchronizationContext implementations which is completely unnecessary). I would slightly modify his code to use SynchronizationContext.Post rather than SynchronizationContext.Send though (as there's typically no need for the worker thread to wait):
public partial class MyForm : Form
private readonly SynchronizationContext _context;
public MyForm()
_context = SynchronizationContext.Current
private MethodOnOtherThread()
_context.Post(status => someLabel.Text = newText,null);
Note that on .NET 4.0 and up you should really be using tasks for async operations. See n-san's answer for the equivalent task-based approach (using TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext).
Finally, on .NET 4.5 and up you can also use Progress<T> (which basically captures SynchronizationContext.Current upon its creation) as demonstrated by Ryszard Dżegan's for cases where the long-running operation needs to run UI code while still working.
You'll have to make sure that the update happens on the correct thread; the UI thread.
In order to do this, you'll have to Invoke the event-handler instead of calling it directly.
You can do this by raising your event like this:
(The code is typed here out of my head, so I haven't checked for correct syntax, etc., but it should get you going.)
if( MyEvent != null )
Delegate[] eventHandlers = MyEvent.GetInvocationList();
foreach( Delegate d in eventHandlers )
// Check whether the target of the delegate implements
// ISynchronizeInvoke (Winforms controls do), and see
// if a context-switch is required.
ISynchronizeInvoke target = d.Target as ISynchronizeInvoke;
if( target != null && target.InvokeRequired )
target.Invoke (d, ... );
d.DynamicInvoke ( ... );
Note that the code above will not work on WPF projects, since WPF controls do not implement the ISynchronizeInvoke interface.
In order to make sure that the code above works with Windows Forms and WPF, and all other platforms, you can have a look at the AsyncOperation, AsyncOperationManager and SynchronizationContext classes.
In order to easily raise events this way, I've created an extension method, which allows me to simplify raising an event by just calling:
MyEvent.Raise(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Of course, you can also make use of the BackGroundWorker class, which will abstract this matter for you.
Because of the triviality of the scenario I would actually have the UI thread poll for the status. I think you will find that it can be quite elegant.
public class MyForm : Form
private volatile string m_Text = "";
private System.Timers.Timer m_Timer;
private MyForm()
m_Timer = new System.Timers.Timer();
m_Timer.SynchronizingObject = this;
m_Timer.Interval = 1000;
m_Timer.Elapsed += (s, a) => { MyProgressLabel.Text = m_Text; };
var thread = new Thread(WorkerThread);
private void WorkerThread()
while (...)
// Periodically publish progress information.
m_Text = "Still working...";
The approach avoids the marshaling operation required when using the ISynchronizeInvoke.Invoke and ISynchronizeInvoke.BeginInvoke methods. There is nothing wrong with using the marshaling technique, but there are a couple of caveats you need to be aware of.
Make sure you do not call BeginInvoke too frequently or it could overrun the message pump.
Calling Invoke on the worker thread is a blocking call. It will temporarily halt the work being done in that thread.
The strategy I propose in this answer reverses the communication roles of the threads. Instead of the worker thread pushing the data the UI thread polls for it. This a common pattern used in many scenarios. Since all you are wanting to do is display progress information from the worker thread then I think you will find that this solution is a great alternative to the marshaling solution. It has the following advantages.
The UI and worker threads remain loosely coupled as opposed to the Control.Invoke or Control.BeginInvoke approach which tightly couples them.
The UI thread will not impede the progress of the worker thread.
The worker thread cannot dominate the time the UI thread spends updating.
The intervals at which the UI and worker threads perform operations can remain independent.
The worker thread cannot overrun the UI thread's message pump.
The UI thread gets to dictate when and how often the UI gets updated.
You'll need to Invoke the method on the GUI thread. You can do that by calling Control.Invoke.
