DataBinding Radio Buttons - c#

I will try to keep this concise as possible.
I am having an issue where I have a two way databinding with 3 radio buttons. My issue is, I am getting sort of a cyclical change as soon as I change the chosen radio button. So what is happening, I change the radio button which changes the source data property, but the source data property changes the other 2 properties that are bound, which in turn changes the other radio buttons, which calls the PropertyChange function on those properties as well. How can I fix it so that the PropertyChange only happens once per radio button switch.
Property Changed Event Handler:
public class SolutionOptions : INotifyPropertyChanged
bool _direct;
bool _iterative;
bool _domain;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
public bool Domain
get { return _domain; }
if (_domain == value) return;
_domain = value;
public bool Iterative
get { return _iterative; }
if (_iterative == value) return;
_iterative = value;
public bool Direct
get { return _direct; }
if (_direct == value) return;
_direct = value;
Data Binding Code:
this.radioButton_DirectSolver.DataBindings.Add("Checked", _ssf, "SolOptions.Direct");
this.radioButton_IterSolver.DataBindings.Add("Checked", _ssf, "SolOptions.Iterative");
this.radioButton_DomainDecomp.DataBindings.Add("Checked", _ssf, "SolOptions.Domain");
Form Image:

First try adding this to all your setters
if (_domain == value) return;
So you don't call OnPropertyChanged if it does not change.
This is a good practice in general.
Second (only if the first does not work) put each button in a separate group so they don't call each other and handle setting others to false in your code behind.


Control bound to property value doesn't update

I'm having a bit of a problem with WPF property binding. First the code.
public partial class WPFTextBox: UserControl
private bool _bold;
public bool Bold
get { return _bold; }
_bold = value;
private bool _selectionChanged;
public WPFTextBox()
DataContext = this;
Bold = true; // <--- This works, the checkbox will be checked
_selectionChanged = false;
private void txtDetails_SelectionChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var selection = txtDetails.Selection;
_selectionChanged = true;
Bold = selection.FontWeight() == FontWeights.Bold;
// ^-- This doesn't work It will trigger everything, but the checkbox won't
// change value. FontWeight() is an extension I wrote
_selectionChanged = false;
private void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
return; // If the change was brought from the user moving the
// cursor in the textbox, don't change the textbox.
TextRange range = txtDetails.Selection;
case "Bold":
// change selection to bold, like I mentioned I does work
<RichTextBox Name="txtDetails" SelectionChanged="txtDetails_SelectionChanged"/>
<CheckBox Name="chkBold" Content="Bold" IsChecked="{Binding Path=Bold}"/>
I'm creating a textbox with format options. The binding works in the constructor, but not in the selection changed event. I've tried adding a lot of options to the binding such as Mode=TwoWay and different property changed triggers.
The reason I'm using the _selectionChanged bool is because if I don't check for that, if I have a word was different formatting such as hello and I click on it, it will change the formatting for all of the word to either bold or not. I think maybe it's because I'm handling it in selection changed event, but then I'm not sure where else I could change property value.
See the example from here, you can just grab the INPC part.
_bold = value;
You need to inherit INotifyPropertyChanged interface
and implement PropertyChangedEventHandler
public class WPFTextBox: UserControl,System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
And call OnPropertyChanged in the setter of your property
1.You can use UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged event also.
2.Yes binding work on controls from the Extended WPF Toolkit.

Two way databinding in winforms, Inotifypropertychanged implemented in base class

I use Winforms Databinding and I have derived classes, where the base class implements IPropertychanged :
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName) {
var handler = this.PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null) {
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Each propertysetter calls:
protected void SetField<T>(ref T field, T value, string propertyName) {
if (!EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(field, value)) {
field = value;
IsDirty = true;
A typical Propertysetter:
public String LocalizationItemId {
get {
return _localizationItemId;
set {
SetField(ref _localizationItemId, value, "LocalizationItemId");
The way a property is bound to a textbox
private DerivedEntity derivedEntity
TextBoxDerivedEntity.DataBindings.Add("Text", derivedEntity, "Probenname");
If I programmatically assign text to the textbox, the textbox does not show it. But I can manually edit the textbox.
I know it is too late to answer, but this problem can be solved, if you set event when your binding should change value, if you set it on property value change event your problem will be solved. You can do this by this way
textBox.DataBindings.Add("textBoxProperty", entity, "entityProperty", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
Binding source is updated on TextBox Validated event. TextBox validated event is called when user edit TextBox and then changes focus to other control.
Since you're changing TextBox text programmatically TextBox doesn't know that text were changed and therefore validation is not called and binding is not updated, so you need to update binding manually.
Initialize binding:
var entity;
textBox.DataBindings.Add("textBoxProperty", entity, "entityProperty");
Change TextBox.Text:
textBox.Text = "SOME_VALUE";
Update binding manually:
Binding.WriteValue() reads value from control and updates entity accordingly.
You could read about WriteValue at MSDN.
The subscriber isn't initialized. i.e.
private DerivedEntity derivedEntity
TextBoxDerivedEntity.DataBindings.Add("Text", derivedEntity, "Probenname");
derivedEntity is null.
Initialize it and you'll be fine.
I implemented the "INotifyPropertyChanged", but raise the PropertyChanged event only when the new value is different from the old value:
public class ProfileModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private Guid _iD;
private string _name;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public Guid ID
get => _iD;
if (_iD != value)
_iD = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("ID"));
public string Name
get => _name;
if (_name != value)
_name = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Name"));
Now just bind to the controls:
txtProfileID.DataBindings.Add("Text", boundProfile, "ID", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);

Bound UserControl is not updating data source

I have a UserControl that has a Textbox, Button, and a Tooltip controls on it. It does implement INotifyPropertyChanged I have tried overriding the Text property and adding my own property, but in all cases the control reads from the bound data source fine, but never updates the data source. My events are raised when the text is changed. Some of the code is below. All other standard controls are working fine. What do I need to get the control to update the data source when the user has entered or changed the value?
public partial class UrlControl : UserControl, INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public string Url
return url.Text;
if (value != url.Text)
url.Text = value;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, e);
This is the binding code from the form designer.
this.urlControl1.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Url", this.customerBindingSource, "First", true, System.Windows.Forms.DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged));
INotifyPropertyChanged is for datasources. It allows your datasource to notify bound controls and other listeners of property changes. However, controls themselves use a different mechanism. It's a bit strange: you create events on your control with the naming convention <PropertyName>Changed. When the value of a property changes, you raise the associated event.
public string Url
get { return url.Text; }
if (value != url.Text)
url.Text = value;
OnUrlChanged(); // raise event
public event EventHandler UrlChanged;
private void OnUrlChanged()
// raise the UrlChanged event
if (UrlChanged != null)
UrlChanged(this, new EventArgs());
That's all you need to do. The Databinding Fairies will see that event and hook it up when you create the binding.
Here's the topic on MSDN: How to: Apply the PropertyNameChanged Pattern
This should work well for reading values from the datasource.
However, when it comes to writing values to the datasource it looks like you're storing and getting the Url value directly from the url textbox. However, you're not raising property change notifications when the textbox's text is changed within the UI. To fix this, add a TextChanged event handler on the textbox, which can simple call:
void url_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
OnUrlChanged(); // See additional note below
As a side, although implementing INotifyPropertyChanged should work... When it comes to Windows Forms binding you can also create an event with the property name suffixed with "Changed" and the binding should watch that:
public event EventHandler UrlChanged;
protected virtual void OnUrlChanged()
var handler = UrlChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public string Url
return url.Text;
if (value != url.Text)
url.Text = value;

How to let a parent class know about a change in its children?

This is an example code:
public class MyParent : INotifyPropertyChanged
List<MyChild> MyChildren;
public bool IsChanged
foreach (var child in MyChildren)
if (child.IsChanged) return true;
return false;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void RaiseChanged(string propName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propName));
public class MyChild : INotifyPropertyChanged
private int _Value;
public int Value
return _Value;
if (_Value == value)
_Value = value;
private int _DefaultValue;
public int DefaultValue
return _DefaultValue;
if (_DefaultValue == value)
_DefaultValue = value;
public bool IsChanged
return (Value != DefaultValue);
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void RaiseChanged(string propName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propName));
Let's say I now have two instances of my classes, one as myParent, and the other as myChild.
I have two visual elements, that each have a property bound to the IsChnaged property of my instances; ElementA bound to myParent.IsChanged and ElementB bound to myChild.IsChanged.
When myChild.Value differs from its default value, the myChild.IsChanged is set to true and the ElementB is updated accordingly.
What I need is when either of the myParent children (which here is only one) have their IsChanged value set to true, its own (the parent's) IsChanged value be set to true and its corresponding
element (ElementA here) be updated accordingly.
The myParent.IsChanged is only read once (when the binding is set) and it has no sense about its children changing. Where should i put the RaiseChanged("IsChanged") for MyParent? How can I let the parent know when its children have changed?
Thanks in advance
INotifyPropertyChanged has already provided the mechanism for you: the PropertyChanged event. Just have the parent add a handler to its children's PropertyChanged, and then in that handler call RaiseChanged("IsChanged");
Also, you may want to put the INotifyPropertyChanged implementation in a base class, and have your (what appear to be) ViewModels inherit from that. Not required for this option, of course, but it will make the code a little cleaner.
Update: In the parent object:
// This list tracks the handlers, so you can
// remove them if you're no longer interested in receiving notifications.
// It can be ommitted if you prefer.
List<EventHandler<PropertyChangedEventArgs>> changedHandlers =
new List<EventHandler<PropertyChangedEventArgs>>();
// Call this method to add children to the parent
public void AddChild(MyChild newChild)
// Omitted: error checking, and ensuring newChild isn't already in the list
EventHandler<PropertyChangedEventArgs> eh =
new EventHandler<PropertyChangedEventArgs>(ChildChanged);
newChild.PropertyChanged += eh;
public void ChildChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
MyChild child = sender as MyChild;
if (this.MyChildren.Contains(child))
You don't actually have to add anything to the child class, since it is already raising the correct event when it changes.
Doing this kind of communication can be tricky, especially if you want to avoid memory leaks due to the event handlers that you hook up. There is also the case of handling items that are added / removed from the collection.
I've really enjoyed the power and simplicity of the Continuous LINQ project on codeplex. It has some very rich features for setting up "Reactive Objects", "Continuous Values", and "Continuous Collections". These let you define your criteria as a Linq expression and then let the CLINQ library keep the underlying values up to date in real time.
In your case, you could set up the parent with a ContinuousFirstOrDefault() linq query that watched for any child where "IsChanged == true". As soon as a child sets the value to true and raises PropertyChanged, the continuous value will detect the change and raise a corresponding PropertyChanged in the parent.
The benefits:
Weak references and weak events are used to prevent the event handlers in the parent from locking the child in memory. It can get very messy to add / remove these handlers from all the children.
You can declare the dependency in the parent without need to make special changes in the child or make the child aware of the parent. Rather, the child just needs to properly implement INotifyPropertyChanged. This puts the "logic" close to the object that cares, rather than spreading event craziness and inter-dependencies all over the code.
Here's what the code might look like:
public class MyParent : INotifyPropertyChanged
private ObservableCollection<MyChild> _MyChildren;
private ContinuousValue<MyChild> _ContinuousIsChanged = null;
public MyParent()
_MyChildren = new ObservableCollection<MyChild>();
// Creat the ContinuousFirstOrDefault to watch the MyChildren collection.
// This will monitor for newly added instances,
// as well as changes to the "IsChanged" property on
// instances already in the collection.
_ContinuousIsChanged = MyChildren.ContinuousFirstOrDefault(child => child.IsChanged);
_ContinuousIsChanged.PropertyChanged += (s, e) => RaiseChanged("IsChanged");
public ObservableCollection<MyChild> MyChildren
get { return _MyChildren; }
public bool IsChanged
// If there is at least one child that matches the
// above expression, then something has changed.
if (_ContinuousIsChanged.Value != null)
return true;
return false;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void RaiseChanged(string propName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propName));
public class MyChild : INotifyPropertyChanged
private int _Value;
public int Value
return _Value;
if (_Value == value)
_Value = value;
private int _DefaultValue;
public int DefaultValue
return _DefaultValue;
if (_DefaultValue == value)
_DefaultValue = value;
public bool IsChanged
return (Value != DefaultValue);
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void RaiseChanged(string propName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propName));
The above code sets up the ContinuousFirstOrDefault in the constructor so that it is always monitoring. However, in some cases you can optimize this by lazily instantiating the ContinuousFirstOrDefault only when the getter for "IsChanged" is called. That way you don't start monitoring for changes until you know that some other piece of code actually cares.
You can simplify things for yourself by storing your children in an ItemObservableCollection<T>, as discussed in this answer. That would allow you to do this:
private ItemObservableCollection<MyChild> children;
public MyParent()
this.children = new ItemObservableCollection<MyChild>();
this.children.ItemPropertyChanged += delegate(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (string.Equals("IsChanged", e.PropertyName, StringComparison.Ordinal))
Something I do not see in your code sample provide is an actually reference of parent to child. It is not enough to simply have interface to communicate through, but you must also create the reference. Something like myChild.parent = this; followed by the binding of the event handlers across the channel, in the "parent" property of the child object it would look like:
public INotifyPropertyChanged parent
get{return _parent;}
_parent = value;
this.PropertyChanged += _parent.RaiseChanged();
I don't have enough context to perfect this code for you but this should move you in the right direction.

Databinding a Custom Control

I have a Custom Control (Windows Form) that is a lookup text box. A property on the Control is Current Selection which is a Custom Object containing "Identifier", "Code" and "Description". This property is Databound using a BindingSource.
Displaying the information works great. On the other hand regardless of whether I set the Update to OnValidate or OnValueChange it never updates the BindingSource. Is there something I'm missing to get this to auto update?
private System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource buildPlanComponentDataBindingSource;
public void LoadBuildPlan(string itemNumber)
var buildPlanComponents = BuildPlan.LoadBuildPlanComponents(itemNumber, AutomaticPrice);
buildPlanComponentDataBindingSource.DataSource = buildPlanComponents;
AssemblyNumber = itemNumber;
public ILookupSelection CurrentSelection
if (currentSelection == null)
currentSelection = new LookupSelection {Code = txtLookup.Text};
return currentSelection;
if (value == null) return;
currentSelection = value;
SetText(currentSelection, DisplayText);
SetDescription(currentSelection, DisplayDescription);
Implementing INotifyPropertyChanged seems to be the solution!
#region IPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (null != PropertyChanged)
PropertyChanged(this, e);
Displaying the information works
great. On the other hand regardless of
whether I set the Update to OnValidate
or OnValueChange it never updates the
Looking at your code I'm actually not sure of this. In your set, you test for null and abandon; if the data actually contains null (which is what you're describing) your control will be out of synch. I wonder if perhaps that check is masking the underlying problem.
Maybe you need to cause the DataBinding to write its value for each control whose value you are setting this way?
Assuming one data binding for a textbox named txtMySetValue:

