Using Reactive Extensions, I have created a rolling buffer of values that caches a small history of recent values in a data stream for use in a plotting application. Since the values arrive much faster than I am interested in displaying, I would like to use the Sample(Timespan span) method in my Reactive pipeline to slow things down. However, adding it to the sample below causes an Exception to be thrown after a bit in the WriteEnumerable method (collection was modified). This is obviously a threading issue related to Sample, but I'm stumped on how exactly to alleviate it. I've tried setting the Scheduler to use in the Sample method to no avail.
Any advice?
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
.Subscribe(frame => WriteEnumerable(frame));
var input = "";
while (input != "exit")
input = Console.ReadLine();
private static void WriteEnumerable<T>(IEnumerable<T> enumerable)
foreach (T thing in enumerable)
Console.WriteLine(thing + " " + DateTime.UtcNow);
public static class Extensions
public static IObservable<IEnumerable<Timestamped<T>>> TimedRollingBuffer<T>(this IObservable<T> observable, TimeSpan timeRange)
return Observable.Create<IEnumerable<Timestamped<T>>>(
o =>
var queue = new Queue<Timestamped<T>>();
return observable.Timestamp().Subscribe(
tx =>
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
while (queue.Peek().Timestamp < now.Subtract(timeRange))
ex => o.OnError(ex),
() => o.OnCompleted()
credit where credit is due: reactive extensions sliding time window
The exception is due to the fact you are modifying the queue whilst enumerating it.
The RollingBuffer implementation you cited by #Enigmativity does the right thing - you will notice in his implemention the OnNext is invoked with a ToArray() ensuring a copy of the list as it stands is dispatched to observers rather than the mutating original.
In your case, the introduction of Sample introduces concurrency (which is fine - that's what it is supposed to do) - however, you are passing the queue itself, which will mutate whilst enumeration is occurring due to this introduced concurrency. This is a bug.
In your TimedRollingBuffer, if you were to use o.OnNext(queue.ToArray()) instead of o.OnNext(queue) you wouldn't have this problem.
I am having the following problem: with RethinkDB using RunChangesAsync method runs once and when used, it starts listening to changes on a given query. When the query changes, you are given the Cursor<Change<Class>> , which is a delta between the initial state and the actual state.
My question is how can I make this run continuously?
If I use:
code.... //changes happening while program is here
/......processed buffered items
code //new changes here
If there are changes happening where i pointed in the code, they would not be caught by the RunChanges. The only changes that would be caught would be while RunChanges is listening. Not before ..or after it retrieves the results.
So I tried wrapping the RunChanges in an observable but it does not listen continuously for changes as I would have just retrieves 2 null items (garbage I suppose) and ends.
public IObservable<Cursor<Change<UserStatus?>>> GetObservable() =>
class PlayerSubscriber : IObserver<Cursor<Change<UserStatus?>>>
public void OnCompleted() => Console.WriteLine("Finished");
public void OnError(Exception error) => Console.WriteLine("error");
public void OnNext(Cursor<Change<UserStatus?>> value)
foreach (var item in value.BufferedItems)
class Program
public static RethinkDB r = RethinkDB.R;
public static bool End = false;
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var address = new Address { Host = "", Port = 28015 };
var con = await r.Connection().Hostname(address.Host).Port(address.Port).ConnectAsync();
var database = new Database(r, con);
var obs = database.GetObservable();
var sub = new PlayerSubscriber();
var disp = obs.Subscribe(sub);
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
When I am debugging as you can see, the OnNext method of the Observer is executed only once (returns two null objects) and then it closes.
P.S: Database is just a wrapper around rethinkdb queries. The only method used is GetObservable which I posted it. The UserStatus is a POCO.
When creating a change feed, you'll want to create one change feed object. For example, when you get back a Cursor<Change<T>> after running .RunChangesAsync(); that is really all you need.
The cursor object you get back from query.RunChangesAsync() is your change feed object that you will use for the entire lifetime you want to receive changes.
In your example:
code.... //changes happening while program is here
/......processed buffered items
code //new changes here
Having .RunChangesAsync(); in a while loop is not the correct approach. You don't need to re-run the query again and get another Cursor<Change<T>>. I'll explain how this works at the end of this post.
Also, do not use cursor.BufferedItems on the cursor object. The cursor.BufferedItems property on the cursor is not meant to consumed by your code directly; the cursor.BufferedItems property is only exposed for those special situations where you want to "peek ahead" inside the cursor object (client-side) for items that are ready to be consumed that are specific to your change feed query.
The proper way to consume items in your change feed is to enumerate over the cursor object itself as shown below:
var cursor = await query.RunChangesAsync(conn);
foreach (var item in cursor){
When the cursor runs out of items, it will make a request to the RethinkDB server for more items. Keep in mind, each iteration of the foreach loop can be potentially a blocking call. For example, the foreach loop can block indefinitely when 1) there are no items on the client-side to be consumed (.BufferedItems.Count == 0) and 2) there are no items that have been changed on the server-side according to your change feed query criteria. under these circumstances, the foreach loop will block until RethinkDB server sends you an item that is ready to be consumed.
Documentation about using Reactive Extensions and RethinkDB in C#
There is a driver unit test that shows how .NET Reactive Extensions can work here.
Specifically, Lines 31 - 47 in this unit test set up a change feed with Reactive Extensions:
var changes = R.Db(DbName).Table(TableName)
//.changes()[new {include_states = true, include_initial = true}]
var observable = changes.ToObservable();
//use a new thread if you want to continue,
//otherwise, subscription will block.
x => OnNext(x),
e => OnError(e),
() => OnCompleted()
Additionally, here is a good example and explanation of what happens and how to consume a change feed with C#:
Hope that helps.
If you have an operation that has the signature Task<int> ReadAsync(), then the way to set up polling, is like this:
IObservable<int> PollRead(TimeSpan interval)
.SelectMany(n => Observable.FromAsync(() => ReadAsync()));
I'd also caution about you creating your own implementation of IObservable<T> - it's fraught with danger. You should use Observer.Create(...) if you are creating your own observer that you want to hand around. Generally you don't even do that.
The original post contained a problem, I managed to solve, introducing a lot of issues with shared mutable state. Now, I'm wondering, if it can be done in a pure functional way.
Requests can be processed in a certain order.
For each order i there is an effectiveness E(i)
Processing request should follow three conditions
There should be no delay between acquiring the first request and processing it
There should be no delay between processing some request and processing next request
When there are several orders of processing requests, the one with highest effectiveness should be chosen
Concrete example:
For an infinite list of integers, print them, so, that prime numbers are generally earlier, than not prime numbers
Effectiveness of ordering is reverse to the number of times we had primes in queue, but printed non prime
My first solution in C# (not for primes, obviously) used some classes having a shared mutable state represented by a concurrent priority queue. It was ugly, because I had to manually subscribe classes to events and unsubscribe them, check that queue is not exhausted by one intermediate consumer before other consumer processes it and etc.
To refactor it, I chose Reactive Extensions library, which seemed to address issues with state. I understood that in the following case I couldn't use it:
The source function accepts nothing and returns IObservable<Request>
The process function accepts IObservable<Request> and returns nothing
I have to write a reorder function, which reorders requests on their way from source to process.
Internally reorder has a ConcurrentPriorityQueue of orders. It should handle two scenarios:
When process is busy with processing reorder finds better orderings and updates the queue
When process has requested a new order reorder returns the first element from queue
The problem was that if reorder returned IObservable<Request>, it wass unaware, whether items were requested from it, or no.
If reorder had called OnNext immediately upon receiving, it did not reorder anything and violated condition 3.
If it ensured, that it had found the best ordering, it violated conditions 1&2 because process could become idle.
If reorder returned ISubject<Request>, it exposed an option to call OnError and OnCompleted to consumer.
If reorder has returned the queue, I would have returned to where I started
The problem was that cold IObservable.Create was not lazy enough. It started exhausting queue with all requests when a subscription to it was made but results of only the first ones were used.
The solution I came up with is to return observable of requests, i.e. IObservable<Func<Task<int>>> instead of IObservable<int>
It works when there is only one subscriber, but if there are more requests used, than there are numbers generated by source, they will be awaited forever.
This issue can probably be solved by introducing caching, but then consumer which consumed a queue fast will have side effects on all other consumers, because he will freeze the queue in less effective ordering, than it would be after some waiting.
So, I will post solution to the original question, but It's not really a valuable answer, because it introduces a lot of problems.
This demonstrates why doesn't functional reactive programming and side effects mix well. On the other hand, it seems I now have an example of a practical problem impossible to solve in pure functional way. Or don't I? If Order function accepted optimizationLevel as a parameter it would be pure. Can we somehow implicitly convert time to optimizationLevel to make this pure as well?
I'd like to see such solution very much. In C# or any other language.
