Using async in non-async method - c#

Lets say I only want one method to run in async.
So I have an async method like below:
public async Task Load(){
Task task1 = GetAsync(1);
Task task2 = GetAsync(2);
Task task3 = GetAsync(3);
var data1 = await task1; // <--Freezes here when called from GetSomethingElse()
var data2 = await task2;
var data3 = await task3;
..process data..
And then I'm trying to call that async method in another method as a task, and would like for it to wait until that particular piece of async code is done. The problem is it's not. When it reaches the first await in Load() it just doesn't finish loading. The debugger goes blank and gives no other error.
Is an async method able to be called from a non async method, like this?
There is a reason I do not need this particular task to be async, but the Load() function I do.
public void GetSomethingElse(){
var task1 = Load().Wait();
How is this possible?
I tried even changing the Load() method to use var data = task1.Wait(), etc. instead of await, still no difference, no matter which way I try. If anyone can help it would be appreciated.

You probably have a deadlock on your hands. You're blocking a thread using Wait() on a task that needs that thread to complete because there's a SynchronizationContext being used in ASP.Net (also in GUI environments).
You should use ConfigureAwait(false) to tell the awaiter not to capture that context. It's enough to do that on the first await since the rest would have no SynchronizationContext to capture:
public async Task Load()
Task task1 = GetAsync(1);
Task task2 = GetAsync(2);
Task task3 = GetAsync(3);
var data1 = await task1.ConfigureAwait(false);
var data2 = await task2;
var data3 = await task3;
//..process data.
However, it's recommended to always use ConfigureAwait unless you want to capture the SynchronizationContext so a better standard is this:
public async Task Load()
Task task1 = GetAsync(1);
Task task2 = GetAsync(2);
Task task3 = GetAsync(3);
var data1 = await task1.ConfigureAwait(false);
var data2 = await task2.ConfigureAwait(false);
var data3 = await task3.ConfigureAwait(false);
//..process data.
In your case, where you want to continue after all the tasks completed you should use Task.WhenAll instead of awaiting each task separately:
public async Task Load()
await Task.WhenAll(GetAsync(1), GetAsync(2), GetAsync(3)).ConfigureAwait(false);
// process data.
Note: doing sync over async is usually discouraged as it has no benefits (you're blocking a thread throughout the entire operation) and may cause deadlocks (like this one).

I think you have a classic deadlock scenario. See this post for more details. When you have an await statement the current SynchronizationContext is stored before the await call and restored afterwards and the rest of the method posted to it. In GUI app there is only one thread associated with that context so the rest of the method is attemted to be executed on the GUI thread but it can't
because Wait() is a blocking call which blocks the GUI thread.
Try this instead:
public async Task Load(){
Task task1 = GetAsync(1).ConfigureAwait(false);
Task task2 = GetAsync(2).ConfigureAwait(false);
Task task3 = GetAsync(3).ConfigureAwait(false);
var data1 = await task1; // <--Freezes here when called from GetSomethingElse()
var data2 = await task2;
var data3 = await task3;
..process data..
If there are any awaits inside GetAsync you may have to add .ConfigureAwait(false) there as well.

You would change your Load function as following:
public async Task Load(){
await new TaskFactory().StartNew(() =>
Task task1 = GetAsync(1);
Task task2 = GetAsync(2);
Task task3 = GetAsync(3);
var data1 = await task1; // <--Freezes here when called from GetSomethingElse()
var data2 = await task2;
var data3 = await task3;
..process data..


Task.WhenAll but process results one by one

Let's say I have a list of Tasks, and I want to run them in parallel. But I don't need all of them to finish to continue, I can move on with just one. The following code waits for all the tasks to finish to move on. Is there a way for me to individually continue with the task that has completed while waiting for the other ones to finish?
List<string>[] x = await Task.WhenAll(new Task<List<string>>[] { task1, task2 })
// When task1 finishes, I want to process the result immediately
// instead of waiting on task2.
You're probably looking for Task.WhenAny.
I've used it for setting off a pile of tasks and then processing each of them as they become ready, but I suppose you could also just wait for one to finish and continue without the loop if you don't care about dealing with the rest.
while(tasks.Count() > 0)
var task = await Task.WhenAny(tasks);
var taskresult = await task;
// process result
If you are using C# 8 and .NET Core you can take advantage of IAsyncEnumerable to hide this complexity from the consuming side.
Just like this:
static async Task Main(string[] args)
await foreach (var data in GetData())
static async IAsyncEnumerable<string> GetData()
List<Task<string>> tasks = new List<Task<string>> {GetData1(), GetData3(), GetData2()};
while (tasks.Any())
var finishedTask = await Task.WhenAny(tasks);
yield return await finishedTask;
static async Task<string> GetData1()
await Task.Delay(5000);
return "Data1";
static async Task<string> GetData2()
await Task.Delay(3000);
return "Data2";
static async Task<string> GetData3()
await Task.Delay(2000);
return "Data3";
You can use Task.WhenAny instead.
Example "stolen" from Stephen Cleary's Blog:
var client = new HttpClient();
string results = await await Task.WhenAny(
// results contains the HTML for whichever website responded first.
Responding to comment
You absolutely can keep track of the other tasks:
// supposing you have a list of Tasks in `myTasks`:
while( myTasks.Count > 0 )
var finishedTask = await Task.WhenAny(myTasks);
handleFinishedTask(finishedTask); // assuming this is a method that
// does the work on finished tasks.
The only thing you'd have to watch out for is :
The returned task will always end in the RanToCompletion state with its Result set to the first task to complete. This is true even if the first task to complete ended in the Canceled or Faulted state.
Remarks in WhenAny Doks(Emphasis by me)
In case you want to process the results in order of the completion of the tasks, there is the OrderByCompletion extension method that does exactly that in Stephen Cleary's Nito.AsyncEx library, with the signature below:
// Creates a new collection of tasks that complete in order.
public static List<Task<T>> OrderByCompletion<T>(this IEnumerable<Task<T>> #this);
Usage example:
Task<string>[] tasks = new[] { task1, task2, task3, task4 };
foreach (var task in tasks.OrderByCompletion())
string result = await task;
// Do something with result
If you prefer not having external dependencies, the source code is here.
Based on the answer of Peter Csala, here a extension method for IAsyncEnumerable:
public static async IAsyncEnumerable<T> OrderedByCompletion<T>(this IEnumerable<Task<T>> tasks)
List<Task<T>> taskList = new List<Task<T>>(tasks);
while (taskList.Count > 0)
var finishedTask = await Task.WhenAny(taskList);
yield return await finishedTask;

Assign property, when Task completes

I want to ask you: I have code:
var task1 = await _connectionService.ValidateUriAsync(uri1);
OutputResult("ss", task1);
var task2 = await _connectionService.ValidateUriAsync(uri2);
OutputResult("bb", task2);
var task3 = await _connectionService.ValidateUriAsync(uri3);
OutputResult("cc", task3);
Now I'm waiting until each task finishes and then I output the result. But I would like to run all tasks independently (I know how to do that). But what I don't know is, when some task is completed I need to output result for each task. If task fails the output will be - task1 failed or Task1 success.
I tried this solution, but I will have to check which task is completed and than its result (true/false). It is complex. If I had 100 tasks, I cannot have 100 conditions.
var tasks = new[] {task1, task2, task3};
var process = tasks.Select(async task =>
var result = await task;
if(task == task1)assign property
await Task.WhenAll(proces);
Here is ValidateUriAsync func:
public async Task<bool> ValidateUriAsync(Uri uri)
var request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(uri);
var result = await request.GetResponseAsync();
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return false;
when some task is completed I need to output result for each task.
Don't think about this in terms of "reacting to tasks as they complete". Instead, think of your ValidateUriAsync method as an "operation", and what you want is to create a new higher-level "operation" that is "validate and assign".
With that mindset, the solution is more clear - introduce a new async method for the new operation:
private async Task ValidateAndOutputResult(Uri uri, string name)
var result = await _connectionService.ValidateUriAsync(uri);
OutputResult(name, result);
Now you can call the higher-level method, and use Task.WhenAll:
var tasks = new[]
ValidateAndOutputResult(uri1, "ss"),
ValidateAndOutputResult(uri2, "bb"),
ValidateAndOutputResult(uri3, "cc"),
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

