How to get a C# Arcanist linter working? - c#

Here is what it says when I run arc linters --verbose:
AVAILABLE csharp (C#)
Configuration Options
severity (optional map<string|int, string>)
Provide a map from lint codes to adjusted severity levels: error,
warning, advice, autofix or disabled.
severity.rules (optional map<string, string>)
Provide a map of regular expressions to severity levels. All matching
codes have their severity adjusted.
discovery (map<string, list<string>>)
Provide a discovery map.
binary (string)
Override default binary.
What is a discovery map? It doesn't tell you what it is, but you MUST have it. Unfortunately, the source code did not enlighten me.
binary... I don't want to override the default binary... What is the default binary? I HAVE to override it, so I need to get one? Where do I get a C# linter binary compatible with Arcanist? The only one I could find is, but it throws an exception.
Let me know if I can add more info.

cstools is the one you need;you can see this if you look into the ArcanistCSharpLinter.php, where it looks for cslint.exe as the default binary.
--- Edit ---
Not sure if you're looking at the right tool; the one being referred to is this one developed by hach-que, here:
I'm not super-familiar with this linter (don't do any serious C# development myself), but a quick peek in the source code suggests that the discovery map is simply a string map called "discovery", that has settings for the linter.
See also:
Copy Pasting examples here since that seems to be SO policy:
Sample .arcconfig:
"project_id": "Tychaia",
"conduit_uri": "",
"arc.autostash": true,
"load": [
"unit.engine": "XUnitTestEngine",
"unit.csharp.xunit.binary": "packages/xunit.runners.1.9.1/tools/xunit.console.clr4.exe",
"unit.csharp.cscover.binary": "cstools/cscover/bin/Debug/cscover.exe",
"unit.csharp.coverage.match": "/^Tychaia.*\\.(dll|exe)$/",
"unit.csharp.discovery": {
"([^/]+)/(.*?)\\.cs": [
[ "$1.Tests/$1.Tests.Linux.csproj", "$1.Tests/bin/Debug/$1.Tests.dll" ],
[ "$1.Tests/$1.Tests.Windows.csproj", "$1.Tests/bin/Debug/$1.Tests.dll" ]
"([^\\\\]+)\\\\(.*?)\\.cs": [
[ "$1.Tests\\$1.Tests.Windows.csproj", "$1.Tests\\bin\\Debug\\$1.Tests.dll" ]
"([^/]+)\\.Tests/(.*?)\\.cs": [
[ "$1.Tests/$1.Tests.Linux.csproj", "$1.Tests/bin/Debug/$1.Tests.dll" ],
[ "$1.Tests/$1.Tests.Windows.csproj", "$1.Tests/bin/Debug/$1.Tests.dll" ]
"([^\\\\]+)\\.Tests\\\\(.*?)\\.cs": [
[ "$1.Tests\\$1.Tests.Windows.csproj", "$1.Tests\\bin\\Debug\\$1.Tests.dll" ]
Sample .arclint:
"linters": {
"csharp": {
"type": "csharp",
"include": "(\\.cs$)",
"exclude": [ "(\\.Designer\\.cs$)", "(Phabricator\\.Conduit(.*+))", "(TychaiaProfilerEntityUtil\\.cs)" ],
"binary": "cstools/cslint/bin/Debug/cslint.exe",
"discovery": {
"([^/]+)/(.*?)\\.cs": [
"([^\\\\]+)\\\\(.*?)\\.cs": [
"license": {
"type": "tychaialicense",
"include": "(\\.cs$)",
"exclude": [ "(\\.Designer\\.cs$)", "(Phabricator\\.Conduit(.*+))", "(TychaiaProfilerEntityUtil\\.cs)" ]
Anyway, if you're having trouble getting cstools to work, I'd recommend opening an issue on the Github repo; he seems to be pretty responsive. Plus, as an open-source developer, it's always great to hear that others are using your work.