Problematic solution. Uses ConcurrentPriorityQueue from this repo.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using DataStructures;
using System.Threading;
namespace LazyObservable
class Program
/// <summary>
/// Compares tuple by second element, then by first in reverse
/// </summary>
class PriorityComparer<TElement, TPriority> : IComparer<Tuple<TElement, TPriority>>
where TPriority : IComparable<TPriority>
Func<TElement, TElement, int> fallbackComparer;
public PriorityComparer(IComparer<TElement> comparer=null)
if (comparer != null)
fallbackComparer = comparer.Compare;
else if (typeof(IComparable<TElement>).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TElement))
|| typeof(IComparable).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TElement)))
fallbackComparer = (a,b)=>-Comparer<TElement>.Default.Compare(a,b);
fallbackComparer = (_1,_2) => 0;
public int Compare(Tuple<TElement, TPriority> x, Tuple<TElement, TPriority> y)
if (x == null && y == null)
return 0;
if (x == null || y == null)
return x == null ? -1 : 1;
int res=x.Item2.CompareTo(y.Item2);
if (res == 0)
res = fallbackComparer(x.Item1,y.Item1);
return res;
const int N = 100;
static IObservable<int> Source()
return Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1))
.Select(x => (int)x)
.Where(x => x <= 100);
static bool IsPrime(int x)
if (x <= 1)
return false;
if (x == 2)
return true;
int limit = ((int)Math.Sqrt(x)) + 1;
for (int i = 2; i < limit; ++i)
if (x % i == 0)
return false;
return true;
static IObservable<Func<Task<int>>> Order(IObservable<int> numbers)
ConcurrentPriorityQueue<Tuple<int, int>> queue = new ConcurrentPriorityQueue<Tuple<int, int>>(new PriorityComparer<int, int>());
numbers.Subscribe(x =>
queue.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(x, 0));
Console.WriteLine("Testing {0}", x);
if (IsPrime(x))
if (queue.Remove(new Tuple<int, int>(x, 0)))
Console.WriteLine("Accelerated {0}", x);
queue.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(x, 1));
Func<Task<int>> requestElement = async () =>
while (queue.Count == 0)
await Task.Delay(30);
return queue.Take().Item1;
return numbers.Select(_=>requestElement);
static void Process(IObservable<Func<Task<int>>> numbers)
.Subscribe(async x=>
await Task.Delay(1000);
Console.WriteLine(await x());
static void Main(string[] args)
To summarize (conceptually):
You have requests that come in irregularly (from source), and a single processor (function process) that can handle them.
The processor should have no downtime.
You're implicitly going to need some sort of queue-ish collection to manage the case where the requests come in faster than the processor can process.
In the event that there are multiple requests queued up, ideally, you should order them by some effectiveness function, however the re-ordering shouldn't be the cause of downtime. (Function reorder).
Is all this correct?
Assuming it is, the source can be of type IObservable<Request>, sounds fine. reorder though sounds like it should really return an IEnumerable<Request>: process wants to be working on a pull-basis: It wants to pull the highest priority request once it frees up, and wait for the next request if the queue is empty but start immediately. That sounds like a task for IEnumerable, not IObservable.
public IObservable<Request> requester();
public IEnumerable<Request> reorder(IObservable<Request> requester);
public void process(IEnumerable<Request> requestEnumerable);
This sample console application has 2 observables. The first one pushes numbers from 1 to 100. This observable is subscribed by the AsyncClass which runs a long running process for each number it gets. Upon completion of this new async process I want to be able to 'push' to 2 subscribers which would be doing something with this new value.
My attempts are commented in the source code below.
class AsyncClass
private readonly IConnectableObservable<int> _source;
private readonly IDisposable _sourceDisposeObj;
public IObservable<string> _asyncOpObservable;
public AsyncClass(IConnectableObservable<int> source)
_source = source;
_sourceDisposeObj = _source.Subscribe(
private void Completed()
private void ExceptionHandler(Exception exp)
throw exp;
private void ProcessArguments(int evtArgs)
Console.WriteLine("Argument being processed with value: " + evtArgs);
//_asyncOpObservable = LongRunningOperationAsync("hello").Publish();
// not going to work either since this creates a new observable for each value from main observer
public IObservable<string> LongRunningOperationAsync(string param)
// should not be creating an observable here, rather 'pushing' values?
return Observable.Create<string>(
o => Observable.ToAsync<string, string>(DoLongRunningOperation)(param).Subscribe(o)
private string DoLongRunningOperation(string arg)
return "Hello";
static void Main(string[] args)
var source = Observable
.Range(1, 100)
var asyncObj = new AsyncClass(source);
var _asyncTaskSource = asyncObj._asyncOpObservable;
var ui1 = new UI1(_asyncTaskSource);
var ui2 = new UI2(_asyncTaskSource);
UI1 (and UI2, they're basically the same):
class UI1
private IConnectableObservable<string> _asyncTaskSource;
private IDisposable _taskSourceDisposable;
public UI1(IConnectableObservable<string> asyncTaskSource)
_asyncTaskSource = asyncTaskSource;
_taskSourceDisposable = _asyncTaskSource.Subscribe(RefreshUI, HandleException, Completed);
private void Completed()
Console.WriteLine("UI1: Stream completed");
private void HandleException(Exception obj)
Console.WriteLine("Exception! "+obj.Message);
private void RefreshUI(string obj)
Console.WriteLine("UI1: UI refreshing with value "+obj);
This is my first project with Rx so let me know if I should be thinking differently. Any help would be highly appreciated!
I'm going to let you know you should be thinking differently... :) Flippancy aside, this looks like a case of bad collision between object-oriented and functional-reactive styles.
It's not clear what the requirements are around timing of the data flow and caching of results here - the use of Publish and IConnectableObservable is a little confused. I'm going to guess you want to avoid the 2 downstream subscriptions causing the processing of a value being duplicated? I'm basing some of my answer on that premise. The use of Publish() can achieve this by allowing multiple subscribers to share a subscription to a single source.
Idiomatic Rx wants you to try and keep to a functional style. In order to do this, you want to present the long running work as a function. So let's say, instead of trying to wire your AsyncClass logic directly into the Rx chain as a class, you could present it as a function like this contrived example:
async Task<int> ProcessArgument(int argument)
// perform your lengthy calculation - maybe in an OO style,
// maybe creating class instances and invoking methods etc.
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
return argument + 1;
Now, you can construct a complete Rx observable chain calling this function, and through the use of Publish().RefCount() you can avoid multiple subscribers causing duplicate effort. Note how this separates concerns too - the code processing the value is simpler because the reuse is handled elsewhere.
var query = source.SelectMany(x => ProcessArgument(x).ToObservable())
By creating a single chain for subscribers, the work is only started when necessary on subscription. I've used Publish().RefCount() - but if you want to ensure values aren't missed by the second and subsequent subscribers, you could use Replay (easy) or use Publish() and then Connect - but you'll want the Connect logic outside the individual subscriber's code because you just need to call it once when all subscribers have subscribed.
I have this class for explaining my problem:
public class DataObserver: IDisposable
private readonly List<IDisposable> _subscriptions = new List<IDisposable>();
private readonly SomeBusinessLogicServer _server;
public DataObserver(SomeBusinessLogicServer server, IObservable<SomeData> data)
_server = server;
private void TryHandle(SomeData data)
catch (Exception)
// Handle exceptions somehow!
public void Dispose()
_subscriptions.ForEach(s => s.Dispose());
A) How can I avoid blocking inside the TryHandle() function?
B) How would you publish exceptions caught inside that function for handling them properly?
The Rx Design Guidelines provide a lot of useful advice when writing your own Rx operators:
I'm sure I'll get lambasted for linking to an external article, but this link has been good for a couple of years and it's too big to republish on SO.
First, take a look at CompositeDisposable instead of re-implementing it yourself.
Other than that, there are many answers to your question. I have found that the best insight I've had when working with Rx is realizing that most cases where you want to subscribe are really just more chains in the observable you are building and you don't really want to subscribe but instead want to apply yet another transform to the incoming observable. And let some code that is further "on the edge of the system" and has more knowledge of how to handle errors do the actual subscribing
In the example you have presented:
A) Don't block by just transforming the IObservable<SomeData> into an IObservable<Task> (which is really better expressed as an IObservable<IObservable<Unit>>).
B) Publish exceptions by just ending the observable with an error or, if you don't want the exception to end the observable, exposing an IObservable<Exception>.
Here's how I'd re-write your example, assuming you did not want the stream to end on error, but instead just keep running after reporting the errors:
public static class DataObserver
public static IObservable<Exception> ApplyLogic(this IObservable<SomeData> source, SomeBusinessLogicServer server)
return source
.Select(data =>
// execute the async method as an observable<Unit>
// ignore its results, but capture its error (if any) and yield it.
return Observable
.FromAsync(() => server.MakeApiCallAsync(data))
.Select(_ => (Exception)null) // to cast from IObservable<Unit> to IObservable<Exception>
.Catch((Exception e) => Observable.Return(e));
// runs the Api calls sequentially (so they will not run concurrently)
// If you prefer to let the calls run in parallel, then use
// .Merge() instead of .Concat()
.Concat() ;
// Usage (in Main() perhaps)
IObservable<SomeData> dataStream = ...;
var subscription = dataStream.ApplyLogic(server).Subscribe(error =>
Console.WriteLine("An error occurred processing a dataItem: {0}", error);
}, fatalError =>
Console.WriteLine("A fatal error occurred retrieving data from the dataStream: {0}", fatalError);
I've been trying to create an observable which streams a state-of-the-world (snapshot) from a repository cache, followed by live updates from a separate feed. The catch is that the snapshot call is blocking, so the updates have to be buffered during that time.
This is what I've come up with, a little simplified. The GetStream() method is the one I'm concerned with. I'm wondering whether there is a more elegant solution. Assume GetDataFeed() pulses updates to the cache all day long.
private static readonly IConnectableObservable<long> _updateStream;
public static Constructor()
_updateStream = GetDataFeed().Publish();
static void Main(string[] args)
GetStream().Subscribe(l => Console.WriteLine("Stream: " + l));
public static IObservable<long> GetStream()
return Observable.Create<long>(observer =>
var bufferedStream = new ReplaySubject<long>();
var data = GetSnapshot();
// This returns the ticks from GetSnapshot
// followed by the buffered ticks from _updateStream
// followed by any subsequent ticks from _updateStream
return Disposable.Empty;
private static IObservable<long> GetDataFeed()
var feed = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
return Observable.Create<long>(observer =>
return Disposable.Empty;
Popular opinion opposes Subjects as they are not 'functional', but I can't find a way of doing this without a ReplaySubject. The Replay filter on a hot observable wouldn't work because it would replay everything (potentially a whole day's worth of stale updates).
I'm also concerned about race conditions. Is there a way to guarantee sequencing of some sort, should an earlier update be buffered before the snapshot? Can the whole thing be done more safely and elegantly with other RX operators?
Whether you use a ReplaySubject or the Replay function really makes no difference. Replay uses a ReplaySubject under the hood. I'll also note that you are leaking subscriptions like mad, which can cause a resource leak. Also, you put no limit on the size of the replay buffer. If you watch the observable all day long, then that replay buffer will keep growing and growing. You should put a limit on it to prevent that.
Here is an updated version of GetStream. In this version I take the simplistic approach of just limitting the Replay to the most recent 1 minute of data. This assumes that GetData will always complete and the observer will observe the results within that 1 minute. Your mileage may vary and you can probably improve upon this scheme. But at least this way when you have watched the observable all day long, that buffer will not have grown unbounded and will still only contain a minute's worth of updates.
public static IObservable<long> GetStream()
return Observable.Create<long>(observer =>
var updateStreamSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable();
var sequenceDisposable = new SingleAssignmentDisposable();
var subscriptions = new CompositeDisposable(updateStreamDisposable, sequenceDisposable);
// start buffering the updates
var bufferedStream = _updateStream.Replay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
updateStreamSubscription.Disposable = bufferedStream.Connect();
// now retrieve the initial snapshot data
var data = GetSnapshot();
// subscribe to the snapshot followed by the buffered data
sequenceDisposable.Disposable = data.ToObservable().Concat(bufferedStream).subscribe(observer);
// return the composite disposable which will unsubscribe when the observer wishes
return subscriptions;
As for your questions about race conditions and filtering out "old" updates...if your snapshot data includes some sort of version information, and your update stream also providers version information, then you can effectively measure the latest version returned by your snapshot query and then filter the buffered stream to ignore values for older versions. Here is a rough example:
public static IObservable<long> GetStream()
return Observable.Create<long>(observer =>
var updateStreamSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable();
var sequenceDisposable = new SingleAssignmentDisposable();
var subscriptions = new CompositeDisposable(updateStreamDisposable, sequenceDisposable);
// start buffering the updates
var bufferedStream = _updateStream.Replay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
updateStreamSubscription.Disposable = bufferedStream.Connect();
// now retrieve the initial snapshot data
var data = GetSnapshot();
var snapshotVersion = data.Length > 0 ? data[data.Length - 1].Version : 0;
var filteredUpdates = bufferedStream.Where(update => update.Version > snapshotVersion);
// subscribe to the snapshot followed by the buffered data
sequenceDisposable.Disposable = data.ToObservable().Concat(filteredUpdates).subscribe(observer);
// return the composite disposable which will unsubscribe when the observer wishes
return subscriptions;
I have successfully used this pattern when merging live updates with a stored snapshot. I haven't yet found an elegant Rx operator that already does this without any race conditions. But the above method could probably be turned into such. :)
Edit: Note I have left out error handling in the examples above. In theory the call to GetSnapshot could fail and you'd leak the subscription to the update stream. I suggest wrapping everything after the CompositeDisposable declaration in a try/catch block, and in the catch handler, ensure call subscriptions.Dispose() before re-throwing the exception.