Api for working with a classes as OOP? - c#

I'm writing a 3rd party app that needs to read in .cs files and be able to manipulate classes, then ultimately save back to file.
The type of code I am looking at would be something like:
var classManager = new classManager();
var classes = classManager.LoadFromFile(filePath);
var class = classes[0]; // Just illustrating more than 1 class can exist in a file
var prop = new ClassProperty {Type=MyType.GetType() };
prop.AddGet("return x+y < 50");
//stuff like prop.ReadOnly = true;
var method = new ClassMethod {signature="int id, string name"};
method.MethodBody = GetMethodBodyAsString(); //not writing out an entire method body here
class.SaveToFile(true); //Format code
Does such a library exist?

The .NET Compiler Platform Roslyn is what you're looking for. It supports parsing and editting cs files. Check out this post for an example


What is the best way to load a model in Tensorflow.NET

I saved a tensorflow.keras model in python and need to use in in C# / Tensorflow.NET 0.15
var net = tf.keras.models.load_model(net_name) does not seem to be implemented
var session = tf.Session.LoadFromSavedModel(net_name);
var graph = sess.graph;
seems to work but I have then a session / graph not a keras model
I would ideally like to call something like net.predict(x), how can I get there from a graph/session ?
Yes, i Did. The best way is to convert you package to the ONNX format. ONNX is a open source format that is supposed to run on any framework (tensorflow, torch...)
In python, add the package onnx and keras2onnx:
import onnx
import keras2onnx
import onnxruntime
net_onnx = keras2onnx.convert_keras(net_keras)
onnx.save_model(net_onnx, onnx_name)
Then in C# .NET, install the nuget Microsoft.ML.
var context = new MLContext();
var session = new InferenceSession(filename);
float[] sample;
int[] dims = new int[] { 1, sample_size};
var tensor = new DenseTensor<float>(sample,dims);
var xs = new List<NamedOnnxValue>()
NamedOnnxValue.CreateFromTensor<float>("dense_input", tensor),
using (var results = session.Run(xs))
// manipulate the results
Note that you need to call explicitly the fist layer or the input layer of your network to pass on the sample. best is to give it a nice name in Keras. You can check the name in python by running net_keras.summary()

How to serialize tensor input required by dnnclassifier (serving_input_reciever)

