Dealing with user interface inside a thread (Compact-Framework) - c#

We want to display a "Loading, please wait..." screen before the application starts executing other functions on a Win CE 5.0 powered device. The application is being developed using .NET Compact Framework 3.5 (C#).
The issue is that, the UI is only updated once the set of current processes are completed, to a stage where other functions will only run with user interaction. C# has a Form.Shown() event, which would allow the application to run other functions, only ONCE the form has been displayed. However, the Compact-Framework does NOT include.
The solution I've approached was using multi-threading, where I would have one thread which would display the "Loading, please wait..." screen, and the other would take care of other function.
The issue with Threading is, when managing UI components, it gives an error if not applied the correct techniques:
public Form1()
ThreadStart tstart = new ThreadStart(showLoad);
Thread t1 = new Thread(tstart);
Thread t2 = new Thread(checkConnect);
private void checkConnect()
conn.portConnect(); //Connects to port Successfully
if (conn.isConnected == true) //Variable which checks the connectivity status
private void showLoad()
if (imgLoading.InvokeRequired)
imgLoading.Invoke((Action)(() => imgLoading.Show())); //Image box displaying "Loading, please wait..." shows successfully if I use Control.Invoke
//If I don't use Control.Invoke I get the following error:
//"Control.Invoke must be used to interact with controls created on a separate thread."
On the showLoad() function, it is not a problem to add Control.Invoke. However, the functions panelMENUshow() and panelCONFIGshow() contains many bits of code that manages UI components, and it would be not practical to use Control.Invoke in every line of code referring to a UI component.
Is there a way of:
stopping the threading but carry on running the code that involves UI management?
practically manage UI components within a thread?
PS: The approach was based on the answer of this post.

Use the refresh function to force the control to be immediately redrawn.

When writing WinForm apps you want to keep the complexities of threading away from the main UI thread. I've seen too many applications with thread code weaving in and out of them, tying the logic into a knot.
Instead, model anything that requires any kind of threading as a component that, while it may use threads internally, presents a friendly, even-based model to the outside world. These components should not have any direct interaction with your UI.
Given that, your code would look something more like this (just an example, not syntax checked and probably with lots of typos etc, but it will give you an idea):
public class CommunicationObject
// you will probably have several EventArgs to define to pass extra info
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> Connected;
// you need this instance to dispatch events to the UI thread
private Control _invoker;
public CommunicationObject(Control invoker)
_invoker = invoker;
// start a thread here, or better yet, add an Enabled property or
// Start method to kick it off
// from the thread that is doing the real work, call this when you are connected
private void OnConnected()
_invoker.Invoke(() =>
EventHandler<EventArgs> handler = Connected;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, EventArgs.Empty); // eventually you might need your own event args
public class Form1 : Form
private CommunicationObject _comm;
public Form1()
imgLoading.Show(); // show msg until connected
_comm = new CommunicationObject(this);
_comm.Connected += Comm_Connected; // wire up event handler
private void Comm_Connected(object src, EventArgs e)
if (imgLoading.Visible)
imgLoading.Hide(); // hide once connected
Note that the form has no threads in it at all. Push that complexity into stand-alone objects. It might seem like a bit more work, but you will thank yourself later!


Make main thread execute code on button press after

I have a piece of code that does some calculations and then calls the command. Now I have a library (the revit api) that does not allow me to store variables in a project without being in the main thread.
The logical solution for this is to get the spawned thread to call the main thread using say a producer/consumer pattern with code looking a bit like this:
However when I do this the gui does not load fully (black background, no text in buttons ext.).
I have also tried doing this using the evoke method
private void BtnOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
private void Invoke(Action commit)
However this just tells me that it's not the main thread that's executing the commit function.
Is there another way to do this or am I just making an error.
Just to be clear I have a command that throws an error if it's not executed by the main thread. I also have a commit() function that must be excused by the main thread or it throws an error. The execution must wait until a button press. But the main thread polling the gui thread for changing causes the program to hang. According to my google search it' s also possible to do something involving an external event to get back into the right context but the example given was using python to invoke c# code, is there a good way to raise an external event to get back into a given thread in c#?
Edit: based on some suggestions I have created the following code:
public class ThreadManager
static List<ThreadAble> orders = new List<ThreadAble>();
public static bool running = false;
public static void execute(ThreadAble action)
static System.Timers.Timer timer;
public static void RegisterAPIThreadAndHold(ExternalCommandData commandData)
UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application;
uiapp.Idling += Application_Idle;
private static void Application_Idle(Object o,IdlingEventArgs e)
if (orders.Count != 0)
ThreadAble f = orders.First();
public interface ThreadAble {
void execute();
However this does not appear to actually run when I use it as
public override Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
Form frm = new OverviewForm(ExternalCommandData commandData);
ThreadManager.Execute(new run_ThrowError())
where ThrowError.execute() is
Throw new Exception(" this is actually being executed" );
Your first example could work if you will replace Thread.Sleep by the System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(). It should give time to paint GUI and do not froze application completly.
// Thread.sleep(100);
But this is not perfect solution to achieve this.
Better would be calling Dispatcher.Invoke command inside your dialog to perform MainThread operations.
You can use i.e. GalaSoft library - please refer to DispatcherHelper object documentation and samples.
The two ways to do this I'm aware of are with the External Event or the Idling event.
With the idling event, you'll register it, and while it is registered, your code (in the main thread) will get a callback from Revit every time that it's not busy with something else. Often a few times per second.
Once you are in the Idling callback, then you're able to create transactions and interact with the model. So your callback checks the state of the form and decides whether there is something to do.
The External Event works similarly in terms of registration, but you're able to request a trigger of the callback.
Jeremy Tammik must have 20 posts on on Modeless dialog / Revit stuff.
For a simple solution to this, please refer to the Revit SDK ModelessDialog ModelessForm_ExternalEvent sample application. It demonstrates exactly what you are asking for.