Steeltoe Serilog Dynamic Logging not working with .NET 7

I am trying to setup Serilog Dynamic Logging with Steeltoe. I am using .NET 7. I am using the Host Builder to add the functionality. Code example below using Host builder:
.AddDynamicSerilog((cfg, log) => log.ReadFrom.Configuration(cfg.Configuration))
I have set a breakpoint in the extension here but my code is not hitting this breakpoint:
public static IHostBuilder AddDynamicSerilog(
this IHostBuilder hostBuilder,
Action<HostBuilderContext, LoggerConfiguration> configureLogger = null,
bool preserveStaticLogger = false,
bool preserveDefaultConsole = false)
Steeltoe Configuration:
"Serilog": {
"MinimumLevel": "Information",
"Enrich": [ "FromLogContext", "WithMachineName", "WithThreadId" ],
"WriteTo": [
"Name": "Console"
"Name": "File",
"Args": { "path": "Logs/log.txt" }
"Properties": {
"Application": "Test"
My application is logging when i use the logger but it is logging in just the regular format no application name or tracing extensions etc. so I am assuming my configuration is not being read somehow? Is the Serilog Dynamic Logging package compatible with .NET 7? Or is there something else going on?
Tried given examples. Logging does not look like Serilog configuration is being read or applied from settings file. Also extension code isn't executed.
You can try this particular sample here:
Change the target to <TargetFramework>net7.0</TargetFramework>
I just tried this and you can see in the picture the Serilog configuration being read. Note the versions of Steeltoe etc in the sample (to help narrow down the issue).
As far as debugging - we enable sourcelink on our nuggets so you should be able to view and debug Steeltoe code by enabling it in your debug options.
I suspect the problem is that outputTemplate is missing in appsettings. It needs to include "{Properties}", so that scoped values are included in the message.
"Serilog": {
"MinimumLevel": "Information",
"Enrich": [ "FromLogContext", "WithMachineName", "WithThreadId" ],
"WriteTo": [
"Name": "Console",
"Args": {
"outputTemplate": "[{Timestamp:HH:mm:ss} {Level:u3}] {SourceContext}: {Properties} {NewLine} {EventId} {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}"
"Name": "File",
"Args": { "path": "Logs/log.txt" }
"Properties": {
"Application": "Test"
I took the following steps to reproduce the issue and make it work:
In Visual Studio: File > New > Project > ASP.NET Core Web API
From the Package Manager Console:
install-package Serilog.AspNetCore
install-package Steeltoe.Extensions.Logging.DynamicLogger
install-package Steeltoe.Extensions.Logging.DynamicSerilogCore
install-package Steeltoe.Management.TracingCore
Add to Program.cs:
// Add services to the container.
builder.AddDynamicSerilog((cfg, log) =>
Add the section from above to appsettings.Development.json
Run the application
This prints the following line on my console:
[14:13:08 INF] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Diagnostics: {Protocol="HTTP/2", Method="GET", ContentType=null, ContentLength=null, Scheme="https", Host="localhost:7142", PathBase="", Path="/weatherforecast", QueryString="", RequestId="0HMNU1ISSN7T6:00000001", RequestPath="/weatherforecast", ConnectionId="0HMNU1ISSN7T6", Scope=[" [DynamicLoggingWebApi,52a92b64eb0209466ca872311bf309cc,e425a4b06ed50908,0000000000000000,true] "], Application="Test"}
{ Id: 1 } Request starting HTTP/2 GET https://localhost:7142/weatherforecast - -
From the line above, the tracing info is:
Hope that helps!
By the way, I didn't have any problems stepping into the sources. To set up Visual Studio, follow the instructions at

How do I import a Json file into a django database whilst maintaining object references

I have a C# desktop app and a django webapp that share a set of common class/model types. The C# app is exporting json files containing instances of these models, and I am trying to import these into the django database.
The complication is that the parent model contained within the json file has properties that may reference the same sub-model in multiple places. For example, the json file looks something like this:
"$id": "1",
"SubModels": {
"$id": "2",
"$values": [
"$id": "3",
"name": "Dave",
"value": "123"
"$id": "4",
"name": "John",
"value": "42"
"PreferredSubModel: {
"$ref": "4"
Which was created using the using System.Text.Json.Serialization C# library with the ReferenceHandler = ReferenceHandler.Preserve serialisation option. In django, I've converted the json file into a dictionary using model_dictionary = JSONParser().parse(json_file).
Are there any existing functions (in the django Python environment) that can handle this $id/$ref system to maintain class instances, or do I need to code my own deserializer? If the latter, does anyone have any suggestions for the best way to handle it?
I'm new to django and json files, so hopefully I've just been googling the wrong terms and something exists...

AdaptiveCards throws an exception during .NET parsing

I currently encountered the following problem parsing an adaptive card.
This is the card:
"type": "AdaptiveCard",
"$schema": "",
"version": "1.4",
"body": [
"type": "TextBlock",
"text": "{{DATE(${$root.AdditionalData['DUE-DATE']},COMPACT)}}",
"wrap": true
This is the card-content:
"AdditionalData": {
"DUE-DATE": "2021-09-10T16:29:59Z"
c# on .NET Framework 4.7.2 where layout is a string with the above card and content is a string with the above card-content:
AdaptiveCardTemplate template = new AdaptiveCardTemplate(layout);
string cardJson = template.Expand(content);
AdaptiveCardParseResult card = AdaptiveCard.FromJson(cardJson);
And it crashes with:
AdaptiveCards.AdaptiveSerializationException: 'Error reading string. Unexpected token: Undefined. Path 'text', line 1, position 137.'
JsonReaderException: Error reading string. Unexpected token: Undefined. Path 'text', line 1, position 137.
The generated JSON on cardJson looks wrong to me at the text property:
I'm using the adaptive cards nuget packages:
AdaptiveCards 2.7.2
AdaptiveCards.Templating 1.2.
Did I encounter a parsing bug? The value for the text property should be 10.9.2021.
In the designer on everything works fine for some reason. Does anyone have a fix/workaround?
If you want the literal "text":"10.9.2021" to appear in your cardJson, use "${formatDateTime(AdditionalData['DUE-DATE'], 'd.M.yyyy')}" to generate the required value for your TextBlock:
"type": "AdaptiveCard",
"$schema": "",
"version": "1.4",
"body": [
"type": "TextBlock",
"text": "${formatDateTime(AdditionalData['DUE-DATE'], 'd.M.yyyy')}",
"wrap": true
This causes all date formatting to be performed by the AdaptiveCardTemplate and results in:
Demo fiddle #1 here.
If you would prefer "{{DATE(2021-09-10T16:29:59Z, COMPACT)}}" in your cardJson which delegates date formatting to the TextBlock, use:
"type": "AdaptiveCard",
"$schema": "",
"version": "1.4",
"body": [
"type": "TextBlock",
"text": "{{DATE(${AdditionalData['DUE-DATE']}, COMPACT)}}",
"wrap": true
Which results in
"text": "{{DATE(2021-09-10T16:29:59Z, COMPACT)}}",
Demo fiddle #2 here.
According to the Microsoft documentation:
Use Dot-notation to access sub-objects of an object hierarchy. E.g., ${myParent.myChild}
Use Indexer syntax to retrieve properties by key or items in an array. E.g., ${myArray[0]}
But, when accessing an object property with a hyphen (or some other reserved operator) in its name, it is apparently necessary to use the Indexer syntax ['DUE-DATE'] instead of Dot‑notation to retrieve its value, passing the property name inside a single-quoted string as the indexer.
According to the docs
There are a few reserved keywords to access various binding scopes. ...
"$root": "The root data object. Useful when iterating to escape to parent object",
Thus you do not need to use $root when accessing properties of the currently scoped object (which is, by default, the root) when using Dot-notation. If for whatever reason you need or want to address the root object directly, you may use $root like so:
"text": "${formatDateTime($root.AdditionalData['DUE-DATE'], 'd.M.yyyy')}",
Demo fiddle #3 here.
However, it seems that using $root in combination with {{DATE()}} causes malformed JSON to be generated. I.e.
"text": "{{DATE(${$root.AdditionalData['DUE-DATE']}, COMPACT)}}",
results in "text":, as indicated in your question.
Demo fiddle #4 here.
This looks to be a bug in the framework. Possibly the parser is choking on the sequence of tokens ${$, as your issue somewhat resembles Issue #6026: [Authoring][.NET][Templating] Inconsistency in accessing $root inside a $when property in adaptive card templating which reports a failure to parse "$when": "${$root.UserName != null}" correctly.
You can avoid the problem either by omitting $root entirely, or by wrapping $root.AdditionalData['DUE-DATE'] in an additional formatDateTime() like so:
"text": "{{DATE(${formatDateTime($root.AdditionalData['DUE-DATE'])}, COMPACT)}}",
Resulting in
"text": "{{DATE(2021-09-10T16:29:59.000Z, COMPACT)}}",
Demo fiddle #5 here.
From the documentation page Adaptive Card Templating SDKs: Troubleshooting:
Q. Why date/time in RFC 3389 format e.g "2017-02-14T06:08:00Z" when used with template doesn't works with TIME/DATE functions?
A. .NET sdk nuget version 1.0.0-rc.0 exhibits this behavior. this behavior is corrected in the subsequent releases... Please use formatDateTime() function to format the date/time string to RFC 3389 as seen in this example, or you can bypass TIME/DATE functions, and just use formatDateTime(). For more information on formatDateTime(), please go here.
While this recommendation to use formatDateTime was to fix a problem in 1.0.0-rc.0, the trick also resolves the issue mentioned in note #2 above.