I want to be able to use the dnnclassifier (estimator) on top of IIS using tensorflowsharp. The model has previously been trained in python. I got so far that I can now generate PB files, know the correct input/outputs, however I am stuck in tensorflowsharp using string inputs.
I can create a valid .pb file of the iris dataset. It uses the following feate_spec:
{'SepalLength': FixedLenFeature(shape=(1,), dtype=tf.float32, default_value=None), 'SepalWidth': FixedLenFeature(shape=(1,), dtype=tf.float32, default_value=None), 'PetalLength': FixedLenFeature(shape=(1,), dtype=tf.float32, default_value=None), 'PetalWidth': FixedLenFeature(shape=(1,), dtype=tf.float32, default_value=None)}
I have created a simple c# console to try and spin it up. The input should be an "input_example_tensor" and the output is located in "dnn/head/predictions/probabilities". This I discoved after alex_zu provided help using the saved_model_cli command here.
As far as I am aware all tensorflow estimator API's work like this.
Here comes the problem: the input_example_tensor should be of a string format which will be parsed internally by the ParseExample function. Now i am stuck. I have found TFTensor.CreateString, but this doesn't solve the problem.
using System;
using TensorFlow;
namespace repository
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (TFGraph tfGraph = new TFGraph()){
using (var tmpSess = new TFSession(tfGraph)){
using (var tfSessionOptions = new TFSessionOptions()){
using (var metaGraphUnused = new TFBuffer()){
//generating a new session based on the pb folder location with the tag serve
TFSession tfSession = tmpSess.FromSavedModel(
new[] { "serve" },
//generating a new runner, which will fetch the tensorflow results later
var runner = tfSession.GetRunner();
//this is in the actual tensorflow documentation, how to implement this???
string fromTensorflowPythonExample = "{'SepalLength': [5.1, 5.9, 6.9],'SepalWidth': [3.3, 3.0, 3.1],'PetalLength': [1.7, 4.2, 5.4],'PetalWidth': [0.5, 1.5, 2.1],}";
//this is the problem, it's not working...
TFTensor rawInput = new TFTensor(new float[4]{5.1f,3.3f,1.7f,0.5f});
byte[] serializedTensor = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(rawInput.ToString());
TFTensor inputTensor = TensorFlow.TFTensor.CreateString (serializedTensor);
runner.AddInput(tfGraph["input_example_tensor"][0], inputTensor);
runner.Fetch("dnn/head/predictions/probabilities", 0);
//start the run and get the results of the iris example
var output = runner.Run();
TFTensor result = output[0];
//printing response to the client
This example will give the following error:
An unhandled exception of type 'TensorFlow.TFException' occurred in TensorFlowSharp.dll: 'Expected serialized to be a vector, got shape: []
[[Node: ParseExample/ParseExample = ParseExample[Ndense=4, Nsparse=0, Tdense=[DT_FLOAT, DT_FLOAT, DT_FLOAT, DT_FLOAT], dense_shapes=[[1], [1], [1], [1]], sparse_types=[], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"](_arg_input_example_tensor_0_0, ParseExample/ParseExample/names, ParseExample/ParseExample/dense_keys_0, ParseExample/ParseExample/dense_keys_1, ParseExample/ParseExample/dense_keys_2, ParseExample/ParseExample/dense_keys_3, ParseExample/Const, ParseExample/Const, ParseExample/Const, ParseExample/Const)]]'
How can I serialize tensors in such a way that I can use the pb file correctly?
I also posted the issue on github, here you can find the iris example python file, pb file and the console applications. In my opinion solving this creates a
neat solution for all tensorflow users having ancient production environments (like me).
The Expected serialized to be a vector, got shape: [] error can be fixed by using an overload of the TFTensor.CreateString function: Instead of directly taking a string, the model apparently expects a vector containing a single string:
TFTensor inputTensor = TFTensor.CreateString(new byte[][] { bytes }, new TFShape(1));
The input_example_tensor in your case now expects a serialized Example protobuf message (see also the docs and the example.proto file).
Using the protobuf compiler, I've generated a C# file containing the Example class. You can download it from here: https://pastebin.com/iLT8MUdR. Specifically, I used this online tool with CSharpProtoc and replaced the import "tensorflow/core/example/feature.proto"; line by the messages defined in that file.
Once you've added the file to your project, you'll need a package reference to Google.Protobuf. Then, you can pass serialized examples to the model like this:
Func<float, Tensorflow.Feature> makeFeature = (float x) => {
var floatList = new Tensorflow.FloatList();
return new Tensorflow.Feature { FloatList = floatList };
var example = new Tensorflow.Example { Features = new Tensorflow.Features() };
example.Features.Feature.Add("SepalLength", makeFeature(5.1f));
example.Features.Feature.Add("SepalWidth", makeFeature(3.3f));
example.Features.Feature.Add("PetalLength", makeFeature(1.7f));
example.Features.Feature.Add("PetalWidth", makeFeature(0.5f));
TFTensor inputTensor = TFTensor.CreateString(
new [] { example.ToByteArray() }, new TFShape(1));
runner.AddInput(tfGraph["input_example_tensor"][0], inputTensor);
runner.Fetch("dnn/head/predictions/probabilities", 0);
//start the run and get the results of the iris example
var output = runner.Run();
TFTensor result = output[0];

Adding scripting functionality to existing C# project

I work in a research group and I've been tasked with adding in scripting functionality to a data acquisition program. Ideally, I want to have the ability to write scripts while the data acquisition software is running (and save those scripts as files on the go). A command line might also be nice.
I'm not very experienced at all with C#, but I do have quite a bit of coding experience in other language (Objective-C, Python). I saw this link https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/cdndevs/2015/12/01/adding-c-scripting-to-your-development-arsenal-part-1/ which details the "Roselyn Scripting Package" but I'm not sure if that's my best option.
Can anybody suggest the easiest way of getting full scripting functionality? (I'm trying to avoid losing months of my life here =p). Links to start at/advice is much appreciated.
You posted an interesting link for me because I just prototyped something like that some weeks ago, but have not implemented yet. My goal is to create a C# "immediate" console on a webpage.
Have some minor issues regarding loading some assemblies programatically and have to reference them explicitly.
Here is the code behind, please later post your solution, I would be interested to know.
This alows to write c# code at runtime and also get a String return.
protected void getImmediateResult_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//building the code
string source = #"using System;
class MyType{
public static String Evaluate(){
string expression = this.txtimmediate.Text;
string finalSource = source.Replace("<!expression!>", expression);
textcodeCheck.Text = finalSource;
var compileUnit = new CodeSnippetCompileUnit(finalSource);
//preparing compilation
CodeDomProvider provider = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider();
// Create the optional compiler parameters
//this correctly references the application but no System.Web etc
string[] refArray = new string[2];
UriBuilder uri = new UriBuilder(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase);
refArray[0] = uri.Path;
//this works
refArray[1] = "System.Web" + ".dll";
////NOT WORKING for non microsoft assemblies
//var allRefs = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetReferencedAssemblies();
//string[] refArray = new string[allRefs.Length + 1];
//int i = 1;
//foreach (AssemblyName refer in allRefs)
// refArray[i] = refer.Name + ".dll";
// i++;
var compilerParameters = new CompilerParameters(refArray);
CompilerResults compilerResults = provider.CompileAssemblyFromDom(compilerParameters, compileUnit);
if (compilerResults.Errors.Count > 0)
//1st error
this.txtResult.Text = compilerResults.Errors[0].ErrorText;
//running it
Type type = compilerResults.CompiledAssembly.GetType("MyType");
MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod("Evaluate");
String result = (String)method.Invoke(null, null);
this.txtResult.Text = result;
If you're willing to use IronPython, you can execute scripts directly in C#:
using IronPython.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting;
private static void doPython()
ScriptEngine engine = Python.CreateEngine();
Get IronPython here.