For example:
delegate void UpdateLabelDelegate (string message);
void UpdateLabel (string message)
if (InvokeRequired)
Invoke (new UpdateLabelDelegate (UpdateLabel), message);
MyLabelControl.Text = message;
None of the Invoke stuff in the previous answers is necessary.
You need to look at WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext:
// In the main thread
WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext mUiContext = new WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext();
// In some non-UI Thread
// Causes an update in the GUI thread.
mUiContext.Post(UpdateGUI, userData);
void UpdateGUI(object userData)
// Update your GUI controls here
This one is similar to the solution above using .NET Framework 3.0, but it solved the issue of compile-time safety support.
public static class ControlExtension
delegate void SetPropertyValueHandler<TResult>(Control souce, Expression<Func<Control, TResult>> selector, TResult value);
public static void SetPropertyValue<TResult>(this Control source, Expression<Func<Control, TResult>> selector, TResult value)
if (source.InvokeRequired)
var del = new SetPropertyValueHandler<TResult>(SetPropertyValue);
source.Invoke(del, new object[]{ source, selector, value});
var propInfo = ((MemberExpression)selector.Body).Member as PropertyInfo;
propInfo.SetValue(source, value, null);
To use:
this.lblTimeDisplay.SetPropertyValue(a => a.Text, "some string");
this.lblTimeDisplay.SetPropertyValue(a => a.Visible, false);
The compiler will fail if the user passes the wrong data type.
this.lblTimeDisplay.SetPropertyValue(a => a.Visible, "sometext");
Salvete! Having searched for this question, I found the answers by FrankG and Oregon Ghost to be the easiest most useful to me. Now, I code in Visual Basic and ran this snippet through a convertor; so I'm not sure quite how it turns out.
I have a dialog form called form_Diagnostics, which has a richtext box, called updateDiagWindow, which I am using as a sort of logging display. I needed to be able to update its text from all threads. The extra lines allow the window to automatically scroll to the newest lines.
And so, I can now update the display with one line, from anywhere in the entire program in the manner which you think it would work without any threading:
Main Code (put this inside of your form's class code):
#region "---------Update Diag Window Text------------------------------------"
// This sub allows the diag window to be updated by all threads
public void updateDiagWindow(string whatmessage)
var _with1 = diagwindow;
if (_with1.InvokeRequired) {
_with1.Invoke(new UpdateDiagDelegate(UpdateDiag), whatmessage);
} else {
// This next line makes the private UpdateDiagWindow available to all threads
private delegate void UpdateDiagDelegate(string whatmessage);
private void UpdateDiag(string whatmessage)
var _with2 = diagwindow;
_with2.SelectionStart = _with2.Text.Length;
Label lblText; //initialized elsewhere
void AssignLabel(string text)
if (InvokeRequired)
BeginInvoke((Action<string>)AssignLabel, text);
lblText.Text = text;
Note that BeginInvoke() is preferred over Invoke() because it's less likely to cause deadlocks (however, this is not an issue here when just assigning text to a label):
When using Invoke() you are waiting for the method to return. Now, it may be that you do something in the invoked code that will need to wait for the thread, which may not be immediately obvious if it's buried in some functions that you are calling, which itself may happen indirectly via event handlers. So you would be waiting for the thread, the thread would be waiting for you and you are deadlocked.
This actually caused some of our released software to hang. It was easy enough to fix by replacing Invoke() with BeginInvoke(). Unless you have a need for synchronous operation, which may be the case if you need a return value, use BeginInvoke().
For many purposes it's as simple as this:
public delegate void serviceGUIDelegate();
private void updateGUI()
this.Invoke(new serviceGUIDelegate(serviceGUI));
"serviceGUI()" is a GUI level method within the form (this) that can change as many controls as you want. Call "updateGUI()" from the other thread. Parameters can be added to pass values, or (probably faster) use class scope variables with locks on them as required if there is any possibility of a clash between threads accessing them that could cause instability. Use BeginInvoke instead of Invoke if the non-GUI thread is time critical (keeping Brian Gideon's warning in mind).
When I encountered the same issue I sought help from Google, but rather than give me a simple solution it confused me more by giving examples of MethodInvoker and blah blah blah. So I decided to solve it on my own. Here is my solution:
Make a delegate like this:
Public delegate void LabelDelegate(string s);
void Updatelabel(string text)
if (label.InvokeRequired)
LabelDelegate LDEL = new LabelDelegate(Updatelabel);
label.Invoke(LDEL, text);
label.Text = text
You can call this function in a new thread like this
Thread th = new Thread(() => Updatelabel("Hello World"));
Don't be confused with Thread(() => .....). I use an anonymous function or lambda expression when I work on a thread. To reduce the lines of code you can use the ThreadStart(..) method too which I am not supposed to explain here.
This in my C# 3.0 variation of Ian Kemp's solution:
public static void SetPropertyInGuiThread<C,V>(this C control, Expression<Func<C, V>> property, V value) where C : Control
var memberExpression = property.Body as MemberExpression;
if (memberExpression == null)
throw new ArgumentException("The 'property' expression must specify a property on the control.");
var propertyInfo = memberExpression.Member as PropertyInfo;
if (propertyInfo == null)
throw new ArgumentException("The 'property' expression must specify a property on the control.");
if (control.InvokeRequired)
(Action<C, Expression<Func<C, V>>, V>)SetPropertyInGuiThread,
new object[] { control, property, value }
propertyInfo.SetValue(control, value, null);
You call it like this:
myButton.SetPropertyInGuiThread(b => b.Text, "Click Me!")
It adds null-checking to the result of the "as MemberExpression".
It improves the static type-safety.
Otherwise, the original is a very nice solution.
Most of the other answers are a little complex for me on this question (I'm new to C#), so I am writing mine:
I have a WPF application and have defined a worker as below:
BackgroundWorker workerAllocator;
workerAllocator.DoWork += delegate (object sender1, DoWorkEventArgs e1) {
// This is my DoWork function.
// It is given as an anonymous function, instead of a separate DoWork function
// I need to update a message to textbox (txtLog) from this thread function
// Want to write below line, to update UI
txt.Text = "my message"
// But it fails with:
// 'System.InvalidOperationException':
// "The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it"
workerAllocator.DoWork += delegate (object sender1, DoWorkEventArgs e1)
// The below single line works
txtLog.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => txtLog.Text = "my message"));
I am yet to find out what the above line means, but it works.
For WinForms:
txtLog.Text = "my message";
Simply use something like this:
progressBar1.Value = e.ProgressPercentage; // runs on UI thread
My version is to insert one line of recursive "mantra":
For no arguments:
void Aaaaaaa()
if (InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new Action(Aaaaaaa)); return; } //1 line of mantra
// Your code!
For a function that has arguments:
void Bbb(int x, string text)
if (InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new Action<int, string>(Bbb), new[] { x, text }); return; }
// Your code!
Some argumentation: Usually it is bad for code readability to put {} after an if () statement in one line. But in this case it is routine all-the-same "mantra". It doesn't break code readability if this method is consistent over the project. And it saves your code from littering (one line of code instead of five).
As you see if(InvokeRequired) {something long} you just know "this function is safe to call from another thread".
You may use the already-existing delegate Action:
private void UpdateMethod()
if (InvokeRequired)
Invoke(new Action(UpdateMethod));
And yet another generic Control extension aproach..
First add an extension method for objects of type Control
public static void InvokeIfRequired<T>(this T c, Action<T> action) where T : Control
if (c.InvokeRequired)
c.Invoke(new Action(() => action(c)));
and call like this from another thread to access a Control named object1 in UI-thread:
object1.InvokeIfRequired(c => { c.Visible = true; });
object1.InvokeIfRequired(c => { c.Text = "ABC"; });
..or like this
object1.InvokeIfRequired(c =>
c.Text = "ABC";
c.Visible = true;
Create a class variable:
SynchronizationContext _context;
Set it in the constructor that creates your UI:
var _context = SynchronizationContext.Current;
When you want to update the label:
_context.Send(status =>{
}, null);
You must use invoke and delegate
private delegate void MyLabelDelegate();
label1.Invoke( new MyLabelDelegate(){ label1.Text += 1; });
Try to refresh the label using this
public static class ExtensionMethods
private static Action EmptyDelegate = delegate() { };
public static void Refresh(this UIElement uiElement)
uiElement.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Render, EmptyDelegate);
The simplest way in WPF applications is:
this.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() =>
// This refers to a form in a WPF application
val1 = textBox.Text; // Access the UI
When you're in the UI thread you could ask it for its synchronization context task scheduler. It would give you a TaskScheduler that schedules everything on the UI thread.
Then you can chain your tasks so that when the result is ready then another task (which is scheduled on the UI thread) picks it and assigns it to a label.
public partial class MyForm : Form
private readonly TaskScheduler _uiTaskScheduler;
public MyForm()
_uiTaskScheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();
private void buttonRunAsyncOperation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void RunAsyncOperation()
var task = new Task<string>(LengthyComputation);
task.ContinueWith(antecedent =>
UpdateResultLabel(antecedent.Result), _uiTaskScheduler);
private string LengthyComputation()
return "47";
private void UpdateResultLabel(string text)
labelResult.Text = text;
This works for tasks (not threads) which are the preferred way of writing concurrent code now.
For example, access a control other than in the current thread:
Speed_Threshold = 30;
textOutput.Invoke(new EventHandler(delegate
lblThreshold.Text = Speed_Threshold.ToString();
There the lblThreshold is a Label and Speed_Threshold is a global variable.
I have a program which is updating a table in sqlserver, I have a form which I want to show the progress of this, the progress bar is incrementing but this is not being displayed. do i need to use background worker for this? example of what im doing
public void updateTable(string tableName)
// con is an instance of my form to access progressbar
con.progressBar1.Minimum = 1;
con.progressBar1.Step = 1;
string dbQuery = "select summet from someting"
con.progressBar1.Maximum = address.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
MessageBox.Show("progress bar max " + con.progressBar1.Maximum);
foreach (DataRow LonLat in address.Tables[0].Rows)
MessageBox.Show(con.progressBar1.Value.ToString()); // this is incrementing
//plus updating table
Short answer, yes. If you do it from the main thread you won't see the progress bar update.
Long answer:
Whenever you modify the user interface from a piece of your code that's translated into a "message" into the window message queue that will get that message and update the UI accordingly in the main thread.
However, since the main thread is busy handling your piece of code it doesn't have the "time" to actually update the user interface, and only when your process is done, it's free to update the user interface. That's why you see the progress bar going from 0% to 100% without any intermediate steps.
What you should do:
What you wanna do is put the work into a background worker, that way the main thread is free to attend UI update requests... that's, by the way, a standard practice if you wanna keep the UI responsive.
Yes you should use Background Worker, however it might not help, we would need to see bindings and everything else, to use background worker use something like this:
Window.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
yes you have to use background worker
BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker();
worker.DoWork += (o, ea) =>
// your code goes here
worker.RunWorkerCompleted += (q, ea) =>
That happens if we cannot use a BackgroundWorker. I have a form with a progress bar whose only job is to accept a command to PerformStep, from some other form that opens it, and the form must simply do that. Both forms are in the GUI thread.
