My ExampleViewModel has a parameter (a model) that it needs to function properly. I also have a list variant of the ExampleViewModel that just contains a ObservableCollection<ExampleViewModel> and has some wrapper methods.
The issue shows it self when I try to use dependency injection with MVVM Light. Let me explain the scenario with some code.
default ViewModelLocator:
public class ViewModelLocator {
public ViewModelLocator() {
ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => SimpleIoc.Default);
if (ViewModelBase.IsInDesignModeStatic) {
SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IDataService, DesignDataService>();
} else {
SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IDataService, DataService>();
public MainViewModel Main {
get {
return ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<MainViewModel>();
public static void Cleanup() {}
Simple MainViewModel:
public class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase {
private IDataService _service;
private MainModel _model;
// Goal. I think?
public MainViewModel(IDataService service, MainModel model) {
_service = service;
_model = model;
// Used now
public MainViewModel(MainModel model) {
_service = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IDataService>();
_model = model;
And the ListMainViewModel fills it's list like this:
Mains = new ObservableCollection<MainViewModel>(
_service.GetAll().Select(model => new MainViewModel(model))
Because of the list creation in the ListMainViewModel I can't inject the data source in the constructor and have to use it as shown under // Used now. Which is fine, but when I try to unit test problems occur, as you can probably imagine.
I use a unit test like this at the moment:
public void ListMainViewModel_DoSomething_Success() {
// Arrange
var mock = new Mock<IDataService>();
mock.Setup(m => m.Create(new MainModel { Naam = "Create" }));
mock.Setup(m => m.Update(new MainModel { Naam = "Update" }));
var listMainViewModel = new ListMainViewModel(mock.Object);
var selected = new MainModel() { Prop = "Test" };
listMainViewModel.SelectedMainViewModel = new MainViewModel(selected);
// Act
// Assert
mock.Verify(x => listMainViewModel.DoSomething(), Times.Exactly(1));
Note: Not sure if the unit test is correct. But the problem occurs while creating the SelectedMainViewModel because it doesn't fetch a DataService.
For now I have two choices (I think), I can make the MainModel in MainViewModel optional, which is not something that should be possible and contructor inject the IDataService. Or I can discover a way to make the _service find-able by the MainViewModel.
Is there any elegant way to solve this? Because I have the feeling I have to make some hack using if (InDesignMode) or something similar.
You mention that:
I can't inject the data source in the constructor and have to use it as shown under // Used now.
What are you seeing when you try this? What exception is thrown? Why doesn't the below work?
Mains = new ObservableCollection<MainViewModel>(
_service.GetAll().Select(model => new MainViewModel(model, _service))
I think it may help if you get away from using a service locator, which looks to be an anti-pattern for your goal. When using a DI container, it's best to create the entire object graph at the application start or web request (for web apps). But here you are using the new keyword to create your MainViewModel.
See this post.
I trying to learn building webapplications in .NET using the MVVM-pattern. I watched some tutorials and there is one single thing I don't understand.
Each ViewModel contains:
public class IndexModel : PageModel
private readonly ApplicationDbContext _dbContext;
public IndexModel(ApplicationDbContext dbContext)
_dbContext = dbContext;
It's fine to copy paste this when you have a couple of pages (max 10), but my application is starting to grow and it starts feeling very redundant using this method.
I wasn't able to find another post answering my question, but I am wondering if there is any other way to accomplish using a _dbContext on each ViewModel without having to use this redundancy? I am not very familiar with design patterns, but would a singleton pattern in my startup be an option?
Add a custom base class inherited from PageModel. Then inherit all you Model from your custom base class.
public abstract class MyBasePageModel : PageModel
protected readonly ApplicationDbContext _dbContext;
public MyBaseModel(ApplicationDbContext dbContext)
_dbContext = dbContext;
public class IndexModel : MyBasePageModel
public IndexModel(ApplicationDbContext dbContext):base(dbContext)
That is not sound design patterns. What you could do is pass a business interface to your viewmodel as an injected dependency using dependency injection (Unity example). Then that injected business service could inject into it a data service interface where the data context is found.
It is considered bad practice to have your data layer in your presentation layer. Here is a sample way on how you can separate your code layers.
Below is simple example of a IDataService (notice I only deal with interfaces and the data context stays in the data service):
public class DataService : ServiceBase, IDataService
public DataService(IMapper mapper) : base(mapper) { }
public IList<UserDto> GetUsers(bool runSafeMode = true)
Func<IList<UserDto>> action = () =>
return GetUsers(_ => true);
return ExecutorHandler(action, runSafeMode);
private IList<UserDto> GetUsers(Expression<Func<User, bool>> predicate, bool runSafeMode = true)
Func<IList<UserDto>> action = () =>
using (var ymse = YMSEntities.Create())
var users = ymse.User
.Include(u => u.UserUserProfile)
.Include(m => m.UserUserProfile.Select(uup => uup.UserProfile))
.Include(m => m.UserUserProfile.Select(uup => uup.User))
.Include(m => m.UserUserProfile.Select(uup => uup.UserProfile.UserProfileModule))
.Where(predicate).OrderBy(u => u.UserName).ToList();
return MappingEngine.Map<IList<UserDto>>(users);
return ExecutorHandler(action, runSafeMode);
That gets injected into a business service which in turn is injected into my VM:
public class DocksViewModel : ViewModelBase
public DocksViewModel(IConfigService configService, IEventService eventService, INotificationService notificationService)
Simple separation of concerns and everything is independently testable. My IDataService in this case is found in the BaseViewModel because depending if my app has internet connection or not I switch implementations between sql server and local json files for data persistence. Here is how you would wire up your dependencies using Unity for example:
var unityContainer = new UnityContainer();
ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => new UnityServiceLocator(unityContainer));
unityContainer.RegisterType<IServiceLocator, UnityServiceLocator>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
// automapper
var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
cfg.AddProfile(new AutoMapperBootstrap())
unityContainer.RegisterType<IMapper>(new InjectionFactory(_ => config.CreateMapper()));
// factories
unityContainer.RegisterType<IWelcomeGateViewFactory, WelcomeGateViewFactory>();
unityContainer.RegisterType<ITrailerPictureViewFactory, TrailerPictureViewFactory>();
// services
unityContainer.RegisterType<IDataService, OfflineDataService>("OfflineDataService", new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager(), new InjectionConstructor(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IMapper>()));
unityContainer.RegisterType<IDataService, DataService>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
unityContainer.RegisterType<ITestDataService, TestDataService>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
I haveBusinessLayer, DTO library,DataService, EntityModel(wher EDMX sits), DTO library refers to both business and data layer. I am trying to implement automapper in data layer, want to map entity object to DTO object and return DTO from the dataService library.
Currently am doing this way
public class DataService
private MapperConfiguration config;
public DataService()
IMapper _Mapper = config.CreateMapper();
public List<Dto.StudentDto> Get()
using(var context = new DbContext().GetContext())
var studentList = context.Students.ToList();
config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {
cfg.CreateMap<Db.Student, Dto.StudentDto>();
var returnDto = Mapper.Map<List<Db.Student>, List<Dto.StudentDto>>(studentList);
return returnDto;
How can I move all the mappings to one class and automapper should initialize automatically when call to dataserive is made?
Is it good practice to use AutoMapper in data layer?
How can I move all the mappings to one class and automapper should initialize automatically when call to dataserive is made?
You could just create a static class that creates the mappings once:
public static class MyMapper
private static bool _isInitialized;
public static Initialize()
if (!_isInitialized)
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<Db.Student, Dto.StudentDto>();
_isInitialized = true;
Make sure that you use this class in your data service:
public class DataService
public DataService()
public List<Dto.StudentDto> GetStudent(int id)
using (var context = new DbContext().GetContext())
var student = context.Students.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id)
var returnDto = Mapper.Map<List<Dto.StudentDto>>(student);
return returnDto;
Dependending on how you actually host the DAL, you might be able to call the Initialize() method of your custom mapper class from the Main() method of an executable or from somewhere else than the constructor of your DataService class.