Serialize parquet data with C#

Is there a way to serialize data in Apache Parquet format using C#, I can't find any implementation of that. In the oficial Parquet docs it is said that "Thrift can be also code-genned into any other thrift-supported language." but I'm not sure what this actually means.
I have started an opensource project for .NET implementation of Apache Parquet, so anyone is welcome to join. https://github.com/aloneguid/parquet-dotnet
We've just open sourced our .NET wrapper around Apache Parquet C++. It's a different approach compared to Parquet.NET, the latter being a pure .NET implementation.
You're welcome to give it a try and share your feedback:
Here is another one to the list. Cinchoo ETL - an open source library, can do parquet files read and write.
Method 1: POCO Method
Define POCO class
public partial class Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
Serialization code
List<EmployeeRecSimple> objs = new List<EmployeeRecSimple>();
Employee rec1 = new Employee();
rec1.Id = 1;
rec1.Name = "Mark";
Employee rec2 = new Employee();
rec2.Id = 2;
rec2.Name = "Jason";
using (var parser = new ChoParquetWriter<Employee>("emp.parquet"))
Method 2: Dynamic Method
List<ExpandoObject> objs = new List<ExpandoObject>();
dynamic rec1 = new ExpandoObject();
rec1.Id = 1;
rec1.Name = "Mark";
dynamic rec2 = new ExpandoObject();
rec2.Id = 2;
rec2.Name = "Jason";
using (var parser = new ChoParquetWriter("emp.parquet"))
Disclaimer: I'm author of this library
No there isn't. I've spent a week trying to write my own parquet writer for .NET and it's just too complicated i.e. needs much more time. I ended up using Python and fastparquet library to do any processing outside of Hadoop clusters. I must say fastparquet is an amazing piece of work and very easy to work with but there is a lot of functionality missing i.e. nested columns and ability to effectively append to the file. Not mentioning dependency on Python3 which can be a headache to deploy.
You can generate Thrift protocols into C# but that doesn't get you far, it just means your output will be compatible with Parquet specification.
I'm still keen to create an opensource Parquet library for .NET Core/.NET 4.5 so if anyone is keen to cooperate please let me know.

Add class to compiled assembly (in memory)

Since CompileAssemblyFromSource add custom functions in a smart way was ignored im going to ask this question differently so people will bother to read it.
cutting at the chase,i am making a language by "translating" the new syntax into c# and compiling it in memory in this fashion.
using (Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider CodeProv =
new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider())
CompilerResults results = CodeProv.CompileAssemblyFromSource(
new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters()
GenerateInMemory = true
var type = results.CompiledAssembly.GetType("MainClass");
var obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
var output = type.GetMethod("Execute").Invoke(obj, new object[] { });
basically i am executing a "main" function written inside the code variable.
and i am using some functions in the code variable i would like to include without adding it as a string at the bottom like this:
code += #"public void Write(string path, object thevar)
if (thevar.GetType() == typeof(string))
if (thevar.GetType() == typeof(string[]))
Can i somehow add a class from my Actual main project in VS and let the compiled in memory code access it? without adding it as a string.
You can embed your source code file(s) as resources. With this technique you can edit the file in Visual Studio and access the contents of the files as if it was a string during run-time.
This link shows how to do it:

