Asynchronous initialization and its unit testing - c#

I need some class to perform background initialization, which should start in constructor. Currently I'm using a Task which is started by constructor, and then all operations, depending on that initialization wait for that Task completion.
Please take a look at the following simplified example:
interface IEntry {}
interface IRepository
IQueryable<IEntry> Query { get; }
void Add(IEntry entry);
class PrefetchedRepository : IRepository
private readonly Task _prefetchingTask;
private readonly ICollection<IEntry> _entries = new List<IEntry>();
private readonly IRepository _underlyingRepository;
public PrefetchedRepository(IRepository underlyingRepository)
_underlyingRepository = underlyingRepository;
// Background initialization starts here
_prefetchingTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(Prefetch);
public IQueryable<IEntry> Query
return _entries.AsQueryable();
public void Add(IEntry entry)
private void EnsurePrefetchCompleted()
private void Prefetch()
foreach (var entry in _underlyingRepository.Query)
This works. The problem starts when I want to test initialization in Unit Test. I'm creating the instance and providing the mock of underlying repository. I want to ensure that all entries were fetched from the mock as expected.
public class PrefetchingRepositoryTests
public void WhenInitialized_PrefetchingIsDone()
// Arrange
var underlyingRepositoryMock = A.Fake<IRepository>();
// Act
var target = new PrefetchedRepository(_underlyingRepository);
// Assert
underlyingRepositoryMock.CallsTo(r => r.Query).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly(1));
As you can imagine, most of the time fails, because actually initialization didn't started yet at the assertion point.
Question 1 - Initialization: Is there more elegant way of asynchronous initialization rather than starting task in constructor and waiting for it in all dependent operations?
Question 2 - Testing: I thought of 2 possible ways to solve race between the test and testee:
Using event handle to the test:
public void WhenInitialized_PrefetchingIsDone()
// Arrange ...
var invokedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
underlyingRepositoryMock.CallsTo(r => r.Query).Invokes(_ => invokedEvent.Set());
// Act ...
// Assert
Exposing EnsurePrefetchCompleted method as internal and using it in the Unit Test (assuming usage of [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("...")])
The problem with both solutions is that in case of failure time duration long (actually in the second case - it is limited by test timeout).
Is there any simpler way to do this kind of testing?

Extract the prefetch logic into a separate Prefetcher class and when testing mock the Prefetcher with something that does the fetching without the use of a separate thread.
This will allow you to do the white-box testing of your PrefetchedRepository which I see you are attempting to do with
underlyingRepositoryMock.CallsTo(r => r.Query).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly(1)); (I would never do white-box testing, but that's just me.)
Once you are done with your white box testing, you can then do black-box testing of your PrefetchedRepository, without concern as to how it works internally. (Whether it invokes other objects to do its job, how many times it invokes them, etc.) Therefore, your testing code will not need to guess the point in time when it is okay to check whether query has been invoked, because it will not be concerned at all with whether query was invoked or not. Essentially, your testing code will be testing against interface IRepository, not against class PrefetchedRepository.

Don't expose a instance which is in invalid state. Client code may often notice a delay when calling any members in PrefetchedRepository just because the underlying repository is slow. You're trying to be clever by hiding these details by hiding all the grotty waiting logic inside EnsurePrefetchCompleted which client code doesn't even know. But this may surprise the client why does even this takes a lot of time??
Better approach is to expose the Task in the public surface of the API and let the client code await it before it does anything with the repository instance.
Something like this:
class PrefetchedRepository : IRepository
private readonly Task _prefetchingTask;
private readonly ICollection<IEntry> _entries = new List<IEntry>();
private readonly IRepository _underlyingRepository;
public PrefetchedRepository(IRepository underlyingRepository)
_underlyingRepository = underlyingRepository;
// Background initialization starts here
_prefetchingTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(Prefetch);
public Task Initialization
return _prefetchingTask;
Then you could do
var repo = new PrefetchedRepository(someOtherSlowRepo);
await repo.Initialization;
//Then do whatever with the repo.
Of course delete that EnsurePrefetchCompleted method and all calls to it.
But I do understand this introduces the smell so-called Temporal Coupling.
Better design is to introduce a Factory which does this for you.
public class PrefetchedRepositoryFactory
public Task<IRepository> CreateAsync()
//someOtherSlowRepo can be a parameter or instance field of this class
var repo = new PrefetchedRepository(someOtherSlowRepo);
await repo.Initialization;
return repo;
Then you could simply do
var repo = await prefetchedRepositoryFactory.CreateAsync();
//Do whatever with repo.
If you do so, you don't have to take any special care for testing as you'll always have the fully constructed repository in hand.
You can await inside the Test methods; Most of the major unittesting frameworks supports async Task returning methods.


NSubstitute ordered testing (Recived.InOrder) with return values for called methods results in CouldNotSetReturnDueToMissingInfoAboutLastCallException

I used to write my tests with RhinoMocks and have switched to NSubstitute.
Now I have a problem concerning ordered test.
Lets say I have three small classes like
public interface IProvider
int GetData();
public class Provider : IProvider
public int GetData()
return 3;
public interface ICalculator
int Calculate(int data);
public class Calculator : ICalculator
public int Calculate(int data)
if (data < 3)
return data;
return data * 2;
public class Operator
public void Operate(IProvider provider, ICalculator calculator)
int version = provider.GetData();
this.Result = calculator.Calculate(version);
public int Result
private set;
When I write an ordered test using RhinoMocks, I can define the behaviour for the mocked classes like this:
public void RhinoMockOrderedTest()
var mockRepository = new MockRepository();
var provider = mockRepository.DynamicMock<IProvider>();
var calculator = mockRepository.DynamicMock<ICalculator>();
using (mockRepository.Ordered())
provider.Expect(p => p.GetData()).Return(4);
calculator.Expect(c => c.Calculate(4)).Return(9);
var op = new Operator();
op.Operate(provider, calculator);
Assert.That(op.Result, Is.EqualTo(9));
Now I was trying to write an ordered test like the one above using NSubstitute, where I was also trying to check the call order and using defined return values:
public void NSubstituteOrderedTest()
var provider = Substitute.For<IProvider>();
var calculator = Substitute.For<ICalculator>();
var op = new Operator();
op.Operate(provider, calculator);
Received.InOrder(() =>
Assert.That(op.Result, Is.EqualTo(9));
Unfortunalely this does not work. It seems to me, when I try to use .Returns for a methon inside of the Received.InOrder - Action, it will alwys fail like this:
: Could not find information about the last call to return from.
Make sure you called Returns() after calling your substitute (for
example: mySub.SomeMethod().Returns(value)), and that you are not
configuring other substitutes within Returns() (for example, avoid
this: mySub.SomeMethod().Returns(ConfigOtherSub())).
If you substituted for a class rather than an interface, check that
the call to your substitute was on a virtual/abstract member. Return
values cannot be configured for non-virtual/non-abstract members.
Correct use: mySub.SomeMethod().Returns(returnValue);
Potentially problematic use:
mySub.SomeMethod().Returns(ConfigOtherSub()); Instead try: var
returnValue = ConfigOtherSub();
How can I write this test using NSubstitute ?
NSubstitute works differently to Rhino Mocks here -- it only supports Arrange-Act-Assert (AAA) style tests. This means we need to stub out calls we're interested in (arrange), run the code we want to test (act), then assert the results are as expected (assert).
Received.InOrder is only for assertions, and works like NSubstitute's Received() method for each call. Returns arranges for a call to return a particular result. NSubstitute does not allow us to mix the two. We can't do sub.Received().Calculate().Returns(42), and it does not make sense to in AAA as there is little point in stubbing a return value after asserting we have already acted on the subject being tested and received all required calls.
Here is a passing version of the test from the question that separates the stubbing/arranging from the assertions:
public void NSubstituteOrderedTest() {
// Arrange
var provider = Substitute.For<IProvider>();
var calculator = Substitute.For<ICalculator>();
// Act
var op = new Operator();
op.Operate(provider, calculator);
// Assert
Received.InOrder(() =>
Assert.That(op.Result, Is.EqualTo(9));
Aside: I know this is a simplified example, but I think it's worth noting that in many cases we can get away without testing the call ordering. For this simple case, we know GetData() is called first, as its value is passed to Calculate(), so the order is enforced via the data dependency. If the end result is correct, we know the call chain was correct. For more complicated cases we can use types for this (Connect() returns ConnectedDb, then Query(ConnectedDb db) ensures Connect() was called first.
Relying on knowledge of the implementation details of the code being tested (such as call ordering) can lead to brittle tests (i.e. they fail with small changes that should not affect the overall result), so it is best to avoid this where possible.
However, even with this disclaimer, it is sometimes useful to assert call order instead, so I hope this answer clears up this NSubstitute feature for you. :)

Chaining async/await

I developing many algorithms that did most of the threading by themselves by using regular Threads. The approach was always as following
float[] GetData(int requestedItemIndex)
With the method above and index was pushed into some messages queue that was processed by the thread of the inidividual algorithm. So in the end the interface of the algorithm was like this:
public abstract class AlgorithmBase
private readonly AlgorithmBase Parent;
private void RequestQueue()
public float[] GetData(int requestedItemIndex) => Parent.GetData(requestedItemIndex);
The example is very primitive, but just to get the clue. The problem is that I can chain algorithms which currently works fine with my solution. As you can see every GetData calls another GetData of a parent algorithm. This can of course get more complex and of course there needs to be a final parent as data source, otherwise I would get StackOverflowExceptions.
Now I try to change this behavior by using async/await. My question here is that if I rewrite my code I would get something like this:
public abstract class AlgorithmBase
private readonly AlgorithmBase Parent;
public async Task<float[]> GetDataAsync(int requestedItemIndex, CancellationToken token = default)
var data = await Parent.GetDataAsync(requestedItemIndex);
return await Task.Run<float[]>(async () => ProcessData());
Now, I have chained the algorithms, any every new algorithm spans another Task, which can be quite time consuming when this is done many times.
So my questions is if there is a way where the next task can be embedded in the already running task, by using the defines interface?
There is no need to explicitly use Task.Run. You should avoid that, and leave that choice to the consumer of AlgorithmBase class.
So, you can quite similarly implement async version, in which Task object will be propagated from parents to childred:
public abstract class AlgorithmBase
private readonly AlgorithmBase Parent;
private void RequestQueue()
public Task<float[]> GetDataAsync(int requestedItemIndex)
=> Parent.GetDataAsync(requestedItemIndex);
Eventually, some "parent" will implement GetDataAsync, in the same manner as synchronous counterpart.
public class SortAlgorithm : AlgorithmBase
public override async Task<float[]> GetDataAsync(int requestedItemIndex)
// asynchronously get data
var data = await Parent.GetDataAsync(requestedItemIndex);
// synchronously process data and return from asynchronous method
return this.ProcessData(data);
private float[] ProcessData(float[] data)
In the end, consumer of SortAlogirthm can decide whether to await it, or just fire-and-forget it.
var algo = new SortAlgorithm();
// asynchronously wait until it's finished
var data = await algo.GetDataAsync(1);
// start processing without waiting for the result
// not needed - GetDataAsync already returns Task, Task.Run is not needed in this case
Task.Run(() => algo.GetDataAsync(1));
When awaiting in library code you normally want to avoid capturing and restoring the context each and every time, especially if you are awaiting in a loop. So to improve the performance of your library consider using .ConfigureAwait(false) on all awaits.

Mock Log Singleton in Unit Test

I have a logger class, which purpose is to be called from whatever class in my solution, who decides to log something.
I added an interface, which is why I applied a singleton pattern, and didn't use a static class.
My LogManager implementation (singleton):
I wanted to write simple unit tests, which are supposed to use local variables, testing the functionality of each ILogger methods, but as soon as my first Unit has passed, the Singleton will stay initialized in context, making subsequent unit tests to fail (while they are trying to Initialize the singleton...).
Unit Test:
public class LogManagerTests
public void Error_ExpectedErrorLevel_ShouldBe_Error()
// Arrange
var actualLevel = ErrorLevel.Warning;
const ErrorLevel expectedLevel = ErrorLevel.Error;
var iLogger = LogManager.GetInstance;
iLogger.Initialize((level, msg) => { actualLevel = level; }, null);
// Act
iLogger.Error(new Exception(), string.Empty);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(expectedLevel, actualLevel);
public void Debug_ExpectedErrorLevel_ShouldBe_Verbose()
// Arrange
var actualLevel = ErrorLevel.Warning;
const ErrorLevel expectedLevel = ErrorLevel.Verbose;
var iLogger = LogManager.GetInstance;
iLogger.Initialize(null, (level, msg, ex) => { actualLevel = level; });
// Act
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(expectedLevel, actualLevel);
Another tought is to initialize the LogManager as a private global variable within my TestClass, but this could give race conditions if the Unit test runs async, as multiple methods then will access the same output variable, which may override each others.
Is it possible to UnitTest a singleton in any way?
The design does not allow me to refactor the LogManager, and remove the singleton pattern from it.
It's possible to unit test a singleton, you just need to think about it differently. Don't try so hard to change your methodology to fit the test. Think about creating a method that is used only for testing, LogManager.Uninitialize().
Call this after every test in this group of tests to ensure your singleton is set back to a testable state.
public void Cleanup()
It may not be pure but I think it's fine to write in a diagnostics method every once in a while. It's better than having bad test coverage where you need good test coverage.

How to initialize an object using async-await pattern

I'm trying to follow RAII pattern in my service classes, meaning that when an object is constructed, it is fully initialized. However, I'm facing difficulties with asynchronous APIs. The structure of class in question looks like following
class ServiceProvider : IServiceProvider // Is only used through this interface
public int ImportantValue { get; set; }
public event EventHandler ImportantValueUpdated;
public ServiceProvider(IDependency1 dep1, IDependency2 dep2)
// IDependency1 provide an input value to calculate ImportantValue
// IDependency2 provide an async algorithm to calculate ImportantValue
I'm also targeting to get rid of side-effects in ImportantValue getter, to make it thread-safe.
Now users of ServiceProvider will create an instance of it, subscribe to an event of ImportantValue change, and get the initial ImportantValue. And here comes the problem, with the initial value. Since the ImportantValue is calculated asynchronously, the class cannot be fully initialized in constructor. It may be okay to have this value as null initially, but then I need to have some place where it will be calculated first time. A natural place for that could be the ImportantValue's getter, but I'm targeting to make it thread-safe and with no side-effects.
So I'm basically stuck with these contradictions. Could you please help me and offer some alternative? Having value initialized in constructor while nice is not really necessary, but no side-effects and thread-safety of property is mandatory.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: One more thing to add. I'm using Ninject for instantiation, and as far as I understand, it doesn't support async methods to create a binding. While approach with initiating some Task-based operation in constructor will work, I cannot await its result.
I.e. two next approaches (offered as answers so far) will not compile, since Task is returned, not my object:
Kernel.Bind<IServiceProvider>().ToMethod(async ctx => await ServiceProvider.CreateAsync())
Kernel.Bind<IServiceProvider>().ToMethod(async ctx =>
var sp = new ServiceProvider();
await sp.InitializeAsync();
Simple binding will work, but I'm not awaiting the result of asynchronous initialization started in constructor, as proposed by Stephen Cleary:
... and that's not looking good for me.
I have a blog post that describes several approaches to async construction.
I recommend the asynchronous factory method as described by Reed, but sometimes that's not possible (e.g., dependency injection). In these cases, you can use an asynchronous initialization pattern like this:
public sealed class MyType
public MyType()
Initialization = InitializeAsync();
public Task Initialization { get; private set; }
private async Task InitializeAsync()
// Asynchronously initialize this instance.
await Task.Delay(100);
You can then construct the type normally, but keep in mind that construction only starts the asynchronous initialization. When you need the type to be initialized, your code can do:
await myTypeInstance.Initialization;
Note that if Initialization is already complete, execution (synchronously) continues past the await.
If you do want an actual asynchronous property, I have a blog post for that, too. Your situation sounds like it may benefit from AsyncLazy<T>:
public sealed class MyClass
public MyClass()
MyProperty = new AsyncLazy<int>(async () =>
await Task.Delay(100);
return 13;
public AsyncLazy<int> MyProperty { get; private set; }
One potential option would be to move this to a factory method instead of using a constructor.
Your factory method could then return a Task<ServiceProvider>, which would allow you to perform the initialization asynchronously, but not return the constructed ServiceProvider until ImportantValue has been (asynchronously) computed.
This would allow your users to write code like:
var sp = await ServiceProvider.CreateAsync();
int iv = sp.ImportantValue; // Will be initialized at this point
This is a slight modification to #StephenCleary pattern of async initialization.
The difference being the caller doesn't need to 'remember' to await the InitializationTask, or even know anything about the initializationTask (in fact it is now changed to private).
The way it works is that in every method that uses the initialized data there is an initial call to await _initializationTask. This returns instantly the second time around - because the _initializationTask object itself will have a boolean set (IsCompleted which the 'await' mechanism checks) - so don't worry about it initializing multiple times.
The only catch I'm aware of is you mustn't forget to call it in every method that uses the data.
public sealed class MyType
public MyType()
_initializationTask = InitializeAsync();
private Task _initializationTask;
private async Task InitializeAsync()
// Asynchronously initialize this instance.
_customers = await LoadCustomersAsync();
public async Task<Customer> LookupCustomer(string name)
// Waits to ensure the class has been initialized properly
// The task will only ever run once, triggered initially by the constructor
// If the task failed this will raise an exception
// Note: there are no () since this is not a method call
await _initializationTask;
return _customers[name];
// one way of clearing the cache
public void ClearCache()
// another approach to clearing the cache, will wait until complete
// I don't really see a benefit to this method since any call using the
// data (like LookupCustomer) will await the initialization anyway
public async Task ClearCache2()
await InitializeAsync();
You could use my AsyncContainer IoC container which supports the exact same scenario as you.
It also supports other handy scenarios such as async initializers, run-time conditional factories, depend on async and sync factory functions
//The email service factory is an async method
public static async Task<EmailService> EmailServiceFactory()
await Task.Delay(1000);
return new EmailService();
class Service
//Constructor dependencies will be solved asynchronously:
public Service(IEmailService email)
var container = new Container();
//Register an async factory:
//Asynchronous GetInstance:
var service = await container.GetInstanceAsync<Service>();
//Safe synchronous, will fail if the solving path is not fully synchronous:
var service = container.GetInstance<Service>();
I know this is an old question, but it's the first which appears on Google and, quite frankly, the accepted answer is a poor answer. You should never force a delay just so you can use the await operator.
A better approach to an initialization method:
private async Task<bool> InitializeAsync()
// Initialize this instance.
// Handle issues
return await Task.FromResult(false);
return await Task.FromResult(true);
This will use the async framework to initialize your object, but then it will return a boolean value.
Why is this a better approach? First off, you're not forcing a delay in your code which IMHO totally defeats the purpose of using the async framework. Second, it's a good rule of thumb to return something from an async method. This way, you know if your async method actually worked/did what it was supposed to. Returning just Task is the equivalent of returning void on a non-async method.
I have a variation of Stephen Cleary's example of an asynchronous initialization pattern. You could encapsulate the Initialization property and await it in the class methods. In this case, the client code will not need to await the initialization task.
public class ClassWithAsyncInit
public ClassWithAsyncInit()
Initialization = InitializeAsync();
private Task Initialization { get; private set; }
private async Task InitializeAsync()
// your async init code
public async Task FirstMethod()
await Initialization;
// ... other code
The drawback is that it's not convenient if you have a lot of methods in your class and need to await the Initialization task in each one. But sometimes it is okay. Let's say you have a simple interface for saving some JSON objects:
public IDataSaver
void Save(string json);
And you need to implement it for a database with the asynchronous initialization logic. Considering that you would have only one public method it makes sense to encapsulate the Initialization property and await it in the Save method:
public class SomeDbDataSaver: IDataSaver
protected DatabaseClient DbClient { get; set; }
public SomeDbDataSaver()
DbClient = new DatabaseClient();
Initialization = InitializeAsync(); // start off the async init
private Task Initialization { get; private set; }
private async Task InitializeAsync()
await DbClient.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync("DatabaseName");
public async Task Save(string json)
await Initialization;
// ... code for saving a data item to the database

How to simulate throwing an exception in Unit tests?

How can I simulate an exception being thrown in C# unit tests?
I want to be able to have 100% coverage of my code, but I can't test the code with exceptions that may occur. For example I cannot simulate a power faluire that may occur.
For example:
public void MyMethod()
catch(OutOfMemoryException e)
catch(RandomErrorFromDatabaseLayer e)
I want to be able to simulate any kind of exception that is in this method and should be caught.
Are there any libraries that may help me in this matter?
Edit 1:
Any help in accomplishing what I asked with Moq?
You need to create a mock object that stands in for the real objects that can throw these exceptions. Then you can create tests that simply are something like this:
public void ExampleMethod()
throw new OutOfMemoryException();
If you are using a dependency injection framework it makes replacing the real code with the mock code much easier.
What you need is stub - an object that will simulate certain conditions for your code. For testing purposes, you usually replace real object implementation with stub (or other type of faked object). In your case, consider:
public class MyClass
private IDataProvider dataProvider;
public void MyMethod()
catch (OutOfMemoryException)
Now, class you are testing should be configurable at some level - so that you can easily replace real DataProvider implementation with stubbed/faked one when testing (like you said, you don't want to destroy your DB - nobody wants!). This can be achieved for example by constructor injection (or in fact, any other dependency injection technique).
Your test then is trivial (some made-up requirement to test when exception is thrown):
public void MyMethod_DataProviderThrowsOutOfMemoryException_LogsError()
var dataProviderMock = new Mock<IDataProvider>();
.Setup(dp => dp.GetData())
var myClass = new MyClass(dataProviderMock);
// assert whatever needs to be checked