Use AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap on OnAppInitialize. You can do the implementation of course in an own static class for better style.
There is really no more magic in this - because you only have to register (CreateMap) the mappings one time.
initialize automatically when call to dataserive is made?
You can of course register it too in the constructor.
Here you can take a look at another sample - how to use register in one or two of many extended ways.
In the end AutoMapper should make your life easier and not harder. In my opinion the best way is to register everything at one point - when starting the application.
But you also can do it on demand like seperating each CreateMapin the constructor.
Both ways - just make sure you just call it once.
I am currently learning Catel+Orchestra using MahApps Metro.
I am doing the Authentication example from the Catel.Examples project using the MetroUI.
My problem is when i create a new MainWindow in my MahAppsService
public FrameworkElement GetMainView()
return new MainWindow();
The constructor of the MainWindowViewModel is never called
public MainWindowViewModel(UIVisualizerService uiVisualizarService, IAuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider)
_uiVisualizerService = uiVisualizarService;
_authenticationProvider = authenticationProvider;
RoleCollection = new ObservableCollection<string>(new[] { "Read-Only", "Administrator" });
ShowView = new Command(OnShowViewExecute, OnShowViewCanExecute, "ShowView");
I have narrowed it down to the 2 dependencies of the constructor. If i remove the UIVisualizerService and IAuthenticacionProvider dependencies the constructor is properly called but the ModelView needs those two services later on.
I am lost at what can i do to get this working.
You must register the IAuthenticationProvider in the ServiceLocator:
var serviceLocator = ServiceLocator.Default;
serviceLocator.RegisterType<IAuthenticationProvider, MyAuthenticationProvider>();
Note that all services inside Catel are automatically registered for you, but you must register your own services yourself (for example, by using ModuleInit or another entry point in your assembly).
I solved the problem by adding a explicit injection of the viewmodel into the mainwindow constructor.
public MainWindow(MainWindowViewModel _mainwindowviewmodel):base(_mainwindowviewmodel)
Declaring the field for the AuthenticationProvider interface to the MahAppsService class.
private readonly IAuthenticationProvider _authenticationProvider;
Also adding the dependency of the AuthenticationProvider interface to the constructor.
public MahAppsService(ICommandManager commandManager, IMessageService messageService, IUIVisualizerService uiVisualizerService, IAuthenticationProvider authenticationProvicer)
Argument.IsNotNull(() => commandManager);
Argument.IsNotNull(() => messageService);
Argument.IsNotNull(() => uiVisualizerService);
Argument.IsNotNull(() => authenticationProvicer);
_commandManager = commandManager;
_messageService = messageService;
_uiVisualizerService = uiVisualizerService;
_authenticationProvider = authenticationProvicer;
And the last step is creating an instance of the viewmodel in the GetMainView in the MahAppsService class.
public FrameworkElement GetMainView()
var mainwindowViewModel = TypeFactory.Default.CreateInstanceWithParametersAndAutoCompletion<MainWindowViewModel>(_uiVisualizerService, _authenticationProvider);
return new MainWindow(mainwindowViewModel);
Please note that this might not be the best way to do it but it gets the work done. If someone has better way feel free to share it.
I have a method CreateAccount to test. I am using Moq for the same.
Under CreateAccount method, there are multiple table insertion methods which belongs to two classes AccountRepository and BillingRepository
I have setup the Moq but don't know how to use multiple moq objects.
Below is some code snippet
Mock<AccountRepository> moq = new Mock<AccountRepository>();
Mock<BillingRepository> moqBill = new Mock<BillingRepository>();
moq.Setup(x => x.AddTable_1(new AddTable_1 { }));
moq.Setup(x => x.AddTable_2(new AddTable_2 { }));
moqBill.Setup(x => x.Table_3());
CreateAccount method takes four parameters and its under ApplicationService class
public class ApplicationService
public CreateAccountServiceResponse CreateAccount(AuthenticateApp App, CustomerInfo Customer, ServiceInfo Service, Optional op)
Please suggest some solution. How can these three methods will be skipped ?
Thanks in advance.
You have to provide some means to inject obj_1 and obj_2, since they seem to represent your instances of AccountRepository and BillingRepository, resp.
Typically, you might want to do this by using constructor injection. Extending the snippet you provided, this might look like this:
public class ApplicationService
private readonly AccountRepository _accountRepository;
private readonly BillingRepository _billingRepository;
public ApplicationService(AccountRepository accountRepository, BillingRepository billingRepository)
_accountRepository = accountRepository;
_billingRepository = billingRepository;
public CreateAccountServiceResponse CreateAccount(AuthenticateApp App, CustomerInfo Customer, ServiceInfo Service, Optional op)
Now you can inject your mocks into the class under test:
public void CreateAccount_WhenCalledLikeThis_DoesSomeCoolStuff()
var accountRepoMock = new Mock<AccountRepository>();
// set it up
var billingRepository = new Mock<BillingRepository>();
// set it up
var appService = new ApplicationService(accountRepoMock.Object, billingRepoMock.Objcet);
// More setup
// Act
var response = appService.CreateAccount(...);
// Assert on response and/or verify mocks
I'm a beginner at writing unit tests and I have a test I'm trying to get working. I'll start of by explaining what I'm trying to test.
I'm trying to test a method which saves messages in a Mvc 4 project. The method is called SaveMessage and is shown below.
namespace ChatProj.Service_Layer
public class UserService : IUserService
public MessageContext messageContext = new MessageContext();
public UserService()
_messageRepository = new MessageRepository(messageContext);
private IMessageRepository _messageRepository;
-> public void SaveMessage(Message message)
The _messageRepository.Save in the SaveMessage method is implemented in my DAL layer MessageRepository and looks like this:
public void Save()
This way of saving will seem a bit overcomplicated, but I structured the project this way because I didn't want the service layer (IUserService & UserService) to handle operations that could & should (i think) be handled by the Data Access Layer (IMessageRepository & MessageRepository).
Now comes the tricky part. I've been trying to understand how I could unit test this. This is my try:
namespace ChatProj.Tests
class MessageRepositoryTests
public void Setup()
public void SaveMessage_SaveWorking_VerifyUse()
var userServiceMock = new Mock<UserService>();
var message = new Message { MessageID = 0, Name = "Erland", MessageString = "Nunit Test", MessageDate = DateTime.Now };
var repositoryMock = new Mock<IMessageRepository>();
var contextMock = new Mock<MessageContext>();
MessageRepository messageRepository = new MessageRepository(contextMock.Object);
UserService userService = new UserService();
repositoryMock.Verify(m => m.Save());
userServiceMock.Verify(m => m.SaveMessage(message));
I get this error: Imgur link , and I'm not quite sure how to solve it. I've tried looking at several other SO posts but I fail to make the test work.
So I'm wondering, how do I practically get my Unit Test to work?
You should setup your MessageContext properties to return fake data and don't make real Db call with SaveChanges method.
Right now it still tries to access a real DB.
But you can setup only virtual properties or if it will be an inteface.
So the best solution is to extract an interface from your MessageContext and inject it into repository. Then you can easily mock your IMessageContext interface and force it to return appropriate in-memory data.
Take a look at these two lines:
UserService userService = new UserService();
You're creating a userService instance, and then immediately saving your message. Now jump into the SaveMessage code.
public void SaveMessage(Message message)
Ok, now you're adding stuff to messageContext, and then calling _messageRepository.Save(). But where are messageContext and _messageRepository instantiated?
public MessageContext messageContext = new MessageContext();
public UserService()
_messageRepository = new MessageRepository(messageContext);
You're creating them at instantiation. The mocks that you've created in your test aren't being used. Instead of creating instances of these objects in the constructor, you might consider passing them into the UserService constructor as arguments. Then, you can pass in mocked instances in your test.