.NET Core 2.0 Avro CodeGenerator cannot handle nested structures or IDL

I am trying to use the Microsoft.Hadoop.Avro.Utils library in a C# .NET Core 2.0 application to generate C# class for my Avro schema, but I cannot get it to handle nested records when creating a simple Avro JSON schema.
In general, I would much more like to use the Avro IDL format to describe my data structure as it is a bit complex and I am reusing my records different places. I have tried finding documentation on the .NET Core Avro library with no luck and I cannot see if it is even possible to auto generate complex structures in the C# library.
Do anyone have experience with this library or how to auto generate C# classes for Avro. Below is a very simple example of an Avro schema that I cannot get nested Address class into the final output.
"type": "record",
"name": "Person",
"fields": [
"name": "name",
"type": "string"
"name": "address",
"type": {
"type": "record",
"name": "Address",
"fields": [
"name": "address",
"type": "string"
"name": "zipcode",
"type": "string"

acess tfs to get capacity information

I am trying to get project information from tfs server programitaically.I want to know how to acess the capacity information.Ive serached for it online and it says that that capacity info is stored in [dbo].[tbl_TeamConfigurationCapacity].
But am not understanding how to query for the table using wiql.Anyone have any idea about it ?
This table is only available in the Project Collection database and querying that table is not supported through SQL nor WIQL. While technically possible through SQL, any direct access of the Project Collection database is unsupported and the underlying structure may change between major versions, updates and even hotfixes.
Instead of directly accessing the capacity in the database, the supported method is to use the REST api to query the capacity.
GET https://{instance}/DefaultCollection/{project}/{team}/_apis/work/TeamSettings/Iterations/{iterationid}/Capacities?api-version={version}
"values": [
"teamMember": {
"id": "8c8c7d32-6b1b-47f4-b2e9-30b477b5ab3d",
"displayName": "Chuck Reinhart",
"uniqueName": "",
"url": "",
"imageUrl": ""
"activities": [
"capacityPerDay": 0,
"name": null
"daysOff": [],
"url": ""