Correct way to a-synchronize parallel tasks

Currently we have this code which works fine:
Result result1 = null;
Result result2 = null;
var task1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(()=>
var records = DB.Read("..");
//Do A lot
result1 = Process(records);
var task2 = Task.Factory.StartNew(()=>
var records = DB.Read(".....");
//Do A lot
result2 = Process(records);
Task.WaitAll(task1, task2);
var result = Combine(result1, result2);
Now we would like to use async counterparts of DB Functions and we are using this new pattern:
Result result1 = null;
Result result2 = null;
var task1 = await Task.Factory.StartNew( async ()=>
var records = await DB.ReadAsync("..");
//Do A lot
result1 = Process(records);
var task2 = await Task.Factory.StartNew(async ()=>
var records = await DB.ReadAsync(".....");
//Do A lot
result2 = Process(records);
Task.WaitAll(task1, task2);
var result = Combine(result1, result2);
After we switched to async we started observing abnormal behavior. So I wonder if this is the correct pattern to parallelize async calls ?
Task.Factory.StartNew is a pre-async API. You should be using Task.Run which was designed with async-await in mind:
var task1 = await Task.Run( async ()=>
var records = await DB.ReadAsync("..");
//Do A lot
result1 = Process(records);
The issue is that an async lambda returns a Task so Task.Factory.StartNew returns a Task<Task> (the outer one because Task.Factory.StartNew returns a Task and the inner one which is the result of the async lambda).
This means that when you wait on task1 and task2 you aren't really waiting for the entire operation, just the synchronous part of it.
You can fix that by using Task.Unwrap on the returned Task<Task>:
Task<Task> task1 = await Task.Factory.StartNew(async ()=>
var records = await DB.ReadAsync("..");
//Do A lot
result1 = Process(records);
Task actualTask1 = task1.Unwrap();
await actualTask1;
But Task.Run does that implicitly for you.
As a side note, you should realize that you don't need Task.Run to execute these operations concurrently. You can do that just by calling these methods and awaiting the results together with Task.When:
async Task MainAsync()
var task1 = FooAsync();
var task2 = BarAsync();
await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2);
var result = Combine(task1.Result, task2.Result);
async Task<Result> FooAsync()
var records = await DB.ReadAsync("..");
//Do A lot
return Process(records);
async Task<Result> BarAsync()
var records = await DB.ReadAsync(".....");
//Do A lot
return Process(records);
You only need Task.Run if you need to offload even the synchronous parts of these methods (the part before the first await) to the ThreadPool.
Well using .WaitAll is not an async programming because you're actually blocking current thread on waiting. Also you dont call .Unwrap and that's why you just wait only on creating of async lambda, not on async lambda itself.
Task.Run can unwrap async lambda for you. But there's a simpler and cleaner way.
var task1 = DB.ReadAsync("..").ContinueWith(task => {
//Do A lot
return Process(task.Result);
}, TaskScheduler.Default);
var task2 = DB.ReadAsync("..").ContinueWith(task => {
//Do A lot
return Process(task.Result);
}, TaskScheduler.Default);
var result = Combine(await task1, await task2);
In this way you will get result exactly when it's ready. So you don't need additional tasks and variables at all.
Please note that ContinueWith is a tricky function and it works on TaskScheduler.Current if it is not null and otherwise it works on TaskScheduler.Default which is thread pool scheduler. So it's safer to specify scheduler explicitly always when calling this function.
Also for claryfing I didn't included error checking because actually DB.ReadAsync can be completed with an error. But that's an easy thing and you can handle it for yourself.
Task.Factory.StartNew start a new Task of execution another independent execution unit. So the simplest way to deal with that may look like:
var task1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(()=> //NO AWAIT
var records = DB.Read("....."); //NO ASYNC
//Do A lot
result1 = Process(records);
... another task definition
Task.WaitAll(task1, task2);
Read and process sequentially in one task, as you have data dependency.

Correct way to make async method

Is the following the correct way to make a async method, where the code in the method have to do multiple async calls that needs to be waited on.
The plan is to start multiple of this method, and when wait for all of them to finish before the code continues.
public static Task<string> Get(string url)
return Task.Run(async () =>
var client = getBaseHttpClient();
var result = await client.GetAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return null;
Your code:
starts a threadpool thread (Task.Run),
which will start an async I/O operation (GetAsync), and then go back to the threadpool.
When the I/O is done (await), another threadpool thread will be started (ConfigureAwait(false)),
which will start another async I/O operation to read the content of the HTTP response (GetAsStringAsync), and go back to the threadpool.
When the I/O is done (await), another threadpool thread will be started to return the content to the calling method.
You could skip step 1. altogether. All it does is defer the call to getBaseHttpClient to a threadpool thread, which I'll assume is not intensive CPU-bound work - in which case, it could/should be done synchronously.
public static async Task<string> Get(string url)
var client = getBaseHttpClient();
var result = await client.GetAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return null;
Calling code would be:
var tasks = urls.Select(Get);
var responses = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

Concurrent execution of async methods

Using the async/await model, I have a method which makes 3 different calls to a web service and then returns the union of the results.
var result1 = await myService.GetData(source1);
var result2 = await myService.GetData(source2);
var result3 = await myService.GetData(source3);
allResults = Union(result1, result2, result3);
Using typical await, these 3 calls will execute synchronously wrt each other. How would I go about letting them execute concurrently and join the results as they complete?
How would I go about letting them execute in parallel and join the results as they complete?
The simplest approach is just to create all the tasks and then await them:
var task1 = myService.GetData(source1);
var task2 = myService.GetData(source2);
var task3 = myService.GetData(source3);
// Now everything's started, we can await them
var result1 = await task1;
var result1 = await task2;
var result1 = await task3;
You might also consider Task.WhenAll. You need to consider the possibility that more than one task will fail... with the above code you wouldn't observe the failure of task3 for example, if task2 fails - because your async method will propagate the exception from task2 before you await task3.
I'm not suggesting a particular strategy here, because it will depend on your exact scenario. You may only care about success/failure and logging one cause of failure, in which case the above code is fine. Otherwise, you could potentially attach continuations to the original tasks to log all exceptions, for example.
You could use the Parallel class:
() => result1 = myService.GetData(source1),
() => result2 = myService.GetData(source2),
() => result3 = myService.GetData(source3)
For more information visit:
As a more generic solution you can use the api I wrote below, it also allows you to define a real time throttling mechanism of max number of concurrent async requests.
The inputEnumerable will be the enumerable of your source and asyncProcessor is your async delegate (myservice.GetData in your example).
If the asyncProcessor - myservice.GetData - returns void or just a Task without any type, then you can simply update the api to reflect that. (just replace all Task<> references to Task)
public static async Task<TOut[]> ForEachAsync<TIn, TOut>(
IEnumerable<TIn> inputEnumerable,
Func<TIn, Task<TOut>> asyncProcessor,
int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null)
IEnumerable<Task<TOut>> tasks;
if (maxDegreeOfParallelism != null)
SemaphoreSlim throttler = new SemaphoreSlim(maxDegreeOfParallelism.Value, maxDegreeOfParallelism.Value);
tasks = inputEnumerable.Select(
async input =>
await throttler.WaitAsync();
return await asyncProcessor(input).ConfigureAwait(false);
tasks = inputEnumerable.Select(asyncProcessor);
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

