I'm trying to remove the controls of the FlowLayoutPanel in the code that is attached below. The problem is that I use a search function in the same frame, so I can't find other objects without clearing it first. I already tried:
This is my method that I am working on.
public void GetArtistLayout()
ArtistInformation a = new ArtistInformation();
int valueInt = int.Parse(tBMainScreen_Search.Text);
a.pictureBox1.ImageLocation = ar.GetArtist(valueInt).artistPic;
a.lblArtistInformation_ArtistName.Text = ar.GetArtist(valueInt).artistName;
var reviews = rr.getMatchingReviewsArtist(valueInt);
foreach (var review in reviews)
UserControl1 u = new UserControl1();
u.lblUser.Text = review.username;
u.lblComment.Text = review.comments;
u.lblDate.Text = review.date;
u.lblRating.Text = review.rating.ToString();
I create a DataGridView as follows
private void IniciarGV()
using (var db = new Entities())
var ListaPantallas = (from a in db.PANTALLAS
select a).ToList();
if (ListaPantallas != null)
gvPermisos.DataSource = ListaPantallas;
gvPermisos.Columns["idPantalla"].Visible = false;
gvPermisos.Columns["nombrepantalla"].HeaderText = "Nombre";
//gvPermisos.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn());
DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn checkBoxColumn = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();
checkBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Seleccione";
checkBoxColumn.Width = 50;
checkBoxColumn.Name = "checkBoxColumn";
gvPermisos.Columns.Insert(0, checkBoxColumn);
After that a i retrieve the privileges with the same method linq
var TraerPermisos = (from a in db.PERMISOS
where a.IDUSUARIO == UsuarioEditar.idUsuario
select a).ToList();
After i go through the gridview to match the privileges with the ids that i wanted to check so the user can edit them, but for some reason they always appear unmarked
so far this is what i encounter in every forum or google, but it doesnt seem to work
foreach (PERMISOS item in TraerPermisos)
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in gvPermisos.Rows)
var ValorPermisoEnGV = Convert.ToBoolean(row.Cells["checkBoxColumn"].Value);
var ValorPantalla = decimal.Parse(row.Cells["idPantalla"].Value.ToString());
if (ValorPantalla == item.IDPANTALLA)
row.Cells["checkBoxColumn"].Value = true;
this what my form looks like
I load the privileges on start
public ManejarUsuario()
if (UsuarioEditar.idUsuario != 0)
btnCrearUsuario.Text = "Editar";
Sorry about the long post, i've tried so many options but none seems to work
Life would be a lot easier if you just put a Boolean in the data driving the grid. First, let's make a holder class for your info
class Perms{
public int IdPantalla { get; set; }
public string NombrePantalla { get; set; }
public bool HasPermission { get; set; }
Then let's have the query produce a list of these instead:
//get all the IDPANTALLA this user has and put in a hash set
var TraerPermisos = (from a in db.PERMISOS
where a.IDUSUARIO == UsuarioEditar.idUsuario
select a.IDPANTALLA).ToHashSet();
//make a list of objects that includes a bool of whether the user has that permission
//note you should have this be a class level variable for ease of use later/elsewhere
ListaPantallas = (from a in db.PANTALLAS
select new Perms {
IdPantalla a.IdPantalla,
HasPermission = TraerPermisos.Contains(a.idPantalla) ,
NombrePantalla = a.nombrepantalla
Then set up the grid:
gvPermisos.DataSource = ListaPantallas;
gvPermisos.Columns["IdPantalla"].Visible = false;
gvPermisos.Columns[ "NombrePantalla"].HeaderText = "Nombre";
gvPermisos.Columns[ "HadPermission"].HeaderText = "Seleccione";
The grid will find the bool property in the list and wire it up for you as a check column. It doesn't need you to make a column for it. Anything you tick is then stored in the underlying list as a true/false and you can eg foreach(var x in ListaPantallas) if(x.HasPermission...