How to process events fast during a busy process, is there an Update command?

During a lengthy (about 1 minute) process I am trying to log some progress by writing time-stamped messages to a text control. But all messages appear at once. Apparently, all PropertyChanged events are queued until my busy process is done, and received by the text control all at once. How can I kind of 'flush' the events in the middle of my busy process? I searched but could not find a Flush/Update/Dispatch call to immediately process queued events.
A multi threaded solution is in question 1194620, but I would first like to avoid multithreading if possible. In older environments (C++, .Net Winforms/ASP) there were always system calls like Update to interrupt a busy process to handle pending events.
Edit: Please don't tell me that that a lengthy process should be in another thread. I agree. But this is inherited code, and before I would even think about converting to multithreaded, I first need to log certain events to understand what it does. Besides, this app has many other problems that need to be fixed first. Also, after fixing problems, the lengthy process might not be lenghty anymore.
The method of writing strings from anywhere in de code I found in question 18888937 and works fine.
This is the code-behind.
Edit: I added the call to the solution in the Accepted Answer.
public partial class App : Application, INotifyPropertyChanged
/// <summary>
/// Property for the log message for the TextBlock control
/// </summary>
public string StartupMessage
get { return _StartupMessage; }
if (_StartupMessage.Length == 0)
_StartupMessage = string.Format("{0:HH-mm-ss} {1}",
DateTime.Now, value);
_StartupMessage = string.Format("{0}{1}{2:HH-mm-ss} {3}",
_StartupMessage, Environment.NewLine, DateTime.Now, value);
private string _StartupMessage = "";
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
DoEvents();//see the accepted answer below
this is the text control:
<TextBlock x:Name="textblock_StartupMessages"
Margin="10" TextWrapping="Wrap"
Text="{Binding Path=StartupMessage, Source={x:Static Application.Current}}">
and here is how I place messages from another place in the code:
public class AllRoutesViewModel : ViewModelBase
public AllRoutesViewModel()
(System.Windows.Application.Current as App).StartupMessage =
"start of AllRoutesViewModel()";
avoid multithreading if possible. In older environments (C++, .Net
Winforms/ASP) there were always system calls like Update to interrupt
a busy process to handle pending events.
This is attempting a design pattern on a system which was designed not to behave like the systems you mentioned.
Long running operations should not be done on the GUI thread in WPF.
Notify property change only works when the GUI thread is not blocked because it is inherently a GUI process. The code you have is blocking the GUI thread. If you properly run the task in a background worker, or an async task and properly update your property, the notify will make the GUI behave visually as you actually want and expect.
But by the design you present, to graphically do this is impossible. The best answer is to learn the WPF design pattern and follow it, instead of forcing a different technologies design pattern.
You might consider using Dispatcher.PushFrame.
More information is available about the class here.
Also, here is the relevant code sample from MDSN (slightly modified):
using System.Windows.Threading; //DispatcherFrame, needs ref to WindowsBase
//[SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
public void DoEvents()
DispatcherFrame frame = new DispatcherFrame();
new DispatcherOperationCallback(ExitFrame), frame);
public object ExitFrame(object f)
((DispatcherFrame)f).Continue = false;
return null;
While this solution might give you want you want in this case, I have to agree with what others have said about design patterns. Please consider something like MVVM in the future.