Nevertheless I don't get a consistent behavior from the progressbar. In the code below the progressbar is always one step behind than what its Value Property Signifies:
public partial class Form1 : Form
private readonly int m_numOfSteps;
public Form1(int numOfSteps)
m_numOfSteps = numOfSteps;
private void Form1_Load( object sender, EventArgs e )
progressBar1.Step = (int)Math.Ceiling( 100.0 / m_numOfSteps );
public void DoStep(string msg)
label1.Text = msg;
label2.Text = String.Format( "{0}%", progressBar1.Value );
public partial class Form2 : Form
public Form2()
private void button1_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
using( Form1 f = new Form1( 3 ) )
Thread.Sleep( 1000 );
f.DoStep( "AAAA" );
Thread.Sleep( 1000 );
f.DoStep( "BBBB" );
Thread.Sleep( 1000 );
f.DoStep( "CCCC" );
Thread.Sleep( 1000 );
I have developed a windows forms c# application, i just want update items in a Listbox in the main form by spin offing another thread without blocking the GUI form.
Since threads cannot access form entities like listbox, i thought of using delegates.
Following code in the below shows how i used a delegate to do that task, but it blocks the GUI form. so i just want to convert it to an asynchronous delegate which updates list box without blocking the GUI Form
delegate declaration
delegate void monitoringServiceDel();
calling the delegate
new monitoringServiceDel(monitoringService).BeginInvoke(null, null);
delegate method implementation
private void monitoringService()
this.listEvents.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate()
int i = 0 ;
while (i<50)
listEvents.Items.Add("count :" + count++);
i ++;
For Win Forms you'll need to use the Control's Invoke method:
Executes the specified delegate on the thread that owns the control's
underlying window handle
The basic scenario is:
Do the heavy lifting work with a BackgroundWorker to retrieve all of your items on a non UI blocking thread.
On the BackgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted Event, use the Control's Invoke method to add the items to the Control (ListBox in your case).
Something along the lines of:
var bw = new BackgroundWorker();
bw.DoWork += (sender, args) => MethodToDoWork;
bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (sender, args) => MethodToUpdateControl;
This should get you going in the right direction.
Edit: working sample
public List<string> MyList { get; set; }
private void button1_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
MyList = new List<string>();
var bw = new BackgroundWorker();
bw.DoWork += ( o, args ) => MethodToDoWork();
bw.RunWorkerCompleted += ( o, args ) => MethodToUpdateControl();
private void MethodToDoWork()
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
MyList.Add( string.Format( "item {0}", i ) );
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 100 );
private void MethodToUpdateControl()
// since the BackgroundWorker is designed to use
// the form's UI thread on the RunWorkerCompleted
// event, you should just be able to add the items
// to the list box:
listBox1.Items.AddRange( MyList.ToArray() );
// the above should not block the UI, if it does
// due to some other code, then use the ListBox's
// Invoke method:
// listBox1.Invoke( new Action( () => listBox1.Items.AddRange( MyList.ToArray() ) ) );
If you are modifying a UI element, then you are going to HAVE to block the UI thread. If the items come in bursts or require processing between adding each one, then you might want to think about running the processing behind the scenes (via a backgroundworker or a Task). But, if you are just taking data and populating the list, then you are required to use the UI thread.
The easiest solution would be to use the BackgroundWorker control, combined with two Panels. The idea is to have one panel on the foreground Visible when the form loads, and have an ImageBox inside of it that plays a simple loading gif. The ListBox will be inside the other panel that won't be visible by default and will be right behind the first panel.
Once the form is loaded, start your BackgroundWorker and accomplish whatever Data retrieving or updating that you have to do and once the Task is complete, set the data inside your ListBox and simply bring the ListBox panel and make it visible.
That way you'll have a Semi Asynchronous loading of your ListBox, while it's not updated after every item being added. You can use this technique anytime you want, not simply on form load!
Here is a code example:
namespace AsyncForm
public partial class Form1 : Form
private List<String> collectionItems = new List<String>();
public Form1()
private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
((List<String>)e.Argument).Add("Something " + i);
private void backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
listBox1.Visible = true;
pictureBox1.Visible = false;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
You should separate function to update UI and long-time process.
To handle UI logic..
private void UpdateUI(string item)
if (Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground)
listEvents.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => //dispatch to UI Thread
To do asynchronous process using TaskParallel
private void Dowork()
Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
int i = 0;
while (i < 10)
I have a MainFrame window with imageViewer control on it. Also there is my dll which calculates changes for the image all was working fine before I decided to add ProgressDialog.(( The Idea was - firstly I am loading the image via dll to main frame (this still OK). Then if user clicks button then show ProgressDialog and in worker.DoWork create new image via the same dllwrapper class (I am using "new")
All seems to be ok but when i am trying to set my currentImage property of imageviewer control (this is nothing more then setter for Image)it show me this error!
This is the code of my userButtonClickHandler from where I am launching ProgressDialog:
void OnThumbnailClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
pd = new ProgressDlg();
pd.Cancel += CancelProcess;
int max = 1000;
System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher pdDispatcher = pd.Dispatcher;
worker = new BackgroundWorker();
worker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
LibWrap lwrap = new LibWrap();//!NEW instance for dll wrapper!
worker.DoWork += delegate(object s, DoWorkEventArgs args)
imageViewer.CurrentImage = lwrap.engine2(BitmapFrame.Create(MyPrj.App.draggedImage));//ERROR IS HERE!!!//The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.
//what process??
worker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object s, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs args)
There is function from the same MainFrame class for canceling (There is OK too)
void CancelProcess(object sender, EventArgs e)
This is class for ProgressDlg (it has nothing more then progress bar and cancel button):
public partial class ProgressDlg : Window
public ProgressDlg()
public string ProgressText
this.lblProgress.Content = value;
public int ProgressValue
this.progress.Value = value;
public event EventHandler Cancel = delegate { };
private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Cancel(sender, e);
I am working with this problem for (almost) two days and still couldn't find the solution. Help me please if you have an idea.
It seems to me that you was right about this threads - when I am trying to load previously loaded(initial) image (from the main thread) -it loads OK but if I am trying libWrap it fails due to processes conflict!
worker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object s, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs args)
imageViewer.Width = 1000;//work!
imageViewer.CurrentImage = MyPrj.App.draggedImage;//Work!
imageViewer.CurrentImage = lwrap.engine2(BitmapFrame.Create(MyPrj.App.draggedImage));//Fail =(!
I have tried this construction OnThumbnailClick
Application.Current.MainWindow.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
imaeViewer.CurrentImage = lwrap.engine2(BitmapFrame.Create(FXPhotoStudio.App.draggedImage));
This caused same error/ Perhaps it will be correct to pass this value in MainThread (UI)? But I have no idea how.( I couldnot use serializers - becouse it is rapidly calling operation and this images are temporary/
WPF cannot alter items that were created on another thread.
So if you create an ImageViewer on one thread, you cannot alter it's properties on another thread.
Instead, use the Dispatcher, which is WPF's internal message queue for the main UI thread, to update your objects.
Or, use Henk's Answer to do your work on another thread, but return the result to the main thread so it can update your ImageViewer's properties
You need at least these changes:
worker.DoWork += delegate(object s, DoWorkEventArgs args)
args.Result = lwrap.engine2(BitmapFrame.Create(MyPrj.App.draggedImage));
worker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object s, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs args)
if (args.Error != null)
{ ... } // handle error
else if (args.Cancelled)
{ ... } // handle Cancel
imageViewer.CurrentImage = args.Result;
I'm not sure if it's enough but try again.
The imageViewer was created on the main thread of the application (which is appropriate because it is a UI control). UI controls can ONLY be accessed by the thread which created it, and that thread must have its own dispatcher (by which I mean message loop).
Remove the threading code, and it will work.
If you want this to popup the window and then show the image when the conversion completes, you will have to store the returned image in a variable until you return to the main thread, and then make the assignment to the imageViewer.
In my application, I create a new UI-Thread with the fallowing code:
Thread thread = new Thread(() =>
MyWindow windowInAnotherThread = new MyWindow();
}) { IsBackground = true };
This give me the fallowing problem:
In the constructor of the MyWindow class, a BackgroundWorker is executed. In the RunWorkerCompleted there should a Control be updated with some data, which the BackgroundWorker is calculating.
I have build a small sample, which is illustrating this:
public partial class MyWindow : Window {
public MyWindow() {
var bw = new BackgroundWorker();
bw.DoWork += bw_DoWork;
bw.RunWorkerCompleted += bw_RunWorkerCompleted;
void bw_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) {
this.Title = "Calculated title";
void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) {
In bw_RunWorkerCompleted() I get an InvalidOperationException (The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.). It looks like, that the BackgroundWorker is not returning to the correct UI-Thread from which it was started from.
Can someone help me, what I can do to solve this problem? I can't change the Code which is executing the BackgroundWorker, because it is in a framework, which I use. But I can do something else in the RunWorkerCompleted-Event. But I have no idea, how to solve this problem.
The problem is that the window is getting created too soon. The thread doesn't have a synchronization context yet. You can see this is the debugger by setting a breakpoint on BGW constructor call and look at Thread.CurrentThread.ExecutionContext.SynchronizationContext. It's null. Which is what BGW uses to decide how to marshal the RunWorkerCompleted event. Which no synchronization context, the event runs on a threadpool thread and that invokes wrath.
You need to get the dispatcher initialized sooner. Not 100% this is the correct way but it did seem to work:
Thread thread = new Thread(() => {
System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => {
MyWindow windowInAnotherThread = new MyWindow();
}) { IsBackground = true };
You also have to explicitly force the thread to shutdown. Add this method to MyWindow:
protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e) {
Ran into similar issue. Based on note 1 and 2 below I created UIBackgroundWorker. May be it can help other developers who encounter this issue.
If it works then please let me know or update the design for benefit of other developers.
public class UIBackgroundWorker : BackgroundWorker
private System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher uiDispatcher;
public SafeUIBackgroundWorker(System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher uiDispatcher)
: base()
if (uiDispatcher == null)
throw new Exception("System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher instance required while creating UIBackgroundWorker");
this.uiDispatcher = uiDispatcher;
protected override void OnProgressChanged(ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
if (uiDispatcher.CheckAccess())
uiDispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(() => base.OnProgressChanged(e)));
protected override void OnRunWorkerCompleted(RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
if (uiDispatcher.CheckAccess())
uiDispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(() => base.OnRunWorkerCompleted(e)));
The problem is that you need to setup the SynchronizationContext. This is normally not an issue, as Dispatcher.Invoke will set it up for you, but since you're using BackgroundWorker in the constructor (which is fired prior to Dispatcher.Run), no context is setup.
Change your thread creation to:
Thread thread = new Thread(() =>
// Create the current dispatcher (done via CurrentDispatcher)
var dispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;
// Set the context
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new DispatcherSynchronizationContext(dispatcher));
MyWindow windowInAnotherThread = new MyWindow();
thread.IsBackground = true;
This will cause it to run correctly, as the SynchronizationContext will be in place prior to the construction of the Window.
Try providing a getter and setter for your BackgroundWorker inside MyWindow. And pass BackgroundWorker object via setter method to Mywindow. That should solve the problem, i guess.
You need to use a delegate method and an invoke in the calling function. There's a good example here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa288459(v=vs.71).aspx
Using your code,
public partial class MyWindow : Window {
delegate void TitleSetter(string title);
public MyWindow() {
var bw = new BackgroundWorker();
bw.DoWork += bw_DoWork;
bw.RunWorkerCompleted += bw_RunWorkerCompleted;
void SetTitle(string T)
this.Title = T;
void bw_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) {
TitleSetter T = new TitleSetter(SetTitle);
invoke(T, new object[]{"Whatever the title should be"}); //This can fail horribly, need the try/catch logic.
}catch (Exception){}
void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) {
I think simply moving your background worker thread setup code into the "Load" event instead of the constructor should be just fine.