Scrolling PictureBox - c#

I am trying to make an application that is drawing Dendrograms like this one.
So I added a PictureBox to the winform, and for start, I wanted to wrote all labels like in the picture with this code:
foreach (var line1 in lines)
gpx.DrawString(line1, myFont, Brushes.Green, new PointF(2, 10 * i));
But the problem is that I have a lot of labels so it writes only a few of them on 800x600 px. I wanted to add scrolling bars, but it doesn't work at all. It works only when I am setting an Image to PictureBox.
Is there any other way, with or without PictureBox?

PictureBox is a very simple control, it is only good to display a picture. The one capability it doesn't have that you need is the ability to scroll the content. So don't use it.
Creating your own control is very simple in Winforms. A basic starting point is to begin with Panel, a control that supports scrolling, and derive your own class for it so you customize it to be suitable for the task. Add a new class to your project and paste the code shown below. Compile. Drop the new control from the top of the toolbox onto a form. Note how you can set the Lines property, either with the designer or your code. Use the Paint event to draw the dendrogram. Or extend the OnPaint() method in the class, you can make it as fancy as you want.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class DendrogramViewer : Panel {
public DendrogramViewer() {
this.DoubleBuffered = this.ResizeRedraw = true;
this.BackColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Window);
public override System.Drawing.Font Font {
get { return base.Font; }
set { base.Font = value; setSize(); }
private int lines;
public int Lines {
get { return lines; }
set { lines = value; setSize(); }
private void setSize() {
var minheight = this.Font.Height * lines;
this.AutoScrollMinSize = new Size(0, minheight);
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) {
e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(this.AutoScrollPosition.X, this.AutoScrollPosition.Y);


How to make group box text alignment center in win forms?

I am using a group box and there are several controls inside this.
My requirement is to set the group box title to the middle of the group box instead of Left.
you can extend the group box class like this.
public class CustomGrpBox : GroupBox
private string _Text = "";
public CustomGrpBox()
//set the base text to empty
//base class will draw empty string
//in such way we see only text what we draw
base.Text = "";
//create a new property a
public new string Text
return _Text;
_Text = value;
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
//first let the base class to draw the control
//create a brush with fore color
SolidBrush colorBrush = new SolidBrush(this.ForeColor);
//create a brush with back color
var backColor = new SolidBrush(this.BackColor);
//measure the text size
var size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(this.Text, this.Font);
// evaluate the postiong of text from left;
int left = (this.Width - size.Width) / 2;
//draw a fill rectangle in order to remove the border
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(backColor, new Rectangle(left, 0, size.Width, size.Height));
//draw the text Now
e.Graphics.DrawString(this.Text, this.Font, colorBrush, new PointF(left, 0));
add the above class into your project and use "CustomGrpBox" instead of "GroupBox" which will be created after build in your tool box.
and you can set the text any time like this.
private void Form2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
customGrpBox1.Text = "Hello World";
it will look like this in design time visual studio
Unfortunately, you may set the title on the right by using the RightToLeft property, but there is no property to set it in the middle.
What you can do is to set an empty Text in your GroupBox, create a Label with the title and put that label above the GroupBox (with the same parent).
You may do it dynamically at form initialization by calling following procedure:
private void CenterGroupBoxTitle(GroupBox groupbox)
Label label = new Label() ;
label.Text = groupbox.Text ;
groupbox.Text = "" ;
label.Left = groupbox.Left+(groupbox.Width-label.Width)/2 ;
label.Top = groupbox.Top + 2 ; // 2 is an example : adjust the constant
label.Parent = groupbox.Parent ;
label.BringToFront() ;
Try to create a custom control using Panel as container and draw border around this, you can then have full control of the title's alignment.
If you would like a simple approach, you can leave the groupbox's title as empty text, and then place a label at the center position of the groupbox. You can also define this as user-control so you wouldn't need to do this repeatedly.
Not an eloquent solution, but if you have a simple GroupBox, that stays the( same size, you can just pad the beginning, and the end with spaces.
example : GroupBox.Text = " This is the groupbox text ";
The amount of padding of space's will depend on the length of the box.
Of course you'll lose some of the GroupBox's beginning and end lines on top, and if that's important, then Answer 3 seems like a good solution.

How to make label's background color transparent? [duplicate]

Why can't I set the BackColor of a Label to Transparent? I have done it before, but now it just don't want to...
I created a new UserControl, added a progressbar and a label to it. When I set the BackColor of the label to transparent it is still gray =/ Why is this?
What I wanted was to have the label on top of the progressbar so that its text was "in" the progressbar...
Add a new class to your project and post the code shown below. Build. Drop the new control from the top of the toolbox onto your form.
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class TransparentLabel : Label {
public TransparentLabel() {
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, false);
protected override CreateParams CreateParams {
get {
CreateParams parms = base.CreateParams;
parms.ExStyle |= 0x20; // Turn on WS_EX_TRANSPARENT
return parms;
WinForms doesn't really support transparent controls, but you can make a transparent control yourself. See my answer here.
In your case you should probably subclass the progress bar and override the OnPaint method to draw a text on the progress bar.
Most simple solution is following:
Set background color to transparency either in visual editor or in constructor of your form:
this.label1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
Set Parent property of your label to control that you want to be visible behind the text. This can be done in form constructor or in Load method:
this.label1.Parent = progressBar1;
Its true that this is not true transparency as in DirectX. The result you see on display is composed only from two layers. You cant sum up more than two layers with this approach (each layer having its own transparency defined by alpha parameter). But its suitable for many practical situations you can encounter in Winforms programming.
Use a LinkLabel not a normal Label
private void MakeTransparentLabel(System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel LinkLabel)
this.MakeTransparentLabel(LinkLabel, Color.White);
private void MakeTransparentLabel(System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel LinkLabel, Color ForeColor)
LinkLabel.ForeColor = ForeColor;
LinkLabel.LinkColor = ForeColor;
LinkLabel.VisitedLinkColor = ForeColor;
LinkLabel.ActiveLinkColor = ForeColor;
LinkLabel.DisabledLinkColor = ForeColor;
LinkLabel.LinkArea = new LinkArea(0, 0);
LinkLabel.LinkBehavior = LinkBehavior.NeverUnderline;
LinkLabel.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
LinkLabel.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
private void SetTransparentLabelText(System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel LinkLabel, string Text)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text)) { LinkLabel.Text = " "; return; }
LinkLabel.Text = Text;
This is a very simple solution and works great:
public class MyLabel : Label
private bool fTransparent = false;
public bool Transparent
get { return fTransparent; }
set { fTransparent = value; }
public MyLabel() : base()
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
if (fTransparent)
CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
cp.ExStyle |= 0x00000020; //WS_EX_TRANSPARENT
return cp;
else return base.CreateParams;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (fTransparent)
if (m.Msg != 0x14 /*WM_ERASEBKGND*/ && m.Msg != 0x0F /*WM_PAINT*/)
base.WndProc(ref m);
if (m.Msg == 0x0F) // WM_PAINT
base.OnPaint(new PaintEventArgs(Graphics.FromHwnd(Handle), ClientRectangle));
DefWndProc(ref m);
else base.WndProc(ref m);
When label backcolor is transparent, then label only takes picture of its underlying control the first time when it is created, after that label backcolor is constant. And each time when label repaints itself, it repaints to that fixed color or pattern.
Overriding CreateParams affects on how window for control will be created, this enables real transparency.
Overriding WndProc you control which messages should be passed to base class. We must filtrate WM_ERASEBKGND and WM_PAINT, but we also have to trigger paint event.
If you want to focus on designing your windows application, I suggest you use WPF.
Making controles transparent in WPF is very easy.
<TextBox Width="200" Height="40" Opacity="0.5"/>
Here is a transparent control I wrote a while ago which displays rotated text. Most of the code comes from here, though IIRC I had to make a few tweaks to get it to work.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Text;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace MyNamespace
public partial class RotatedText : UserControl
private readonly Timer _invalidationTimer;
private const int WS_EX_TRANSPARENT = 0x00000020;
public RotatedText()
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
_invalidationTimer = new Timer {Interval = 500, Enabled = true};
_invalidationTimer.Tick += TickHandler;
[Description("Text which appears in control")]
public string Text { get; set; }
#region Transparent background
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
return cp;
private void TickHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void InvalidateEx()
if (Parent != null)
Parent.Invalidate(Bounds, false);
protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
//Intentionally do nothing - stops background from drawing
//Rotate text and draw
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
double angleRadians = Math.Atan2(Height, Width);
float angleDegrees = -1*(float) (angleRadians*180/Math.PI);
angleDegrees *= 0.9f;
e.Graphics.RotateTransform(angleDegrees, MatrixOrder.Append);
e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(20, Height - 75, MatrixOrder.Append);
e.Graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
Font font = new Font("Ariel", 50);
e.Graphics.DrawString(Text, font, Brushes.Gray, 1, 2); //Shadow
e.Graphics.DrawString(Text, font, Brushes.Red, 0, 0);
So as the comment to my previous answer stated, Control is the default behaviour, and is what I remembered as being Transparent.
Anyway, have you tried setting the background property of your UserControl, or the container your label is in (Panel, Form, whatever?), your label should reflect that color :)
Old Answer:
Its been a while since I did winforms programming, but as I recall labels are transparent per default? thus its only the text that gets an actual color and the bacground color mimics whatever is behind it :)
It is possible to do exactly what you want to achieve. It just takes a little time to play with controls. It is possible to create a Label control with transparent background, and place it on top of Progressbar control.
Check my answer to another SO question.
as to an explanation for your problem, windows doesn't do transparency for background controls like you'd expect-i'm guessing the gray background is actually the form's surface. whatever controls are drawn between the form surface and your label are ignored.
Select BackColor, go the Web tab, and select Transparent. Generates the following.
this.label1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;

Paint event of panel not called when shrinking Form from right to left?

I have a Form which has got a parent panel and it had got a child panel where I am drawing items using the drawing mechanism it works good as expected, but when I shrink my form from right to left it doesn't call child panels paint event while if I shrink a little from left to right and again spread it then it calls the paint event, how should I fix it?
Below is my code.
private void canvas_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
private void drawString(PaintEventArgs e)
System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush myBrush = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(ClientRectangle, Color.Red, Color.Yellow, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.Horizontal);
cBasketItemHelper objHelper = new cBasketItemHelper() { CanvasWidth = this.canvas.Width, CanvasHeight = this.canvas.Height, X = 3, Y = 3 };
objHelper.myBrush = myBrush;
objHelper.currOrder = Program.currOrder;
objHelper.g = e.Graphics;//this.canvas.();//this.canvas.Graphics;
The Panel class was designed to be just a container for other controls, it is not expected to do any painting of its own beyond drawing the background. Somewhat heavy-handedly it optimizes the painting, a resize only paints the parts that were revealed, not the entire client area.
You however want OnPaint to always run when the size changes, even when you make it smaller. Derive your own class from Panel and set the ResizeRedraw property to true in the constructor:
class Canvas {
public Canvas() {
this.ResizeRedraw = true;
this.DoubleBuffered = true; // extra goodie
Build. Drop the new Canvas control from the top of the toolbox, replacing your existing panel control. If you don't need the scrolling support that Panel provides then using a PictureBox gets you both without needing to derive.

Reasons for why a WinForms label does not want to be transparent?

Why can't I set the BackColor of a Label to Transparent? I have done it before, but now it just don't want to...
I created a new UserControl, added a progressbar and a label to it. When I set the BackColor of the label to transparent it is still gray =/ Why is this?
What I wanted was to have the label on top of the progressbar so that its text was "in" the progressbar...
Add a new class to your project and post the code shown below. Build. Drop the new control from the top of the toolbox onto your form.
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class TransparentLabel : Label {
public TransparentLabel() {
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, false);
protected override CreateParams CreateParams {
get {
CreateParams parms = base.CreateParams;
parms.ExStyle |= 0x20; // Turn on WS_EX_TRANSPARENT
return parms;
WinForms doesn't really support transparent controls, but you can make a transparent control yourself. See my answer here.
In your case you should probably subclass the progress bar and override the OnPaint method to draw a text on the progress bar.
Most simple solution is following:
Set background color to transparency either in visual editor or in constructor of your form:
this.label1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
Set Parent property of your label to control that you want to be visible behind the text. This can be done in form constructor or in Load method:
this.label1.Parent = progressBar1;
Its true that this is not true transparency as in DirectX. The result you see on display is composed only from two layers. You cant sum up more than two layers with this approach (each layer having its own transparency defined by alpha parameter). But its suitable for many practical situations you can encounter in Winforms programming.
Use a LinkLabel not a normal Label
private void MakeTransparentLabel(System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel LinkLabel)
this.MakeTransparentLabel(LinkLabel, Color.White);
private void MakeTransparentLabel(System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel LinkLabel, Color ForeColor)
LinkLabel.ForeColor = ForeColor;
LinkLabel.LinkColor = ForeColor;
LinkLabel.VisitedLinkColor = ForeColor;
LinkLabel.ActiveLinkColor = ForeColor;
LinkLabel.DisabledLinkColor = ForeColor;
LinkLabel.LinkArea = new LinkArea(0, 0);
LinkLabel.LinkBehavior = LinkBehavior.NeverUnderline;
LinkLabel.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
LinkLabel.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
private void SetTransparentLabelText(System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel LinkLabel, string Text)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text)) { LinkLabel.Text = " "; return; }
LinkLabel.Text = Text;
This is a very simple solution and works great:
public class MyLabel : Label
private bool fTransparent = false;
public bool Transparent
get { return fTransparent; }
set { fTransparent = value; }
public MyLabel() : base()
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
if (fTransparent)
CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
cp.ExStyle |= 0x00000020; //WS_EX_TRANSPARENT
return cp;
else return base.CreateParams;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (fTransparent)
if (m.Msg != 0x14 /*WM_ERASEBKGND*/ && m.Msg != 0x0F /*WM_PAINT*/)
base.WndProc(ref m);
if (m.Msg == 0x0F) // WM_PAINT
base.OnPaint(new PaintEventArgs(Graphics.FromHwnd(Handle), ClientRectangle));
DefWndProc(ref m);
else base.WndProc(ref m);
When label backcolor is transparent, then label only takes picture of its underlying control the first time when it is created, after that label backcolor is constant. And each time when label repaints itself, it repaints to that fixed color or pattern.
Overriding CreateParams affects on how window for control will be created, this enables real transparency.
Overriding WndProc you control which messages should be passed to base class. We must filtrate WM_ERASEBKGND and WM_PAINT, but we also have to trigger paint event.
If you want to focus on designing your windows application, I suggest you use WPF.
Making controles transparent in WPF is very easy.
<TextBox Width="200" Height="40" Opacity="0.5"/>
Here is a transparent control I wrote a while ago which displays rotated text. Most of the code comes from here, though IIRC I had to make a few tweaks to get it to work.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Text;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace MyNamespace
public partial class RotatedText : UserControl
private readonly Timer _invalidationTimer;
private const int WS_EX_TRANSPARENT = 0x00000020;
public RotatedText()
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
_invalidationTimer = new Timer {Interval = 500, Enabled = true};
_invalidationTimer.Tick += TickHandler;
[Description("Text which appears in control")]
public string Text { get; set; }
#region Transparent background
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
return cp;
private void TickHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void InvalidateEx()
if (Parent != null)
Parent.Invalidate(Bounds, false);
protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
//Intentionally do nothing - stops background from drawing
//Rotate text and draw
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
double angleRadians = Math.Atan2(Height, Width);
float angleDegrees = -1*(float) (angleRadians*180/Math.PI);
angleDegrees *= 0.9f;
e.Graphics.RotateTransform(angleDegrees, MatrixOrder.Append);
e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(20, Height - 75, MatrixOrder.Append);
e.Graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
Font font = new Font("Ariel", 50);
e.Graphics.DrawString(Text, font, Brushes.Gray, 1, 2); //Shadow
e.Graphics.DrawString(Text, font, Brushes.Red, 0, 0);
So as the comment to my previous answer stated, Control is the default behaviour, and is what I remembered as being Transparent.
Anyway, have you tried setting the background property of your UserControl, or the container your label is in (Panel, Form, whatever?), your label should reflect that color :)
Old Answer:
Its been a while since I did winforms programming, but as I recall labels are transparent per default? thus its only the text that gets an actual color and the bacground color mimics whatever is behind it :)
It is possible to do exactly what you want to achieve. It just takes a little time to play with controls. It is possible to create a Label control with transparent background, and place it on top of Progressbar control.
Check my answer to another SO question.
as to an explanation for your problem, windows doesn't do transparency for background controls like you'd expect-i'm guessing the gray background is actually the form's surface. whatever controls are drawn between the form surface and your label are ignored.
Select BackColor, go the Web tab, and select Transparent. Generates the following.
this.label1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;

How to create a C# Winforms Control that hovers

How can you create a C# Winforms control which goes out of the bounds of its region? Such as a drop down box. Kind of like if you had a DropDownBox in a Small Sized Panel.
Windows Forms doesn't support windows like that well, it is pretty fundamentally incompatible with the designer. Here's some code to get you started. You can't use this control in the designer, it must be created at run-time. You also must call its Dispose() method yourself.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class MyListBox : ListBox {
private Control mParent;
private Point mPos;
private bool mInitialized;
public MyListBox(Control parent) {
mParent = parent;
mInitialized = true;
parent.LocationChanged += new EventHandler(parent_LocationChanged);
mPos = mParent.Location;
public new Point Location {
get { return mParent.PointToClient(this.Location); }
set {
Point zero = mParent.PointToScreen(Point.Empty);
base.Location = new Point(zero.X + value.X, zero.Y + value.Y);
protected override Size DefaultSize {
get {
return mInitialized ? base.DefaultSize : Size.Empty;
protected override void SetBoundsCore(int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified) {
if (this.mInitialized)
base.SetBoundsCore(x, y, width, height, specified);
void parent_LocationChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
base.Location = new Point(base.Left + mParent.Left - mPos.X, base.Top + mParent.Top - mPos.Y);
mPos = mParent.Location;
protected override CreateParams CreateParams {
get {
CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
if (mParent != null && !DesignMode) {
cp.Style = (int)(((long)cp.Style & 0xffff) | 0x90200000);
cp.Parent = mParent.Handle;
Point pos = mParent.PointToScreen(Point.Empty);
cp.X = pos.X;
cp.Y = pos.Y;
cp.Width = base.DefaultSize.Width;
cp.Height = base.DefaultSize.Height;
return cp;
I did something similiar to that recently, and I used a ListBox. The cool think about a listbox, is that you can display it anywhere you want to, even out of bounds of your control. That way, when you detect via a button click or whatever, that you need to display the DropDown that you want, just populate the ListBox and display it anywhere you want. I got the idea from here:
They show how to build a Custom DataGridView with filtering, and to display the filter values, they place a ListBox under the header cell.
There is a good article here:
This has a class which handles some of the tricky aspects of getting this to work correctly, such as keeping the application window titlebar active, handling Alt-Tab and cancelling with a mouse click.