When manipulating data in a DGV that is bound to a data source, manipulate the source. Also consider to make Perms implements INotifyPropertyChanged (and consider switching to using a binding list)
I have a method that iterates the rows using for loop and inside that for loop call the DNN API that inserts a parent child row into the database. The maximum to insert the data is 1000 rows per execution. I tested it on my local machine the performance is very slow. I am thinking to use a Parallel Programming, but not sure on how to implement this since there is a dependency on data insertion because of parent child relationship. And I am not sure if this is a good approach to use Parallel programming. Any help please?
Sample code
private void AddTab()
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
TabController tabController = new TabController();
var portalSettings = new
TabInfo tab = new TabInfo();
tab.PortalID = info.PortalId;
tab.TabName = info.TabName;
tab.Title = info.Title;
tab.Description = info.TabName;
tab.KeyWords = info.TabName;
tab.IsVisible = info.IsVisible;
tab.DisableLink = info.IsDisabled;
tab.ParentId = info.ParentId == null ? Null.NullInteger : info.ParentId.GetValueOrDefault();
tab.IsDeleted = false;
tab.Url = "";
tab.SkinSrc = "[G]Skins/HRT.Portal.DNNThemes.Default/Home.ascx";
tab.ContainerSrc = portalSettings.DefaultPortalContainer;
tab.IsSuperTab = false;
var parentPage = tabController.GetTab(portalSettings.HomeTabId, info.PortalId);
//clone parent page permissions
foreach (TabPermissionInfo permission in parentPage.TabPermissions.ToList())
int tabId = tabController.AddTab(tab, true);
here is the my problem.I am adding fileuploadfields dynamically and add each fileupload fields to the collection something like this
static List<FileUploadField> fuploadcollection = new List<FileUploadField>();
,so far so good .but when I tring to upload images inside the fileuploadfield,I getting empty fileupload field.but it seems filled "fuploadcollection" collection when I watch it by breakpoint.
here is the my code ;
addfileupload function;
public partial class UserControl1 : System.Web.UI.UserControl
static int? _currentflag = 0;
static List<FileUploadField> fuploadcollection = new List<FileUploadField>();
protected void addImages_Click(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
int? nn = null;
X.Msg.Alert("hello", "hello").Show();
_currentflag = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtcurrentflag.Text)) ? Convert.ToInt32(txtcurrentflag.Text) : nn;
FileUploadField fileUploadField = new FileUploadField()
ID = "FileUploadField" + _currentflag,
Width = 280,
Icon = Icon.Add,
ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static,
Text = "Göz at",
FieldLabel = "Resim-" + _currentflag,
Flex = 1,
ButtonText="resim seç"
fileUploadField.AddTo(this.pnlResim, true);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtcurrentflag.Text) || txtcurrentflag.Text == "0")
txtcurrentflag.Text = _currentflag.ToString();
here is the this part which give the error(coulnt enter the if statement)
* but it seems fuploadcollection filled (forexample count of it shows more then 1 )
foreach (var item in fuploadcollection)
if (item.HasFile)
string resimadi = UploadImage.UploadImages(item);
If you create dynamic controls you should recreate them during each request. There are some links, which could be helpful:
I have a WPF Form ,I need to print it ,i use DocumentViewer to print. but when I want to Print it or Preview , I only See the first page while i have more than one page
private void Print(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
PrintSettings printSettings = PrintSettings.Default;
UIElement container = this.Content as UIElement;
ScrollViewer containerPanel = Helper.FindVisualChildren<ScrollViewer>(container).FirstOrDefault();
var origParentDirection = containerPanel.FlowDirection;
var origDirection = (containerPanel.Content as FrameworkElement).FlowDirection;
if (containerPanel != null && containerPanel.FlowDirection == FlowDirection.RightToLeft)
containerPanel.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight;
(containerPanel.Content as FrameworkElement).FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft;
var window = new Window();
string tempFileName = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName();
using (XpsDocument xpsDocument = new XpsDocument(tempFileName, FileAccess.ReadWrite, System.IO.Packaging.CompressionOption.Fast))
XpsDocumentWriter writer = XpsDocument.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(xpsDocument);
(containerPanel.Content as FrameworkElement).Margin = new Thickness(20);
writer.Write((containerPanel.Content as FrameworkElement), printSettings.PrintTicket);
var doc = xpsDocument.GetFixedDocumentSequence();
doc.PrintTicket = printSettings.PrintTicket;
window.FlowDirection = System.Windows.FlowDirection.RightToLeft;
window.Content = new DocumentViewer { Document = doc };
window.Margin = new Thickness(10);
(containerPanel.Content as FrameworkElement).FlowDirection = origDirection;
containerPanel.FlowDirection = origParentDirection;
user1780436, I am currently looking for a similar answer. You are trying to print a panel, correct?
I am finding that scaling the element is the biggest problem. Which brings another issue with scaling what you want to print and not the actual visible element. You will have to copy the element to a new element.
public class Copy<T>
public static T DeepCopy<T>(T element)
string xaml = XamlWriter.Save(element);
StringReader xamlString = new StringReader(xaml);
XmlTextReader xmlTextReader = new XmlTextReader(xamlString);
var DeepCopyobject = (T)XamlReader.Load(xmlTextReader);
return DeepCopyobject;
myNewElement = XamlReader.Parse(XamlWriter.Save(myOldElement.DataContext)) as ElementType
I have found this answer repeatedly on multiple sites to copy/clone an element, but I have had issues with string xaml = XamlWriter.Save(element); causing stackoverflows.
I am currently using.
myNewElement = new ElementType() { DataContext = myOldElement.DataContext }
Either one you use there becomes the issue of changing the size of the Element. This is what I am looking for.
I tried a rendering pass, but that just pointed out that in my situation to use a copied/cloned element. Although while writing this I did get some of it to work, but gives me a black image, note I am trying to scale a Chart.
myNewElement.Width = newWidth;
myNewElement.Height = newHeight;
myNewElement.Measure(new System.Windows.Size(newWidth, newHeight));
myNewElement.Arrange(new Rect(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight));
I tried a layout pass, and didn't get it.
I am going to keep working on mine and I will post anything new I find. Please do the same if you find the answer.
Edit - Here is what I did. My problem and solution
I'm working on a program that is supposed to use with multiple users. I'm getting the users from a database. So far so good...
I'm dynamically adding a panel to the form, which would hold some data. I'm using this piece of code to achieve that:
string panel_name = "email_in_" + user_credentials[counter_snel][0];
Panel new_user_panel = new Panel();
new_user_panel.AutoSize = true;
new_user_panel.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
new_user_panel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
new_user_panel.Name = panel_name;
new_user_panel.Visible = false;
Label new_item = new Label();
new_item.AutoSize = true;
new_item.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
string new_item_text = string.Format("{0,0}\n{1,0}\n{2,0}", user_credentials[counter_snel][1], user_credentials[counter_snel][2],user_credentials[counter_snel][9]);
new_item.Text = new_item_text;
as you will probably notice, this line of code is not working:
How can I achieve this, so when I want to make panel email_in_1 visible, I can use that, and make email_in_8 not visible?
### EDIT 1 ###
the code now looks like this:
string panel_name = "email_in_" + user_credentials[counter_snel][0];
Panel new_user_panel = new Panel();
new_user_panel.AutoSize = true;
new_user_panel.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
new_user_panel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
new_user_panel.Name = panel_name;
new_user_panel.Visible = true;
Label new_item = new Label();
new_item.AutoSize = true;
new_item.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
string new_item_text = string.Format("{0,0}\n{1,0}\n{2,0}", user_credentials[counter_snel][1], user_credentials[counter_snel][2],user_credentials[counter_snel][9]);
new_item.Text = new_item_text;
int aantal_panels = 0;
foreach (Panel panel in user_email_in_panels) {
int counter_1 = 0;
foreach (Panel panel in user_email_in_panels) {
if(counter_1 == (aantal_panels -1)){
MessageBox.Show("We are here");
But somehow, i don't see any labels shown in the form... am i missing something? The messsagebox with the text We are Here is shown, so it come's to the add statement....
and i've got an another question besides my first question. My question is, how can i make the counter of the list better?
### Edit for Sean Vaughn
i've updated it to this:
public class MyPanelClass {
public string Name {
public bool Visible {
public string YourLabelsText {
Label new_item = new Label();
new_item.AutoSize = true;
new_item.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
string new_item_text = string.Format("{0,0}\n{1,0}\n{2,0}", user_credentials[counter_snel][1], user_credentials[counter_snel][2], user_credentials[counter_snel][9]);
new_item.Text = new_item_text;
Panel base_panel = new Panel(); //this is your base panel, you don't need to add this line of code because Visual Studio will do that for you.
List<MyPanelClass> myPanelList = new List<MyPanelClass>(); //this will keep records of all of your panels.
MyPanelClass panel_name = new MyPanelClass();
panel_name.Name = "email_in_" + user_credentials[counter_snel][0]; ;
panel_name.Visible = true;
panel_name.YourLabelsText = string.Format("{0,0}\n{1,0}\n{2,0}", user_credentials[counter_snel][1], user_credentials[counter_snel][2], user_credentials[counter_snel][9]);
//Now add the new created panel to the list.
base_panel.Name = myPanelList[counter_snel].Name;
base_panel.Visible = myPanelList[counter_snel].Visible; //You probably don't need this because base_panel will always be visible
new_item.Text = myPanelList[counter_snel].YourLabelsText;
But i still doesn't see anything...
Does it matter that it execudes in an public void??? i don't think so, but it want to elliminate all the possibilities...
Use a List that will keep track of all the panels.
List<Panel> myPanels = new List<Panel>();
Whenever you need to add a panel, do this:
Now, for the other problem, create a function like this:
private void HideAllOtherPanels(List<Panel> panelList, Int index /*the index of the panel you want to show*/)
foreach(Panel panel in panelList)
if(panel.Visible) panel.Hide();
I see you are creating a lot of new panels. My advice, don't do that, you're giving a lot of load to the system.
Instead make a class.
public class MyPanelClass
public string Name
get; set;
public bool Visible
get; set;
public string YourLabelsText
get; set;
After creating the class, create a base_panel on your form that will change it's contents based on the your intentions.
And then, all you need to do is change the panel's content rather than creating a new Panel. Store the other panels data in a List<MyPanelClass>.
So you'll be doing this:
Panel base_panel = new Panel(); //this is your base panel, you don't need to add this line of code because Visual Studio will do that for you.
List<MyPanelClass> myPanelList = new List<MyPanelClass>(); //this will keep records of all of your panels.
MyPanelClass panel_name = new MyClassPanel();
panel_name.Name = "email_in_" + user_credentials[counter_snel][0];;
panel_name.Visible = false;
panel_name.YourLabelsText = string.Format("{0,0}\n{1,0}\n{2,0}", user_credentials[counter_snel][1], user_credentials[counter_snel][2],user_credentials[counter_snel][9]);
//Now add the new created panel to the list.
Now whenever you need to activate a stored Panel, just do this:
base_panel.Name = myPanelList[yourPanelsIndex].Name;
base_panel.Visible = myPanelList[yourPanelsIndex].Visible; //You probably don't need this because base_panel will always be visible
yourLabel.Text = myPanelList[yourPanelsIndex].YourLabelsText;
This code is much less bulky on the machine and is easy to handle too.
I'd try something like this to add an item.
var panel = splitContainer2.Controls.FirstOrDefault(p => p is Panel && ((Panel)p).Name == panel_name);
if(panel != nul)
To hide a particular panel given panel_name:
foreach(var control in splitContainer2.Controls)
if(control is Panel)
((Panel)control).Visible = ((Panel)control).Name == panel_name;