Accessing WinForms Controls from a serial port in a class

First, the apology: I'm new to posting questions on this site, so I apologize for formatting or information errors.I have seen many answers to taking data from a serial port dropped on a form and using it to populate text boxes, graphs, etc. on the main form, using "Invoke" because the serial port is running in a different thread.
I am trying to "generalize" some comm stuff we use all the time in to a class (yes, the old VB6 programmer is trying to grow up :-) and I'm having issues. I can do some things if I force a form name in the main program.cs and use the same namespace for the class, but this sorta defeats the purpose. I've also tried adding an event on the "received" even of the serial port in the class to raise an event on the main form. The event tries to get raised but a cross thread exception occurs.
The code at this point is quite large, so I'll try to "outline" it. In simplistic form, assuming I have a for called "Form1" which contains a text box called textbox1 and a class called "SerialThing":
SerialThing mySerialThing ;
mySerialThing = new SerialThing();
Textbox1.Text = "You Got Data!";
Static SerialPort myDevice;
myDevice = new SerialPort;
myDevice.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(devicePort_DataReceived);
this.Invoke(new EventHandler(DisplayData));
The above will work if the serial port is placed on the main form, but not if created inside the class.
Again, sorry if too complex, or too simplistic. I am looking for an "easy" way to do this, but keep the class "generalized" (ideally not have to have the workspace names match, etc).
There are many, many ways to do this. I'll present the classic approach using a custom event, delegates, and Invoke(), as I think it's important to understand that process. Once you've got this down, you can jump to some of the newer approaches.
First, in your SerialThing() class, you declare a Custom event to pass out data when it is received:
class SerialThing
public delegate void DataReceivedDelegate(string data);
public event DataReceivedDelegate DataReceived;
static SerialPort myDevice;
public SerialThing()
myDevice = new SerialPort();
myDevice.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(myDevice_DataReceived);
void myDevice_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
// ... grab the data and place into a string called "data" ...
string data = "";
// raise our custom event:
if (DataReceived != null)
Now, over in Form1, you subscribe to that custom event when you create the instance of SerialThing. Additionally, when that event is received, you marshal the call from the secondary thread to the main thread using InvokeRequired, Invoke, and a delegate:
public partial class Form1 : Form
SerialThing mySerialThing;
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
mySerialThing = new SerialThing();
mySerialThing.DataReceived += new SerialThing.DataReceivedDelegate(mySerialThing_DataReceived);
private delegate void DataReceivedDelegate(string data);
void mySerialThing_DataReceived(string data)
if (this.InvokeRequired)
this.Invoke(new DataReceivedDelegate(mySerialThing_DataReceived), new Object[] { data });
textBox1.Text = data;
EDIT: In response to your comments below...
Think of a delegate as simply a "pointer to a method". When you execute the delegate, the associated method gets run.
The InvokeRequired() portion determines if the code is running in a different thread than the one that created the control. In this case, the control is the Form itself (this). If true is returned, then the event was received in a different thread. We then proceed to this.Invoke() line inside the true portion of the If block. Again this refers to the Form. Thus the Form is requesting to Invoke ("run") the passed delegate on the thread that created it (the main UI thread). We create a instance of the delegate that actually points to the same method we are already in resulting in a recursive call. The second parameter is simply an array of Object used to pass the parameters along with the delegate.
When Invoke() is run we end up re-entering the method because of the recursive call. At this point, however, the InvokeRequired() check will return false as we are now running in the main UI thread. Therefore we drop down into the false portion of the If statement where we update the TextBox. In this pattern it is safe to update an GUI controls in the else block of the If statement.
Note that a recursive call isn't necessary here. This is simply a style choice. We could have instead used a second "helper" function that the delegate pointed to, and Invoked that instead. The recursive approach reduces the number of methods required.
This is perhaps the most verbose approach to solving this type of problem. I like it, though, as it shows the flow of events and data, and movement between the threads.
We could shorten all the Form code to just this, using anonymous delegates:
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
mySerialThing = new SerialThing();
mySerialThing.DataReceived += delegate (string data)
this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(delegate() { textBox1.Text = data; }));
I don't know about you, but as a former VB6 programmer myself, that just looks weird when you first see that type of thing.
I've also used components that I know have things running in different
threads, yet the "form code" has never had to use the delegate stuff,
so maybe there's something that can be buried into the class?
Yes, it's possible to bake some "magic" into a class so that it raises events already on the main UI thread, thus not requiring any Invoke() calls. One way to do this is thru using a SynchronizationContext.
Another possibility for approaching this type of problem would be to use a BackgroundWorker() control which has events such as ProgressChanged() and RunWorkerCompleted() that are raised in the main UI thread for you (they do the necessary invoking type stuff under the hood for you).

Winforms and Background Worker

I have a console app at the moment, which monitors a folder for files, and then based on rules and the file name, copies any new file to a location on the network.
I have a requirement to make the application more pretty, so decided to go with a simple WinForms single form application which displays status and 'last updated file' type information.
The console app was written in such a way that all Console display information went through a single method, which I called 'Notify', taking two parameters. A string to display the information I want the user to see, and an ErrorLevel Enum, which, if 'Normal' displayed in green text, if Warning, was yellow, and if error, was red. But the point is, all my code just did was use the 'Notify' method to output any text.
I want to change my console app into a normal class, run it as a background worker from the WinForms project, and have the Notify method in the thread send updates to the winforms app, safely. I think it can be done with events, but I am not sure what would be the best way to handle this. Could you propose a method to get this working?
There's the 'Invoke' way of doing things. Is it good? Something like:
this.BeginInvoke (new MethodInvoker(() => UpdateLabel(s));
It seems it would be basic, but I'd like to still make use of my Notify method, and have that send messages to the UI layer.
I also need the console app to send messages to the thread. For example, 'Stop', where I then run code that gracefully quits the thread... and also, 'Refresh', which does some logic within the thread.
Another option is to run the processing class as a service? And then have a UI that somehow connects to the system service and gets updates? I have never done anything like that, but the process is meant to run all the time...
At the moment, I have my code running, but no updated to the UI:
public partial class MainForm : Form
BackgroundWorker _bw = new BackgroundWorker();
public MainForm()
private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
_bw.DoWork += bw_DoWork;
private void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
var bw = sender as BackgroundWorker;
var monitor = new Monitor();
I think I just need to find a way to get my Notify method in my thread to send a message or something (An object that I create, with Message String and ErrorCode properties?) back to my UI, and process it safely on the UI.
And here is the code within the class (thread)...
public class Monitor
public void RunMe()
Notify("Checking for network connectivity...", Constants.ErrorLevel.Information);
if (FileManagement.FolderExists(Constants.FolderToMonitor) == false)
Notify("Unable to monitor folder - Aborting.", Constants.ErrorLevel.Error);
Notify("OK", Constants.ErrorLevel.Information);
Note: Readkey will be removed..
There may be a better approach, but if your Notify method needs to interact with the GUI, try using the ReportProgress event on the BackgroundWorker. You can pas an object as the state parameter, and probably just ignore the progress value.

Update WinForm Controls from another thread _and_ class

I am making a WinForms program, which requires separate threads
For readability and maintainability, i have separated all non-GUI code out into different classes. This class also 'generates' another class, which does some processing. However, i have now run into the issue where i need to change a WinForms control (append a string to textbox) from a thread that was initiated in a different class
I have searched around, and found solutions for different threads, and in different classes, but not both and the solutions provided seem incompatible (to me)
This may be the biggest 'lead' however: How to update UI from another thread running in another class
Class Hierarchy example:
class WinForm : Form
Server serv = new Server();
// Server is in a different thread to winform
class Server
ClientConnection = new ClientConnection();
// Another new thread is created to run this class
class ClientConnection
//Want to modify winform from here
I understand that eventhandlers are probably the way to go, but i can't work out how to do so in this situation (I am also open to other suggestions ;) )
Any help appreciated
It does not matter from which class you are updating the form. WinForm controls have to be updated on the same thread that they were created on.
Hence, Control.Invoke, allows you to execute a method on the control on its own thread. This is also called asynchronous execution, since the call is actually queued up and executed separately.
Look at this article from msdn, the example is similar to your example. A separate class on a separate thread updates a list box on the Form.
----- Update
Here you do not have to pass this as a parameter.
In your Winform class, have a public delegate that can update the controls.
class WinForm : Form
public delegate void updateTextBoxDelegate(String textBoxString); // delegate type
public updateTextBoxDelegate updateTextBox; // delegate object
void updateTextBox1(string str ) { textBox1.Text = str1; } // this method is invoked
public WinForm()
updateTextBox = new updateTextBoxDelegate( updateTextBox1 ); // initialize delegate object
Server serv = new Server();
From the ClientConnection Object, you do have to get a reference to the WinForm:Form object.
class ClientConnection
void display( string strItem ) // can be called in a different thread from clientConnection object
Form1.Invoke( Form1.updateTextBox, strItem ); // updates textbox1 on winForm
In the above case, 'this' is not passed.
you can use backgroundworker to make your other thread,
it allow you to deal easily with your GUI

